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Everything posted by Scyris

  1. Didn't you get he memo? thats TFPs thing since a17: removing choice from the player to force a certain playstyle. Stat system still sucks, its 5 level gates now instead of the 1 they were trying to fix in a16.4 So good job on making the problem worse. A21 makes this even worse with the removal of sex t-rex, instead of having to waste some points into str, now I need to waste points in all 5 stats if I wanna get stamina costs down with everything.. Good job. Now if Sex t-rex was put back in str AND you keep the ones in the weapon lines in other stats that'd be nice, so you as the player could choose, but... as I said, tfp has a thing with removing choice from the player. Its the same with removing underground bases as zombies can dig, you did this, but then made "smart" zombies you can you super easly exploit the AI of, which means you can still dodge bloodmoon if you want to. All they did was take away a playstyle for no real reason. Anyway, as for the learn by reading, I am kinda hoping this transforms into learn by doing for the weapons, like you need 20 club skill to learn say pummel pete 2 instead of it being a stat thing. Could also tie headshot damage into the action skill as well. Look at Darkness Falls TFP, I mean you stole enough stuff from that mod(and other mods) that you deff have played it. The modder fixed a16.4 skill system problems perfectly, its literally all you had to do to fix it. Instead you go to this stat system no one wanted, and is much worse than the old a16.4 system. On the flip side, I personally like learn by reading, why you ask? its rather simple, it makes each game different. Before learn by reading i'd always get the same stats, the same recipies always at the same level because it was the optimal path, however now, its randomized, so I have to adapt to what I happened to learn in my exploration. Makes each game play a bit differently. My current game my club craft skill is like.. 2 books, I've basically not found any and its my main melee weapon even have 1 in pummel pete too. Not complaining about this, I rather like it, the randomness of it. Sometimes I get the forge on day 1 in a21, other times its not till day 3 or 4. I remember back in a15 and below you couldn't just spend a perk point to unlock the forge you HAD to find the book, I've had games where it was week 2+ and I still have not found the book, or a poi with a working forge.
  2. I'd argue against the skills being balanced for single player. We went from 1 level gate in a16.4 to 5 level gates in a17+ in the form of stats, so tfp just made the problem worse. Its even worse in A21 now as sex t-rex is no longer in str, so now if you want stam cost reductions you have to waste perk points in stats you do not want. I'd rather it be put back into str. but also part of the weapon lines themselves, so you can either take the general sex t-rex perk that covers all or use the specific one for your weapon type. So annoying using a wrench now because it just drains stamina so fast without sex t-rex and I hate it. TFP I been noticing keeps removing more and more choice from the player with each update.
  3. Yet many mods brought back being able to Hoe the ground like it used to be and it works perfectly. I mean yeah you can't Hoe Sand/snow/wasteland so you just place some dirt/top soil blocks and Hoe those, and all those biomes have access to clay to do this. Even when you could Hoe the ground in vanilla, in the game you couldn't Hoe Snow/Sand/wasteland either and still needed to make dirt blocks so... yeah. It was a design choice, not a technical one least in my opinion. As for the topic of item degradation, I am kinda against it, it just adds tediousness to the game and nothing else of value. I'd rather it just be much harder to find higher qual stuff, but when you DO find it, you can keep it that quality. I also feel its stupid in vanilla how higher tier of the items uses much more mats to craft, it doesn't make sense, if anything it should be using LESS mats as your more skilled at making it. Its a thing thats always bugged me since it was put in as its kinda silly.
  4. If anything the game needs a tier of zombie above radiated, and also needs something above steel to deal with said zombie. The game has needed this since like alpha 16 or even earlier. I'd like to see some actual new content/mechanics and not just the same mechanics being overhauled over and over. New Poi's are nice of course, but I mean new poi but same junk you can find in them is kinda meh. Danger meter doesn't bother me really, I quickly noticed that bigger poi=more dangerious fairly quickly (I been around since alpha 9/10). You then learn to be able to tell the tiers apart just by the poi size. I suppose it'll help new players not dive into a tier 5 on day 1? other than for helping new players I don't see a point to it. Hopefully there is a option to shut it off entirely in the game options. Yes it needed some tweaks, no one really doesn't say it doesn't but all it needed was a few things like craft quality unlinked from action skill level. Maybe have the action skill/learn by doing skill control what level of the perk you can get that ups damage, lowers stam use etc. Or, have the action skill dictate what tier u can craft for an item based on the perk attached to it, kinda like A20's stat system, just with learn by doing skills being the gate then base stats.
