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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. FYI I don’t think any of the perk books require a mod in your weapon for it to apply, though I haven’t check too closely. I believe that they only look for a specific weapon tag or affect specific weapon properties. They do though unlock some mod crafting recipes.
  2. I don’t know this mod very well, but that weapon was removed from vanilla. Is it still in the mod?
  3. Does this mod still have it, because it was removed in vanilla
  4. Crafting was changed in Ravenhearst to make it more complex. Are you sure you got everything needed to craft it? Are you crafting it in the right workstation?
  5. What full auto perk? From Pistol Pete -AP Ammo -HP Ammo -Increase durability -Swiss knees - leg shots stacking -Take aim - improve range when using sights (not hip firing) -Steady hand - reduces spread when rapid firing - does not required the auto mod -Damage - straight damage buff -Completion - ignores armor and causes bleed affects All these are applied to items tagged 9mmGun (which includes the SMG) If you are talking automatic weapons books, they don't apply to pistols (only for items tagged with perkBookAutoWeapons or Automatic weapon specific properties).
  6. You may not want A21, but there are those of us who are looking forward to it. Better idea, you skip A21 while the rest of us play it 😁 You are also assuming that everyone at TFP are just working on A21. While a lot of work is ongoing for the A21, I bet there is still work going on for other aspects of the game that are not ready for A21 release.
  7. Fallout is not an Activision game ........ and all Fallout games have been on the PC, so even if this was to block the Microsoft / Bethesda merger, it wouldn't prevent the games from being on the PC. The concern is that the merger would lead to Microsoft preventing games from being played on non-Microsoft systems
  8. Safe to ignore, those warnings I see all the time. Not sure, but I think it has to do with separate regions (biomes) on the map and those items are from a POI that is straddling both biomes. It would be interesting if you went to those coordinates and took a screenshot of that location. I also could be wrong, I vaguely remember this being discussed before but don't think it was this year. Also note that it is talking about not being able to add a child to position, that makes me think of Parent / Child relationships. If you go to those exact locations, you will still see the block in question, just it wouldn't have established the Parent / Child relationship. Maybe someone with better technical information on what TFP are doing with regards to biomes / POIs / blocks and Parent/Child relationships could fill in the blanks better than I can.
  9. Surprisingly I never used automatic doors in A20 so everything I know is based on A19, but like theFlu stated, cameras detect you when you are in the vehicle. I had two garage doors setup with cameras on the outside to open up. Both the motorcycle and 4x4 worked as I just had to drive up and it would open automatically without me getting out of the vehicle. I used pressure plates inside (for me to step on prior to getting inside the vehicle) as the cameras kept opening up while I was working in that location (I had storage and crafting stations in that location so constantly tripping the cameras). Not sure if I ever tried a switch to turn off the cameras in those situations, and never thought about trying trip wires for vehicles (will have to try that next time). Though in that case, my main base was also my horde base so I spent more time thinking on how I was going to fortify it for the next horde night so QoL improvements were lowering on the list.
  10. Mu response to a similar question in the Mods Discussion area Go to gamestages.xml and you can make some minor adjustments daysAliveChangeWhenKilled="2" difficultyBonus="1.2" startingWeight ="1" diminishingReturns ="0.5" lootBonusEvery = "12" lootBonusMaxCount = "30" lootBonusScale = "25" /> <!-- the DifficultyBonus parameters are now flat multipliers. 2.0 = 2x the gamestage. Simple. --> <!-- lootBonus changes blood moon drop rates every x zombies, up to max chances, by scale --> To make more changes, you would need to do some c# changes to the base code and here is more information on the gamestage calculation (if you care) There is a metric which maps a player or group of players to a game stage number. daysSurvived: This is a running total, kept for every individual player. Every 24 hours GAME time 1 (day) is added. On every death "daysAliveChangeWhenKilled" is subtracted from the total. After this the daysAlive is capped. It is low-capped at 0, high-capped at "your player level". At player level 41 you can have a daysSurvived value anywhere from 0 to 41. gameStage = ( playerLevel + daysSurvived ) * difficultyBonus
  11. I loved the updated models from A20 and can’t wait until seeing what else they have updated
  12. I did the same thing when I first saw this topic. I think the first 5 hits made the similar claim, but the next one on the front page specifically said crossplay between consoles was not a feature. They even tied that into the bankruptcy of TTG as the leading cause. Article also mentions the latest news regarding future console updates (and EOS) so this author seems to be more knowledgeable than the other sites.
  13. This doesn’t fit under a general support topic, more pimp dreams than anything
  14. That question should be asked in the mods section, at the DF thread.
  15. 1) The ease to modify the game and tweak it to your desires. You can simply do a value change using xpath coding to make significant changes to the game 2) Random World Generation 3) The game does not pigeonhole me. I can convert a POI for a horde base or build one from scratch. I can craft what I need or just try to find it by searching the world.
  16. 7D2D is not Doom nor State of Decay nor Days Gone nor Project Zomboid 🙄
  17. How do you know it is a bug and not an issue with your setup? The link you were provided told you the information to provide in this location so people can assist you in troubleshooting. It is in there, did you search Bug Pool? I found it and I wasn’t even looking hard.
  18. Go to gamestages.xml and you can make some minor adjustments daysAliveChangeWhenKilled="2" difficultyBonus="1.2" startingWeight ="1" diminishingReturns ="0.5" lootBonusEvery = "12" lootBonusMaxCount = "30" lootBonusScale = "25" /> <!-- the DifficultyBonus parameters are now flat multipliers. 2.0 = 2x the gamestage. Simple. --> <!-- lootBonus changes blood moon drop rates every x zombies, up to max chances, by scale --> To make more changes, you would need to do some c# changes to the base code and here is more information on the gamestage calculation (if you care) There is a metric which maps a player or group of players to a game stage number. daysSurvived: This is a running total, kept for every individual player. Every 24 hours GAME time 1 (day) is added. On every death "daysAliveChangeWhenKilled" is subtracted from the total. After this the daysAlive is capped. It is low-capped at 0, high-capped at "your player level". At player level 41 you can have a daysSurvived value anywhere from 0 to 41. gameStage = ( playerLevel + daysSurvived ) * difficultyBonus
  19. Role playing games have evolved as they went from paper / pencil to tabletop to digital games. Also, there are various sub groups of RPG video games out there 3.1 Action RPGs. 3.2 First-person party-based RPGs. 3.3 MMORPGs. 3.4 Roguelikes and roguelites. 3.5 Sandbox RPGs. 3.6 Tactical RPGs. 3.7 Hybrid genres.
  20. If you are talking about the game from TTG, you won't be seeing any updates since TellTale Games went bankrupt. Link above is the latest information shared by TFP regarding the console version.
  21. Not sure what you tried so far, but have you added a new line to the animal and added probability to it? For example, <entity_class name="animalStag" extends="animalTemplateTimid"> ......... <drop event="Harvest" name="foodRawMeat" tag="butcherHarvest" count="30"/> <!-- animalStag --> <drop event="Harvest" name="foodRawMeat" tag="butcherHarvest" prob="0.5" count="5"/> Not sure if this would work, never tried it myself
  22. If the sun will kill you if you go out, how are you going to handle the horde if you swap it from night to day?
  23. The issue is not the number of missions that one can do in a day from the traders, the issue is the rewards that they give out every time you complete the mission. I modded the game so that they don't give out rewards (I went with the extreme at first) just exp and dukes. It changes the whole aspect of those missions as you have to do a lot of them to generate enough dukes to purchase items from the traders (another thing I modded was increasing prices on everything while reducing the dukes you get from sales of items back to them).
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