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  1. Valid point and a great perspective. I am def no game designer so there is a lot of ignorance in my thoughts. As someone pointed out above there are mods for what I am looking for so I will for sure be getting those for my plays from now on. I am in a small camp in that a continuous never ending up hill battle is fun for me. So even though it is a never ending cycle I will say that is awesome for me and what I would want. Not looking for the realism aspect just making it harder for me. But again, appreciate your contribution, and great thoughts from ya!
  2. Yeah will def check that out, thanks for the info! Love that idea, it makes the grind worth it and gives a better sense of reward for sticking through the grind. Plus, there could be so much there in terms of mechanics kinda like what you were saying.
  3. That is the case with my one buddy, goes out and about and finds tier 5 Steel tools or guns and I sob in the corner. Usually not as lucky which is why I either take it from him or work on setting up my craft skillz so I can reliably get the quality tools I want/need. But overall, yeah it will most certainly probably have a very small impact on late game players. I just want the game to be a bit more challenging then it is. I feel personally that I get to geared and set up way to quickly. I also play on survivalist difficulty, pointing this out so others cannot just say stop playing on easy.
  4. I see. I remember way back in the day when the terrain was cubic feels like eons ago. Game has really evolved and come a long way. Excited for what comes next for the game. Yeah, that is fine with me. I am sure it is probably more niche to want item degradation back in 🤪.
  5. Anyone else think that tools should degrade in quality with each repair like they use to? I think that it is dumb to make 1 top notch tool and never have to worry about making another one. The dev's changed farming from being tilled on the terrain to having to craft farm plots for balance and to me, adding back tool degradation seems a good step in balance as well, at least for me.
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