  5. Another way to fix it is have loot in a invincible room that the door only opens if X amount of the zombies are killed say 75% of them or so. Players cannot bust into said room, this solves the problem. Fetch quests will need to be edited a bit to make sure the parcel doesn't spawn in the loot room, although this is fine if its a fetch+clear variant. I've seen in some mods where specific rooms in poi's are denoted as invunerable to player/zombie attacks and it works pretty well. If modders can do it, I am sure the devs could too. Easy ghetto way to do this? Create a locked door that only opens on a kill amount trigger for that poi, form the Walls/floor/cieling of the room out of bedrock, and just use the paint system to make it match the rest of the poi. Only problem really is the door, I am sure that'd need some new coding for it to work. But building the loot room out of bedrock is a easy ghetto way to make it indestructable.
  6. I wonder what the real reason for the delay is, would be nice if they'd just come out with it. I mean isin't A21 like 90% just art assets anyway? Other than that its mostly other crap no one cares about. Water people may care about but I bet its just going to be a15 water with more restrictions on where/what it can flow from to prevent base flooding episodes on pve servers like back before water was changed the first time.
  7. I've been noticing for a while now that if you queue up a bunch of things to craft then exit the game, when you come back they will be done crafting, say if you had an hours worth of forged iron, you decided to take a break, close the game, come back an hour or 2 later, and even though the game was closed, when you come back that forged iron will be done crafting with 0 time passed in game. Apparently this has been around for a while, even as far back as a15 according to people I have talked to, I am curious is this is intended by the devs, or if this is some lonnnnng running bug that just doesn't seem to wanna get squished? I almost wanna say its intended because I cannot see TFP leaving something like this in the game for over 6+ years and still going. Not with how hard they clamp down on other exploits. Many players prob take advantage of this and not even know it, as many people will queue up stuff to craft before they exit the game so they don't have to do it when they come back.
  8. Get into mods, there are several major overhhauls that add a ton of new stuff including new item tiers/materials higher tier zombies. Lets be real 7dtd hasn't really gotten anything "new" really item/zombie tier wise since a10/11, Steel is still the top tier, radiated is still top zombies. Darkness Falls and Apocalypse Now mods both have several tiers above radiated for zombies, and materials above steel tier. They are also a complete overhaul, which will make you have to relearn alot of the game, as its vastly different than vanilla. Alot of the vanilla strats won't work in DF/AN, as the zombies are just much stronger.
  9. Was the overhit on cars ever fixed? Like as damage you do goes into the next stage it often reduced resouces gained, was this ever fixed? Maybe don't allow a hit to go into the next stage of a car?
  10. Here's the thing, technacally zombies do not need to feed/eat period, they are essentally immortal, and usually won't die of natural causes. The reason zombies feed is because in the lore the zombie virus generally strips down their intelligence to their base instincts, and one of those is to feed, its also how the virus spreads itself. Zombies don't actually have any need of food or water. Thats the usual zombie lore in general. Virus/infection basically strips their mind of everything but the need to feed.
  11. This, i've bought into several early access titles and never had to rebuy it once it went gold. Of course any dlc released after gold/release aren't usually free, but thats normal for any game. That and the release version is often more expensive than when it was in early access, so you actually got the release/gold version often cheaper than anyone else. Not all of them have a price increase on release but some do. You just need to be careful with early access titles, before you buy watch it for a bit, see how active the devs are, see how often its updated in Early access etc before you buy. Early access is a moderate risk as you never know when the dev will well stop working on the game, but if you watch it for a bit see how active the devs are, you can usually weed out the ones just going for a quick cash grab and drop.
