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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Here's to hoping that Perception build gets some love. I have a feeling that will be my first build


Man, I am so torn between Strength and Intelligence.


-Strength for the shotgun and mining (although POI clearing might be the thing in A18).

-Intelligence because the play-style would be so different!


I'll might go by the first good weapon I find too. Listening to the "Wind of Change" as it were. :)

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Wait. Having to fight inside your base and crafting area and losing storage crates to the horde is "doing great"? Um.......talk about a participation trophy. I'd call that horde night a total fail.


If you have big ass fortified area full of double walls, turrets and alarms

, yes, big fail.

But if I play nomadic and use a shed with no walls? Adventure. And death, you know..

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Well instead of learning about the holocaust, I'd cover it, but spend more time teaching about famous inspirational speakers, inventors, how someone started a business and created 1000's of jobs and transformed a poverty stricken area into a robust community, etc. Inspirational positive history, not tragedy and "what not to do".


I see life as a great adventure and on so many levels.

No one has walked my path for sure and I would bet good money than no one has walked anyone else's.


Its cool right? :D

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one of the streamers commented on that, I think it is 1 and lower ammo count. but then they really didnt get very far


In the second dev stream they mentioned getting a max of two junk turrets after perks. From Kumquat's stream you can see he reloads a quality level 3 junk turret with 41 rounds (not sure what these are made of yet):



I don't think we've seen the latest iteration of the Junk Turret perk tree, when Joel showed it back in June we only saw placeholder perks (craft better quality, +25% damage, +50% fire rate, etc.)


Maybe Roland has insights on the junk turret he can share from his intellect build?

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I want whatever build MM had going on this last round... he was impenetrable by zombies, so no other build can compete.


But it's also by far the most expensive build. Other builds would probably work as good in specialized ways; the trigger happy mini tank who can deal tons of damage has always been the "can do it all" sort of build.

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Didn't you say something about too much cheese regarding the holes in the ground?. I like them though, only if they are done by a single entity and in horde nights/some POIs .


Yeah from pipe bombs and rockets, but from rare demolishers? Not a problem with that.

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Oh I'm sure... but, having this in mind, you might have made a bigger farm, set extra things to craft in the bench, or perhaps you may have put more focus on keeping a steady flow of concrete production to sell for more dukes. As long as you had the bullets and enough for the next book, you were set.


I spent it on minibike, 4x4, gyro, books, and all the brass/gp/762 ammo I could find, and any armor that was an upgrade at the time.

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All it takes is one good teacher. Yes, 90% of teachers in high school is crap. It's Sturgeon's Law: 90% of _everything_ is crap. But you make places where if there's someone exceptional, exceptional things can happen. Teachers on fire don't render everything mechanical, they're better than that. But there just aren't that many of them. There can't be. But you're arguing "I never got the good stuff so let's burn it all down so nobody else ever does" here.


I still think history is mostly useless in schools. What Alexander the great or the Aztec did was of no concern to normal people. Teach something practical like how to make video games, how to talk to women, how to negotiate a better deal, all stuff I learned the hard way. Cool story bro doesn't teach me anything useful, not even politicians. Military tacticians perhaps? I'd say teach it during middle school and be done with it. High School should be trades, working on stuff, sports, cooking, stuff you can use in a survival game :)

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I still think history is mostly useless in schools. What Alexander the great or the Aztec did was of no concern to normal people. Teach something practical like how to make video games, how to talk to women, how to negotiate a better deal, all stuff I learned the hard way. Cool story bro doesn't teach me anything useful, not even politicians. Military tacticians perhaps? I'd say teach it during middle school and be done with it. High School should be trades, working on stuff, sports, cooking, stuff you can use in a survival game :)


Hence why, in a perfect world (imo), once you entered high school, there would be many different subjects one could choose to invest their time and education in, depending on their interests. (This could cause issues of piers wanting to be within the same classes as some of their other piers though.) For instance, if you wanted to learn computer programming or military tactics, you could do that, but if you were not interested in those subjects/you know they probably wouldn't help you personally, you could choose other options instead. Again, a pipe dream.

