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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Most people would rather not ♥♥♥♥ around for two weeks, also good level loot is never worthless, you can always sell it to the trader for a butt ton of ammo.


You still find great stuff without it, and eventually hit that point where you are getting a lot of good gear. I prefer to explode heads faster and buy more combat perks.

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I disagree. If you can't afford it at the moment, it puts a sudden urgency to sell everything you can, buy a barter perk, and earn money as fast as possible and then buying it feels more rewarding to me than just finding it.


Honestly, I do my best to never visit a trader, and by that I mean the only reason I go there at all are the quests. I *HATE* being about to just "buy" something. I get some people like yourself, like them. But... I wish there wasn't the reliance being put on them that there is.

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Heres the steam link for that poi where we ran into day 2 issues.




I asked my wife to confirm, and the kitchen had one military guy, one feral military guy, and a wight. (with a bunch of good loot)


As you are going through the poi, all the walls are metal, and you drop in from the ceiling, so short of a junk turret, there is no where to run. (I ran back into the drop bedroom, closed that door to slow them down, ran into other bathroom and close that door to slow them down, and started chopping at the metal wall with a level one stone axe. luckily a wander horde broke open the wall for me, and I used the junk turret to escape.


Fun times, BUT the hunted us down until they killed us anyway...lol!


We'll check it out.

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That would also help teach players that they can't spend their points willy nilly; that they have to specialize, at least in (several) things. Spending your points in A18 like in A17 just doesn't work. :p

I'd rather buy 60 perks that felt meaningful than 100 and still feel like I can't kick ass and I'm waiting for more crap to unlock.

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Madmole, I think the book that gives you 10% more block damage isn't working or my game is bugged. I got the book day before horde night so I could only test it today and coffee effects "on/off" didn't change my damage block at all. I didn't post it in the bug thread because as I said before it could be my game.


About nerfing items quality from traders. I think it's not a bad idea because mid/late game guns like M60 shouldn't be available for sale. I was watching Kage latest video and by day 11 he bought it. I don't know, I got 3 M60 so far: 2 by looting a T4 quest twice and one a T3 fetch/clear. Traders should have less quality and not mid/late equipment/guns, but a bit more and consistenly all types of ammo or at least casing and tips.


I can put more supplies in, if we need it for late game. To be determined.

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I just watched his video...


Ok, so, you can connect a second cam to the first. Evidentally that works! It makes no sense, but ♥♥♥♥ that idc, because it solves this, and therefor nvm.


(it makes no sense because I would expect the first cam needs triggered to send power to the second, for it to work. But whatever, glad I assumed wrong.)


Thanks for the video clip link Laz Man, it's likely I would've never tried that. Gonna go test now, but it seems as though this indeed a viable solution.


Na, power is power. Its like an extension cord with a lamp in it, powering another extension cord with a lamp in it.

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Apologies if it has already been mentioned or this topic is closed, but have you considered a physical barrier, like a makeshift wall or fencing, implying the whole playable area is a giant quarantine zone managed by the military? Perhaps you get some warnings over a loud speaker if you get too close and then they open fire?


Or does that clash with the intended atmosphere/story? It would explain the recurring airdrops inside the zone.


That kind of clashes. Navezgane is a small pocket far enough from big cities that it didn't get turned to ashes like everything around it.

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I just charged in through the room of an apartment building. Inside were several ferals, military soldiers, cops, and regular zombies. I was cocky, I admit it. "You're all gonna die!" I bellowed with sheer arrogance. Ten seconds later, I was trying to escape as they cornered me, and I was laughing (but almost crying), "I'm gonna die...! :("


Classic me.


Don't do what I do.

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I believe I can fly. *Singing* I believe I can flyyyyyy




This has only happened to me twice so far, feels so random and out of nowhere.


Second time I was on the motorcycle, so it's not just the bicycle and minibike.


Now let's see if it ever happens in the jeep. Anyone?

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Sounds like a bad design then. ;) Seriously though, if you think its essentially a waste, why keep it?


Oh don't confuse my personal tastes for what I think is a great perk to have in the game. I slowly like to make my games harder and harder for additional challenge, like Skyrim I turn up the difficulty, added survival mods, weather mods, combat mods etc. I feel more reward for overcoming impossible odds.


So I design perks people that I think people will like. Like if I ever get down to 25% loot, maybe lucky looter will feel essential then. I personally would rather wait to see good loot and spend perks on smashing heads faster. I can level and have lucky looter for free, so I think its a waste. Kind of like saving money and buying an expensive item with cash, its a waste to pay interest on payments. My pragmatic nature I suppose.


My fort build I didn't buy one lucky looter perk and it was my favorite game. I didn't get a minigun until level 50+ I think. I had an amazing ak so that had to do.


My next game was perception and I bought 3 ranks of it I think and it seemed to change the economy and I felt like I was shorted the fun of grinding my way up naturally.


My current game on day 21 with a q2 double barrel shotgun. Its a piece of crap but its all I have :D The trader had a q3 pump but I passed on it, I thought I'd get something better by now but I haven't. But I have more fun scrounging than having it all handed to me. It feels more rewarding I guess, Im in it for a 100+ hour game so I don't want it to feel over at 50 hours because I have all the great gear already.

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Honestly, I do my best to never visit a trader, and by that I mean the only reason I go there at all are the quests. I *HATE* being about to just "buy" something. I get some people like yourself, like them. But... I wish there wasn't the reliance being put on them that there is.


Maybe someday rwg can disable them for people who don't want to do them. A mod perhaps. Or a mod that beats up their inventory to just basic crap materials like fishing weights and q1 crap, some clothes, more like a crappy garage sale.

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I just charged in through the room of an apartment building. Inside were several ferals, military soldiers, cops, and regular zombies. I was cocky, I admit it. "You're all gonna die!" I bellowed with sheer arrogance. Ten seconds later, I was trying to escape as they cornered me, and I was laughing (but almost crying), "I'm gonna die...! :("


Classic me.


Don't do what I do.


You should have ate your fortbites! You could have told a different story.

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I just charged in through the room of an apartment building. Inside were several ferals, military soldiers, cops, and regular zombies. I was cocky, I admit it. "You're all gonna die!" I bellowed with sheer arrogance. Ten seconds later, I was trying to escape as they cornered me, and I was laughing (but almost crying), "I'm gonna die...! :("


Classic me.


Don't do what I do.


stealth is the best way to play this game. I was looting a weapon factory and on helicopter pad there are about 10 zombie. I shoot arrow (been level 4-5 only) and kill one at a time, standing at same position to kill all. Never have to walk or run from position. But a slight mistake like using gun will get me killed for sure as couple of them were feral.

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If you figure out a repro.... let us know please. Are you hitting a specific object?


Nope, I'm just travelling along the same flat path I have done a hundred times, and it happened randomly. It's happened twice now; spawned in a repair kit and first aid kit for obvious reasons. :) I fear there is no way to reproduce it though, since one second you're travelling on flat ground you've driven on many times before, the next you're hundreds of blocks in the air and screaming like a little girl. :( (Well, that's what I assume others do. I never scream; I only sing catchy tunes or phrases.)


But if I do find a way to reproduce it, I'll be sure to let you know first thing. :)


- - - Updated - - -


Which is why we slowed leveling and removed level gates :) The game is great now :)


That I cannot deny. :) Trust me, not reaching end-game by day 18+ feels awesome. I can actually get invested into a world.

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