  12. Back in a16 this was actually in a tooltip, the tool tip changed but I think they forgot to remove the debuff from the code, as its not in the xml's anywhere and as You and I have said, there is no indication of it anywhere on the char window. You'll just notice it if you watch the stamina bar below 74% water. There is literally 0 indicators that you have a debuff. Even the stam/s on char window doesn't change even though the actual regen if you watch it goes from a base of 5/tick down to 4/tick, a 20% decrease. I've noticed this debuff for as long as i've played 7dtd and thats since a10 or so. Due to it, I never let my water dip below 75%, and if it does I fix that problem asap.
  13. Back in a16 this was actually in a tooltip, the tool tip changed but I think they forgot to remove the debuff from the code, as its not in the xml's anywhere and as You and I have said, there is no indication of it anywhere on the char window. You'll just notice it if you watch the stamina bar below 74% water. There is literally 0 indicators that you have a debuff. Even the stam/s on char window doesn't change even though the actual regen if you watch it goes from a base of 5/tick down to 4/tick, a 20% decrease. I've noticed this debuff for as long as i've played 7dtd and thats since a10 or so. Due to it, I never let my water dip below 75%, and if it does I fix that problem asap.
  14. As for stealth not working on blood moons, I've never had a problem with this myself, its basically a special event thats is at default once per week in game. With any event you kinda expect special rules, and the blood moon rule is the zombies always know where you are. I've personally never had a problem with that. I don't even remember the last time i've died on a blood moon its been thousands of hours. I usually fight them even if on the ground. When I do die its either in a poi, or in my mine when a wandering horde just drops in on top of me when the mine is fresh and I don't have a backup way out setup yet. I generally play permadeath, as without that the difficulty settings basically mean jack when you can just respawn over and over.
  15. I'm not saying it doesn't work, the problem is that most sleeper volumes are ambushes in t3+ pois, and most of the time the zombies are always hidden behind blocks so your not able to use your stealth to snipe from the doorway like you should be able to. Like if I could open the door and snipe them i'd not complain. But the fact they are almost always hidden behind a block kinda well.. blocks that, thats not even saying if just opening the door doesn't trigger the entire pack of zombies in that room as it often tends to do, no matter how high your stealth perks are. Some ambushes are expected like loot room ones, I got no problem with those as they make sense, but every other random room in some random house being a ambush? no just no. Stealth does work somewhat, but the devs seem to activly try to do as much as they can to ruin it for stealth build players. The fact almost every sleeper in a poi is hidden behind a block is pretty big proof of this, as is most sleeper volumes in t3+ (sometimes even t2), immedatly knowing where you are and waking up second the door opens or you walk 1 step into the room. I'd be ok with it if they would "wake up" but then go into wander mode, as in they don't KNOW your there yet, they just wandering around like a outdoor zombie that hasn't noticed you yet, still can get sneak attack bonuses on them as long as they don't see/hear you. TFP has been steadily taking away choice from the player, and stealth playstyles is the most recent victim of this. Last big victim was underground bases basically not being a thing anymore since zombies can magically dig now. Things where the devs have activly done stuff to try to curb certain playstyles. Like I said with sleepers behind blocks always, and such. I mean, stealth playstyle is already pretty slow in terms of clear speed, as crouching all the time slows everything down. You could go in guns blazing or whacking with a club and get it done faster than doing it with stealth. So I never seen the need for the extra BS to prevent the playstyles. Also for the A16 "issue" ask pretty much anyone who played it, they will say the skill system is far better than what we have now pretty much. As it has much less gating than the curret stat system does. It did need some tweaks though, like craft quality swapped from the action skill, to the related perk, Like miner 69'er for tools. That was literally ALL that needed to be done to fix the a16 skill system, and instead they redid the entire system and made it far worse than it was. Thankfully there are mods, most of the good mods pretty much always have some sort of action skill system as its what the players want. Why won't tfp give us what we want? No one wanted this stat locked system we have now, at least not in the current form it is. If it was done differently it'd prob be ok, Maybe 3 Categories, one for combat, 1 for defense, and 1 for crafting. The fact that each weap type set is under a diff stat personally annoys the hell out of me and many others. Maybe make a attribute point system? where instead of using perk points you get a new point on level up that is only for attributes along with the usual perk point you'd get? This would kinda fix the issue somewhat