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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Actually, I been looking forward to this change now; especially the fact that you can't craft a Q5 autoshottie as soon as you can craft a Q5 double barrel. But then again, I modded my game to remove the recipes from perk unlocks so it aligns more with my playstyle so me looking forward to it is natural. There are some other positives about it that don't get mentioned as much (at least from my perspective): Old system - you randomly find schematics and will often find ones you already either unlocked or read New system - each time you find the magazine for that crafting skill, you increase your level with it - maybe unlocking the next Quality tier or next tier of weapon This might seem minor, but seeing yourself making progress is motivating rather than finding 10 schematics and you already have all of them unlocked Old system - you couldn't increase the odds of finding a specific schematic unless you find certain crates - which is why Crack a Book POIs were highly sought out New system - if you perk into Shotgun Messiah, you increase your chances of finding those magazines Also New system - hints by Roland and Laz Man indicate that just going to a specific POI has a bigger chance of finding a specific magazine now Old system - how many times have we opened up crack a book crates or looted shelves and our reward was paper? New system - with all of the crafting skill categories, magazines will be more abundant and a lot less paper found when search for crafting skill mags
  2. Um, I am pretty sure water is still in the game. Otherwise faatal spent a lot of work on water mechanics for nothing 😉 Perks have to be revamped because of the changes to the crafting system. So it is only natural to revisit all of the perks and see what makes sense and what doesn't. And changing Sex Rex was a natural go. If you look at the current system, strength tree has is OP when you look at melee fighting - it has sex rex as one of the perks you can spec into as you raise your strength level. On top of that, once you complete the Batter Up book series, you get your stamina refreshed every time you get a kill. So now with the change, other melee weapons can get a stamina benefit without having to drop up to 8 points in strength to max out Sex Rex. Plus, other changes are coming that we won't find out (probably) until A21 is dropped - that has been hinted already by the people testing out A21 and visit the forums. Jars - Depends on what you mean by not broken. If by not broken means not having to make much of an effort to obtain water in the game, then yes, it is not broken. But at that point, you might as well remove hydration meter and dirty water / boiled water from the game as it is trivial anyways - at most it takes up spots in your inventory. If by broken you mean that it is just a trivial part of the game and really doesn't affect survivability, then re-examining the water situation and coming up with a new method is very much needed. In addition, calling Sex Rex "classic" 7D2D is a stretch, a very big stretch......The current Attribute trees / Perks system we see today was no part of the original development stages in 7D2D. If I am remembering correctly, what we have today came about around A17 - prior to that it was LBD (and not sure what it was prior to that).
  3. Use an existing modlet as an example, copy this code into a loot.xml file <config> <!-- ************************************************** Changing egg loot rate in nests ************************************************** --> <!-- Vanilla 7D2D is medLow. Choices are: veryLow (0.05) low (0.2) medLow (0.35) med (0.5) medHigh (0.63) High (0.75) --> <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupBirdNest02']/item[@name='foodEgg']/@loot_prob_template">medHigh</set> <!-- These lines guarantee an item will be pulled from lootgroup GroupBirdNest02. Remove the comment code to enable this code --> <!-- <removeattribute xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupBirdNest']/item[@group='groupBirdNest02']/@loot_prob_template"></removeattribute> <setattribute xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupBirdNest']/item[@group='groupBirdNest02']" name="count">1</setattribute> --> </config> In the example above, I changed the drop rate from 0.35 to 0.63. In addition, I put in code that goes from a 0.75 chance to pull something from groupBirdNest02 to a guaranteed pick from it. However, that is currently commented out (remove <!-- and --> around that code - will be the two lines that start with <removeattribute and <setattribute). Here is one of my previous modlets I did, you can download it and fix it. Just open the loot file in it and replace all the text in it with the code above. Then remove all files except the loot.xlm file in the config folder - leave the modInfo file in the mod folder. It will load up as NoJars but will change the nests if you copy and paste the above code into loot.xml. Please note that I didn't test this code out. Normally I write up the code, then load it up to verify no syntax errors on my part, then check it out in game to see if it works properly.
