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## Stable Release - v1.8.0


New things added to the game:


- 219 Items

- 7 Crafting Stations

- 115 Blocks (in total)

- 214 Recipes

- 13 Buffs




FarmLifeMod adds additional content to the vanilla game:


- New growable crops

- Fruit trees you can plant and harvest

- Things like salt and pepper,

- Items that you must mine or harvest from specific biomes (can't grow EVERYTHING :)

- Crafting stations for specific types of food and drink

- Pens to raise and harvest livestock

- Lots of new food and drink recipes!


What is FarmLifeMod exactly though? Well you can read this -> What is Farm Life?


Have question or confused by something? Check FAQs first.


To Install


Stand alone zip link here.


Load web page, then click the download button. I use a Mac so be warned you may get some artifact files along with the mod using this link on a PC.




From this GitHub link:


- Click the green Clone or Download button on the right side

- Click download zip

- Extract

- Copy FarmLifeMod to your mods folder


Want custom models and/or Icons?


Check the install instructions here.


Want even more stuff to do?


Farm Life is compatible with the awesome Farming mod by Jayic. Check it out!



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Thanks so much, and please feel free to go completely overboard with farming! lol, its a big part of the game for me. Lots of A16 mods for crops to draw inspitation from. Ive seen some great sunflowers, but you could also do hemp or maybe peanuts for oil. Hemp is a good one because of the amount of basic uses. Medicinal plants, poisonous plants for poison or acid recipes.

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please add more, maybe pumpkins, lettuce, oranges, apples, etc.


Thanks all. I have been busy with real life but plan to add more veggies soon!


I started work on reusable parts for blocks. Should have some gating working today though. I’ll try to get in 2 more crops by tomorrow though :)


Need to test with experimental today though I didn’t see any patch notes about crops.


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Once I have a stand alone mod working with built in textures and icons, I do want to make another mod that replaces all the crops and items with custom stuff. It’s on my list :)


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stasis78 Why add wheat flour when you there is corn flour?


This mod is intended to add more depth to farming and cooking.


Get a date with chef Ramsay and make bechamel with corn flour and see how happy he is ;p

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I made fairly sweeping changes to the xml. Plant blocks and items now use a custom modTag to reduce clutter in the source code and make it super easy to add new plants and items.


Blocks are still a little thick but I think I can make it even better next version


Items got a lot of love. I added a tiered system to make balancing super easy for anyone. There are 4 tiers currently.


Plant - raw veggie chance of food poisoning

Processed - minimally changed plant no health bonus

Refined - combined food with health bonus

Prepared - more ingredients and time. More health and food/water


I will work out water only and food only items next release. In the mean time enjoy :)

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 <set xpath="/items/item[contains(@modTag,'water')]/property[@name='DisplayType']/@value">
 </set>   [color=#ff0000](Is This Correct or an Typo) ?[/color]

 <append xpath="/items/item[contains(@modTag,'can')]/property[@class='Action0']">
   <property name="Create_item" value="drinkCanEmpty"/>

 <append xpath="/items/item[contains(@modTag,'jar')]/property[@class='Action0']">
   <property name="Create_item" value="drinkJarEmpty"/>

 <append xpath="/items/item[contains(@modTag,'dry')]/effect_group">
   <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="waterAmount" operation="subtract" value="10" />

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Love the farm mod and love watching it come together as you add more items wife loves it farming is a lot of fun


Romaine Lettuce

Summer Squash


still need the recipe to make the seeds please :)

keep up the great work we love it

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ok added the seeds myself hope this helps


<!-- Carrot -->

<recipe name="Carrot Seed" count="1" craft_time="1">

<ingredient name="Carrot" count="4" />



<!-- Squash -->

<recipe name="Squash Seed" count="1" craft_time="1">

<ingredient name="Squash" count="4" />



<!-- Broccoli -->

<recipe name="Broccoli Seed" count="1" craft_time="1">

<ingredient name="Broccoli" count="4" />



<!-- Romaine-->

<recipe name="Romaine Seed" count="1" craft_time="1">

<ingredient name="Romaine" count="4" />


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Hi I want to use your mod but seeing as how it's on GitHub I'm kind of confused on how to download a single mod out of the whole list of mods available. Could you explain this to me please.