as well, and shouldn't be hard to implement either. Many players are fine with a17-20 because they never played a16.4, so they don't know what they are missing skill system wise. They see what we have now and assume thats how it always was, as most games in Early access don't redo the entire skill system every new version or 2 like 7dtd has been doing for a long time. I started in A9/10 or when it was released on steam. Pretty sure was a9-10 ish. I am just glad mods are a thing, as they bring back the games glory days, I find vanilla horribly boring and barely play it other than a game or 2 per alpha to mess with the newest stuff and then wonder how the mods I play are going to put this in, or if they don't just trash the whole system (Most mods throw the whole vanilla stat system in the trash can and do their own far better thing), before I just play something else and wait for the mods I play to be updated for the new alpha which is where I then spend most of my time. Vanilla honestly needs a tier above steel for materials (Tungsten? maybe Titanium?), and some zombies above radiated as i've said before, like even if its a "after game goes gold" thing would be fine for now. So at least we KNOW it's coming. I wonder though, do the devs ever play some of the bigger mods like Undead Legacy, Darkness Falls, and Apocalypse Now? Some of the ideas and stuff they put in is amazing and would be great for vanilla. Highly suggest they play some of them to get some idea's, as they desperately seem to need some to get the game out of the stagnating rut its been in for years. This is just my opinion as a player who's been around for a very long time.
  16. I'm curious if anything is gonna be done so stealth is worth it in a21? in A20, most sleeper volumes in t3 and some t2 poi's are all ambushes the second you walk in the room, and the ones that area, the zombies are always magically behind a block so you cannot get a clear shot. Is this going to be fixed in A21 at all? As I am seeing less and less reason to bother with the stealth skills if everything is just gonna magically know exactly where I am when I walk into the room. Now lets get on topic 2: how much Anti-immersion 7dtd has, Sorry but the zombies always behind perfectly behind blocks, or falling from the cieling/hidden wells is massivly immersion destroying. As it makes no sense, what were they doing there? It kinda goes with the comment about how useless stealth feels due to the fact the sleeper volumes in t3+ poi's mostly auto aggro and magically know your location the second you walk in, no matter how quiet you try to be. Is Tfp trying to remove the stealth skill? if so, I'd rather they just do it instead of leaving it in and having people waste skill points on skills that aren't useful past the first few days. I've been playing 7dtd since A9/10 and I still cannot see what direction the devs plan to go in, as each alpha seems to fly off in a diff direction. DO they even have a roadmap? if so, show us. As it seems each alpha is just the randomest stuff tossed together often with no rhyme or reason. Game dev 101: have a clear plan on paper before you start creating a game, and try to stick to it. Tfp has IMO failed on that aspect, I mean they redid the skill system what? 4-5 times now? When a16.4 would have been perfect for the game with just some tweaks. Like removing crafting quality from the action skill, and added to the +damage/reload speed/block dmg perks the action skills allowed you to learn. Level locked crafting skills would also work. Also, the stat system doesn't remove gates, it add's 4 new gates, I'd rather there just have been 1 level gate. Instead of 5 stats gating perks. They turned a single problem into 5 problems. I've watched a old offical 7dtd features video from 8+ years ago, and half the features in that video still do not exist in the game today, where did they go? Here's a link to the video in question, the potions, food, story system, buff systems etc all mentioned pretty much do not exist. I'll be honest I don't play vanilla 7dtd much these days as the game has just gone down the crapper so much lately, a17 really killed it for me, and its just getting worse with each new alpha in general. I usually play a bit of vanilla each new alpha then its usually waiting for mods to update, as the mods are the only thing that make the game any actual fun anymore. They add stuff the game is missing, like Tiers above steel, zombies above radiated, more indepth crafting etc. I look at alot of the A21 stuff and just go... "Why?" like we don't need new models for cars we just wrench and destroy when the game is plagued with a ton of other art related problems that should be higher priority imo. TL:DR I just wish TFP would finally pick something, stick with it, and build on it, instead of keep basically remaking half the game each alpha for no real reason. Gamefeels like its never going to go gold at this rate. Which the only reason I remotely care about gold is because of the promised optimizations, because lets be honest even with a 3080 7dtd runs like garbage. Mods don't help but even vanilla is iffy due to how unoptimized it is. I care so much as 7dtd used to be my fave game, but the questionable choices by the devs have made me kinda... almost give up on it. Also In before they take that video I linked down due to this post.