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I spent it on minibike, 4x4, gyro, books, and all the brass/gp/762 ammo I could find, and any armor that was an upgrade at the time.

I'm curious about the perception/int build. Those attributes seem to be fun to use against a horde.


I look forward to the non-tanky skilled version of MM.

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Well, I definitely agree, History shouldn't simply be a study of everything we've screwed up in the past, we'd raise a generation of suicidal depressives if we did that - hehe. And I also agree, school should definitely teach more "functional" subjects that actually prepare kids for the big bad wide world out there, that expects and requires (well, mostly) that you make your own way through it, off the fruits of your own labour. But even when History has to touch on the darker side of human nature, it can still point out the good as well as the bad (there was at least one German solider in one of the camps imprisoned for refusing to participate in what was going on for example, and a few others who actively tried to help).


I also think school should teach civics too, get kids to understand the privileges of a democracy, but also the duties people ought to have to it, cause a big fraction of the world has to live under much less savoury types of government.


No argument there. I have a bad habit of making blanket statements, I do think History should be taught in grade school and middle school, but high school you should have a choice. If your interested, great its there but I'd rather have had more options to learn useful things. LIke I took home ec in 8th grade and that paved the way for me to be a decent cook. Shop in high school taught me to rebuild engines, change oil, do tune ups, etc.

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I still think history is mostly useless in schools. What Alexander the great or the Aztec did was of no concern to normal people. Teach something practical like how to make video games, how to talk to women, how to negotiate a better deal, all stuff I learned the hard way. Cool story bro doesn't teach me anything useful, not even politicians. Military tacticians perhaps? I'd say teach it during middle school and be done with it. High School should be trades, working on stuff, sports, cooking, stuff you can use in a survival game :)


I dunno, reading about how 280 or so Spaniards conquered a nation of 12 million was pretty damn cool... Not so much cool for the incans, but...


Also, things like Neville's Appeasement are pretty damn relevant today imo, even though we don't seem to have learned from it. :)

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Some downgrades make sense. Reinforced to non reinforced. That's it.


Downgrade meshes are great, downgrade blocks are just a hack we should fix. Its so lame to chop through a 2000 hit point block only for another 1000 hit point block to spawn in its place. On health bar one block, and show new meshes as its beat up would be much better.

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@madmole In A17.4, in 8k worlds, towns always spawn in the following locations. (Marked by the X's.) I can't remember if I've already asked you this (forgive me if I have, my memory is a little foggy today), but I'm just curious... Will town spawns follow a similar pattern-based system in A18, or will they be randomly placed through RWG maps?




No biomes don't look like that, there are exactly 5 biomes not 5 split into 25 little ones. Take a look at some of the aerial shots I posted on my twitter.

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this will be an interesting watch, happy about the rwg, I wanna see the perc build, see how the weapons progress and deal with hordes


I rage quit and started a new character on the same map. Not sure why the 2nd one went just as bad lol, although I did spawn in the forest instead of the desert. So I died 3 times on day 1, then quit, restarted a new character and died 3x by day 3. I've got an AK and pistol now, doing fine, but getting attacked by wolves is just nasty early game. I want to remove all nasty things from biome spawing in a future alpha, and then do random encounters, which are leveled. Of course nasty biomes would have a raised game stage on these encounters but we could spare new players any hostile animals the first 5 levels or so and slowly add in nasty stuff, and increase the challenge as you level.

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MadMole, I would like to see you do an Intel build.


1. you professed you are not so good with traps, and it could help see how to improve it for others. but, more importantly


2. all other builds have weapons assigned except Intel. that is just from the glimpse of the trees you previously showed us


Intellect governs junk turrets and stun batons. I might make this guy a combo character. INtellect/Perception but it depends if I get shut out of workstations again or not.

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