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Everything posted by Scyris

  1. Considering the base game still runs like crap even on a Geforce RTX 4090 at times, I highly doubt raytracing is going to be a good idea. They need to get the base game to run well first before remotely considering something like Raytracing. Besides 7dtd already looks way to good for what it is already, the games graphics is one thing I can't complain about as the game looks good honestly. I just wish they'd focus on making the gameplay better instead of just improving the visuals each alpha. Gameplay had gone downhill since a16.4, while the graphics have gotten better each alpha.
  2. True can't argue with that, I got good use out of this game. But it still sounds like a cop out as most games usually add new things to them over time. Rehashing the same game systems does not count as new. The new armor system feels more like a dumbing down of the game than a improvement to many older players, as why didn't they just add these armors with the current system? Before you try to say new character models, I am sure they could have gotten it to work with it, they just took the easy route of dumbing it down. Know what i'd like to see? armor drops that have stats on them, like +1 or 2 str etc, to make the skill system more viable for solo play, not a big fan of each weapon type being locked to a stat, i'd rather it be a learn by doing system for weapons and mining tools, and that controls what perks you can get for the weapons/tools instead of being locked to a stat, which is basically how 16.4 did it.
  3. I honestly don't think its going to do that well, I mean the sound of it alone already has me pretty unintersted and I love 7dtd. That and TFP doesn't have the best rep with players anymore due to many poor decisions on the direction of the base 7dtd game. I know I for one will be very hesitant to touch another game TFP makes again due to what i've seen here in this one.
  4. My main issue is basically how the game hasn't really gone anywhere since like alpha 10. I mean sure it got prettier, but essentally its the same gameplay with very little to change it up besides rendering certain playstyles unuseable. Steel for example has been the highest tier since I started playing in a10.2 and still has not been replaced with something higher. Least I think steel was in 10.2, we need a new tier of items/weapons/ammo above steel, and new zombies to kill with it and resources to collect. Then we have the pois that make no sense being one way dungeons, and the really artifical feeling placement of zombie sleepers. There is a problem with poi design when you can go into a poi you never been in and already know where the zombies will come from because they always come from there in every poi. besies, who the hell turns their house into a dungeon in the apocalpyse? it makes no sense really and just feels overly fake. Yeah yeah I know realism in aa zombie game is silly, but i mean come on... who is going to turn their house into these poi's in the apocalpyse? I mean they may block the main door/windows, but the inside will prob be pretty open still and not a maze. It just looks silly that almost every poi follows this design. I mostly play the game modded because vanilla is so mindnumbingly boring as its not gone anywhere in like 8+ years. I mean if one guy can add like 4 new tiers of zombies and 3 new tiers of gear that looks decent enough in a mod there is no reason why TFP cannot do this. I usually play vanilla once or twice per new alpha mostly to check performance then I never touch it again until the mods I like get updated for it, as vanilla is just too boring/short. Alot of the features 7dtd has now were honestly taken from mods, as most of them were avail in a mod sometimes years before the vanilla game finally got them. We had weapon mods for example back in alpha 15 or so from a mod, yeah they didn't work as well as it does now as it basically generated a new item with that effect and the mod was not removeable, but it still existed. Now before you say "You play modded so why do you care about vanilla?" as that is the usual defense people try to make, I care because I used to love vanilla, but its just been going more and more downhill with each alpha, it could be so much more than it currently is, but from what I've seen the dev team seems unintersted in really making the game what it could be. Its a shame cuz the game could have been so much better.
