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Everything posted by hiemfire

  1. From what I've seen on YouTube this isn't just isolated to stealth triggers. In A19 it was just the fat tourist that would "ignore" the player and beat on random blocks around it when it noticed the player. Now in A20 the fat tourist seems to have been fixed but the rest of the zombies are doing it at random when they've noticed the player.
  2. Ya, stealth perks don't do @%$# when you aren't crouched. If you're climbing a ladder they will hear you. Better to find another way of getting up or down if you can. If you get lucky and find the Urban combat book that removes fall noise while crouched then just dropping down should be an option. Not entirely. From the section you linked.
  3. That sounds similar to something that was implemented previously.
  4. Bull@%$#. Random chance as a concept only exists because we needed a way to account for things that we had insufficient information about to include as a separate variable or if the inclusion would increase the needed calculation/assessment "time" outside of what would be feasible. Re: Attack volumes. Supposedly this is how they function in A20: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/22366-alpha-20-dev-diary/?do=findComment&comment=455644
  5. Iirc clicking the flag symbol on the upper section of the map frame should remove the quick waypoint.
  6. From here: Listed in the b214-b218 Changelog under "Changed"
  7. Your monitor brightness might be set higher than you realize. I had that problem awhile back.
  8. a Kalish firing 7.62 NATO/.308? Interesting...
  9. A20 POI Conversion | 7 Days to Die
  10. Just head canon that the 7.62 in game is light loaded 7.62x39. That could probably be loaded and fire reliable out of an action designed to fire at 30-30's safe pressure range.
  11. Review of bacterial and viral zoonotic infections transmitted by dogs (nih.gov) Just as an example. Ain't like that stuff just died off. If anything they got nastier...
  12. That's also not accounting for other run of the mill infections which are probably still kicking around in the non-zombified wildlife just waiting for an open injury to start incubating. Infection in game is curable by penicillin, processed from the mold growing on the sham sandwiches and the now defunct moldy bread, and immune system boosters (herbal antibiotics and honey). This kind of implies it is a generalized term now and there isn't just a zombie virus kicking around anymore.
  13. Ever try to hit a rabbit from range through grass? No grass means no place for Bugs to hide and juke behind. Just an example of a possible exploit to the suggestion you were replying to.
  14. Shoot that thieving little twit in the head. Repeatedly. With a shotgun. Then drop the corpse in the wasteland for the zombie bears. 😠
  15. Follow the recipe and use gunpowder instead of acid maybe?
  16. So are Tier 2. Tier 1 is unlocked by schematic or perk investment, Tier 0 is known from game start.
  17. Clicking on the flag symbol in the upper section of the map window doesn't work anymore?
  18. These actually look like they'd be fun to plan for and adjust to. Not with having to also fight an uphill battle against entropic rng just to start a farm though.
  19. MisutoM --> Japan, English From: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/25369-announcing-a20-streamer-weekend-application/?do=findComment&comment=444765
  20. Turn off cheat mode in the settings when you are going to load the map. It is under the advanced tab. For a visual aid courtesy of @unholyjoe, one of the Q&A staff:
  21. Loot is now based on level, biome, tile set and poi tier from what I recall from their explanation on the dev streams. Biome wise the looting is stage as follows from what I remember, worst to best: forest, desert (and burnt forest in Navezgane), snow, wasteland. Tile set I think it was: rural, town, city, downtown. (I feel like I'm missing allot of the granularity they put in here) The enemies you face are also supposed to be adjusted in the same way to add to the challenge for going after the better locations. So if you're nuts you could try and loot a tier 5 in the downtown of a wasteland city week 1, but don't expect it to be all snuggles and soda pop. 😁
  22. It also would require a full redo of the perk line and introduce more variables for them to have to balance.
  23. K. If my head siming of the percentages is accurate the end result would be late game crop returns slightly less than A19 with replanting added. That doesn't really address the main reason they adjusted farming in the first place, the sheer amount of food that could be easily produced with negligible risk.
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