  17. So I don't repeat myself too much I'll link to the orignal thread: Basically what is happening is there is a stam regen debuff once your water hits below 74%, there is no indicator on the UI, or in the Status window that its there, but it is defently there. At 75% Water and up, you regen 5 stam per update, at 74% water, this drops to 4 stam per update, which roughly is a 20% decrease. Tool tips in game, and xml (buffs.xml) says there should be no debuff till it hits below 50%, This has been in 7dtd for a long time, and I think it might just be something that may have been forgotten about and was planned to be removed. Its very easy to repo, just let your water hit 74% and have lower than full stam, notice 4/update regen, drink, get it back above 75%, back to 5/update regen which is the normal. Hopefully this can be fixed so it matches in the loading screen tooltip and such, as there is no indication there should be a debuff at 74% water, only at 50% being the first one.
  18. I notice when I get below 74% water, my stamina update per tick on the bar itself goes from 5 down to 4, I also notice when this happens I cannot swing tools for as long etc as well, I have 20% less stam regen. According to the Xml's the thirsty penalty is not supposed to start till water is below 50%, which makes me think this is something in the coding maybe the devs forgot to change/remove? I've had 7dtd since alpha 9 or 10, and this has always been there as far as I remember. It has no status icon, and no stats change in your status menu either, you only notice it if you actually watch your stamina bar and have numbers set to show on it. I'm not crazy am I? i've noticed this hidden debuff for a looong time, almost like TFP forgot it was even there and just never removed it. I am sure in a way older alpha it also used to show a debuff icon once water hit 74% or less, that was removed as well, but maybe they forgot to remove the actual debuff itself from the code? I don't know anything about coding or what I'd even look for to try to find it myself. Its also not in the xml's either. The debuff for water below 50% is there, but there is nothing for when you hit below 74% like there is in game.
  19. I just hope with whatever their next game is they actually have an actual plan on paper before they start so it doesn't end up like 7dtd, where its been in dev hell really not going anywhere for years. The game hasn't gone anywhere really in a long time, mostly due to every alpha they feel the need to redesign systems that are working fine and don't need to be touched. a16.4 learn by doing for example just needed some tweaks and it'd have been perfect, most people loved a16.4 and dislike how the game changed in a17+. I mean top tier in 7dtd has been steel since like a10, if not earlier, its about time we have a tier above that and a zombie tier above radiated. Most people I know never play vanilla as its just severely lacking compared to many of the mods out there. Me? I generally try a game of vanilla or 2 when a new alpha drops, but then I pretty much abandon the game till the mods I like update for it, as vanilla is honestly just quite boring. Mods like Darkness Falls, Undead Legacy, Apocalypse Now are what keeps me playing, as vanilla hasn't been interesting to me for years due to what I said above how the game hasn't really gone anywhere in the last 5+ years. I mean we still have the same jank as hell melee system that severely needs to be fixed or made better. I am aware the game has gotten prettier over the years, but that new shiny coat wears off pretty quick when the game is the same underneath it. I wish TFP would focus less on graphics and focus more on gameplay systems. In A21 we do not really need new car models ( I mean lets be honest who cares what they look like, were just gonna rip them apart for parts anyway), we need new or better gameplay systems. I'd like to see melee be more like left 4 dead, or many other games where anything that is physically hit by the swing takes damage, yes I am aware of the graze system but that does like 1 point of damage its basically completly pointless in its current form. Also the zombie rage system just needs to go, its stupid, a zombie is not gonna just suddendly get mad and speed up because it got hit, they aren't going to care, or a better solution, make it a option in the game options when loading/starting a new game whether its on or off. I think Undead Legacy for example has a menu