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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. BFT2020

    NPCMod and Addons

    Welcome to the world of modding. Be careful as it tends to be addictive. I started out just wanting to make a small modlet to make some minor changes. I am now adding custom icons, new items to the game, and overhauling several of the mechanics (at least through xml only right now) to tailor it more to my liking
  2. They are not mandatory at all. Currently on Day 70 with an upcoming blood moon horde, the only points outside of the agility tree I have spent so far are level one perks in the other attributes. There are challenges you face (like only one level of Sexy Rex in A20), but nothing that can be overcome with experience. I play a modded game where I removed recipe unlocks from perks so it is still possible to unlock everything from finding them in loot or at the traders. The only issue I have had so far is I am on Day 70 and still haven't found the workbench schematic. I been lucky to find 2 benches in trader inventory, but those are costly to purchase rather than building one myself. Agility is so misunderstood 🙂
  3. My favorite is when the grass is preventing you from getting onto your minibike - always seems to happen when you went to get away quickly
  4. Does the toolbar and hands look correct? If you hit tab, do you see the crafting menus and such? Also, have you tried shutting down your computer and restarting? In addition, try verifying your files multiple times through steam.
  5. Clubs are easier to use, but not superior to machetes, especially someone that maxes out Deep cuts and uses one effectively. You can kite an entire hoard and get bleed effects on all of the zombies, just to watch them die one by one as they bleed out trying to chase you down - clubs can't do that effectively (fire damage from burning shaft helps, but I find I get the bleeding effects a lot more than catching zombies on fire - especially when you max out deep cuts and can really stack those bleed DOTs). Clubs are better at knocking down the zombies and best for armored survivors, but those that want to travel light, bleeding and slowing down those zombies can really make a difference. Spears right now take patience to use, but they do need a buff - which they are getting with A21. The issue with batons is the lack of a T3 version. The stun baton can hold its own against the baseball bat and hunting knife, but being a T2 weapon (and the max you can get at this time), gets outmatch when compared to the Steel club (T3) and machete (T3). However, if you are focusing on the baton, you should be pushing the Intelligence attribute and get turrets maxed out. Two turrets operating at the same time with the baton makes clearing out POIs easy if you just keep planning ahead while exploring the area. This might be why there isn't a T3 baton as it may make it too OP to have a more powerful melee weapon and two operating turrets at the same time. There is unused code for a T3 plasma baton in the game files, but it looks like just a copy/paste of the T2 as the values look the same when you compare the two. When ammo is plentiful, then melee weapons do quickly become second nature. However, if you limit the ammo you are getting (and try to save it up really for horde nights), then melee weapons will still be useful at mid / late game. I am on Day 70 and I can send several radiated zombies to you as reference how powerful a Q5 machete can be with someone perked out to use it. Right now my kit consists of a Q5 machete, Q4 steel club, a Desert Vulture, and double barrel shotgun - and I always enter a new room / area of a POI with my machete ready, not any of the other gear. That is the typical way I play, agility stealth. T5s I have a standard way of working on them - starting in the morning and clearing them out before nightfall, then loot / salvage from top to bottom and take out any zombies that become curious from the little noise I am making as I gather my haul and load it up. Though T5's in the wasteland where Feral sense on......very interesting 😁
  6. Did you check your saved config files to verify that you are placing the property in each area <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> I got 20.5 files on my computer right now and the only spawn_trader is for oldwest, which is already set to false. Note, I am not sure if that will work, but it is something I would try and confirm first. You can also modify the spawning locations file if it is only doing 0,0 as the spawn location. You will have to compare the map locations to get the grid coordinates, but it is an option if all you are getting is 0,0. Edit - Ignore me. For some reason this popped up in my forums as being unread and I didn't realized that I just revived a necro post until after I hit the save button. Probably user error ðŸĪŠ
  7. Give me a day or two and I can probably have a modlet created for you to change the pickup with E to a harvest with wrench of the item. Edit: Please note that my modlet won't be a direct replacement for the Drs Pick Up Lights mod. I am just going to give the option of picking up items that the player has in vanilla to power. So any special coding that the original creator did so that other items (like Exit signs) that can be picked up and then powered by the player, I don't plan on doing - as I believe I have to make changes to the model in game for this to work properly and I am not skilled in that area.
  8. Both mods are using the interaction functionality so you can't simply do a key change to get both of them working at the same time. The second mod uses E and has a radical menu function for additional options. Haven't checked them out, but both probably change coding (c#) so uses dll files and such. The first one you listed is actually A19 while the second one was updated for A20. A workaround you could do is remove the first one and simply make changes to the blocks.xml file so that when you harvest it, it puts the item back into your inventory rather than breaking it down into components like scrap iron.
