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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. As both a mechanical engineer and working for a major Automotive OEM, you would never want to use a screw to fasten your wheels to the vehicle as screws do not have the necessary retention force needed for the application at hand. The first picture is the lug nut style fastening system used in primary American vehicles. The second picture are wheel bolts as an alternative to the lug nut style fastening system (example I know German vehicles use this system). Both are "bolt" system type of fasteners, though the wheel stud is more of a threaded shaft that is pressed into the hub while the wheel bolts fall under the traditional bolt category. Neither of those examples are screws though. I do know of two instances where screw is used around tires - one being a screw in type wheel stud and the second being rim screws used to secure the tires to the rims (typically in drag racing situations). Easiest thing to say is just wheel fasteners as that covers both styles above. And yes, I do have a copy of The Machinery’s Handbook at my desk. One issue I have with the link provided is that they state the difference between screws and bolts in the US is more of a legal definition. That is not correct. Bolts by the nature of their design have a significant higher clamping force compared to screws. That is one of the reasons they are used to fasten wheels to vehicles (another reason are bolts / nuts are easier to assemble and disassemble which is necessary for wheels as you will be removing and reinstalling them as you maintain your vehicle). If any engineer out there tells you that they are simply interchangeable, no...just no..... A bolt used where a screw would be sufficient would be okay, but using a screw where a bolt is required - I would be extremely worried about the fastener holding up to the task. I just went into a detailed response on this subject, I am not one to judge 😏
  2. I think a lot of it depends on how many residential POI's one loots. I tend to hit those hard, especially early game or if I got time to do some light looting late game.
  3. Uh those are typically nuts / bolts, not screws. You don't screw a tire onto a vehicle, you attached it to the studs and drive a nut down to keep it in place. Remind me to never allow meganoth to work on any of my vehicles 🤪 I mean, you can use screws instead of bolts if that is your desire, but I would recommend nobody ride with you in your 4x4😁
  4. I can create a mod for you to do exactly that 😉 J/K, I like jars being removed and not really interested in that little side project 🤪
  5. Not a mistake. Note I said Skyrim and Fallout. Bethesda published both of them. Fallout 1 and 2 were from a different developer who was okay with kids being killed in their games. Also note those games were not as graphically advanced as Fallout 3+ / Skyrim. Would the the F1/2 developers be okay with kids being killed in their games if they had the same graphics / gore system? We don't know, but it was their choice to have that option while Bethesda choose not to go that route. Because I didn't feel that mission added anything to the game and the thought of mowing down innocent people (even though they are fictional and virtual) was too much. I also don't put thralls on the wheel of pain and do any of the sorcerer sacrifices in Conan Exiles - I just admin that stuff in. If TFP make a complete 180 and add zombie kids so you can maim them to your heart's delight, then that is a choice they can make. If they do, I will promptly mod them out. On the other hand, if they stay the course and not put them in the game, then that is also their choice. For those that want zombie kids in the game, ask around and maybe someone will make a mod for you.
  6. Yes. If you didn’t do anything with your save files, it is gone now.
  7. Only if you start doing c# coding - I think The scout function is part of the game manager so you are getting into the base code of the game. As far as I know, the things you can change via xml are what model is referenced when it calls for ZombieScreamer (so swap Joe with the screamer for example) or what entities are in the various screamer spawn groups in the EntityGroups file. I recall seeing a mod in the past that created an object that would spawn screamer hordes, but can't recall the mod name or how they did it.
  8. @Old Crow is correct, screamers in POIs are not the same as Screamer scouts. They are just another zombie model at that point. Similar to if you were to mod in screamers as a variant in the blood moon hordes or a wandering horde. The screamers that spawn in other zombie entities are when the game manager spawns in a scout to investigate some heat activity. So in the case of POIs, they are functioning correctly.
  9. If you got a quest to cook meat in the campfire, you got a mod running. Vanilla 7D2D only has you craft one and place the campfire.
  10. I was close on the POI name (in-game at least) - Garage 1st Construction
  11. The reason they ask you to fill out the bug report is that only you have all the details of this issue occurring in your playthrough. It is also a standardized form that they created to ensure the right questions are asked and the right information is provided back. Without it, they could spin their wheels trying to create a situation that may only be unique on your setup. There was a bug report for Bell Lake POI, but that had to do with the name of the POI in the trader dialog. There hasn't been any reported issues with the quest marker. Even some online videos I saw showed the quest marker working fine in other players' games for this POI Most people want to assist in tracking down bugs in the game and point the QA testers / Development team in the right direction without having to be compensated for it.
