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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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The first thing I do to my settings is change the keybind for "drop toolbelt item". I put it on some key FAR away from WSAD. I have never been in a situation where I need a key to drop something off my toolbar. I cant even think of a situation where I would ever need that button.

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Been trying to get along with the attribute system since it's launch, sometimes feel like I'm fighting the system to build my character. Find a sledge first few days I'm eager to go Str build, but it has no survivability. I mean Str weapons are just as close quarters as Brawlers, actually all melee is close quarters cept maybe spears, but Brawler gets most of the survivability. Heavy Armor+Cardio = no stamina worries, getting massive damage reduction on top of Pain Tolerance and Healing, yikes.


For solo melee it's hard not to go Brawler build. Possible, but on harder difficulties you gotta spend points well for when those greens show up.


There is something compelling about the argument. The big problem I see with switching those weapons between STR and FORT is that STR already has the best melee and with SexRex no stamina worries either. And has 1.5 perks that ALL classes need and want as high as possible, Mother Lode and SexRex. The only weakness of STR is long-range combat. Giving it the best weapon class in the game as well would make it OP.


Consider having M60 AND motherlode to supply ammo for it, who needs anything else? If your answer would be armor perks, think again: The armor perks don't give better armor, they just decrease stamina use, sex rex is an adequate substitute for that.


Run n Gun and Cardio feels like they should be swapped too. I mean I get Cardio pairs well with Heavy Armor, but being agility based feels it should make you run further? Also SMGs are super rare compared to ak47, harder to proc Run n Gun with pistol/magnum.


Aren't SMGs tier 3 ?? So they should be more scare. But AK needs a nerf if it stays a tier 2 weapon or should be tier 3.


I have problems accepting SMGs and especially magnums as tier3 though. Because of the much lower damage of SMGs per bullet I tend to still use pistol. And I really can't get used to the subpar handling of the magnum, the time to retarget after a shot and reload time is just too far out for me.


Also IMHO vehicle schematics should unlock both parts of a vehicle, not just one of the required parts. I've never been able to craft any vehicle with only half a schematic, and have had to unlock them 100% with perk points, defeating the entire usefulness of finding the vehicle schematics in loot.


Getting a bicycle handlbar schematic in loot on day 34 isn't going to thrill anyone. On day two though it could be a game changer.


The groundwork is already in place for it, but the vehicle drops all need to be adjusted.


I also LOVE the modlet that adds complete half damaged bikes in the dumpster loot list. You find one, its at 10%, repair it and you have basic transportation, and its a great early find!


I bouight a minibike chassis from the trader (as a gamble) in my SP game and a week later found the handlebars schematic in loot.


I agree that the bike schematics should probably be a bit more common in early game loot (and less common at the trader?). And it should not be in later stage loot if possible. But early game you should have the hard choice: Give up one simple perk point or trust your luck.

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STR doesnt even get armor, so I feel like machine guns fit better there too.


STR does get armor like anyone else, the armor perk just adds crafting higher qualities and stamina use reduction. If you don't run around in steel (or military armor) and have lost of points in SexRex, you may be doing something wrong

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STR does get armor like anyone else, the armor perk just adds crafting higher qualities and stamina use reduction. If you don't run around in steel armor and have lost of points in SexRex, it is your own fault.


SexRex doesnt do anything for running around. You cant run 10 feet in full armor without perks.


If you are going to snip my quote, keep the main points there, it is not like you did it for space. Just to leave out the main points of the post to suit your reply.

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ding ding. we have a winner

edit: tested this in creative. logically, this shouldnt work, since all it would do would be to tell the second plate it can now power something, but hey, I wont argue with it.


I think it acts like pass through power to other trigger sources, like switches.

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Might've been a mod back in A16.4, but at one point we were running around with nothing but blunderbusses because we could one-shot just about anything at close range, and god help you if you missed. That was great fun.


That said - and this will make one of my friends pretty annoyed - you should either remove it or remove double-barrels. Pump gun with 5-8 rounds for your Tier 2 is logical, but when there are semi-auto mag-fed shotguns in the world, not to mention the AA-12 is actually a thing that exists (full-automatic shottie), the fact that the best shotgun in the game is one so common it's in every cop car and a solid third of the homes in the US is a bit absurd.


We added 20 new weapons in the last alpha, pushing that further would have been absurd.

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and that is why we play with the creative menu on. you shouldn't be able to scrap a modded weapon


Loss is part of the game, and makes it better. Replacing lost stuff gives you a sense of purpose. Stop cheating you might have a lot of fun dealing with issues instead of playing I dream of Jzeanie.


Back pack glitched? Role play someone took it, tough ♥♥♥♥ dude. Scrapped your modded gun? Well you might want to pay attention better, not paying attention IRL and in a fake zombie apocalypse is dangerous. Not paying attention because your trusty Jzeanie is there to grant your wishes lowers the adrenaline and reduces the intensity of moments, robs you of sense of loss, revenge and satisfaction rebuilding that loss and overcoming adversity.

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@ MM / Robert


It only took me 3 years to get another release out :p. Alpha 18 compatible version of The Walking Dead Prison. Being able to create stuff like this is what will keep me coming back even after the game goes gold. Hope you guys enjoy. :)





Very nicely done Laz!

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Ehh, not necessarily. You can build something new out of something old (scrap, for instance) and it would still look old.


