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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I am working on a Q6 crafting mod right now
  2. You need to make it a bundle. Find the bundle template in the items file and extend from it for the car battery
  3. Yes that should work, just need to change the item name for each item you want to do It's not really a creative mode object. What it is is a master template that others can reference that bestows certain properties. For example, I made some quick code to do a bullet casing box bundle: <append xpath="/items"> <item name="ammoBundleBulletCasing"> <property name="Extends" value="ammoBundleMaster"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="resourceBulletCasing"/> <property name="Stacknumber" value="10"/> <!-- STK ammobundle high --> <property name="EconomicValue" value="900"/> <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="ammoTier1"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Create_item" value="resourceBulletCasing"/> </property> </item> </append> Now in game, I got this: It depends on how you setup your recipe file. If you have learnable in the tags, then you have to unlock the recipe (either through crafting skill, perk, book, or schematic). If learnable is not in the tags, then you know it at the start of the game: Know at the start of the game <recipe name="ammo9mmBulletBall" count="1" craft_area="workbench" tags="workbenchCrafting"> Have to unlock <recipe name="ammoBundle9mmBulletAP" count="1" craft_time="360" craft_area="workbench" tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting"> This is how I made 9mm ball ammo something you have to unlock to craft - see how I added learnable to the tags <append xpath="//recipe[@name='ammo9mmBulletBall']/@tags">,learnable</append> Look to see if there is already a master template for what you want to do. For example, in A20, I made it so I had to gather engine parts to make an engine, so I used the master parts bundle template for engine parts and used the engine as the custom icon. Then when I wrenched down cars in game, it game me parts which had the same mini icon as the rest of the parts in game.
  4. What Tem is doing is using the backup to get some theatre shots for his content videos. When he loads up the game, he detaches from the player character and gets video shots that way. He also has another player character that he uses as another camera view during gameplay, you can see that pc when he tabs open and loots at stats. 7D2D doesn’t have that capability you are talking about in CoD.
  5. Zombies are going to have variations in speeds, even if you set everything to walk only From the zombie template: <property name="MaxTurnSpeed" value="250"/> <property name="MoveSpeed" value="0.08"/> <!-- Just shambling around --> <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.2, 1.25"/> <!-- Chasing a target min/max (like day or night)--> <property name="MoveSpeedRand" value="-.2, .25"/> <!-- Rand added to min aggro speed --> <property name="MoveSpeedPanic" value="0.55"/> Feral Arlene's move speed properties: <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.6, 1.45"/> <!-- slim, feral -->
  6. Since those don't have those properties (they pull it from foodCanBeef), you need to add them to the item, not set. So do something like: <insertAfter xpath="//item[@name='foodCanCatfood']/property[@name='Extends']"> <property name="Stacknumber" value="20"/> </insertAfter> Use ammoBundleMaster for your extends rather than resourceRockSmallBundle. That should give you the boxes instead. Then if you want to add custom unlocks for them, you just need to add that to the individual items. In my crafting mod, I removed the ammo bundle crafting unlocks from the perk books and put them in the crafting trees (so now you have to find the magazines to unlock bulk 9mm ball crafting for example). Here is how I setup my new handgun crafting in progression (note I removed the old one and inserted a new one since I made a lot of changes to crafting - Q6 crafting and tied in ammo / mods unlocks to the various crafting skill trees): <!-- *** HANDGUN_SKILLS --> <crafting_skill name="craftingHandguns" max_level="118" parent="attCrafting" name_key="craftingHandgunsName" desc_key="craftingHandgunsDesc" long_desc_key="craftingHandgunsLongDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_pistol"> <display_entry icon="gunHandgunT0PipePistol" name_key="harvestToolsStone" has_quality="true" unlock_level="1,4,7,10,13,16" > <unlock_entry item="gunHandgunT0PipePistol" unlock_tier="1" /> </display_entry> <display_entry icon="gunHandgunT1Pistol" name_key="BFTHandgunsT1" has_quality="true" unlock_level="19,23,27,31,35,39" > <unlock_entry item="gunHandgunT1Pistol" unlock_tier="1" /> <unlock_entry item="modGunFlashlight,ammo9mmBulletBall" unlock_tier="2" /> <unlock_entry item="modGunMagazineExtender" unlock_tier="3" /> <unlock_entry item="modGunLaserSight,ammo9mmBulletHP,ammoBundle9mmBulletBall" unlock_tier="4" /> <unlock_entry item="modGunTriggerGroupBurst3" unlock_tier="5" /> <unlock_entry item="ammoBundle9mmBulletHP" unlock_tier="6" /> </display_entry> <display_entry icon="gunHandgunT2Magnum44" name_key="BFTHandgunsT2" has_quality="true" unlock_level="42,47,52,57,62,67" > <unlock_entry item="gunHandgunT2Magnum44" unlock_tier="1" /> <unlock_entry