  5. Your forgetting the stamina bug thats been there since a17, where second u hit 74% water your hit with a hidden 20% stam regen penalty, this was normal in a16.4 and had a tooltip and status icon, but the tooltip was changed to say its at 50%, and the tooltip/status icon does not show at 74% water anymore. Its essentally a hidden debuff, its also not in the xml's at all either i've looked thru them to try to find it. Its a debuff in the code, that they need to change to take effect at 49% water to match the tooltip/status icons in the game, but in A21.. its still bugged and has not been fixed. Try it, watch how much stam u regen per tick (its 5 per tick base, 2 ticks a second it seems for 10 stam/second), below 74% water this changes to 4/tick (8 stam total per sec) with no indicator that this is happening at all other than noticing your char suddendly runs out of stamina far faster than usual. Its very noticable when sprinting around or mining when you hit that 74% or below water. I'd not be surprized to see this bug still existing in a22. Thankfully, its been reported multiple times, by not only me but others, and the devs I believe have finally acknoledged its a bug so thats some progress finally, whether it actually gets fixed or not who knows? The game has bugs that been here since alpha 10.2 and are still here. I specifically say a10.2 as thats when I personally purchaised the game, and I still run across a few bugs from back then that still exist today. I do wonder when the ambient occlusion will get edited though, if you shut it off, all the poi's seem super bright inside, almost like most of the lighting effects depend on that being on to function properly. Usually I shut AO off in games to save performance, but in 7dtd it makes such a massive diff compared to most games that it looks extremly different having it off.
  6. a16.4 as it was before the skill system went to garbage in a17+ and before the devs started removing more and more sandbox elements from the game and removed playstyles from the game.
  7. Thats how the game was in earlier alpha's there was no trader, then there was a trader but they did not have quests at first, you could just buy and sell items with them and that was it. Then the quests were added which basically broke the balance as trader quests are one of the best ways to get dukes and gear. Why would I go loot a random poi anymore when I can grab a quest to loot one instead? that will reward something usually far better than I would be able to loot. I mean tier 4 quests aren't hard and offer t3-5 steel tools and the guns like auto shotguns etc. If you do trader quests only to loot poi's well most anyway as some like crack a books or certain ones do not have quests, you can basically get fully geared just from those quests and never really have to touch the crafting system, In fact its actually more efficent to just do trader quests to explore poi's, As you not only get the loot at the end as normal you also get a decent amount of exp, dukes and a choice of sometimes some really good items. Sadly the game is basically balanced around the trader for the most part now in a21, and the jar change basically means you almost have to interact with the trader now as the thing you can loot for a chance of a filter is super rare. I honestly feel the water filters should also spawn in Lab loot crates, or even Shamway boxes as it is food/drink related. Thats because there is a max path distance for performance reasons, once your that far away from them the pathing essentally breaks and they go into random destruction mode. its not just Dishong tower either, any tall building will cause this as its too far for them to path even on horde night.
  8. Problem here is people lack self control and because they cannot control themselves they want it to be removed, nerd polling is a prime example of one of these sorts of issues, just don't use it to cheese poi's, only use it when building, the devs have taken enough sandbox elements of the game away from players since alpha 17 for no real valid reason lets not let them take another one just because people can't control themselves.
  9. This is not my first early access game, I've gotten several, this is however the only one I seen that has redone the same game systems multiple times during its alpha when it wasn't needed. a16.4 skill system was basically perfect pretty much any player who played it will tell you that, it needed a bit of tweaks yes but that was it, instead we got this stupid stat system that hurt the game for solo players. I've had the game since alpha 10.2 or so myself as I think I have mentioned. I got to be honest I don't feel the game has gone anywhere but on a downward slope that started with alpha 17. Game systems were constantly changed to force the player to play a certain way removing sandbox elements from it which was a big part of why I got it in the first place. Stealth was gutted, not just in how it works, but the way zombies are placed in poi's to almost always be behind blocks or furnature etc, it looks and feels fake like it was done on purpose to screw with certain char builds. I get the idea the devs like their jump scares but after the first time its just an annoyance, as you usually cannot attack those zombies till they pop out. There are also too many ambushes in places that make no sense. if I fall into a pit yeah I expect a ambush, but I shouldn't be getting one in almost every single room in a t3+ poi like