  12. Yes it is still in game. Can't think of the exact name of it right now. It was updated also so a bit bigger. I think the name is something like Garage First or such.
  13. I got a working modlet posted. It will be under Crafting mod section in my A21 modlet post I didn't do my balance testing, just made sure everything was working accordingly. I did eventually add T0 Q6 items to the T5 POI drops, but they are currently commented out so if you want to add them, feel free to do so. I left some pretty detailed instructions in the loot file where you need to make the changes. Let me know if you see any bugs or any improvements necessary.
  14. Might be a silly question, but do you want Q6 T0 gear in the Tier 5 loot chest?
  15. I thought this was interesting, but Skyrim and Fallout, they have it coded in the game that you can't kill kids. AAA gaming development company that decided they are not going to give players the choice of killing kids, yet both franchises are very profitable for them. No kids in Conan, and I don't think Call of Duty had kids in it to kill (though CoD with the airport attack mission, that was brutal. I skipped over that one). TFP doesn't want to include kid zombies in their game, that is their choice. If you want to maim zombie kids in your game, then find a mod that allows you to do it.
  16. Players been doing that for awhile now, even before A21 Get infected, look 5 minutes for a cure, kill themselves to not have to deal with it break a leg, don’t want to be slow, kill themselves Gorge on food even when full, run out of food, kill themselves when they starve Play a survival game, don’t want to deal with survival elements, kill themselves to not deal with it The issue is not game mechanics, it’s players not wanting to have to deal with them at this point, they should be honest with themselves and just mod out anything remotely associated with survival
  17. So the majority of the work is now done and ready for me to start testing to see if I broke something. After that, just need to do the localization file, create a readme file listing all the changes to include wit the file, polish up some of the notes in the individual files and it will be ready for download. Shooting for tomorrow release but could drift into the weekend depending on if I can get some time tonight to start testing it.
  18. A20 did change the trader quest progression system though. Prior to A20, progressing with any trader increase the tier with all traders. A20 introduced TFP rep system with traders where you only advanced the tiers if you were doing quests for that specific trader. So now you had to do T1 quests with all traders if you wanted T2 quests from any of them, rather than just spamming quests with your local trader Hugh to raise the quests for Jen, Joel, Rekt, etc. And of course, they now tied in the trader inventory with the quest rep so traders you are going a ton of quests for will have better gear than those you are ignoring. It is a new mechanic to learn, but it makes more sense now that they are tied to the individual traders rather than traders as a whole.
  19. I take it headphones are not an option? 😉 Have you tried swapping out the NPC sounds in the sounds.xml file to something more PC? For example, find one of the NPC sounds that you don't like and create a new one from trader_jen As an example (I don't have the wasteland files in front of me so I can't give the specific file names so lets assume NPC1_cussingUpAStorm is the sounddatanode name for it): Jen's vanilla <SoundDataNode name="trader_jenlikefirstgreet"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_VO"/> <Noise ID="1" noise="7" time="3" muffled_when_crouched="0.5"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Jen/trader_jen_firstgreet_01" Subtitle="trader_jen_firstgreet_01"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Jen/trader_jen_firstgreet_02" Subtitle="trader_jen_firstgreet_02"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Jen/trader_jen_firstgreet_03" Subtitle="trader_jen_firstgreet_03" /> <LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="10"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="1.111"/> </SoundDataNode> Copy and change the SoundDataNode name to <SoundDataNode name="NPC1_cussingUpAStorm"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_VO"/> <Noise ID="1" noise="7" time="3" muffled_when_crouched="0.5"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Jen/trader_jen_firstgreet_01" Subtitle="trader_jen_firstgreet_01"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Jen/trader_jen_firstgreet_02" Subtitle="trader_jen_firstgreet_02"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Jen/trader_jen_firstgreet_03" Subtitle="trader_jen_firstgreet_03" /> <LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="10"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="1.111"/> </SoundDataNode> So assuming I did this correctly (and I am weak in the modding of sounds so this is a big assumption right now), when the NPC wants to cuss up a storm, it will see the SoundDataNode name but the code directs it to the Trader Jen First Time greeting instead
  20. also also I would recommend creating a modlet instead of modifying the game files. Vanilla would always be the same but your modlet would actually apply the changes. Realized just now after all the l's in the sentences that my mechanical keyboard is having some key issues 😆
  21. I just turned to the dark side of modding. 😏
  22. Here you go I think this applies when driving, not just high speeds
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