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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. As long as they don't use the same names for items and only add to the vanilla game and don't take away, they should work at the same time. Ammo will have issues as they are probably named differently between the mods. You can either just deal with that (and find / craft both ammo) or you can create a modlet that will patch it so they use the same ammo. If you go that route, you need to do the following: 1) Decide on which mod you will use the ammo from 2) Open that mod's item.xml file to see how that mod creator named their ammo 3) Create a modlet that loads up last with the following lines added (one for each weapon in the mod you are changing the ammo <set xpath="/items/item[@name='X']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">Y</set> where X is the item name of the gun and Y is the item name of the ammo you want to use with that gun. If using multiple types of ammo, Y would be in this format <set xpath="/items/item[@name='X']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">Y1,Y2,Y3</set> This is an example in my mod where I changed the pipe rifle to only use ball ammo and lever action rifle was changed to 44 cal ammo <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT0PipeRifle']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">ammo762mmBulletBall</set> <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">ammo44MagnumBulletBall,ammo44MagnumBulletHP,ammo44MagnumBulletAP</set> After that, you will probably also want to remove the unused ammo now from the recipes file, the loot file, and the trader file (so it doesn't show up in your world, you can leave it in the item file though)
  2. The crafting system in 7D2D was broken, it needed work on it. All you had to do was buy into one of the perks and you could start crafting T3 weapons at Q5 and bypass the other tiers. It also couldn't keep up with the loot level progression. The old system I would loot POIs and find multiple copies of the same schematic. The first one had value, the other were simply cash sells if I bothered to keep them to sell to the trader. Now, each time I find a magazine for items I am wanting to craft, I get progress with each find.
  3. I think Izayo is not working on his .30-06 mod anymore (or at least not right now) so it is not available via link. FYI, z Lam's increased MOD slot 2 won't work with Izayo's mod as it was setup to change the mod slots for vanilla weapons and Tactical weapons mod. You might try adding the following lines to the Lam's mod and it should (hopefully - I haven't tested it) change all of Izayo's guns to be the same as the others <set xpath="/tems/item[starts-with(@name,'T0')]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ModSlots']/@value">1,2,3,4,5,6</set> <set xpath="/tems/item[starts-with(@name,'T1')]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ModSlots']/@value">1,2,3,4,5,6</set> <set xpath="/tems/item[starts-with(@name,'T2')]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ModSlots']/@value">1,2,3,4,5,6</set> <set xpath="/tems/item[starts-with(@name,'T3')]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ModSlots']/@value">1,2,3,4,5,6</set> <set xpath="/tems/item[starts-with(@name,'T4')]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ModSlots']/@value">1,2,3,4,5,6</set>
  4. Some people might think differently, or at least this player does πŸ™‚ I have modded my game so you can't repair equipment. I have found iron or steel tools in loot (before I have the resources to craft new ones) and I will use them until I break them, then go down a tier. In my playthroughs, I have had instances where I was using a Q5 steel pickaxe to mine until it broke, then crafted a Q4 iron pickaxe as a replacement until I found another steel one or was able to start crafting my own steel tools. But that type of playing requires a specific mindset (where the goal of the game is just to survive with what you got) rather than looting to find the best gear and using it from that point on.
  5. I will see if I can test the items out in game. I have a test world I been using for my mod that I can easily change over to vanilla and do some mining in.
  6. @Syphon583 @Callum123456789 I could be wrong, but I don't see where I am...unless there was a very recent change and my config files I am looking at are not the latest (they are at least 20.5 version). The auger has the same harvesting tags as the pickaxe so now I am confused πŸ€” Edit: I know the description in the book states pickaxe or stone axe while the description in rock candy just states mining tool, but the tags seem to indicate that they would affect the auger also. Unless there is something hard coded into the game that ignores those tags (say if the item has the tag motorTool). From the Iron Pickaxe <item name="meleeToolPickT1IronPickaxe"> <property name="Tags" value="melee,grunting,medium,tool,longShaft,attStrength,perkMiner69r,perkMotherLode,miningTool,canHaveCosmetic"/> From the auger <item name="meleeToolPickT3Auger"> <property name="Tags" value="melee,heavy,tool,motorTool,attStrength,perkMiner69r,perkMotherLode,miningTool,canHaveCosmetic"/> From the Perk Motherlode <effect_group> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value=".2,1" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value="-.1,-.4" tags="Harvesting"> <requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="perkMiner69r"/> </passive_effect> From the Coffee buzz book <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffCoffee"/> <requirement name="ItemHasTags" tags="miningTool"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" level="1" value=".1" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" level="1" value="-.05" tags="Harvesting"/> </effect_group> <effect_group> <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffBlackStrapCoffee"/> <requirement name="ItemHasTags" tags="miningTool"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" level="1" value=".1" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" level="1" value="-.05" tags="Harvesting"/> </effect_group> From the rock candy buff <effect_group> <requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="perkMiner69r"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" value=".2" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" value="-.05" tags="Harvesting"/> </effect_group>
  7. I believe it is Guns, Nerds, and Steel, but your name would be a great parody for his channel 😁 And a shameless plug for his channel https://www.youtube.com/c/GunsNerdsandSteel?app=desktop
  8. Yes to both questions (or it should be doing this based on the game code) Both rock busters candy and coffee increase yields based on the oreWoodHarvest tag. Any block that has harvest in it and use this tag will see an increase in yields when using tools (shovels, axes, pickaxes, augers, and chainsaws). Terrain blocks that yield clay when you harvest them have this tag in them. Pallets don't have this tag in them so they don't benefit from the rock busters candy and coffee buzz ( at least in A20 they don't).