clockwork, that just makes it boring as you always expect it. Next is the lack of items added to the game as I mentioned already, Steel has been top tier for as long as I can remember, the game needs something above that, and enemies above the current top ones, it doesn't HAVE to be before gold, but just a word from the devs that it is PLANNED is enough to satisfy some people for now. We need actual new items, not just prettier versions of the same items. The art team has done some amazing work, the game looks better graphically than it even needs to, the problem is most of the other area's. As for bandits, I don't even want them to be frank, I never did, as they just feel like a lot of cheese ways to kill the player by insta hitting aimbots. When they do come I do expect them to always drop loot, at least some ammo or something, as its going to be really silly if I can kill a bandit with a assault rifle and then I cannot loot it period when as its a human it should deff have something on its body I can use. Then we have bugs, like the long running stamina bug. If you get below 75% water, you get hit with a 20% stam regen penalty, there is no tool tip or status on the char info panel that shows this, it does not even show in any of the xml's either where most of these are, its a debuff that seems to be purely in the code. It was orignally in alpha 16.4 but it was supposed to be moved to below 50% water in Alpha 17 according to the tooltip, except the problem is, the orignal debuff is still there and still applies once your below 75% water. Only way people notice it is if you pay attention to stam regen, usually its 5 per tick when still, it goes down to 4 per tick when below 74% water and its VERY noticable when your sprinting around or fighting/mining. Its taken me from alpha 17 to a21 to finally get a dev to look into it (I believe they actually even confirmed its a bug I think finally), its still not fixed though, and I am not the only player who has noticed this bug either. The code that causes it, prob just needs to be edited and not removed, like the value that makes it hit at 74% water just needs to be changed so it hits at 49% instead. I'm not a coder though, but the code is the only place this debuff can be, as I can't find it in any xmls. I do find the below 50% water one that lowers stam etc till your above it, but not the one that hits at 74% and below water that severely hurts stam regen till your above 75% again.
  10. I honestly have very little excitement for alpha 22, it seems to be 95% art assets. Where are new tiers of items? enemies? ACTUAL friggin content? The game hasn't gone anywhere but downhill really since like after alpha 16.4. a16.4 was honestly the last good alpha the game had, its just been on a downward spiral since imo, many older players all feel the same way. Each new alpha I play a game maybe 2, then shelf it till mods I like come out as they make the game actually fun and add actual content to the games rather lacking amount of it. Some like Darkness falls has 3 tiers of weapons above steel, and like 4-6 tiers of enemies above the base radiated zombies. This game could be so much more then it is in vanilla, sadly I don't expect it to happen. Most effort seems to be into making it pretty to sell to braindead console players who base how good a game is on how pretty it looks, yeah, alot of casual gamers work this way, why do you think AAA games sell when they are mostly utter garbage? Sorry but rehashing the same game systems over and over, and making the game prettier is not content, Steel has been the top tier since I started playing which was Alpha 10.2, we need something above that in vanilla, as well as zombies to fight with that new stuff. Like I don't see any reason why the vehicles needed to be overhauled they were fine as they were. I mean they DO look cooler now I will admit, art team does good work, but i'd rather see some actual content and not just graphical updates. Still though, I got great value for my money with 7dtd, even if vanilla is pretty much crap these days compared to what it used to be. I have over 9000 hours played on steam, admittingly most of that is modded since alpha 15-16 or so. I would love for the stat system to be tossed in the garbage though, as I dispise it. Have weapons and mining tools be learn by doing skills, and those effect what level of pummel pete etc you can get. I find it extremly annoying how each gun/melee weapon type is a diff stat, its not a fun system at all for single player. It could work if you could find gear with maybe +to a stat on it randomly in loot only. So that you could maybe get a stat up 5 points from gear or something like that. One mod I play uses the vanilla stat system but has items you can craft later game that add +1 or 2 to a stat, can stack them too I think. About only thing I look forward to in a22 is any optimizations made to the game, as honestly? the games performance is still kinda iffy, especially in towns. I get a steady 60 fps, until I go into the commercial district of a town then it tanks to 20-35 average, depends what the weather is, its REALLY bad when its raining out and in the downtown commercial district, I've had my game run below 20 fps at times in these situations.
  11. yeah I never do T5 poi's they are just too massive and the loot is usually not worth the time investment needed to do the poi properly, by this I mean following the devs intended path. Some t4's are also too big for their tier.