Maybe it's the "7D2D style"? *Shrugs* At the end of the day, TFP decide what this game will look like and how much we can shape it (as in, how look we can make sometihng). :p



Check out one of MM builds. Doesn't look so old to me. :D


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stuff with mods IS unscrappable atm.

if it has a mod in it the scrap option is greyed out. you have to fully remove the mods for it to be available again.


as soon as i find a decent item i plug some random mod in it from one of my other items just so i wont be able to accidentally scrap it. works great.


Good to hear, now that I think about it I thought we put something like that in.

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Yeah STR would definitely be a very strong class, if not the strongest solo class, but like I said it makes no sense to me that the beefy Pain Tolerance & Heavy Armour & Healing Factor dude gets to play the ranged AK/M60 while the cook/miner with no sustain/armor gets handed the shotguns. Feels backwards to me.


But regardless of which tree gets to play the shotguns, they need some love and a niche. I wish we'd get some "official" answer regarding the topic, I feel like i'm beating up a dead horse and starting to become obnoxious by repeating myself, so I'll just leave it at that now. ^^


I have very little experience with the shotgun so I can't give any opinion. I've brought it up to gazz and he argues vehemently that the shotgun is OP already, dealing the most DPS, devastating cripple/knockdown and has full ranged abilities with slugs.


I had a good shotgun build going (only had a db) and had to restart so now I'm on fortitude again, but I will drink the elixer once I find a decent shotgun and see how it compares to a fresh fort build.

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Just a quick suggestion: could we have some kind of a marker or a warning if a schematic has already been used or if the crafting has been unlocked by a perk? I can't keep all my schematics straight in my head. I know you can technically go to your character, search for the item in question and see if it is unlocked for you, but it seems like a needless hassle. I don't even know why someone would read a schematic again. For the measly XP, when you can sell it for a fairly good price? For inventory management while looting? Anyway, it would be nice to add something about the schematic being useless for the character.


EDIT: Nevermind, haha, there already is!

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Just a quick suggestion: could we have some kind of a marker or a warning if a schematic has already been used or if the crafting has been unlocked by a perk? I can't keep all my schematics straight in my head. I know you can technically go to your character, search for the item in question and see if it is unlocked for you, but it seems like a needless hassle. I don't even know why someone would read a schematic again. For the measly XP, when you can sell it for a fairly good price? For inventory management while looting? Anyway, it would be nice to add something about the schematic being useless for the character.


If you have already read it then the little book icon in the corner should look like it is open.

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In the post-apocalypse? Sorry, but after the nuclear fallout, almost everything is supposed to be dirty, grungy, gritty, gray, and desolate. Maybe not in the same style as, say, Fallout 3, but definitely not modern day green grass and white picket fences either. Just saying. :p


Well...It depends on how much time has passed after the nuclear fallout, after 40-50 years the world would be full of flora (It's just an estimate) Maybe that guy who worked with radiated material could help us know better (I don't remember if it was ZombieSurvivor? idk)

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I don't think that pure builds are intended. They are nice for a challenge but for a normal playthrough you need points in different attributes.


I have a strength build but I also invest points in fortitude. I think it blends pretty well and I'm also a fan of self-sufficiency. So it's only natural to have points in living of the land.


As for the shotgun, I see the double-barreled shotgun only as a weapon for "Oh S" moments. With a pump shotgun you can walk through a POI like a terminator but melee is also very powerful.


Yeah unless you are crafting heavy armor perk isn't what I'd call a must have. I get by just fine without it and put in the advanced fittings and an atheltic jacket and I'm running circles around zeds, but I don't have to, I have heavy armor.


Doing a pure build is not intended, I always get perks out of every tree except agility, unless I'm doing agility.

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Just trying out Alpha 18 stable - I am playing on a dedicated server and noticed that when I'm on foot, everything is working just fine, but whenever I'm riding a vehicle (doesn't matter which one) adjacent chunks are not loaded. I am bounced back when I'm about to enter a new chunk and have to exit the vehicle, so the new chunk is loaded. Then I can board the thing again and go on, until the next chunk wants to load.


Just to clarify: I can stand on the next chunk's border while riding a vehicle and wait there just fine, but the chunk still won't load. It will only load when I'm on foot.


A friend of mine, who is playing on the same server, says he doesn't have that issue, so I'm assuming it must be connected to one of my settings, but I'm at a loss determining which one. Tried every setting, no change. I thought it would be connected to the viewing distance, but no, that's not the case, apparently.


Is this a bug, or can one of you guys recommend something to me which I could try?

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You had talked about adding it as a perk or book in the past for players who prefer it....I never even craft and rarely even use found ones because they are just too iffy to target well. I'd say I've wasted at least 1/2 of them trying to guess range. They cost a lot of resources to make, so it ends up being a big waste of them with the current system.

I have no idea what you are talking about and no desire to scroll back 10 pages to see what I was talking about. Maybe start with "On the topic of shotguns" or whatever it is we were talking about then I can respond.

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That which was already there but if you build something new it should also look new.


What is the point if we can build something new but it looks like it has been uninhabited for 20 or 30 years ?


You are assuming there is a home depot to get fresh lumber, drywall, primer, paint etc. Even if there was it would all be faded and moldy from weather and time. We assume players would scrounge up salvage to build with, reclaimed wood, sheets of metal, crude broken bricks/concrete for cobblestone, etc.

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