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Urban Blackbear

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Everything posted by Urban Blackbear

  1. A little more variety in strip clubs would be nice. More pillowfights, more chalkboards, more pompoms, etc. Just minor things really but I think it would help spice things up. The buffet could use some work too. Overall I give the POI 7.5/10 tassels. On a more serious note 7D2D is in Alpha so it's not officially rated by the ESRB but we all know it's going to get that M for Mature. Steam even warns that it "May Contain Content Inappropriate for Children".
  2. That's a hippopotamus rifle. Most dangerous creature on the African Savanna there is.
  3. We need to make it even more complicated. We need a found ammo type and a self-manufactured ammo type that each have their own failure rates. then we need to program the game to simulate getting powder blow-back in your face. Also, I'll give a cookie to anyone who can post the formula for the area of a circle without googling it first.
  4. If you really want a hard game then disallow the use of repair kits. Basically means you have to ditch everything and find or craft a new one when it breaks.
  5. I probably am way on one side of the chart. I blame my ex-wife and the greyhound pup she swore she'd help walk. I lost 50 lbs the first year with that dog.
  6. True story, I had a blackbear cub run out into the road on me a few months ago. I hit my brakes and when he started gaining on me I paced him til he ran off into the brush. 32mph. Also, the typical human is overweight and out of shape but yeah internet says 3mph walking speed. I think that's a poor estimate but I do a lot of hiking.
  7. Sorry, meant to respond to this earlier. You're right, not sure what I was thinking. I gotta stop sniffing sharpies at work.
  8. How much would you like to owe me? I didn't make a long post because the idea I was trying to impart to you was simple. Your post read like you didn't really understand how this game works and that you didn't adjust your look sensitivity in the options. You know you can do that, right? As for Apex Legends and wanting your characters in 7DTD to move like they do in a game where the player characters have parkour level skills, my advice stands. This is a game with a leveling and point system so if you want parkour level skills invest in Agility and the Parkour skill. Also look into the ways to reduce your movement penalty since that literally increases your movement ability. Also, everyone's guestimates of real life movement speeds are a little off. Usain Bolt, generally considered the fastest man currently can sprint at 26mph. A blackbear can sprint around 30 mph and a politician can backtrack at 150mph. Normal walking speed is 4-7mph.
  9. Movement is fine. Invest some points in Agility. I can jump to the top of most buildings with parkour maxed and if I'm carrying enough dukes I can basically fall a hundred feet with no issues at all.
  10. Pimp Points? Man, even working the streets is getting to be a hard business.
  11. It's not Steam. You can close the Steam program out once it launches the game.
  12. Trying to please everyone is a good way to learn that everyone is bat@%$# crazy.
  13. I do kind of wish there was more diversity in ammunition and gun types in the game but I also don't think it would add much other than more junk in my storage bins and even more struggle in finding a gun to match the ammunition you come across.
  14. Mountain lion, cougar, catamount. Poor things have had quite the identity crisis over the years.
  15. I can confirm that's a Dobson fly. The larval stage is called a hellgrammite. Bass and trout love them as bait.
  16. I always thought the recipe was funny. That's some real Army chow and it's not that bad. You want awful try the nutraloaf stuff.
  17. Hah, I wonder if the filter tip makes that not child abuse.
  18. What we really need is a set of recipes that substitutes super corn for corn. Super cornmeal, super cornbread, super corn on the cob, super pumpkin bread, super pies, super fish tacos, super chili dogs and super tuna gravy on toast. All with increased food values reflecting the difference between corn and super corn.
  19. Crates, boxes, supply drops, chests. Pretty much anywhere you'd go hunting weapons will have weapons parts in the mix.
  20. I'll take boats too. Boats float on the water, helicopters fly by throwing themselves away from the ground.
  21. I never saw a reason to use HP ammo. Useless against armored targets and unneeded vs the soft ones.
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