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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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You can, just don't shoot the detonator box, but they are tanks and as you know, I was LOW on ammo. I was lucky they didn't spawn earlier when I was defending the ladder hole. 5k won't quite break a hole in R concrete so I don't see the fuss. I might build 2 meter thick walls if needed.


hi madmole, is it possible that glass could be used for offensive or defensive purposes in the future? something we talked with Roland, if im not wrong, is the possibility of making explosive traps with glass shards or something like that, or reinforcing walls with glass shards.

wire traps could be good as well, per example the typical traps that impale the enemies when the wire is cut.


also, i dont know if its just me, but, are the mines bugged? cause i already tried to blow up some zeds using them, but it didnt make any effect , was on a multiplayer server.


i hope you answer :D

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is saying he's lying a joke or do you actually think he is lying because Mr. Stark wouldn't lie and also mfs aren't always that complicated to fix but some may be like whack a mole you fix one and like five come up so i don't know if you are being serious or not


I dare anyone to read that and NOT see Callum as our very own Peter Parker!

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That's why I'm thinking he had the wrong bullets for the job in there.


I watched part of the video, I did have the right m60 119 damage, not sure why those soldiers gave me so much trouble. AP does ignore a good chunk of armor rating and would be the best for the job on those guys.

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Madmole has so far said no to brass catchers.


But in A18 there are more possibilities to get brass. For example, the air conditioners in A18 give radiators. There is also a book that opens even more sources for brass. In A18 there should be no shortage of brass.


Until you harvested everything. I'm kind of thinking of making dukes smelt so all that late game money = brass.

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Still wondering, when you say static terrain do you mean static after world generation (IE, still random) or static period like Nav and how Ark does it?


I know it's a hypothetical, but I'm just curious if you'd actually think it would be worth the tradeoff to lose randomgen just to get more zombies\performance\other features?


I think I answered this already but will again. Static terrain, random everything else like now. Fully destroyable buildings, buildable forts, etc. We would never get rid of random gen, that feature is amazing.

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Blocks destroy to air. If any do not do so, that will need to be a bug report as it was an oversight.


Guys, there is too much worry about enemies like Demolishers. Thanks to Conventional Ralston many people who would've had an issue won't have an issue. :)


Lol your still dragging that one out.

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not a fan of that, it would be nice if there was a way that if you did the upgrades to the block the expensive way it breaks down from steel like it was wrapped around the reinforced concrete then reinforced concrete broke down to rebar frame then gone. Oh well :(

I see zeds sometimes clip through doors again from video. QUESTION: will the pressure plates finally work right? Last time i used them every time a zed stepped on one it killed my FPS. I cant wait to play A18 though, great videos MM


I really don't want to dig out the cobblestones to repair my old flagstone that was still hanging in there by a thread, then find some concrete to upgrade it to concrete when I've advanced to the steel era.

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Well it sounds like I could have it wrong at least in the case of steel. We'll see...I personally like the downgrading path instead of straight to air because it gives time to repair. Destroying instantly to air is a lot more difficult if you are trying to repair as you fight.


We'd go to a damage model system or improve the crack texture so its evident that its messed up. Imagine it being kinda the same but its bent up metal instead of going to concrete. Same HP but different model swaps at certain block health levels, but always the same block repaired with the right material.

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Well instead of learning about the holocaust, I'd cover it, but spend more time teaching about famous inspirational speakers, inventors, how someone started a business and created 1000's of jobs and transformed a poverty stricken area into a robust community, etc. Inspirational positive history, not tragedy and "what not to do".


No, that would teach capitalism, self reliance, responsibility, and traditional American values in general. We can't have that.



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t1000? an android or something?


- - - Updated - - -




wait is it from one of the terminator films looks like something from that


Damn kids are too young these days. Go watch terminator 1 and 2, then you will understand the meaning of sci fi, arnold and awesomeness.

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If I remember correctly they mostly just entered the base room by the door because MM was opening it again and again to shoot through. Also MM had a second room he could have retreated too. And we all know this base is rather underdeveloped for an end-game horde base, what does it tell us if it gets wrecked?


By the way, it seems they have been constantly balancing the spawn probability of the demolisher, first there were ~8, then none, and now 1-2. Sure, it could just be random variation, but balancing is one of the reasons MM plays the game, so it's quite probable


But it doesn't really matter who is right, the block damage of that zombie makes sure he will immediately have anyones attention whenever he turns up. But that is his purpose in life, he's is a designated "endboss", he isn't supposed to be easy.


Its random, no further balancing has been done since they were added, other than when they go boom.

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Well instead of learning about the holocaust, I'd cover it, but spend more time teaching about famous inspirational speakers, inventors, how someone started a business and created 1000's of jobs and transformed a poverty stricken area into a robust community, etc. Inspirational positive history, not tragedy and "what not to do".


One thing I would definitely cover about the holocaust was the Nazi's burning of books... the same with the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages. If you can eliminate the sources of knowledge, it keeps people stupid and easily controlled. If you destroy a civilization's history, you can rewrite it in your favor. Yes, this post doubles as an argument for the importance of history and the importance of education.

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Similar with you, but gonna try play semi-nomadic now, as I keep a 2-3km perimeter where I have few stashes with the most valuable stuff, and use a poi for crafting with a LCB to prevent mysterious disappearence of my stuff( or no poi at all why not ), with no use of bedroll at all ingame.

Can`t wait. Thanks.


my current a17 game I have no base, day 10. all my stuff is placed in the ground. dug a trench 1 m deep, placed workstation, forge, and storage boxes in there. low game stage so was doable. not sure about higher gamestages yet.

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is saying he's lying a joke or do you actually think he is lying because madmole wouldn't lie and also mfs aren't always that complicated to fix but some may be like whack a mole you fix one and like five come up so i don't know if you are being serious or not


Whack a mole phase is over, new stuff is pretty well done, so I doubt many new MF's are being added now. Sadly its only on 28 though, only went down one today.

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Probably not for long.

I would get rid of every downgrade and make the blocks be destroyed once their hp get to 0 EXCEPT steel.


Steel is nice when it downgrades to reinforced concrete because alleviates the resource expending of iron and looks cool.


You might not want to upgrade to steel right away this time around because of lack of resources but still have a pretty strong block after they scratched your base with demolishers.


Edit: IDK really. A steel coating like it is now is cool. The rest of the blocks can be destroyed in hell.

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