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Everything posted by Scyris

  1. Any general tips for someone new to the mod? Not new to modding 7dtd but new to this specific overhaul. Does rwg work?
  2. Holy crap this is fast, it takes 15-20 mins to gen a world with a18.1's rwg. this time with nitrogen was amazging. FINISHED GENERATING NEW WORLD Total time taken: 2 min 13 sec What are the cracks though? What does that setting do?
  3. This may have been asked before but does this work in 18.1 experimental B6? I am really getting sick of the default rwg making the same boring map (and taking for flipping ever to do it) that often is missing important poi's like the supercorn poi (house_Old_gambrel_03 iirc is the rwg name). I mean you have a skill in game where the final skill lets you make the supercorn seeds, which only spawns in 1 very rare poi that rarely ever spawns in vanilla RWG. Though they could fix it by adding supercorn to trader/loot lists so you have alternate ways of getting it. Anyway, yeah, Does this work on A18.1 B6 experimental yet? Been thinking of starting a new game, and kinda sick of the vanilla rwg both in how slow and how often its the same towns over and over.
  4. I noticed #5 when a zombie suddendly hit me for half my health from behind. Also yeah, from what little I played getting a good water source is important, including the purifier. Also why is the pistol so weak? I found one and it had 19 damage, thats lower than a wooden bow. Which is kinda silly.
  5. Yeah the only thing I dislike about the mod so far is the way to tanky zombies, but thats because I usually go for block damage and such first, I'll just have to go for damage first so I can explore poi's, Still feel the zombies are too tanky though, actually not just the zombies everything kinda is. It'll just take some getting used to I guess. I'm not going to play dead is dead with this mod thats for sure though. Like Darkness Falls it is much more difficult compared to vanilla. As for the breakage, it seems to happen if the tools quality is below 10, like my noobie stone axe breaks if I repair it if its below 10 quality. I might go bow's first as my first class and then spec into blunts later, since you can retrieve arrows it might be better to go ranged early game in Ravenhearst. Any general tips for someone new to the mod? Not new to 7dtd itself, well over 2000 hours played, but the mod is basically a entirely new game just about.
  6. Is it normal for it to take like 10 headshots to kill a zombie at the start of the game? thats a little obscene and this is at nomad difficulty. Not to mention stuff breaking when repairing really sucks especally early game.
  7. Was it the red mastery book? if so, you can learn it but you cannot do anything with the skills till you do the base class. - - - Updated - - - You have to have finished the classes questline before any mastery perk will take effects.
  8. If I am on the experemental build I assume my bunker should be in the wasteland? As for the bleed, leave it as it is, it happens way to often as it is, and making it take longer to fix will just hurt gameplay. I swear every 2nd hit or so I am bleeding from something. Infection is another issue. Its pretty brutal early game in the mod, with how often I seem to get it. Might just be my bad luck though. I really like the mod though its bascally a16 with a ton of new content with all of a17.3's bell and whistles to make it even better. I do feel the action skills level a tad too fast. I've also had an odd... issue with the old iron wrench, Unless its a perk doing it, but i've had it randomly go from doing 18/swing to over 40, Just out of the blue, unsure if tier of wrench effects it or not, this happens with no mods in it as well. I figured miner 69'er is probally adding to it as its technacally block damage. Not that I mind, its just weird how it suddendly has a sharp jump in block damage when dissassembling things. Blessed metal weapon mod makes all attacks do double damage to demons, which are the demonic zombies and the succubus and such. Your kinda meant to have that+a full hazmat suit+some perked/modded out weapons before you step foot in there, preferably a gun.
  9. So what schematics does Yeah Science actually.. let me use? As it doesn't seem to be the weapon/armor mod ones at all. Love the new RWG in experemental, MUCH better than the stable branch and its better than vanilla, more green less everything else.
  10. Is there a way to change what the night visions effect looks like insted of that ugly green? Maybe make it looks like Cat's Eye chem from fallout new vegas?
  11. Yeah I did that, it lets me pick it up as a "POI" decoration, which is fine, as later on I can plant them on the ground in my base and just punch them to get mushrooms, its ass backwards but it works good enough for me for now. So to backup the save I go to my app data and into the 7 days to die folder? I have 2 installs of 7dtd, one is the normal latest experemental offical build, then I have a second one where its 17.3 Darkness Falls.
  12. Any fixes to rwg? would it be safe to take my current 17.3 game into the 17.4e version of the mod? Hmm maybe i'll add it to stage 2 for shrooms once I figure out how to do it, then I just have to make sure I don't punch them when they say "growing"
  13. Ahh but these mushrooms I mentioned are inside poi's, and they are harvestable need to hit them, Pissy waters public pool has about 17-19 to see what I mean on the ground floor around the big pool. One of the few you CAN hit E to harvest is in one of the traders, the one with the log building, usually is in winter biomes. In A16 Yucca juice used to help with the desert, but in a17 they removed its cooling part for some reason. Yucca Smoothie helps in the winter biome, but afaik there is no food that actually helps to deal with desert/heat. Whats the diff between the vanilla shotgun and the combat shotgun? I mean besides the combat one looking much cooler.
  14. Khaine a question: Is there 2 mushroom models? I ask because most of the time I cannot hit E to pick them up. Also, whats the purpose of those storage containers in POI's? They are always empty, often they are locked. Here's an example of what I mean, there are also "Storage Chests" in the poi's that are always empty as well. These are mainly in the non-vanilla Poi's I notice.
  15. Yeah, if it can cause that, be safer not to mess with it heh. I did what ya said with the behemoths. I just used <!-- and --> to comment them out in the wasteland spawns, so I don't run into them way before I am anywhere near ready to try to kill them. Wasteland will be a little less scary without behemoths in it, but in DF wasteland is already pretty damn scary even without them.