  12. There is a bug with water and stamina regen that has been here since a17 and is still not fixed. If you go below 74% water you get hit with a 20% stam regen penalty, there is no UI tool tip, no xml reference either for this debuff. this debuff USED to be in a16.4 and had proper tool tip/icon etc, but these were removed in a17 and the debuff was supposed to be moved to under 50% water. However, it seems the devs forgot to remove the orignal debuff from the code, as even today in a21.2 you can still lose 20% stam regen once your water hits 74% and lower. Like I said you won't find this debuff in the xml's anywhere, as its a hard coded debuff it seems that needs to be removed by TFP. Its been reported multiple times and nothing is ever done to fix it, even after its been confirmed to be an issue. As for the shotgun slugs, I can admit i've never used them, vanilla shotguns have a debuff they place on anything hit that forces them to walk speed, its there on every shotgun, and as you get the perk the debuff lasts longer, it Starts at 4s, then 6s and finally 8s. You can backpedal faster than zombies can walk so with a shotgun even within 4 blocks nothing should be able to get to you if you keep shooting. This is part what makes the shotgun so good, its not just the high damage per shot/ammo, its the slow as well that makes it very useful bascially for anything. Mind you shotguns do suck for horde night due to the poor range depending on base design, the design I use for example the zombies are 13 blocks away from where I shoot, so buckshot basically is useless till they break 2 sets of bars to get closer.
  13. Your complaining about jars disappearing when you can: Carry a army of 4x4 trucks in your pocket, literally 100's of tons of materials, and other such things and jars is where you draw the line on realism? The game does not intend to be realistic at all period. Thankfully most overhaul mods let you get water how you used to, and many of them give the jars back after, so you can always find a mod to do it if you want. I honestly don't get the point to the water change to be honest. There is enough water in loot alone to keep you going, and you can have the dew collectors as well. With how much water there is in loot etc I don't even see a real point to this change at all. Well maybe it'd hurt on a server, but as single player I always had way more water than I needed even in a21. Overall the water changes didn't really increase the difficulty as they most likely intended it too, it just made the game a bit more tedious is all.
  14. That'd be a intersting way to play, Leaving it up to Rng for what you spec into based on how many mags for each stat u get or something.
  15. It'd make it simpler considering it needs 4 other mods to run, be much easier for all users to just have a single zip to extract to their 7dtd folder. This also ensures they get the exact versions of the required mods that version of The Wasteland was built on. Most overhauls do this as its just easier for the end user, also less possible bugs as if someone updates one of the required mods it *could* potentally break something. I wanna try The Wasteland mod myself, going to wait till next update most likely though. Hopefully it will all be in 1 zip with all the required mods preinstalled. I love the fallout universe, going to be intersting seeing it in 7dtd. One last question, Can you use a Random Gen map? or do you *have* to use the pregens?
  16. Any version of The Wasteland mod that has everything needed to run it in the one zip file? for A21.1? Kinda like how most other overhauls are downloaded as a single zip with everything in it to run it.
  17. Is there some way to remove duplicate trader waypoints the game adds in A21 when you go near a trader? I have several duplicates and its driving me nuts as the game does not seem to allow you to remove them at all. Thansk for any help this has been an issue since A21 experimental and still seems to not be fixed.
  18. I've been reporting this issue since the time the tooltip was changed that said it now starts at 50% water. Think that was back in a17 or 18? Bug is still here. The debuff it does is also not in the XML at all, nor does it show in the character window, or any statis icon, it did in a16, but its gone in a17+. The 74% and below one seems to be in the code only, as there is no xml reference to it anywhere. The 50% and below one is in the XML and also has a status icon.
  19. Asking because I host a game for me and a friend of mine on my own pc, that may be the cause but I am unsure, why? according to ingame he has a ping of 70-80 to me, which is fairly decent. However, he often has hits on zombies just not register, and takes hits that should not have hit him in the first place, the latter could be a player skill issue he is new to the game, but the former feels like a netcode issue. Its so bad that he can aim for the body and the arrow goes right thru the zombie when it clearly should have been a hit. I've played alot of co-op/mp games with this person, usually I host the server, and i've ONLY seen the issue this glaringly bad in 7 days to die. Most other games don't even have a issue like this. Is this going to be fixed? It has to be a terrible play experience when hits that should have connected magically do not.
  20. its kinda stupid how rare the vehicle book is in pass n gas boxes, its the same for the workstation books, you'd think you'd find them commonly inside working stiff boxes, but they are stupidly rare from what should be a primary souce just like the vehicle in pass n gas boxes.
