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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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I. On that note: MM, I remember you saying something about new wrench tools, tiered like weapons; I think it went monkey wrench -> ratchet -> impact wrench. Is that an A18 thing?


Tiers for wrenches would be good especially going along side Salvage Operations and taking apart mechanical/electrical components. Honestly I think they should increase the amount of resources you get from certain things you can wrench apart (like desks, chairs, lights, smaller objects, random things you take apart, etc.). I tried doing a play through in A17 where I used Salvage Operations as my main point of gathering resources as well as the concrete/cobblestone pallets to gather those materials to prevent having to mine for those who do not enjoy it and it is practically impossible to build an efficient base in a timely manner doing so. Another point to make (and add to the rant it seems) is that Salvage Operations should increase the amount of materials you get from scrapping different things. ex.(empty cans, brass trophies, doorknobs, fishing weights, candy tin cans, etc.).

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I had a wolf attack me when I started a new game. i was loaded down with crap and had only basic weapons. I shot it with the bow and dropped it in a few shots. Will be harder to do in Alpha-18 with the new crap bow that's coming out.


Isn't the crap bow the same crap bow we had before, just with different name and different icon?

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In defense of TFP, if you were to be in your natural everyday lifestyle with whatever you do (assuming you're not actually a blacksmith, carpenter, some trade like that) and were thrown into the zombie apocalypse world of 7D2D, would you be able to "craft" an extremely efficient bow? Probably not I would say. Now that doesn't mean you don't have the common sense to make it work and make it be able to kill something, but it would be along the lines of: you are walking through the woods, finally thinking you have escaped. You come across some thin vines and a bowed stick that you decide to make into a makeshift bow. Once you're done, you have what you could maybe call a bow and think you'll be okay. As you're walking you here a noise and out of the corner you spot him "Shia Labeouf". He turns to you and you get your bow and fire off an arrow. It misses him just by a hair. You fire off another, hitting him in the pelvis. He's limping now, but still running at you madly. You manage to fire off a few more arrows hitting him in different parts of the body. "Oh god, he just won't stop sprinting!" you yell. You fire off your last arrow hitting him in the head. He's dead. Finally. You sigh in relief, walking over to the corpse to recover your salvageable arrows. As you get close you find only one arrow is not broken. Unfortunate. "Maybe the more I practice, the better I get" you think to yourself. And from that day on you decide to use all your "skills" towards crafting useful bows and arrows to survive. The End

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Al man, it's so slow here. Madmole must have broke his keyboard, way too much typing. lol


or family as he is a family man and this is a weekend... now get off the keyboard and take your family out to a nice dinner... leave them there and you come back to visit the forum some more. :)

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These questions are about the bread crumbs matrix that you mentioned before.


Do they have a timer attached to the array of elements?


In xml format, are they, or is it, able to receive tags?


What is the diameter of the circle that they cover?


Is it centered on the player?


Are the only types of values an int, float, string?

I hope they can use all.


I ask about it because I find the expanded possibilities interesting.

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or family as he is a family man and this is a weekend... now get off the keyboard and take your family out to a nice dinner... leave them there and you come back to visit the forum some more. :)


WhaT?! Madmole has a life?


Take your family out and -leave there there-??? lol


- - - Updated - - -


Not if you put a point into archery. Then you can craft wood bows.


Good to hear. Do you still get a hand full of starter points when you finish the tutorial?

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Madmole, only for you =)


Hammer vs Nailgun in A17



Can I just say a huge personal thank you to you, Orsey, for posting this.


I knew it couldn't be just me. Having the nailgun upgrading or repairing at the same rate as the hammer is bad enough, but slower? I didnt realise it was that bad.


Hammer time: 15.24 seconds

Nailgun time: 19.21 seconds


That makes the nailgun 3.97 seconds slower when used to upgrade and repair.


This is what I hope has been fixed in A18. Thanks again, Orsey 😊

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Can I just say a huge personal thank you to you, Orsey, for posting this.


I knew it couldn't be just me. Having the nailgun upgrading or repairing at the same rate as the hammer is bad enough, but slower? I didnt realise it was that bad.


Hammer time: 15.24 seconds

Nailgun time: 19.21 seconds


That makes the nailgun 3.97 seconds slower when used to upgrade and repair.


This is what I hope has been fixed in A18. Thanks again, Orsey


I've also done some testing and it is, on average, faster to upgrade multiple blocks with the claw hammer vs the nailgun, since the nailgun takes longer to "refresh" its animation.

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I've also done some testing and it is, on average, faster to upgrade multiple blocks with the claw hammer vs the nailgun, since the nailgun takes longer to "refresh" its animation.


Hey Sage,


Yeah and it becomes more and more relevant as you progress, the bigger your base gets, and the worse the hordes come at you.


Imagine it - 15 seconds to repair blocks after a heavy horde just levelled half your substantial sized base. One. Block. At. A. Time.


Yeah, no thanks 😂

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Hey Sage,


Yeah and it becomes more and more relevant as you progress, the bigger your base gets, and the worse the hordes come at you.


Imagine it - 15 seconds to repair blocks after a heavy horde just levelled half your substantial sized base. One. Block. At. A. Time.


Yeah, no thanks ��


It was probably just an oversight? TFP severely nerfed both tools (compared to A16), but in the experimental they quickly buffed the speed of the claw hammer because it was too slow. I believe the nailgun was buffed a little after that, but it ended up being unbalanced. :p


Not to mention that in A17, all the zombies target 1 block. :p

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It was probably just an oversight? TFP severely nerfed both tools (compared to A16), but in the experimental they quickly buffed the speed of the claw hammer because it was too slow. I believe the nailgun was buffed a little after that, but it ended up being unbalanced. :p


Not to mention that in A17, all the zombies target 1 block. :p


I just hope they buff the speed (upgrade potential/ repair amount per second on the nailgun.)


Nothing would be worse than them keeping the nailgun as it is and nerfing the hammer 😏

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I just hope they buff the speed and upgrade potential/ repair amount per second on the nailgun.


Nothing would be worse than them keeping the nailgun as it is and nerfing the hammer


They wouldn't necessarily have to adjust the speed for repairing blocks; just the amount that is repaired each time. ;) (Aka more than 5% per shot.)


Speaking of bases, I think one reason I fell out of love with 7D2D in A17 is when it came to base building, all I was doing was copying the most efficient bases possible, block for block. That's why I loved madmole's bases, especially his first one. He basically "winged it". He gave it character, and he experimented. It failed in the end (his former "horde base"), but he tinkered, experimented... That's what made me fall in love with building in 7D2D in the first place. As of A18, no more tutorial videos. No more listening to the masses. Just me and my brain. :p

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I'm old and decrepit - Forgive me if you have already responded to these questions (possibly from me even).


Do the vehicles now make sound for others (passenger in truck) or is that an A19 fix?


Are the touches like wheels spinning on truck (for others viewing ingame) and the gyrocopter blades spin in A18?


Let me know if you need more clarification on these questions. My phrasing may be a bit unclear.


Probably not, but that is Faatal's area.

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Well to be fair, back when dogs were a threat, they'd glitch through cover, armor didn't work, and bandages only STOPPED bleeding. You've changed those aspects of the game to actually be viable methods. =)


That is what I'm saying the old glitchy dogs were crazy hard and I still took down 19 with a club. Now they are nothing compared to the old glitchy dogs so I wanted to make them tougher but got some resistance on the topic.

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