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Everything posted by Scyris

  1. So I was in a mine right? Just started it, feral comes in, its early game, wasn't much room to evade, I died to a single feral because it couldn't make up its mind about standing or crouching, and it was able to hit me with 0 animation as it teleported between the 2 while I was unable to hit it the hits just didn't register as it was teleporting between standing and crouching. This animation needs to go, or it needs to be fixed, there needs to be a in between animation, or some delay where they cannot attack when crouching or standing for a few seconds. I cannot count how many times i've gotten cheap shotted with the zombie having 0 attack animation when going between the 2 walk modes. Not to mention they seem to have double the range too when crouched for some reason, you'd think they'd have LESS range not more. At least it feels like they have a longer reach when crouched for some reason. Anyone else having issues with this? I can't be the only one, its just really starting to aggravate me to no end because there is basically no counter to it if they close to you, your getting hit with a 0 animation attack from the zombie. Now you could say Git Gud (I know someone will say it now), but sometimes your just in a bad spot.
  2. Yeah I know, its still very annoying though, it feels like one of those types of game systems where its put in for no reason other than to be an annoyance and nothing else. I mean vultures aren't exactly threatening, they just are annoying as hell when traveling.
  3. In Vanilla I am usually bored a bit after day 7-14, just isin't much to do really. I used to play A16 much longer, before we had the 5 stat gates to enjoy the game's skill system. Wasn't the reason they switched to 5 stats was to get rid of a level gate? to me they made the problem much worse. As instead of one gate (your char lv) you now have 5 gates, which is the varying stats. Kinda seems like 4-5 steps backwards not forwards to me. Kinda like how A21 is dumbing down the equipment system, multiple steps backwards instead of forwards imo. I Loathe the stat system the vanilla game uses now, It needs to be redone. IMO all weapons should be under a one stat, then you have a survival stat, and maybe a 3rd for misc perks. Ilike using bows and pistols, but stealth was completly gutted in a20 with all the pois being mostly ambush sleeper volumes, and its not worth investing in a stat just for one weapon when it offers nothing else I want. You wanna see a16.4 skill system done right? Play the darkness Falls mod. It fixes the vanilla a16.4 issues and improves on the skill system. Undead legacy mod is another good one that has a far better thought out skill system than vanilla ever had. I may have 6000+ hours of 7 days to die, but I bet 80-90% of that or more, is in overhauls like darkness falls or Undead legacy.
  4. Yeah I wish they'd remove the AI task that makes them chase vehicles on non-blood moons as its just annoying having to keep getting off the vehicle to deal with them with how common they are. Its not fun gameplay at all.
  5. Yeah I swear they somehow get like double+ the range when crouching like that. I've had zombies in single player that when crouched have hit me from across a room somehow. Needs to be a animation in between going down to crouch/getting up from it. Instead of them basically just teleporting between the 2.
  6. Here is a list of things I hope get fixed in A20.4 or A21. Preferably A20.4. Just things I've personally noticed, There is probably many more issues, it is Alpha after all. 1: Zombies attacking with 0 animation during their reeling/knockback/pain animation. You just get hit and the animation plays after the pain animation, when if it was working right they should not be able to attack at all during said animation. 2: Zombie Hit Boxes: The Fat zombies are the major offenders here, shoot a Fat zombie in the middle of the face? counts as a body shot somehow. Gotta aim for the top of the head. 3: Vehicles Disappearing... Yep the bug that took 2-3 alpha's to finally squish has reared its ugly head again. Make sure to pickup vehicles before you stop playing even in single player if you don't do this already. 4: Crops not growing near chunk borders, this is a new thing in A20, never did this in A19, but crops don't seem to wanna grow if they are near a chunk border. Its REALLY annoying as you have to turn on debug mode so you can see chunk id's (hit F1 type dm, hit enter, then hit F8 twice) Also annoying having half my farm not growing because it crosses a chunk border. 5: Perfomance issues, especially in cities. There are various ways to tackle this, one way I've though of was to have the Structural intergrity system do nothing unless a block is being destroyed, as each time you walk on a new block it checks the SI down to bedrock just eating cpu cycles for no real good reason. You notice this in sky scrapers, even when you cannot see outside of it, higher up you go worse performance gets partially due to the SI checks. Could also make it check within 5 blocks below the player, this would also help with this. There are other things also factoring into performance issues, but I figure the SI checks is a big one with how often they seem to run. Anyone else got anything they'd like to add?