  21. I've had that happen without anything in advanced engineering as well, just gotta get really lucky. As for vehicles I just use the bicycle (from going from tier 1 to 2 quests reward) till I can buy the parts for something better. Its not worth putting points into grease monkey just to make a vehicle a bit cheaper, there is basically no real other benefit. The biggest problem is getting the gas can recipe, that requires WAY to damn many books to get, and they removed the schematic for it. Its also silly how rare it is to ever find any vehicle magazines inside the pass n gas boxes, they seem super rare, its the same case with workstations and working stiff boxes, which should also be a primary source for that magazine yet, it rarely ever shows up.
  22. I'd take the ammo, mods are cheap to buy, 100 rounds of ammo is going to cost more than that 2x scope to buy. Plus its your first quest, make a pipe pistol and get the ammo so you have a backup. Once your more used to the game, you'll learn you can mostly melee (other than blood moons) till like day 30+ and not really use guns much.
  23. Make the glue, take gun, go loot a house's kitchen, get food. Profit. In vanilla a21 most of my food intake is from stuff I find as I loot, I just eat it on the spot. Yeah I carry a bit of food just incase, but mostly I can survive raiding kitchens early game.
  24. Mods can save the game, the mods is the only reason I even still bother with this trainwreck. I've already given up on a21 vanilla and am just wating for the overhaul mods like darkness falls, undead legacy, apocalpyse now to be updated for a21. They generally remove most of the stupid decisions TFP makes and adds a ton of new actual content, something the vanilla game hasn't really gotten in years. Sorry but, a few new buildings to explore, and prettier graphics do not count as content in my eyes. We need higher tier items, and zombies, but as i've been told, its not going to happen so, only thing to do is to mod to make the game worth playing again. Each Alpha the game goes more and more downhill it started with a17, and has just gone down the crapper since. More and more Sandbox elements keep being removed, I suspect the game is basically going to end up nothing more than a one way train ride as they tend to try to force everyone to play a certain way instead of embracing the sandbox nature of this sort of game to let them do their own thing. Its a shame as this used to be one of myt fave games and now a days? I don't really care about the base game much as the base game is pretty much dead and never going anywhere as it hasn't gone anywhere in years. I just wait for mods now, and play those as they make the game actually fun. It shouldn't be the solution but everytime you complain about the vanilla gameplay a moderator or someone usually tells you "well mod it then", as in they have no interest in fixing the issues people have. The devs do copy alot of mod features into the game, like disappearing bird nest/garbage bags? yeah mods have done that for years, but sadly they never seem to copy the good stuff: more enemies, more items, higher tiers of things etc. As to why the game keeps getting more players each alpha its simple: alot of casuals will look at the graphics of a game and thats a major influence on whether they bother or not, and TFP knows this. Basically they see the pretty graphics and try it out, its the easy casual player hook line and sinker because it works. A21 looks fantastic for this sort of game, I just wish the other teams other than the Art team would put in as much effort. Art team is great, the game looks amazing in a21 as I've said, but we need the other teams now to pick up the slack as I doubt your going to be able to push the graphics much farther.
  25. 60 min days, mostly melee too. Rarely ever use a gun before horde night unless I need to kill a doggo, or something. Using ammo on slow walking low hp zombies is just a waste of ammo for guns. I do use archery thou mostly for sneak attack 1 shots. I run a str build, Don't usually touch another stat till my str is like 7. Pummel pete, miner 69'er and motherload are the main skills I up with 1 in master chef for the craft time reduction, usually 1 in the attack speed perk too. I don't get any gun skills are they aren't really needed till ferals are everywhere. Usually by day 3-4 I have a decent baseball bat and 5+ str, and can generally 2 shot non-fat zombies with headshots with melee on warrior difficulty. T3-4 quests start giving t3-5 steel clubs and tools, I don't worry much aboyt armor padded armor works even during the feral stages in vanilla, Though I do use heavier armor once I get the book so the movement speed reduction is removed in combat. Armor slows you down way to much in 7dtd that its silly. With the crit system I much prefer to be fast and avoid hits than take them. Thats what I do, I get 1 in LotL and thats it, Corn seed's are everywhere, those animal feed pallete things in farms give 1-6 corn seeds each. I do wish Lotl 1 would lower the cost to make seeds so you could make 1 seed from 1 harvested crop and have at least 1 crop profit.
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