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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Are you looking for something to be insulted by? That's a bit of a stretch there.
  2. In game development cycles, new content is heavy at the beginning and starts to taper off once the game gets closer to release. This is what we are seeing with 7D2D now. As the game is getting closer to final release, new content starts to reduce while they concentrate on working on the stuff already in the game (i.e. artwork updates).
  3. Do you got other mods installed? Also the logfile from the games session when this occurs would be helpful.
  4. FranticDan has a good mod to increase the difficulty of the game, might be something you are looking for. Not a complete overhaul like Darkness falls or Undead Legacy are. I am also working on a pet project myself changing how the game is played, but not going into an overhaul either. But mine won't be released until after A21 drops and I can finish it up at that point. Plus, I have some weird tastes when it comes to survival gaming so it might not be up your alley
  5. @ZombieMikeG Sorry about that, had a field trip with my oldest son in the week so I been away for a few days and then catching back up on work Link below for the modlet https://github.com/BFT2020/No-Guns.git Everything loaded up fine, but haven't play-tested it. If you need changes, just reach out to me and I can make adjustments (probabilities, counts, etc). Changes Removed guns, ammo for guns, and specific ammo crafting elements for guns from the loot tables Removed the above from trader quest rewards Removed the above from trader inventories Removed the above crafting recipes Removed the above perks Did note change Left all the perk books alone Left the weapon mods alone
  6. The majority of people who disagree are not hostile to those that don't have the same opinions. Yes, there have been a few cases where someone stepped over the line, but that doesn't speak for the majority of people that are active in the forums. And in those cases, the moderators have stepped in. Besides, you can easily switch what you both have stated. There has been hostility directed towards those that support TFP. Hell, I got 3 private messages one night from a forum member telling me to leave because nobody likes me, that I am worthless, and that they were going to find me and physically hurt me...just because I didn't agree with some of the things they posted.
  7. That's your opinion. Glad that it isn't the way things run around here. Glad that the Moderators engage with us in everything we ask / discuss / talk about in the forums.
  8. Try changing the following line in the POI files for each trader - Never done this before so not sure if this is the method of turning trader protection on/off What Khaine has set it to <property name="TraderAreaProtect" value="-41,0,-40" /> What vanilla is set to <property name="TraderAreaProtect" value="20,0,20" /> The files will be xml files and start with trader_NAMEofTRADER. Each trader has their own file.
  9. Add count="All" to the first line naming this lootgroup. Then each item will spawn in. Remove the probability for the SelectionToken
  10. Will take a bit longer than expected though. I got the loot changes made, but adding some more QoL changes to go with the spirit of what you are wanting: Completed Removed guns from loot - replaced with one forged iron Changed ammo to gunpowder Remove gun parts from loot - replaced with scrap iron Left to do Removing mods that only affect guns Removing the schematics for guns and the mods above Removing the recipes and unlocks for guns (so you don't see them anymore) Removing perk books for guns Also are explosives still good? I did remove the rocket launcher but left everything else in.
  11. Yeah, that was what I was thinking which is why I asked the OP what their probability attempt target was. @Arty1 To expand on khzmusik's comments: Loot container <!-- cntBuriedWeaponChest --> <lootcontainer id="122" name="buriedSuppliesT2" count="2,3" size="8,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_chest" sound_close="UseActions/close_chest" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> <item group="groupBuriedWeaponChest"/> </lootcontainer> So 50/50 chance that either 2 or 3 items will be in the container From the loot group (with the new loot group items) <lootgroup name="groupBuriedWeaponChest"> <item group="groupWeaponsAllScaled" prob="2"/> <item group="groupArmorScaled" prob="1"/> <item group="groupModAllScaled" prob="1"/> <item group="schematicsModsAndGeneralCommon" loot_prob_template="high"/> <item group="schematicsModsAndGeneralRare" loot_prob_template="low"/> <item group="InfinityItems" count="1" loot_prob_template="high" force_prob="true"/> </lootgroup> The loot probability is based on totaling up the numbers and then divided by the specific item or group. So in this case: 2+1+1+0.75+0.2+0.75 = 5.7 Your new group: .75/5.7 or around 13% chance (for each pick) So can fiddle around with the numbers to change the probabilities. Another thing you can do is use All in count. For example, <lootgroup name="groupBuriedWeaponChest" count="all"> <item group="groupWeaponsAllScaled" prob="2"/> <item group="groupArmorScaled" prob="1"/> <item group="groupModAllScaled" prob="1"/> <item group="schematicsModsAndGeneralCommon" loot_prob_template="high"/> <item group="schematicsModsAndGeneralRare" loot_prob_template="low"/> <item group="InfinityItems" count="1" loot_prob_template="high" force_prob="true"/> </lootgroup> What that does is force the game to look at each lootgroup inside of it. So you can easily get a lot more stuff as each line has a chance to spawn on the first pick, then repeats again on the 2nd and possibly 3rd pick. Probably for you, the best thing to do is just to change the probability numbers of the lootgroup.