  7. Silencers lower how far sound travels, and also lowers the heat generated by a shot by a significant amount (40-50% less heat per shot). I'd reccomend you put one on every gun, just for the lower heat per shot it gives.
  8. I don't craft any gear usually in Vanilla, I buy what I need off traders, Not a big fan how crafting higher tier stuff needs more and more mats. About the only stuff I may craft early is some iron tools. a Primitive bow and a bone knife. I mostly craft consumable items like repair kits, ammo, medical stuff etc. Rest of gear I generally just find.
  9. Considering I was stealth the entire time? and I often destroy the pile of garbage thats always behind a door in the path your meant to walk. All I've noticed is that in all the new A20 poi's almost every sleeper volume is a ambush almost every single one, doesn't matter how quiet you are. Before in A19 you could enter the ambush volume in a different way and not trigger it, however in A20 a lot of these sleeper volumes do not spawn the zombies at all unless you step on the ambush trigger, which means when your on a clear quest, you cannot finish it, as the volume does not spawn UNLESS you step on the block that causes the ambush. Its TFP being TFP and forcing you to play in a certain way. I miss back in a16.4 when the player had choice, what weapon you used determined how high you up perks for it, you could stealth or go in guns blazing. The stat system was the dumbest thing TFP has done to the game by far. Their excuse was to avoid "level gate" However, that was ONE level gate, now we have 5 gates instead of one. SO they made the problem WORSE and not better. Not to mention some stats are just worth more than others, str/int being the big 2, while the rest especially in A20 are kinda useless, especially Agi since stealth is a near non-option, which renders several agility perks near useless and a waste of skill points. This is not directly related to the stealth thing but it sort of is, as the way it is in A20 it makes Agility even less worth investing in as many of its perks are completly negated due to the ambush volumes being so prevalient.
  10. Yeah the problem is less the ambush and the fact they immedatly know where you are no matter what you do. If they woke up and wandered around like outdoor spawns that haven't seen you yet, so they don't rush you and so you can get sneak attacks on them i'd not mind. But the fact they rush you no matter what is the problem. They basically know your there, and lock on/chase you right on activate.
  11. yeah stealth has always cleared slower, but also used less ammo. that was its balance factor. in A20 there is no point to stealth anymore, you might as well go in guns blazing cuz almost every sleeper volume is a ambush with gpsing zombies anyway, so staying quiet is pretty much useless now in A20.
  12. So I am going to list some of these as I come across them, maybe you fine people can help? there is a serious problem in a20 with almost every sleeper volume being a ambush of GPSing zombies, making stealth completly useless, and generally just being annoying as it shoehorns you into playing a certain way as the devs have removed the players choice from it. Resturaunt_02 Sleeper Volumes: 12 Amount of Volumes that were ambushes: 11. Thats right all but one of the sleeper volumes in this poi are ambushes with GPSing zombies that immedatly know your location the second you walk into the room, often they won't even spawn till you trigger it, which means no option to use stealth period other than that 1 volume with a single zombie dog where it actually spawns before you enter the room. Office_03 (I think it was 03) Another Poi where every single sleeper volume is a ambush, including one in the loot room, where a zombie literally spawns right beside you on the right once you walk in, allowing it a free hit on you no mnatter how fast you are. Also has multiple volumes with zombies falling from the cieling, or coming out of the walls which is just stupid, and looks silly as hell, its also @%$#-poor game design as well. Once in a while is fine, but ambushes and stuff like cieling dropping zombies should be much rarer than they are. I like to play stealth, but the way A20 is thats pretty much a non option with most sleeper volumes in any poi being a ambush where they somehow immedatly know where you are the second you enter it. Many of these won't spawn the zombies till you trigger the ambush either, so you can't even snipe them from outside the room if you know about it ahead of time.
  13. Git Gud and learn to use melee and archery. Archery especially got buffed. If your using bullets on anything below a pack of ferals coming at you, your wasting ammo. There is NO reason to be using guns early game in 7dtd, even on ferals, if you have 1-2 chasing you, you can just archery/melee them down easly. Its a player skill issue, not a game issue. Its easy they use archery or melee, unless you have like 3+ ferals chasing you there is really no reason to use bullets at all. In Vanilla A20.1 I have tons of ammo as I never have a need to use it. Not till I get sleeper volumes with 3+ ferals running at me every volume, which will happen as 90% of sleeper volumes are ambushes with GPSing zombies these days, which is the dumbest choice I seen tfp make, or one of them.
