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Everything posted by hiemfire

  1. So are Tier 2. Tier 1 is unlocked by schematic or perk investment, Tier 0 is known from game start.
  2. Clicking on the flag symbol in the upper section of the map window doesn't work anymore?
  3. Turn off cheat mode in the settings when you are going to load the map. It is under the advanced tab. For a visual aid courtesy of @unholyjoe, one of the Q&A staff:
  4. Loot is now based on level, biome, tile set and poi tier from what I recall from their explanation on the dev streams. Biome wise the looting is stage as follows from what I remember, worst to best: forest, desert (and burnt forest in Navezgane), snow, wasteland. Tile set I think it was: rural, town, city, downtown. (I feel like I'm missing allot of the granularity they put in here) The enemies you face are also supposed to be adjusted in the same way to add to the challenge for going after the better locations. So if you're nuts you could try and loot a tier 5 in the downtown of a wasteland city week 1, but don't expect it to be all snuggles and soda pop. 😁
  5. With the teddy bear head added it increases the rate you regen stamina allowing you to swing more often in melee. Other than that and for some reason occasionally being targeted by zombies for a stray hit here and there it has no systems that affect combat.
  6. The POI sounds familiar, one of the tier 1 survivor camps. Didn't happen to have a buzzard or two as well did it?
  7. Turn off cheat mode in the settings when you are going to load the map. It is under the advanced tab. For a visual aid courtesy of @unholyjoe, one of the Q&A staff:
  8. Settings may have defaulted to having creative/cheat menu on. Should be an option to turn it off in the advanced settings for the world save when you go to start it up, if not you can turn it off from the console. [F1] to get to the console, type dm [Enter] to toggle the debug mode, then type cm [Enter] to turn the creative/cheat menu off.
  9. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/25773-alpha-20-experimental/
  10. That might even things out a bit, but the jump in stamina use per swing and the repair expense difference are really big stumbling blocks for swapping over from stone to iron tools in general. Not just with the axe. Maybe they could do what they did with the nailgun and remove the tiering of the stone axe and shovel on top of the suggested removal of mod slots. Having their stats set to the current tier 3 for the stone axe and shovel would leave them useful early game and make a modable iron equivalent more attractive when those start showing up.
  11. Careful how loud you say that, they may hear and nerf the axe... 😬🤐
  12. In A19, not sure if it'll stay the same in A20+, Miner 69er does that. It also gains benefits from points invested into the strength attribute. It ain't high-top tier by any stretch of the imagination, but it ain't crap either. Just don't put the Fireman's Axe mod on it and it is good to go as a decent melee weapon. Tool/Weapon Mods I suggest to slot in for a melee focused axe: Ergonomic Grip Weighted Head or Structural Brace or Diamond Blade (these 3 are exclusive of each other so can only take one of them, pick which fits your taste of flattening stuff from time to time or not wearing the axe out as fast) Serrated Blade Wood Splitter (For utility, still boosts damage to enemies by 10% that adding any mod gives). Happy chopping.
  13. Power supplies are cheaper than gpu's right now from what I saw from some quick searching. Either way it would probably be a better place to start if the psu going out can cause the system to lock up/freeze.
  14. How do you check the power supply without breaking it?
  15. Added the Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz Side of power supply housing, flash blurred part says "+5V" It's lasted more than 5 years so has been pretty reliable. I also tend to avoid playing above medium settings since I know my Corsair is older.
  16. My gpu seems to be hitting its last legs, red or black screening if not flat freezing with increasing regularity while playing games starting a couple weeks ago, so I'm going to need to replace it. I do not have the luxury of being able to flat out replace the entire system thanks to budget and other matters. Current, and I suspect dying gpu: AMD Radeon R7 360 Motherboard: H110M PRO-D 500 Watt ATX power supply Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz
  17. /shrug 1 stone to repair either so they could be exceptionally frugal as well.
  18. Every other of the concepts for the new armor fit a reasonable theme appearance wise, the nerd armor takes all of the worst stereotypes about a specific subgroup, dials them up to 11 and crams them into one package in a way that completely and jarringly breaks with the rest of the game. If the concept for it wasn't trolling, then it says allot about the originator of the concept, the artist that drew it and whom ever signed off on it.
  19. Probably a builder/miner if the concrete pillars on their base are any indication.
  20. While I've used heavy armor, only in co-op though, I do agree with the sentiment expressed here. Heavy armor, even perked, is too much of a mobility and resource drain when you're having to depend on yourself to be your entire logistics train for me. The radiation resistant armor concept is heavy. Wasteland is planned to be irradiated iirc and I do not recall them mentioning another way to gain rad resistance. Having an entire biome locked out for you is pretty damn restrictive. It is a pathetic insult and I hope the devs were just trolling us with it.
  21. Unmodded it is tiered as I laid out. Some game mods, like Darkness Falls among others, change radiated from a spawn difficulty tier to a status effect of the zombies themselves.
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