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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

    • A18 Stable is Out!
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We increased the chance a bit, and I think the tougher zeds have a higher chance.


I think he meant increasing the decay timer now that horde lasts all night so we can get our loot at the end.


- - - Updated - - -


It already works well a screamer came to see what was going on and her and her minions mostly died, I only fired a few assist rounds and that was with only a few on one side online, once the other side goes online it should work well.


that was meant for the electric fence. unless the wire for electric fences clip through blocks?

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@MM/TFP - I have over 5800 hours in this game and that is on one of my two accounts. Yes I have issues with the game but I also have more likes and keep playing it.


- Graphics - they are better and I am sure will continue to improve.

- Quest - improved a lot - I love the quest! getting a bicycle and doing quest early on is a lot of fun

- Crafting - the system has improved a ton since the old put stuff in a frame and make a mold days - can't wait for the Radial menus that will be nice

- combat - its improved - could still use better contact. the #1 complaint from my three boys when they come play after playing Rust is melee mode fighting did not seem to connect or feel natural


-- Mods - the game is getting there. I loved modding in Rust, I ran Rust Town server with 200+ players and 26 mods loaded - it can make or break a game so like the direction.


--- multiplayer - the game is getting better but I am a community player. I love to be on a server with 5 to 20 players it really rocks on Horde night. need some more love here. I would love to see 30-50 players some day with no lag.

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yes, when a dog or crawler goes through stepping on pressure plates to turn on the traps. they arent tall enough so the darts will hit and take out the other trap across from it


No, the dart won't damage the other dart trap. A dart trap does not cause block damage. But nevertheless it is necessary to protect the dart trap e.g. from explosions.

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Logical, as usual. On the other hand, it would be interesting to increase the hit points of animals (including harmless animals) according to the level of difficulty. When I play in extreme difficulty, animals should be more difficult to kill, as are zombies. But hey, it's not that important. Forget it : just release A18 :strawberry:


why in the world would animals level up, what's next, they gonna have gear and perks? That just makes no sense, a person learns, gets better, but as a hunter, I have never seen adult deer get better at being a deer. they dont run faster after reaching adulthood, they dont get noticeably stronger. and their hides dont become tougher.

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Do quests and NPCs count as "content"? If you left everything that's already there as is and just gave us some story with main quest line and NPCs to interact with, it would make it much more attractive to me, but that's just me.


We're adding bandits, more quests and two factions to do quests for.

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Logical, as usual. On the other hand, it would be interesting to increase the hit points of animals (including harmless animals) according to the level of difficulty. When I play in extreme difficulty, animals should be more difficult to kill, as are zombies. But hey, it's not that important. Forget it : just release A18 :strawberry:


The zombie animals are on higher difficulty also harder to kill. The HP are the same at each difficulty level, but you deal less damage on higher difficulty. Theoretically this should also apply to the other animals but the peaceful animals have too few HP than that one could notice big differences here.

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I get you equate sales to game greatness, you're an owner and it's a business, but there are other factors, from timing to marketing to whatever, that have nothing to do with how great the game is, that give it sales. I'm a little bummed by your post.


You have something special here.


No reason to be bummed, we're making the game awesome so it can reach its full potential. UNless you like bugs, poor performance and ugly placeholder visuals :)

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@MM/TFP - I have over 5800 hours in this game and that is on one of my two accounts. Yes I have issues with the game but I also have more likes and keep playing it.


- Graphics - they are better and I am sure will continue to improve.

- Quest - improved a lot - I love the quest! getting a bicycle and doing quest early on is a lot of fun

- Crafting - the system has improved a ton since the old put stuff in a frame and make a mold days - can't wait for the Radial menus that will be nice

- combat - its improved - could still use better contact. the #1 complaint from my three boys when they come play after playing Rust is melee mode fighting did not seem to connect or feel natural


-- Mods - the game is getting there. I loved modding in Rust, I ran Rust Town server with 200+ players and 26 mods loaded - it can make or break a game so like the direction.


--- multiplayer - the game is getting better but I am a community player. I love to be on a server with 5 to 20 players it really rocks on Horde night. need some more love here. I would love to see 30-50 players some day with no lag.


I love 7 days and know we have something special. I'm just stating facts that any review would mention. Its no problem so don't confuse my assessment of the game as me being sad, we know what we need to do and are doing it. A18 will produce a disturbance in the force..


But yeah I feel like we've got the right team to finish 7 days now and we're stoked to do it.

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Guest Rassilon
I love 7 days and know we have something special. I'm just stating facts that any review would mention. Its no problem so don't confuse my assessment of the game as me being sad, we know what we need to do and are doing it. A18 will produce a disturbance in the force..


But yeah I feel like we've got the right team to finish 7 days now and we're stoked to do it.


Sorry Madmole, i know you hate Textwalls. Couldnt stop myself.

short Version: Great Game, great Approach and so much potential to work on!



While i agree with this and the previous post regarding this Topic, there is another Topic besides Quality and Idea.

Like Guppy mentioned: Marketing or rather said Hype. That can be caused through Mouth to Mouth, Official Marketing, recruiting Youtubers and Twich Gamers.


But maybe the most important and most silent Part: The Players themselves.

I recruited 5 Friends to 7 Days and over the Years 3 of them still play it.


The Reason is not only your unique approach, but the resulting Depth and Variety of Gameplay Elements.

I feel that if you Improve: Combat, Survival, Exploration, Building alltogether with more Content, fleshed out Mechanics; A lot more Players will get stuck with 7 Days to Future because it allows so many Arch Types of Players to have fun, to find their game within the game.

Have your guys create some more POIs, Furniture, Animals and Zombies every Alpha, add the factions you talked about and and see this game grow along its community.


7 Days is allready a unique Treasure in a world of Trash. Something to be proud of.

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The best game of all-time goes to... 7 Days to Die! (The worst though, of course, is Flowers Are Dead.)


IDK I really like Leisure Suite Larry with its pixelated nudity and its CGA graphics.


I wrote Lunar Lander in Basic on a PDP-11 back in the late 70s using Basic and also discovered Oregon Trail and loved Adventure games since that time.

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IDK I really like Leisure Suite Larry with its pixelated nudity and its CGA graphics.


I wrote Lunar Lander in Basic on a PDP-11 back in the late 70s using Basic and also discovered Oregon Trail and loved Adventure games since that time.


This is Flowers Are Dead: You incredibly slowly and methodically saunter through a dead and dreary garden, following the fireflies to old cassettes. Once you activate the cassettes, you listen to a dismal conversation between two people you don't care about... And you do this for 30 hours. You'd better have a podcast playlist handy.

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