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Ragsy' s A20 Modlets

Ragsy 2145

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Ragsy and Tigers Hind Helicopter

Ragsy and Tigers (aka ActiniumTiger) Hind is re invented for A20 as shown in the video in previous post.


Version 2 Changelogs

1. Updated to A20 XML

2. Reworked the Helicopter physics

3. New unity file has compressed textures and other changes.

4. Has fixed seats 5

5. Vehicle mods are  vfuel,vengine and vlight (no Cosmetic mod)

6.  Added smoke particles

7. Helicopter placing improved

8, Reduced size a bit as it is a game after all .



This version has an alternate vehicle file for those that like the older style heli controls myself and bdub came up with for the MD500 way back ... Just simply rename existing vehicles.xml to oldvehicles.xml and rename the one called RagsnBdubstyleoldvehicles.xml to vehicles.xml 


You can download it here ... trying a new approach so this is a zip file download version just click the little icon on page

Hind Helicopter Download








Ragsy !!


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On 2/15/2022 at 6:38 PM, Ragsy 2145 said:

Ragsy and Tigers Hind Helicopter


The hind is back for A20 as shown in the video in previous post.


Version 2 Changelogs

1. Updated to A20 XML

2. Reworked the Helicopter physics

3. New unity file has compressed textures and other changes.

4. Has fixed seats 5

5. Vehicle mods are  vfuel,vengine and vlight (no Cosmetic mod)

6.  Added smoke particles

7. Helicopter placing improved

8, Reduced size a bit as it is a game after all .



This version has an alternate vehicle file for those that like the older style heli controls myself and bdub came up with for the MD500 way back ... Just simply rename existing vehicles.xml to oldvehicles.xml and rename the one called RagsnBdubstyleoldvehicles.xml to vehicles.xml 


You can download it here ... trying a new approach so this is a zip file download version just click the little icon on page

Hind Helicopter Download








Ragsy !!


Thank you so much!  Amazing work as per usual!  Very excited to try this out...even without the midget bug that occurred every time you used the Hind in A20 using the A19 modlet.  Was quite entertaining

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  • 1 month later...

I cant seem to get Stallionsdens Open Door Syndrome (No Loot Respawn) and Ragsy Take Out The Trash V4 A20 Working together, anyone have a work around OR is there anyway to setup Stallionsdens Open Door Syndrome (No Loot Respawn) to instead of changing to the open version of things to actually destroy them once they are looted? I play with no re-spawn as its only me and the wife and it forces us to explore the map, but she doesn't destroy things after she searches them which sometimes make us double check things.

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I am not very familiar with Stallionsdens mod but it would have to have a downgrade block option to change a cupboards state.  The block that is downgraded then re grows to a lootable cupboard again over time. 


There is an attribute you can add to all the things in loot.xml  that you want to change to destroyable in game if thats really what you are after ...   

Clue is in my mod for destroying trash items . 

<setattribute xpath="//lootcontainer[@name='junk']" name="destroy_on_close">true</setattribute>


If you want all cupboards to destroy on close find the loot names name in xml and add that attribute. 


So you would not need the open door syndrome to start with or my mod if you change all the other stuff as you go .  



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Tried to use the mods on Stable today.  When I create the Auto Workbench it crashed the game. I could not use the E button anymore on anything. I did get an error when loading.


[XUi] Failed initializing window group workstation_VMAutoWorkbench

EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object


Did I miss something?

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16 hours ago, Recoil007 said:

Tried to use the mods on Stable today.  When I create the Auto Workbench it crashed the game. I could not use the E button anymore on anything. I did get an error when loading.


[XUi] Failed initializing window group workstation_VMAutoWorkbench

EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object


Did I miss something?


Are you running the SMX UI by Sirrilion by any chance  ?   If so you will need the SMX patch on the main page of the Vehicle Madness Thread here in the forums  Vehicle Madness  

I have also had people installing the SMX patch when they are not actually using SMX UI in Vehicle Madness  ?





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16 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

@Ragsy 2145 Hello, great work on your mods, they are really impressive, out of curiosity is it possible to be able to get serverside only XML boats somehow? shove a bathtub with a generator on it's back? I'd love to test something like that out on my server.