  9. Make sure Windows10 is updated verify you have the latest graphics driver from the oem And verify that your video cable is secured Not sure if you did any of those things also what do you mean by game connection graphics? is that a third party software?
  10. I also wonder what they are doing with the canned foods. If they are eating them right away rather than taking back to base and using them for the higher tier recipes, that can also lead to food issues. A can of chili by itself gives you 15 food, while just adding some meat and corn, you get 53 back if you cook it into a chili dog. Gumbo gives you 113 food back if you save the stock, peas, and canned beef. Eating the canned food at the start is fine if you are hurting for food, but by mid game you should start saving it for the higher tier foods to get more back from them.
  11. 😅 I wouldn't worry about that. Mine right now is simply called All in One, which simply means it is all the various ideas I have / had on the game rolled into one massive mod; rather than various modlets
  12. Have you signed up to the modding discord and asked for assistance there? Traffic is higer there than this site so more eyes on it
  13. I can't read or speak German (I believe that is German) so I don't know the tasks you have laid out, but there is no shame in dividing up that big list into several smaller ones. You can have them active at the same time so you are still progressing on all of them as you progress through the game, but breaking them up into subgroups would make it less overwhelming. I removed the perk books from the traders and loot tables, and made them rewards when you complete specific tasks. Some are available at the same time (like the tasks for the Mining books or lucky looter) while others are defined in series to force you to progress (like Pistol Pete where you first have to kill with the pipe pistol, then the 9mm, then the SMG). I know you can add more tabs / pages to the windows (as Khaine done it in his Darkness Falls mod), but not sure if you can do it for all of the windows (including quests). To start with, I would recommend looking at the Perks / Skills window to see how they have set it up as that one has the multiple tabs for each attribute and the perk books.
  14. Personally, I prefer struggling to getting by with hard work. With vanilla, once I reach a certain point in the game, it just seems to be too easy to survive. No issues with ammo, no issues getting gear or anything I may need. There are ways to artificially increase the difficulty, but I am not a big fan of bullet sponges that run faster than me (to make it more difficult). You can even stop doing missions and just loot POIs at a certain point. All the extra gear you find you can easily sell back to the trader to earn a ton of dukes. At that point, continuing on is until I get bored and start over. But I know that my vision of how to play is not the same that others would want, which is why I am extremely glad that this middle aged gamer can mod the game to his desires. My current playthrough I am around Day 54 with the next horde coming up soon. I got 0 Q6 gear as the only ones I found so far have long been used up and broken. I am still using my minibike as I haven't found the schematic to unlock the motorcycle accessories yet. I got enough food and drink to last me the next 3 days with a supply of about 54 murky water that I been gathering by looting any toilet or water fountain I have found while looting (and even that is being rationed between glue production, food production, and drinks). Am I struggling? Not at all, as I can now craft a Q5 smg and Q5 machete. However, I am clearly not thriving as I have to work hard to replenish my ammo supplies from the last horde night and constantly having to replace broken gear......and I am finding that this has been so much fun (when you get excited finding a half damaged Q4 wrench in loot, I know I am doing it right 😉 ). A21 I am anticipating and already decided to play vanilla a few times to see what the team has done. But I know I will probably eventually modify my mod to work with A21 as my playstyle / vision is not the same as TFP. And I am okay with that.😁
  15. @bdubyah @RipClaw Both approaches are legitimate ways to limit gasoline, but have different pros and cons (though these will change in A21) Keeping it as is, you are dependent on RNG (but can use perks in certain instances) in order to get supplies of gas) - beaker, chemistry station (perk also), gas recipe (perk also). But once you got all of those items, the only thing limiting you at that point is A) time to mine the resources, and B) capacity (how many chem stations you have up and running). And at end game, it really is trivial at that point to make gasoline. Changing the recipe, reducing yield - as of A20, still depends on RNG, but with A21, some of the unlocks will now be tied to the magazines. Depending on how you change the recipe and yield amounts, this would increase the effort required to produce gasoline. Sure you can still harvest a ton of shale, but that decreases the time you would spend on other activities. EDIT - you can also increase the time to craft it. Another approach - remove shale as a source of gas altogether (leave it for oil though). Add gasoline as purchasable from traders. Then your sources are just finding it as loot or buying it from traders. This would be the more extreme way of limiting gas. Might have to add a biofuel option that players can gather and craft to supplement the gas from the traders. Heck, you could even combine it with @doughphunghusidea about higher grade gasolines. Maybe have the lower quality engine items (minibike, tools, generators) run off of either biofuel or gasoline, but items like the motorcycle, 4x4, and gyro require gasoline only.
