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Everything posted by hiemfire

  1. Sneaking is probably going to get even worse with the clothing/character overhaul they have/had planned for A21 before they address how the changes/additions in A20 affected it.
  2. Herm.. The guys/gals over here might be able to help: General Support - 7 Days to Die I advise reading through the first post in this thread first though:
  3. Did you do what is outlined here? : Please be aware that a wipe of previous Save Data and Generated Worlds is recommended for A20 - 7 Days to Die
  4. Iirc Iron and Leather armor both can be unlocked by kicking a single point into the Heavy or Light armor perks. Heavy for Iron, Light for Leather. You don't have to invest anything into the attributes they're grouped under either since level 1 for both perks is available at attribute level 1.
  5. The section you have showing on your map is part of the western map edge on Navezegane. The current implementation of the radiation zone, which wraps the entire map of Navezegane, is there to keep us from seeing the 7D2D "Far Lands" or map end while playing while still giving the illusion that there is a much larger game world beyond the edge of the radiation zone.
  6. Body bags and stray corpses are handy sources of one of the key ingredients.
  7. I think this is most likely if you couldn't find it referenced anywhere else in the XML. Might seem to be an odd question, but did you check the spear section for any other references to just "Throw"?
  8. Did you check the damage calculation set for the spears' power attack for references to "Throw_Strength"?
  9. They basically decoupled gamestage from difficulty back in A18, did they reverse that for A20?
  10. There hasn't been coal ore in the desert outside of specific POI spawns since A17 Iirc. It's replaced with Oil Shale ore for that biome.
  11. Blocks used for POIs = cubes Blocks used for terrain = octahedrons The game does a smoothing/blending pass on the terrain blocks during world gen which makes the mess of octahedrons look as it does when we play. The hit boxes still reference the original, unsmoothed, shape though making things interesting. This does help most of the time.
  12. I think Daniel Sobral - YouTube is the one they're talking about.
  13. New Vegas. Was a Legion weapon. The unique was a wonderful way to commit suicide by critting an enemy with explosives maxed...
  14. Must be since you're suggesting buffing those malicious fiends. Might I suggest reducing the proportion to 1:19 (whiskey:nog) and sticking to about a single 12oz portion of the mix per play session.
  15. Iirc it fades/decays, pertained to wanderers tracking a player they did not know the location of, and wasn't something that affected bloodmoon zombies since they know where you are.
  16. It wouldn't be beer after sitting for that long...
  17. Glare > Flying Frying Pan, borrowed or otherwise.
  18. Distance between the traders will end up defining if players even bother with that "might feel" part of capping the # of quests per trader per day... As in if it takes more than 5-10 minutes real time to travel between the traders it is probably going to be a "Nope, just going to strip down the pois in the area." till they're all scavenged and the player quits that game save. Edit: And 10 minutes is really pushing what I think would be considered "Okay". Don't forget to not take another quest if you turn in one you accepted on a previous day. That turn in would be your one for that day.
  19. 1. Okay, so xml doesn't consider a line break as something to process. Good to know. 2. Um. This is cut out from a screen shot with my browser window condensed a bit. "QLTemplateT3" in the first <> set is on a different line from the rest of that line of code.
  20. Would the "QLTemplateT3" in the first set of <> being offset from the rest of that section of the code by a full line, sort of like someone pressed [Enter] while typing it, alter anything? The portion for the Desert Vulture doesn't have that and it is apparently dropping in loot.
  21. Time is the core resource of the game, especially with Bloodmoon Horde turned on. Everything you do, you trade time for. Everything.
  22. So semi implying, if taken in concert with what madmole mentioned a few months back involving smelting, that the point of pulling smelting as exists currently is to remove the molten reservoir portion of the forge but still have to craft the lower grade components together using the forge to get the old products? Iirc isn't/wasn't there a nasty bug involved with having the amount of material stored in a forge too high causing game save corruption? If so changing out the reservoir system for direct crafting with a bit of crafting time increase is a decent way to nip that one.
  23. A few of those papers also show nuclear blasts, so a combination of zombie virus and nuclear warfare, if the nukes weren't a failed attempt to contain the virus, is possible.
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