I think Arramus and the team that took over Snufkins Server Side Vehicles had a bathtub vehicle in the past although dont think it was a Boat version ,  they did have serversided Raft at one point using the code I made for the original TFP Raft myself and Dust2Death put out in A18.


Server side boats are doable if my boat code still works with them ....  just cobbling together with attachments to look the part as you say .   I am not planning on doing much at the moment mods wise as pretty burned out as of late. 


When i get my mojo back i can look at server side boating for the future . 


13 hours ago, AndrewT said:

glad to see the hind be revamped also if those images of the chinook are implying that yall plan to make it carry small ground vehicles oh man that will be a huge game changer.


Yeah dont think its going to work for carrying vehicles .....but Guppy had an idea of lowering the door at back to allow people to parachute out ... player exits 'inside' heli and will then drift to the back .   Arramus at some point with Oakraven did a parachute hat style mod that might go well with the Chinook mod when released . 




Ragsy !!


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1 hour ago, Ragsy 2145 said:

I think Arramus and the team that took over Snufkins Server Side Vehicles had a bathtub vehicle in the past although dont think it was a Boat version ,  they did have serversided Raft at one point using the code I made for the original TFP Raft myself and Dust2Death put out in A18.


Server side boats are doable if my boat code still works with them ....  just cobbling together with attachments to look the part as you say .   I am not planning on doing much at the moment mods wise as pretty burned out as of late. 


When i get my mojo back i can look at server side boating for the future . 



Yeah dont think its going to work for carrying vehicles .....but Guppy had an idea of lowering the door at back to allow people to parachute out ... player exits 'inside' heli and will then drift to the back .   Arramus at some point with Oakraven did a parachute hat style mod that might go well with the Chinook mod when released . 




Ragsy !!


@Ragsy 2145 Understood, you've one great work and appreciate the effort you've gone into with this game.  Hope you can relax. I am interested what can be achieved in this game. Thanks for the reply.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Started using the Find Bicycle Parts and the Find Bicycles mods together on my dedi server.. Using a new game, new map and the first day I found dumpsters were not lootable anymore. No prompt to open. Hitting the dumpster showed damage, but still no prompt.


These are the only loot mods that are new to my list. I removed them and still was unable to search dumpsters. I then deleted and re-aquired the steam apps folder on my server and verified the game files on both client computers, but nothing changed.


Any ideas?

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  • 6 months later...

Moving forward any new modlets from me will be in this thread              The A Team Modlets Page


Myself an ActiniumTiger have worked together a lot in last 2 years mainly on Vehicle Madness and some of his projects ............so we decided some time ago to release newer modlets in the future under the A Team banner ........  Mods listed on this page when updated in future will be available on our joint Forum thread. 


Vehicle Madness will remain seperate in its own thread




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  • 1 year later...
4 minutes ago, Tonzza95 said:

this mod worked with alpha 21.2 but not v1.0. Any idea how to get this mod working again?


Which mod in particular as all updates from me moved to this thread over a year back


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That wont work in game anymore since they changed the way the vehicle camera works so was retired in A20 .  


I have never revisited this as busy with real life stuff and moved on with other modlets and to be honest never thought about the mod again . .


The only alternative at present is the VR mod but thats all stuff first person although there probably is a way but I have not seen a modlet with a new method yet.







Ragsy !!

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On 8/4/2024 at 2:57 AM, Ragsy 2145 said:

That wont work in game anymore since they changed the way the vehicle camera works so was retired in A20 .  


I have never revisited this as busy with real life stuff and moved on with other modlets and to be honest never thought about the mod again . .


The only alternative at present is the VR mod but thats all stuff first person although there probably is a way but I have not seen a modlet with a new method yet.







Ragsy !!

vehicle first person view works for me with alpha 21.2 but not with 1.0. Can you make a new mod.

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Posted (edited)

I am shocked then that this worked in A21 lol ... not going to be on my priority list to look at with the vehicle camera changes that TFP did.

I stopped at A20 for reasons stated in my reply about the vehicle camera ,  if it worked in A21 then it had an extended life . 


I think I recall there is another mod  by OCBMaurice that gives first person for vehicles but as far as I know its a  c# version .




Ragsy !! 



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