  16. Figured it out, you need to have a NPC interaction as the first phase I modified your code to make it Tier 1 and gather fibers, but here is what I added: <objective type="RandomGotoNPC" phase="1"> </objective> <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceYuccaFibers" value="10" phase="2"/> <objective type="ReturnToNPC"> <property name="phase" value="3"/> <property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" /> </objective> <objective type="InteractWithNPC"> <property name="phase" value="3"/> <property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" /> </objective> And added one to the phase starting with the FetchKeep objective. SS below, don't mind the issues on the name and description as I didn't have your localization file and was too lazy to create my own.
  17. That is what I have gone for. I imagine the timeline as being further along so anything you pull from vehicles has to be processed first to be usable - but that's because I like games where you forced to prepare ahead of time and punished if you don't (quarter of tank of gas and long drive, but don't take any spare gas with you - expect to walk back to your base when you run out). Added bonus is processing it requires more materials and you don't get back a 1:1 ratio of fuel. I understand why they are doing what they are doing (based on their objectives and vision). But it is great that they have made this game easy to mod so if you want to put your different vision on the game, you have the capability of doing so based on your skillset. I like this idea myself, I may use it as a jumping point for what I am working on 😉
  18. You want set instead of setattribute. Setattribute is trying to add a new attribute to the line when you just want to change the value. So what is happening is the game is trying to create the line based on your coding: <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$PlayerLevelBonus" operation="set" value="100" value='900'> so your first line should be <set xpath="/buffs/buff[@name='buffStatusCheck01']/effect_group/triggered_effect[@cvar='@PlayerLevelBonus' and @value='100']/@value">900</set> You also should note that you need the @ on both the cvar and value (inside the triggered_effect portion of your code).
  19. What level are you with the trader? In your quest, you have it set at difficulty_tier of 3 which means given at the Tier 3 quests. If you are only level 1 with the trader right now, then just change the tier from 3 to 1 and then refresh. I 'believe' that is what controls where the trader gives out the quest, but I only did it once before as an experiment and that was some time ago.
  20. Now I am curious about this, or maybe just curious about the testing part. When you advance time, are you advancing the actual date and time or changing the rate that time changes (sorry at work so I can't reference exactly what it says in debug mode)? Adjusting the rate that time changes in game should not affect spawns (in theory) because that would be the same as make the adjustment in the options menu prior to starting the game and I didn't notice any issues with zombies spawning. Also from previous experience, I know that 120 minutes per day is 4 on the slider while 60 minutes per day is 5.
  21. Thanks @khzmusik! I was on the right path (pun intended) but didn't think about seeing where he was placing the initial quest in his file. @Taien Try the changes that khzmusik gave you and it should work now. And welcome to modding! I did the same type of issue on the loot file early in my mod (I referenced a loot group that wasn't established until later in the file) so I automatically now try to place things in logical order when I do it. I didn't put 2 + 2 together because my error message specifically told me that the lootgroup didn't exist rather than the general null reference error we see for a lot of issues. Off topic, but is this step necessary? Meaning having to type in exportcurrentconfigs? What I have been doing is load up a new game with my changes in the mod folder, get to the point where the survivor has woken up (and I click on all the automatic messages at the start), then close the game. Every time I did it this way, I was able to find my save config files and review them to see if my code is doing exactly like I want it to. Curious if I am missing out on any important debugging information by not doing this step above. Thanks!
  22. Khaine has an armor mod in Darkness Falls that has this effect. Neebs from Neebs gaming has it installed right now in his armor to great comedic affect in their current DF playthrough.
  23. This is something I can get behind. I made a few changes on my end and while gas is still plentiful, not as easy to obtained in the past (still testing though). Removing the ability to repair items - so having to make choices of doing a ton of mining versus using the tools for base upgrades Slower progression on locking the vehicles at minibike or further - finally found the desert after the 4th horde night and still haven't started mining any shale Changed the recipe (added requirement of cloth and coal for filtering) Even went as far as changing the gas you find in vehicles in pumps / vehicles to gas that first needs filtering to be able to use (and losing a part of it in the process) It will be interesting to see what changes they made for A21 as hinted by Laz Man in his post.
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