item="ammo44MagnumBulletBall" unlock_tier="2" /> <unlock_entry item="ammo44MagnumBulletHP,ammoBundle44MagnumBulletBall" unlock_tier="4" /> <unlock_entry item="ammoBundle44MagnumBulletHP" unlock_tier="6" /> </display_entry> <display_entry icon="gunHandgunT3SMG5" name_key="BFTHandgunsT3" has_quality="true" unlock_level="70,76,82,88,94,100" > <unlock_entry item="gunHandgunT3SMG5" unlock_tier="1" /> <unlock_entry item="ammo9mmBulletAP" unlock_tier="2" /> <unlock_entry item="modGunTriggerGroupAutomatic" unlock_tier="3" /> <unlock_entry item="modGunReflexSight" unlock_tier="5" /> <unlock_entry item="ammoBundle9mmBulletAP,modGunSoundSuppressorSilencer" unlock_tier="6" /> </display_entry> <display_entry icon="gunHandgunT3DesertVulture" name_key="BFTHandgunsT4" has_quality="true" unlock_level="88,94,100,106,112,118" > <unlock_entry item="gunHandgunT3DesertVulture" unlock_tier="1" /> <unlock_entry item="ammo44MagnumBulletAP" unlock_tier="2" /> <unlock_entry item="ammoBundle44MagnumBulletAP" unlock_tier="6" /> </display_entry> <effect_group> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,118" value="1" tags="gunHandgunT0PipePistol"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="19,118" value="1" tags="gunHandgunT1Pistol"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="23,118" value="1" tags="modGunFlashlight,ammo9mmBulletBall"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="27,118" value="1" tags="modGunMagazineExtender"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="31,118" value="1" tags="modGunLaserSight,ammo9mmBulletHP,ammoBundle9mmBulletBall"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="35,118" value="1" tags="modGunTriggerGroupBurst3"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="39,118" value="1" tags="ammoBundle9mmBulletHP"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="42,118" value="1" tags="gunHandgunT2Magnum44"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="47,118" value="1" tags="ammo44MagnumBulletBall"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="57,118" value="1" tags="ammo44MagnumBulletHP,ammoBundle44MagnumBulletBall"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="67,118" value="1" tags="ammoBundle44MagnumBulletHP"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="70,118" value="1" tags="gunHandgunT3SMG5"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="76,118" value="1" tags="ammo9mmBulletAP"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="82,118" value="1" tags="modGunTriggerGroupAutomatic"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="88,118" value="1" tags="gunHandgunT3DesertVulture"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="94,118" value="1" tags="modGunReflexSight,ammo44MagnumBulletAP"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="100,118" value="1" tags="ammoBundle9mmBulletAP,modGunSoundSuppressorSilencer"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="118,118" value="1" tags="ammoBundle44MagnumBulletAP"/> <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="4,7,10,13,16,118" value="1,2,3,4,5,5" tags="gunHandgunT0PipePistol"/> <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="23,27,31,35,39,118" value="1,2,3,4,5,5" tags="gunHandgunT1Pistol"/> <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="47,52,57,62,67,118" value="1,2,3,4,5,5" tags="gunHandgunT2Magnum44"/> <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="76,82,88,94,100,118" value="1,2,3,4,5,5" tags="gunHandgunT3SMG5"/> <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="94,100,106,112,118" value="1,2,3,4,5" tags="gunHandgunT3DesertVulture"/> </effect_group> </crafting_skill> I am still working on it which is why you see some errors in the locationalization parts
  7. Did you create a recipe for it and does the name match the item / recipe name for it?
  8. Just a suggestion, but you could limit it to feral and radiated construction workers - special variant for horde nights only. That would limit which zombies would place the block and push up the game stage when you would first see them. Another suggestion - flaming arrows/bolts & cocktails bonus to clearing corpses - thought of it after watching someone do it online in the Wasteland mod
  9. I know that, but a non strength player is going to get more from the auger than steel tools. Stamina usage for steel tools for non strength players is too high while the auger uses gas and will increase harvest yields per min for them.
  10. The augur value is with non-strength players who can't max out mining skills.
  11. First google result when I searched: https://7daystodiemods.com/how-to-install-7-days-to-die-mods/ Follow the steps as outlined in it and it should work.
  12. There are a lot of things you can loot, even custom items added by the mod creator. Not sure what you mean by this
  13. That is not an issue with this mod. You can't install this mod with another mod like Darkness Falls as they are incompatible. DF chances weapons, crafting, progression, unlocks. This mod is only compatible with vanilla 7D2D and other mods that don't radically modify the game. Any mod that is considered an overhaul mod (Like DF or Wasteland or Undead Legacy) are typically not compatible with other mods unless they affect the game that the overhaul mod does not affect or where done in a way to be compatible with the overhaul mod.