  4. I've seen modlets to change the chance of eggs dropping (and increasing quantities), but I don't recall seeing one that had a different loot schedule. In the case of bird nests, they are setup as the class "Loot"; which based on my limited technical knowledge, handles the loot settings (so if you change the UI setting from every 7 days to never, then all containers with the class "Loot" would not respawn their loot). In order to separate it from the normal loot schedule, you would need to create a new class (for example, Loot2) and then code on how the game sets that loot schedule. Another approach (and this was done in Darkness Falls) is to tie something to PlantsGrowing. Khaine did it for his chicken coops. In theory, with a bit of code changes you can change the bird nests to behave like crops where they would change until they are harvestable. Then when you harvest them, they return back to the beginning state like they did in Alpha 19. If nobody else comes in with a modlet that does exactly what you want, I might have something in a day or two that changes bird nests to behave like crops where you can harvest them after x time. I might even write up the code today during my break at work so I can start testing it at night.
  5. BFT2020


    For those that play DiD, do you count those as deaths and restart, or do you continue on and count that one as a glitch death? I’ve done both, but typically it was for when a bear glitched into my area through a 1 block hole - so not very often
  6. FranticDan has already made some very good points, so I won't repeat those; but I will add some more that I use when I play: Ladders in hotbar are a must (to quickly climb up walls) along with spike traps. Roof tops are great if you get into a pickle and crouching while using it to block their line of sight causes them to lose interest in tracking you down. Spike traps are great to get them to damage / kill themselves and slow them down. I have had times where my line of placed spike traps delayed some zombies that sensed me with Feral Sense on. Inventory management is required - if you are encumbered, you are asking to become a zombie snack. Secure storage boxes ready to place down are a must. Only carry what you need right that moment, don't worry about building up resources for crafting later game items. If it isn't something you can use that minute, then it is better to come back for it later. Crouch / walk most of the time. You need to spot the zombies first, getting that first sneak shot arrow hit is key - headshot is best. Go slow at first, especially beginning game. Pick out easy POIs to clear out first. First week as I am trying to get armor, better tools, and weapons, I will only do one POI a day (60 minute days), unless there are two low level ones next to each other; but I always leave time to get back safely to my night location as quietly as possible and undetected - which may require backtracking - a lot. If you are playing with the 4 easy perk points at the beginning, I tend to spec into Deep Cuts (Q2 bone knife and slow on bleed), Cardio (stamina regen when running), hidden strike (for extra damage), and parkour (for reduced jumping stamina). From the shadows is also a good one to get them to lose interest in your faster (along with archery for better bow and damage). One zombie is easy to handle if you follow the above. Two is tricky, but doable. Three or more, it is better to use ladders you already placed in strategic areas to get out of harms way and try to get them to ignore you. Then pick them off with arrows (sneak damage). Zombie dogs - forget them. If you haven't seen me yet, back off unless you got a lot of arrows and a high ground they cannot reach. Don't engage zombies just to get extra XP. If they are running away (like a wandering horde), let them be. Right then, they are not doing anything to you, so why not just let them go? 🙂 Don't get focused on that one zombie. Hit them and run away, keeping an eye for any additional Z's that get interested in what you are doing at that moment. You make a mistake and it will cost you, maybe even to the point you die. But that is the whole point of Insane / Nightmare speed, to challenge you.
  7. I don't know why, but I really want to see some gameplay where someone forgets and punches one 😁 Also, for future reference, hitting * on the number keypad while in debug mode turns zombie AI on or off. That way you can spawn them in first, and move out of the way , then activate it for any instructional videos.
  8. Something else you can try too, but I never tried it before <spawner name="zombieMoeRadiated"> <gamestage stage="1"> <spawn group="zombieMoeRadiated" num="1" maxAlive="1" duration="10"/> </gamestage> </spawner> You can try changing the gamestage number for each type of zombie to see if they spawn in later. All of them currently are set to 1 so I think it is just probability and internal code that determines when the harder zombies spawn in. If you change it to say 50, that might limit it to spawning in at GS 50 or later (not sure, like I said never tried it before). An easy way to try is maybe changing a lot of the basic zombies to a higher level and seeing if they don't spawn in early game.
  9. Sorry if you were stranded on a deserted island, how would you have electricity for 1,2,3, & 4 🤔
  10. Obviously that is the next mutated form of Godzilla
  11. Both knives and batons are great early game melee weapons, but are always complained about in the forums - probably because they are not OP like the clubs which don't take much to use. Both weapons favor hit and run tactics which seems a tactic that others don't want to use. Also clubs are more forgiving if people get in a pickle so more likely chosen over viable alternatives like the baton and knife. I can't recall the last time I used the club as my main melee weapon, I just know I had one until I was able to get my hands on bones to make a bone knife or materials to make a pipe baton.