  9. Everyone has to have it since the weapons are new assets
  10. @RolandThis is the man that can help you out
  11. No biggie, I noticed it back when it was first posted and didn't think of saying anything at the time.
  12. This topic sounds more like a General Support topic and not a Modder Tutorial / Guide Topic.....
  13. Nope, it was the spaces in the schematic name that was causing it. I manually changed them in the items xml file (unlocked by) but did a replace all for the loot xml file. I missed the AKM in the item file. Then when I updated it, I didn't realized I was updating the file in my downloads folder and not the one I copied over to the game folder...so any changes I was making at that point were not being applied.
  14. This might be the issue T1shotgunM31 Schematic Space in the name of the item for all of the schematics Something else is messed up too. When I click on the AKM rifle, I get the flooded warnings in console. All other weapons I don't see any error messages when I click on them.
  15. If you don't ask the question, you don't find out the answer.
  16. IF you want to change the probabilities in trees overall (after finding the wasteland treasures book), you would use the following code. Right now X is set at 0.05 on vanilla. <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='treeMaster']/drop[@name='foodHoney']/@prob">X</set>
  17. Trees don't drop honey unless you found the right book. Tree stumps in the wild drop at a 20% rate Tree stumps as part of POIs drop honey at a 40% rate. If you still want to change it though, in the blocks xml file, set up a modlet that includes the following two lines <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='treeStump']/drop[@name='foodHoney']/@prob">X</set> <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='treeStumpPOI']/drop[@name='foodHoney']/@prob">X</set> where X is the probability of the drop you want (from 0 to 1). Currently 0.2 and 0.4 are the values
  18. He's learning, so maybe drop a helpful post in his thread letting him know what you found out. Anyone that has modded this game started out as a newcomer.
  19. Yeah, but remember I am the guy that modded out the ability to repair equipment in my game. πŸ˜‰
  20. Darkness Falls is a complete overhaul game. If you want to use this mod with DF, you will need to review the code for DF and make a patch so this weapons mod works with it. It is not an issue with the mod, the issue is trying to run this mod with DF
  21. But that is the whole reason for the changes. You can't just become a successful farmer without perking into LoTL at all; so it should be punishing to try to be a farmer without the baseline skills in it. At LoTL 0, you can gather crops and even plant seeds you find, but you are not going to be able to self-sustain a farm off of your initial seed plantings.
  22. I think the solution is to reduce the meat drop from chickens, rabbits, and snakes
  23. @Cloyne Do this if you want to keep the custom sounds. bdubyah has worked with the sounds before so he is much better at this than I am Here are two compared side by side. 9mm (vanilla) <SoundDataNode name="pistol_s_fire"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire_Network"/> <Noise ID="0" noise="17" time="2" muffled_when_crouched="0.8" heat_map_strength="0.4" heat_map_time="180"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_s_fire1"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_s_fire2"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_s_fire3"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_s_fire4"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/Twitch/Silly/pistol_fire_silly1" AltSound="true"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/Twitch/Silly/pistol_fire_silly2" AltSound="true"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/Twitch/Silly/pistol_fire_silly3" AltSound="true"/> <LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="0.5"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="1"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="30"/> <MaxVoicesPerEntity value="10"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="0.001"/> </SoundDataNode> The Lock17 pistol <SoundDataNode name="lock17_silen_fire_S"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire_Network"/> <Noise ID="0" noise="70" time="2" muffled_when_crouched="1" heat_map_strength="0.7" heat_map_time="60"/> <AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:Resources/Lock17.unity3d?lock17_silen_fire_S"/> <LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="1"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="20"/> <MaxVoicesPerEntity value="6"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="0.001"/> </SoundDataNode> <SoundDataNode name="lock17_silen_fire"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire_Network"/> <Noise ID="0" noise="70" time="2" muffled_when_crouched="1" heat_map_strength="0.7" heat_map_time="60"/> <AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:Resources/Lock17.unity3d?lock17_silen_fire"/> <LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="1"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="20"/> <MaxVoicesPerEntity value="6"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="0.001"/> </SoundDataNode> <SoundDataNode name="lock17_silen_end"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire_Network"/> <Noise ID="0" noise="70" time="2" muffled_when_crouched="1" heat_map_strength="0.7" heat_map_time="60"/> <AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:Resources/Lock17.unity3d?lock17_silen_end"/> <LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="1"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="20"/> <MaxVoicesPerEntity value="6"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="0.001"/> </SoundDataNode>
  24. It looks like the stealth meter is affected by the sound files themselves. I changed one of the pistols from his custom sound suppressor sound files back to the default 9 mm pistol and I saw the stealth meter be less than 100% when firing (similar to the 9 mm pistol). All those items are located in the item_modifiers xml file
  25. If the mod is not for you, just move on and find another one. Being so vitriol about a mod that doesn’t interest you is not helpful or needed. But that is to be expected since I recall you doing the same thing in DF thread
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