  14. Love the RWG, its nice seeing cities that look like well cities. Graphics got a nice update as well. Pipe weapons. Performance at least for me seems to be better. Love the trader changes in A20 as well. Stuff I don't like. Stealth being made completly useless, I'm sorry but ambushes and zombies coming of the close and cieling every single sleeper volume is just stupid. Once in a while would be fine but its far to often. IMO when the ambushes are triggered the zombies should NOT know where you are already they should just wander around the room. Early game these ambushes aren't that bad, mid/late game with ferals and radiated zombies they get extremly annoying as now you have 4+ ferals running at you in a small room that droped from the cieling. TL:DR get rid of most of the stupid ambush sleeper volumes as some poi's are full of nothing BUT these and its tiring, they are not fun or engaging they are just an annoyance. Stealth is also useless as zombies seem super sensitive to the slighest sounds. I walk on a wood block and zombies 30+ blocks away somehow hear it. Also stop with the sleeper positioning to always be behind blocks so you cannot use sneak attacks on them, it looks stupid for one thing, as they are too well positioned for zombies, and it hurts stealth builds. The zombies GPSing to poi's the player has entered also needs to be removed. Its extremly annoying to have to at times kill more zombies that wander in from outside than are in the actual poi. Case you don't know since A17 TPF put in a AI thing where second the player walks into a POI every spawned zombie in X distance will start to walk towards that poi, doesn't matter how quiet you are, or how good stealth is. You can test this, go into a enclosed room, where stealth is 1, use a kill all command, then advanced time so natural respawns happen and watch as they all start walking to the poi your in. Like what type of a game is TFP going for here? As it used to allow player choice in builds, and now currently it really doesn't, you pretty much have to go in guns blazing due to how useless stealth has become. Do they want a more arcade like experience? is thats what they are aiming for? or do they want more of a survival game experience like the game USED to have. I still can't see a clear vision they have yet, which is sort of sad when its been in dev for close or even more than 10 years now. Most devs have a clear vision and plan before they even start to make the game, while TFP here seems like they just decide on things on the fly.
  15. Well paint being made in a chem lab did kinda make sense, but it didn't make sense that there wasn't a maybe less efficent recipe anywhere else that gets less but can be used earlier. Then again, other than that jacket with the move speed bonus, Paint is purely mainly for deco purposes so making it easy to get as early as the camp fire, is nice.
  16. I wish the devs wouldn't be making a game they want to play in this case because its ruining it. Now do get me wrong here I am all for this usually as usually the devs make something nice, but in 7dtd its been nothing but a steady downhill spiral since after a16. A16.4's skill system was nearly perfect it just needed some tweaks, like craft quality being removed from the action skill, and instead changed to how it works in A17. Which with learn as you do levels 1, 20, 40, 60 and then 80 unlocks a perk level which gives damage bonuses etc and also up the qual yuou can craft. It was literally all A16.4's skill system needed to be fixed. Instead, we got a complete redo nobody wanted and that many people don't even like. Now we have A20, stealth has pretty much been completly killed with most of the sleeper volumes just instantly locking onto you second you walk in the room no matter how quiet you are. Now I am aware I can bash thru the wall and go in a diff way to dodge the trigger block, but this is even more lore breaking than there being a auto-aggro trigger block, I mean banging on the walls seems like the LAST thing you'd wanna do in a possibly zombie infested location. Whats even worse, is how every zombie just about is perfectly positioned to avoid sneak attacks/first strikes from outside the room. Stealth DOES work outdoors, but the main place you'd want to be using it is inside a poi not when your out in the open and can easly get away from anything or have distance. Stealth was the "Slow but safe" approach to looting, its much slower than just going in shooting/bashing/stabbing, and it also severely limits what weapons you can use since many are too noisy to be used for this purpose. Now to mention the poi's where they come out of the cieling and such, No other game really does this, and when they do its a very rare thing not a almost every single poi you into thing like it is in 7dtd, Office_04 is a prime example about how to design a poi that makes no sense. Literally every sleeper volume aggros second you walk into the room, almost every volume has 1-3 zombies that drop from the cieling. The worse though is when you go into the loot room, a zombie literally spawns to the right of you basically hugging you the second you walk in, you cannot avoid that cheapshot there. As it doesn't spawn till the volume triggers which isin't until you actually walk into the room. It spawns in the very next block beside your char. Usually in a new poi I walk in the door a block or 2, then walk back out to see what aggros from where, but that did not work here I still got a unavoidable cheapshot out of thin air. The dungeon style poi's when I first heard about these I thought "cool, might be a neat if once in a while there are these." I was not expecting almost EVERY single poi to be one of these, it makes no sense what so ever. I mean the designs are nice don't get me wrong. but like many things in 7dtd just feels completly out of place for the type of game it is. I mean if people could barricade them selves up that well, how did they all die so easly? some of those houses are more secure than a damn bank is. I will say this though the graphical look of the game is above and beyond what I ever thought it would be in a good way, but I think its time to tone down working on graphics and start working on gameplay issues and such instead, which the game has a alarming amount of issues in that section. I used to make underground bases just cuz the Si system seemed much more lenient down there. Was much easier to dig a hole for a early base than actually build something. I mean you still can, they just can now dig down to you, so its not 100% safe anymore.