option (or it did at one time) to let you turn zombie rage mod on or off, so its perfectly possible for TFP to put it in as well if a modder can do it. A20.6 has one change I am very glad is coming and wish it came earlier: Vultures no longer aggro vehicles as you drive around. I guess after years of people complaining how annoying it is that every vulture that spawns bee lines it and chases after your vehicle your driving that TFP finally realized how annoying it is and finally is removing that AI from them. Vultures normally aggro the second your health drops below a certain percentage, I think its 90-95%? Just glad now that I can go into the desert/wasteland and not have to deal with a train of vultures every 30 seconds. I mean usually I ignore them till I get to my destination. Even though 7dtd's has lots of issues I still love the game, mostly because of the modding community. I have over 6700 hours in 7dtd, and 5500-6000+ of those is probably modded 7dtd. Its honestly the only game like it, others have tried to copy 7dtd but it never has the same feeling 7dtd does. Some mods completly change how the game is played in a huge way, which helps keep it fresh.
  20. Contact grenades could work. Also don't forget about the single player/MP oversight by TFP. if your pvp setting is set to "no killing" your now immune to your own explosions in single player games/on servers too I assume. Works for everything except molotovs and land mines. I haven't tested the MP version but i'd assume it'd work in MP as well with the same setting.
  21. I agree with number 2, combat skills should be learn by doing and that determines how high you can take the combat perks instead of it being stat locked, would fix a big issue I have with the game now as I hate the fact weapon perks that up damage and weapon effectiveness is locked to stats
  22. When I read this change, I was kinda concerned as well, as I have multiple copies of 7dtd, One Vanilla, then a few others for their respective mods. All I can say is I really hope they have some sort of loader so you can select which mod to use going forward or as Khaine mentioned, its going to cause issues later. Right now installing mods is pretty simple, but this seems like its going to cause issue especially for people that like multiple mods (If it lacks a loader to let you choose which to use), as having to constantly swap folders and such will get very annoying very fast for many people. I wonder why the change, it loads stuff from the mods folder in the game folder just fine as it is, so why really change what already works well?
  23. Ahh so thats what it is, they can get thru 1.5 block gaps like we can. Well either way, I hope when zombies being able to walk thru 1 block gaps like its planned is out, that players will be allowed to do the same thing, as I said, i'd be silly if a rotting corpse can do it but the player cannot.
  24. Oh I know that, its just its not often they release a feature that this... whats the word.. undone? Even for an alpha, I been around since a9-10 ish. Glad to know it should be fixed for a21 though. How about letting players have 1 block crouch walking too? I know you see thru the world, but couldn't something be done code wise so it renders x untouched blocks around the player when crouched? So you cannot see thru the world? or better, add a "crawl" animation where the char gets on their stomache this way you shouldn't be able to see thru the terrain. Kinda gonna be unfair in my eyes if zombies can walk thru 1 block holes but the player who should be easly able to do that as they are not a rotting corpse can't.
  25. Would love to see it, might be to early though to show it? I hope it actually flows and stuff instead of being like... Gel like it has been since a16. I feel we need a new tier of materials above steel, as well as zombies above radiated ones, Maybe mutant ones? Steel has been the top since, well as long as I can remember and I started in A9 or 10 ish. Its about time we get a new tier above that I feel. Honestly, i'd like to see the skill system redone myself, I'd like all the weapon perks under 1 stat, all the survival stuff under another, then a 3rd category for misc perks. Or, when you loot armor, there is a chance for it to spawn with +1 to a stat. I find the current skill system extremly limiting in single player, as instead of 1 gate in a16.4 we now have 5 gates to get the same perks.
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