If you load from GitHub, load the complete Packages, and delete the One's You don't want. Thats How i did. ;)

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 <set xpath="/items/item[contains(@modTag,'water')]/property[@name='DisplayType']/@value">
 </set>   [color=#ff0000](Is This Correct or an Typo) ?[/color]

 <append xpath="/items/item[contains(@modTag,'can')]/property[@class='Action0']">
   <property name="Create_item" value="drinkCanEmpty"/>

 <append xpath="/items/item[contains(@modTag,'jar')]/property[@class='Action0']">
   <property name="Create_item" value="drinkJarEmpty"/>

 <append xpath="/items/item[contains(@modTag,'dry')]/effect_group">
   <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="waterAmount" operation="subtract" value="10" />


That sets the display type to water, yes :)


- - - Updated - - -


Love the farm mod and love watching it come together as you add more items wife loves it farming is a lot of fun


Romaine Lettuce

Summer Squash


still need the recipe to make the seeds please :)

keep up the great work we love it


Ah yes I forgot that! I'll fix it today.


- - - Updated - - -


From the GitHub link:


- Click the green Clone or Download button on the right side

- Click download zip

- Extract

- Copy FarmLifeMod to your mods folder


- - - Updated - - -


I added instructions to download and install above and will add to main post.

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FarmLifeMod 1.3 Released!

This release features... BEER!!!!! (I added missing seed recipes, thanks to folks on the forum for heads up!)


Ok so its not that exciting, yet. Next steps are to add custom effects depending on the beer types.


Pimps did a great job adding beer and hops, I am super appreciative that they added this feature! However, I feel there are some improvements to be made. Note that I plan to make brewing much more complex in the future, but for now I’m trying to prove out some ideas and make sure that they can work.


This release removes the old beer recipe completely. Vanilla beer still exists but simply can’t be crafted. The work involved in removing beer entirely is error prone when xml changes. After the game ships I will look at it then. Till then, to avoid bugs, vanilla beer is still there, you just can’t craft it.


New Growable Plants:


Bitter Hop

Floral Hop


New Items:

Beer IPA

Beer Stout

Beer Lager

Beer Cheap

Bitter Hops

Floral Hops


Light Malt

Golden Malt

Dark Malt


How does beer making work?

Beer is now brewed in large batches, similar to how home brewers do it. You create batches of 15 bottles at a time. The times vary per beer based on the ingredients.


The process involves growing hops and sorghum first. Once you have enough hops and sorghum, you first create Malt. There are 3 flavors of malt right now, each created in a campfire.


Once you have the correct type of malt, you can take water, hops, and malt to create beer in the chem station.


I plan to add yeast in a subsequent version, but I’m not sure the best way to handle that right now. Likely will use a similar system to what I have planned for cows, veal, lamb, chickens, etc. I also want to make a custom workstation that is specific to brewing, add an intermediate stage for making wort first, then fermentation.


For now, enjoy the beer!

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The icons are tinted to help differentiate from other items. Which item looks black?


I have not added any of the new crops to the random world generators, so they do not appear in the world as wild crops. You have to find seeds by looting or buy them from a trader.

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The icons are tinted to help differentiate from other items. Which item looks black?


I have not added any of the new crops to the random world generators, so they do not appear in the world as wild crops. You have to find seeds by looting or buy them from a trader.



Deleted My Post.


Sorry friend, my fault. After 72 hours of creating and tweak my mod, my eyes have probably played a joke on me. Please apologize again. Good work



Ok, that's good too, so you can often see something from the map.

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Any plans to use custom blocks for these?


Yes! But it will be a mod that stacks on this so you can still run on servers without needing to download a separate mod.


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Clean work, I like...

But I have loaded the data package and there is as much in it as Zyamaia already said, now the question is what are those for other mods ?


The other mods are things I work on for my server :)


Feel free to just ignore them all or use them all!

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