  17. I actually used to do that with my vehicles etc, but it was quite inefficent, so I went back to just unloading on them with a gun. It does the job much faster.
  18. Not like you even have to make ammo with how common it is, unless you just suck at the game and have to use a gun for everything. my current game i've only used guns to kill bears or direwolves, no need to use guns on ferals, I just club em. I got the cement mixer schematic real early this game but couldn't for the life of me find the workbench, game threw me a bone though, when I ranked up from t2 to t3 a workbench was one of the choices, so you bet I took it. There are certain things in 7dtd you buy as soon as you see them: workbench, chem lab to name 2. If I don't have a chem lab and one is for sale, I will do anything I can to get my hands on it. I play with no int in my games, so I am at the mercy of rngesus for what recipes I find. I just get 1 point in adv engineering which can be gotten with base intel so I can get a forge up early. Vehicle parts especially motocycle ones I also will buy if I have the dukes even if it drains me to 0. I actually love the loot in A20, its added some needed difficulty to the game that it lacked in A19. Was far FAR to easy to get everything in A19. I like the new challenge with loot.
  19. There is a Day 2 night vulture/wolf mini wandering horde that seemed pretty consistant in terms of showing up on day 2 at night. Learned that my first game in A20 exp and now I prepare for it.
  20. Git Gud is all I can say. I kill ferals at night on day 1 with a wood club on warrior difficulty. 3 slow walking zombies should be cake. As for direwolves, when u run away from them zig-zag a bit however if your encumbered at all, your pretty much dead. I am also out questing at night on day 1. Meleeing/Using the bow to kill things. Expect the first night to be rough. As it seems wolfs and such spawn the first night at night. If I am not questing on night 1, I usually am working on my shack on stilts, so I am not on the ground for anything to get at me
  21. Iron ones end up with more HP in the end, but you need steel, so early game you'd wanna use the other ones I assume.
  22. The problem is its the same on any difficulty, Difficulty does not stop auto-aggro volumes from rushing you second you walk in, it doesn't stop zombies from being behind things constantly. Its just getting stupid now. Especially the zombies in closets, hidden walls and even dropping down from the cieling, they make NO SENSE, like what the was a zombie doing in those places anyway? its completly immersion breaking and quite frankly just unfun. Office_04 in A20 exp is a prime example of a unfun poi. literally every single sleeper volume auto-aggros second you walk in, including zombies dropping from, the cieling/walls in almost every room. Whats worse is in the loot room one of the sleepers spawns right beside the place close enough to be hugging them, this sleeper doesn't spawn till you actually walk into the room, so its a 100% cheapshot as its right beside you when it spanws. Like stealthing does save ammo when you can actually get a sneak attack which in A20 is kinda rare due to most sleeper volumes just knowing your there second you walk in and charging you. Stealth clearing is also much slower than just going in guns blazing, your trading speed for saftey. I've pretty much stopped investing in the sneak perks in A20 as they are of very little use anymore.
  23. The special zombies can also be explained by the game lore that they tried using nukes to deal with the problem but they took to long to do it, so it was too late. I mean the wasteland biome deff looks like a nuke hit it. Yeah they tried using nukes to stem the flow after a point, but all that did was breed newer stronger more mutated zombies. They made the problem worse not better.
  24. I mean with how useless stealth is in A20 you might as well. Since second you walk into the room everything most likely is going to charge you anyway. Might as well start with a big boom.
  25. On day 13 i'd still be using a baseball bat, steel club or archery to kill zombies and wouldn't even be wasting bullets, unless something like a bear, or dire wolf showed up. I feel the same way about shotguns, way to much block damage very risky to use it in most poi's as its easy to have a pellet miss then destroy a loot container behind a zombie. One time in A19 I had a horde night I used a shotgun, and by the next morning it dug a pretty big cave outside in the direction I was shooting from the stray pellets.
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