  12. Check out both gamestage xml and entitygroups xml Gamestage <spawner name="ZombieNightClubHorde"> <gamestage stage="1"> <gamestage stage="50"> <spawn group="ZombieNightClubGroupGS50" num="1" maxAlive="1" duration="1"/> </gamestage> <gamestage stage="100"> <gamestage stage="200"> <gamestage stage="400"> <gamestage stage="800"> </spawner> corresponding part in entitygroups <entitygroup name="ZombieNightClubGroupGS1"> <entitygroup name="ZombieNightClubGroupGS50"> <entity name="zombiePartyGirl" prob="0.85"/><entity name="zombiePartyGirlFeral" prob="0.1"/> <entity name="zombieBusinessMan" prob="0.75"/><entity name="zombieBusinessManFeral" prob="0.1"/></entitygroup> <entitygroup name="ZombieNightClubGroupGS100"> <entitygroup name="ZombieNightClubGroupGS200"> <entitygroup name="ZombieNightClubGroupGS400"> <entitygroup name="ZombieNightClubGroupGS800"> You can change the probability and what spawns at what gamestage (even change the gamestage)
  13. Though people tend to forget retreating and running away is always an option if you bit off more than you can chew. I did that when I went exploring the new mansion POI on day 2 to turn it into my base. 🤔
  14. Yes and to make it realistic, you miss 19 out of 20 shots trying to act like you are in an action movie. 🤔 😅
  15. I am starting to feel this is less of a problem, and more forcing others to play a certain way. 🤔
  16. FYI I don’t think any of the perk books require a mod in your weapon for it to apply, though I haven’t check too closely. I believe that they only look for a specific weapon tag or affect specific weapon properties. They do though unlock some mod crafting recipes.
  17. I don’t know this mod very well, but that weapon was removed from vanilla. Is it still in the mod?
  18. Does this mod still have it, because it was removed in vanilla
  19. Crafting was changed in Ravenhearst to make it more complex. Are you sure you got everything needed to craft it? Are you crafting it in the right workstation?
  20. What full auto perk? From Pistol Pete -AP Ammo -HP Ammo -Increase durability -Swiss knees - leg shots stacking -Take aim - improve range when using sights (not hip firing) -Steady hand - reduces spread when rapid firing - does not required the auto mod -Damage - straight damage buff -Completion - ignores armor and causes bleed affects All these are applied to items tagged 9mmGun (which includes the SMG) If you are talking automatic weapons books, they don't apply to pistols (only for items tagged with perkBookAutoWeapons or Automatic weapon specific properties).
  21. You may not want A21, but there are those of us who are looking forward to it. Better idea, you skip A21 while the rest of us play it 😁 You are also assuming that everyone at TFP are just working on A21. While a lot of work is ongoing for the A21, I bet there is still work going on for other aspects of the game that are not ready for A21 release.
  22. Fallout is not an Activision game ........ and all Fallout games have been on the PC, so even if this was to block the Microsoft / Bethesda merger, it wouldn't prevent the games from being on the PC. The concern is that the merger would lead to Microsoft preventing games from being played on non-Microsoft systems
  23. Safe to ignore, those warnings I see all the time. Not sure, but I think it has to do with separate regions (biomes) on the map and those items are from a POI that is straddling both biomes. It would be interesting if you went to those coordinates and took a screenshot of that location. I also could be wrong, I vaguely remember this being discussed before but don't think it was this year. Also note that it is talking about not being able to add a child to position, that makes me think of Parent / Child relationships. If you go to those exact locations, you will still see the block in question, just it wouldn't have established the Parent / Child relationship. Maybe someone with better technical information on what TFP are doing with regards to biomes / POIs / blocks and Parent/Child relationships could fill in the blanks better than I can.
  24. Surprisingly I never used automatic doors in A20 so everything I know is based on A19, but like theFlu stated, cameras detect you when you are in the vehicle. I had two garage doors setup with cameras on the outside to open up. Both the motorcycle and 4x4 worked as I just had to drive up and it would open automatically without me getting out of the vehicle. I used pressure plates inside (for me to step on prior to getting inside the vehicle) as the cameras kept opening up while I was working in that location (I had storage and crafting stations in that location so constantly tripping the cameras). Not sure if I ever tried a switch to turn off the cameras in those situations, and never thought about trying trip wires for vehicles (will have to try that next time). Though in that case, my main base was also my horde base so I spent more time thinking on how I was going to fortify it for the next horde night so QoL improvements were lowering on the list.
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