  16. I dunno man, it'd piss me of if I was to bust into a bunker only to get 1 shoted by a behemoth the second I finally get inside. As for the resources, Nevermind I see what ya did and its intended, found this on the tools. 2-2.5x base for iron 3-3.5x base for steel. Thats why I am getting the numbers I do. Well it does get rid of a lot of the grind for mats thats for sure. <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" value="2,2.5" tier="1,6" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> for Iron tier and <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" value="3,3.5" tier="1,6" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> for steel. Love the mod btw, always have. Now if Only I can get these trader npc's to stop giving me tier 1 quests going into the radiation zone when I got 0 way to deal with it. Will probally not be an issue once the rad zone is not so big. I just have bad luck with every 1st trader I get always behind right by radiation. Is there a way to force it to not spawn traders so close to each other? earlier I had a seed with 4 active traders not even more than 100 meters apart from each other. 2 of them were right side by side too.
  17. About the blunderbus, many mods increase the power of it due to its one shot nature. Its also not modable if I remember right. A fully modded shotgun will vastly out perform it more than likely. Its spread is also insane to the point the barrel has to be bascally inside the targets head to get a head shot. That said I never use the blunderbus, I never seen a point to it. Tried it a few times, but never used it long, prefer the bow. As for the stuff above t6 and titanium stuff, that stuff is endgame, so it probally has not been balanced properly yet. I also assume its meant to be used on stuff like behemoths and the 1000+ hp enemies in the rad zone, of course its going to slaughter normal zombies. I always felt the armor slowing you down was stupid, especally when the skill meant to make the armor better does nothing to lower its downsides. As for the car issues, you mean for looting? if so I agree, some of the hit boxes where you hit E to loot on them is bad at times. As for what I was talking about with the biomes, this is my current world I am on, the brown is radiation. Every workd I generate has a large section like in the lower left of radiation, and its always in the same spot. Also do those weird portals in the radiation zone do anything yet? other than look cool as hell?
  18. Oh yeah that'd be bad for sure. I assume a modlet with this in it would work? <configs> <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entity[@name=DFzombieBehemothFemale]" /> <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entity[@name=DFzombieBehemoth]" /> <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entity[@name=DFzombieBehemothFemaleRadiated]" /> <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entity[@name=DFzombieBehemothRadiated]" /> </configs> Main reason I want em gone is they are just way to tanky and do way to much damage both block and player, I don't even see how a player could manage to kill one in a single player game. If they got you in the open I mean. Also did you up the resources things give? I don't remember a 1200 hp tree giving almost 600 wood. with a Iron fireaxe an miner 69'er 2 and around 15 or so mining skill.
  19. Like which Poi's and how would it mess them up?
  20. Its possible, but some advice: Don't mix saves between stable and experemental, bad things can happen like your class book issue. Also is there a purpose to half just about of a 8k map being radiation zone, with super op zombies and stuff? I mean the stuff in there looks like it'd take forever to kill. Do enemies like the Succubus have special boss-like drops? considering she has 15000 hp or so. I can't even think how you'd kill something like that with how weak the guns are generally in the game. I'm also not a fan of how op the debuff is for going into radiation you even touch it for half a second, and if you got no anti-rad meds, your pretty much dead, as it seems to do 4 damage a second and lasts 5000 seconds. Lastly anyway to disable the behemoth zombies? Just started a new game got stuck in the wasteland one spawned and killed me, because nothing I could do at night would get it off me, as stealth does not work at all on them. Normally you can run away a bit go into stealth and get away if its dark out, doesn't work on those though so its pretty much guarnteed death if you lack a vechicle. At least i've never managed to get away from one on foot yet.
  21. Yeah You still need a few levels into the Sex t-rex and the weapon of choice perk before you can really spam power attacks a ton. evenb with 3 sex rex, 3 in bluntsm which is 30% less stam used iirc, sledge power attack still takes a decent chunk, after a few I gotta stop and rest.
  22. Is it inteneded for power attacks to not freeze the stamina regen for a few seconds? Was on day 7 and accdentally used one and was like "Wait a minute here..." *tries again* "Stam regen isin't temp frozen after hitting with a power atk?" Also I know laborer is a class, but I feel steel crafting should be much higher, I don't mind being able to MAKE Forged Steel, but to make stuff out of it should need lv 50 or 70, as 20 is too early imo. Also with Miner 69'er 3 I am getting 205 wood from choping down a fruit tree in 1 hit to get the fruit.
  23. Could I cover the water holes with like wooden bars or something so I don't fall into them when I walk over it? and for 2 blocks down I assume 2 down from the height of the farm?
  24. Any changes to farming? I was ok with needing water nearby, but I've pretty much stoped farming in your mod since you made it actually use up the water. I did notice that block (forgot the name) that creates water blocks nearby, but what radius does it make them in? and what would a farm plot look like around one? My main issue with the farming is it makes me have to force mybase to be by a water source. Which in a17.2, can be hard to find.
  25. I suspect the zombies will eventually manage to get inside on higher bloodmoons. Wait till you got like demons and such stampeeding in. Me? I use a modlet to disable behemoths, they have way to much hp. move to fast (at least they always seem to catch me), and do way to much damage. Once they get inside, then you have to deal with them as the turrets, yes I call the guard npcs turrets as thats what they bascally are in their current state. Won't move to go after them at all. If a behemoth shows up you can bet its getting inside almost guarnteed. Though if you see one in a horde night my advice? run like hell. They will demolish your base and you easly. They have something like 9000 hp or so. Also, once zombies get right up against the wall the guard npcs usually won't/can't shoot at it.
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