  12. Err nm, that is not the cause. I tried it and it put it on my game. However, you have some syntax errors in your append statement: <append xpath='//lootgroup[@name="groupBuriedWeaponChest"]'> should be <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupBuriedWeaponChest']"> Are you wanting a chance for them to appear or guaranteed to be in there?
  13. Check your append path. It is adding it not to the group, but after the group. You need to go one more level to add it inside the group. If you go to the roaming save files, the game creates config files after the mods are loaded in. You can see where your mod is placing the code
  14. Have you tried the following: Verify that Microsoft Xbox game bar is installed and active Verify that all file are updated
  15. If you are eating glass just to super heal, the issue lies with you my friend, not the game
  16. For the new spikes, don't you also need to have a new spike master in the materials file? For example wood spikes From blocks <block name="trapSpikesWoodMaster"> <property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/> <property name="Class" value="TrunkTip"/> <property name="BlockTag" value="Spike"/> <property name="Damage" value="33"/> <property name="Damage_received" value="33"/> <property name="Material" value="MtrapSpikesWood"/> <property name="MaxDamage" value="33"/> <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/> <property name="Model" value="Entities/Traps/woodSpikesTrapPrefab"/> <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="false"/> <property name="ImposterExclude" value="true"/> <property name="Collide" value="movement,melee"/> <property name="LightOpacity" value="6"/> <property name="Path" value="solid"/> <property name="FuelValue" value="1000"/> <!-- <property name="BuffsWhenWalkedOn" value="trapDamageZombie"/> --> <property class="RepairItems"> <property name="resourceWood" value="10"/> </property> <property name="CustomUpgradeSound" value="place_block_wood"/> <drop event="Destroy" name="resourceWood" count="2,6"/> <drop event="Fall" count="0"/> <property name="Group" value="Tools/Traps"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="trapSpikesGroupDesc"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="30"/> <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="20"/> <property name="FilterTags" value="MC_building,SC_traps"/> <property name="SortOrder1" value="70g0"/> </block> From materials <material id="MtrapSpikesWood"> <property name="damage_category" value="wood"/> <property name="surface_category" value="wood"/> <property name="forge_category" value="wood"/> <property name="Hardness" type="float" value="1"/> <property name="stepsound" value="wood"/> <property name="stability_glue" value="20"/> <property name="Mass" type="int" value="5"/> <property name="MaxDamage" value="33"/> <property name="movement_factor" value="0.18"/> <property name="Experience" value="2"/> </material> I would start there first (if I was you, I could be wrong though). As for the second part, it doesn't show an icon because you haven't defined an icon for it <property name="CustomIcon" value="foodCropYuccaFruit"/> Creative Mode needs to be set to Player, not None
  17. The problem is not on their side. Their product (the Steam client) uses the embedded Google Chromium browser for a lot of the core functions of their client. And Google has stopped supporting Chromium for Windows 7. Throw in the fact that Microsoft themselves has stopped supporting Windows 7 and 8 which has its own issues. Both Google and Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7 about 2 years ago. Steam kept it going for awhile, but eventually everyone was going to have to make a decision on their OS if they want to continue running Steam. You have options. You are focused on Windows OS, but Linux OS does run on older versions (though I know nothing of the age of your hardware) so that is a possibility for you. You can try and upgrade to Windows 10 to see if that will work for you. You can upgrade your computer (seeing how old you state it is). Also, want to point out, you don't own the game; you just purchase a license that allows you to download and play the game.
  18. That change doesn't just affect 7D2D, it affects all games run through Steam. I don't believe that Offline mode will work after January 2024 (though I could be wrong). Offline mode just removes the requirement of being on the internet, but still runs the exe application for Steam. Based on what Steam has stated, the steam client won't run on those old OS after January 2024. Even then, you wouldn't be able to update the game anymore (so your last version will be A21). In your case since it doesn't sound like you want to upgrade your computer to run at least Windows 10, you can always switch to Linux OS. I believe that 7D2D works with Linux OS and we have people here in the forums that know a lot more details about that setup (I have Win10 so I am not as aware of Linux as others here are).
  19. One wonders if people already make up an opinion on something based on a youtuber they follow, then go into that area and only grasp the things that reinforce that opinion while ignoring anything that counters that opinion..... 🤔 That's my deep thought for the week
  20. Well, at least I won't be getting any private messages threatening me.
  21. What's your tolerance? 94 +1/-10% ? ☺️
  22. Blade traps are affected by the Advanced Engineering perk and will give experience on kills to the player if they perk in to level 3 or higher. Any trap considered electrical would give a player credit if they perk into Adv Engineering.
  23. The release date on A21 will depend on how many of the mf bugs (must fix) that are completed and when the team is comfortable with A21 being released in the experimental stage. Since you cannot quantify how long it will take to fix the mf bugs (along with testing the changes to verify they work and check for unseen side affects from the changes), the timing cannot be given in a definite release date. Rick likes to give estimates, but the actual release date of the next Alpha will always depend on where they are at with quashing the bugs that have cropped up.
  24. The only thing that affects would be the dropped bags from the zombies during horde night, and assuming that they drop inside the POI boundary. Bases from scratch don't need a loot bonus to get people to build them.
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