  14. Sorry about that! I read this, but my brain went a completely different direction. I was stuck on item names when you clearly were wanting descriptions. I am going to blame it on the Covid I was dealing with, not old age 😉 It looks like khzmusik was able to answer your question properly.
  15. Yes, these are just examples for you to apply to your code. The probability of 1 is guaranteed since it is the only possibility (1 out of 1 chance). So any time that item group is picked, it would give you a Q6 item all the time. Drop chance is affected differently. You would not use probability, but count in this instance. For example: <lootgroup name="groupHardenedChestT5" count="all"> <item group="groupHardenedChestT5_01" count="5"/> <!-- Ammo --> <item group="groupHardenedChestT5_02" count="2"/> <!-- Weapon OR Armor --> <item group="groupHardenedChestT5_03" count="1"/> <!-- Medical --> <item group="groupHardenedChestT5_04" count="1"/> <!-- Mods --> <item group="groupHardenedChestT5_05" count="2"/> <!-- Books/Schematics --> <item group="groupHardenedChestT5_06" count="2"/> <!-- Bonus Items --> <item group="groupHardenedChestT5_07" count="1"/> <!-- Cash-n-Prizes --> <item group="groupHardenedChestT5_08" count="1"/> <!-- T5 Bonus Items --> </lootgroup> For a T5 POI chest, you are guaranteed picks from all 8 lootgroups based on count="all" for the main lootgroup. Then each sub lootgroup, it depends on the count for each line (ammo is 5, weapons or armor is 2, medical is 1, mods is 1, books is 2, etc).
  16. Try changing your first two groups to something like this: <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="GiveExp" exp="10000"> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="_expdeficit" operation="GTE" value="10000"/></triggered_effect> Don't close out the trigger node until after the requirement, so the game knows how to apply your triggers.
  17. The amount of commas seems off From one of my mods: BFTCraftingShotgunT1-1,progression,Attribute,,,Tier 1: Shotgun Shells,,,,,,,,,,,,, Note that I have 3 commas between Attribute and the English description
  18. You can, just need to create a custom loot quality distribution table for them As an example, adding a new loot table for Q6 gear only in T5 POI hardened chests: <append xpath="//lootqualitytemplates[10]"> <lootqualitytemplate name="QLT5POI"> <qualitytemplate level="0,999999" default_quality="6"> <loot quality="6" prob="1"/> </qualitytemplate> </lootqualitytemplate> </append> and then make sure the corresponding loot groups have this new loot quality template <lootgroup name="groupT2RangeWeaponsTier5POI" loot_quality_template="QLT5POI"> <item name="gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle"/> <item name="gunShotgunT2PumpShotgun"/> <item name="gunMGT2TacticalAR"/> <item name="gunHandgunT2Magnum44"/> <item name="gunBotT2JunkTurret"/> </lootgroup>
  19. Depends on the person. For those of us that deal with IBS on a regular basis, it would be. 😏
  20. It's a balance issue why you can't. The Strength tree is already OP with its two highly effective strength weapons and being the best tree for harvesting materials. Making the axe to be a powerful melee weapon along with a powerful tool to harvest materials pushes the game balance too far. It is why TFP nerfed the axe as a melee weapon in the first place. If you compare the two trees though, having the knife as both a melee weapon and a tool doesn't benefit the players much compared to making the axe a viable melee weapon and a harvesting tool. The Agility players only have one melee weapon which also serves to harvest corpses, there are no perks in the Agility tree to boost knife harvest amounts. The Strength players have 2 melee weapons and a separate harvesting tool (axe), and perks to improve harvesting with the axe.
  21. I did something like that in Alpha 20. I had a mod that you could convert the axe into a fighting weapon, but you saw a significant reduction in block damage. Nothing was done to dismembering chances and harvest amounts were not affected. However, it was a one and done change as I also changed the mods so you couldn't remove them after you modified the item with them <item_modifier name="modMeleeCombatAxeMod" installable_tags="axe" blocked_tags="noMods" type="mod"> <property name="Extends" value="modGeneralMaster"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="modMeleeFiremansAxeMod"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="000000"/> <effect_group tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".25"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-1"/> </effect_group> </item_modifier> So if you wanted to use an axe as a fighting weapon, you either had to deal with taking a longer time to harvest materials or carry two different types. Allowing someone just to switch the axe mods to change it from a fighting weapon to a harvesting tool and vice versa would be too OP. Strength tree is already OP with two highly effective melee weapons and the strongest tree to harvest materials.
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