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Everything posted by hiemfire

  1. The break. Slows down the vehicle. Gyro's have it and pitch up tied to the same key and the breaks in 7d2d are either off or head to dash with nothing in between. Makes the taking off from the ground process get up speed, tap break and hope it doesn't completely kill your momentum or slew you into a wall. Moving pitch up to another key would help with that.
  2. I happen to know a few people, not me since I can't stand salmon, that would find that appetizing. Especially deep fried...
  3. On PASSIVE effects, the order is also affected by the TYPE of operation. - A "base_set" should be placed first in the OOO... because it overwrites any previous changes in the OOO. Duh. - Any base_set|base_add|base_subtract take effect immediately as the list is traversed. - Any and all perc_set|perc_add|perc_subtract are COLLECTED into a separate variable and applied after last as one modifier. Above is the full section of what I'm referring to, quoted from your spoiler. Below is from your examples. From entity 'playerMale': <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_set" value="1"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="1" tags="head"/> From item 'meleeWpnClubT0WoodenClub': <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="13.8"/> <passive_effect name="ModPowerBonus" operation="perc_add" value=".10" tags="EntityDamage,BlockDamage"/> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.5" tier="2,6" tags="perkPummelPete"/> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="1" tags="secondary"/> From attribute 'attStrength': <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" level="2,8" value="0.1,.7" tags="head"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" level="9,10" value=".85,1" tags="head"/> Notice how "base_set", "perc_set" and "perc_add" are in the "operation" section and not the "name" section. That tells me where in the derived equations they belong while the name is what the operations are effecting or the source of the variable for the calculation. Example: Damage= x+y x(y) @%$#, swapped operations /facepalm x= base_set + base_add + base_subtract y= perc_set + perc_add + perc_subtract If you check I have no doubt that first name="BlockDamage" for a weapon or tool is also followed on the same exact line as operation="base_set". Something like this, using the stone axe as the example: <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="21.5"/>
  4. 🤣 Bolded and underlined the part I'm laughing at. Seriously it depends on where you shot them and the round used.
  5. Still means it is going to need to be revisited because, if it functions the way you say it does, then it will one shot no wood blocks after the change is implemented. Even fixing the set bonus description so it won't be a lie post implementation of the change is a revisiting.
  6. You're saying it doesn't do what the perk says it does.
  7. I didn't do anything that special. 2 buttons to the right of the font size option when you're writing a post is the button. It is between the "Remove Format" one and the "Page" button. Lots of copying and pasting into the tables themselves is involved. It was that or a really bad copy pasta of the text from Notepad. I think I said that in that post above the first table. If you look the Normal, Bodyshot, Unstunned value from your calculations is what is on my chart for the wooden club - first column with the same stamina values as in your "Normal" line on my table's wooden club - second column. Since I don't touch .xmls I didn't know how the cumulative effects of the adjustments were layered or what other modifiers outside of what is in the in game text there are, so I stuck to just adjusting normal damage based on the text of the 5 point perk for the weapon and adjusting the stamina based on 5 point Sex Rex. Though looking at this part: "- Any and all perc_set|perc_add|perc_subtract are COLLECTED into a separate variable and applied after last as one modifier." I think you goofed in setting up Percentage and Modifiers as separate variables in your equation. They're all tagged as perc_add or perc_set and should be combined into one variable.
  8. Lol. That's his stage name. His birth name is Richard. 🤣
  9. Just gonna toss this take in before someone starts raggin' on this part. A big plus to how they've been developing 7d2d, including no nda on the public experimentals and stables so that people can stream it, has been being able to have a much larger test group to draw data from to use in their adjustments and squashing things that aren't functioning they way they want. How many damn PC games did we play in the late 80's into the early 00's that were permanently stuck with crippling bugs and glitches (I lost count myself)? Now how often do the major companies toss in maybe 3 years of loose development with maybe a year tops of hard focused dev work that includes bug finding/fixing yet still release buggy/glitchy messes (Day 1 patches are a meme for a reason)? I'm glad TFP has taken their time and built up the game how they have. To me it shows how much of a @%$# they give about how their second game, 7d2d ain't TFP's first rodeo, is going to be able to do when they've finished with it. I hope they put as much effort into their next projects as they have this one and that they'll turn out as good as 7d2d looks to be shaping up to. I still remember watching MineCrack playing it in Alpha 2 or 3... Night and day...
  10. Maybe. I'm reserving judgement on it till I see how it pans out with the first release (A21 iirc, though that might slip again). I do hope they rethink the "nerd" outfit concept... The current one screams "I an idiot who t'ink I smart!"... @%$#ing hell.
  11. They're place holders iirc. Though, as you and others have brought up, it is going to be tricky hitting that balance between "Meh, 2 extra iron per swing/crank really doesn't matter so I'll just wear whatever." and "If I don't save this car till I get all the pieces of <Mega Outfit ZERO!!!> I'll miss out on getting an engine from it." A.k.a "So what, the stats are pointless" and "forced to change".
  12. Take a bit of "having to rework the current clothing/armor to fit the new system", add a bit of "we need one of these to protect against the radiation damage that we will be turning back on in the Wasteland" and throw in a "Hey, wouldn't it be nice if all the outfits did more than just add armor and weather related effects to the pc instead of just the radiation gear?" and voila. MMORPG style "class" sets with GSrng gated stats.
  13. I don't really have anything more than supposition there, which I don't think you're interested in.
  14. They're changing it because they've decided to use it as part of the outfitting framework for the bandits they're developing and the current system is expected to cause issues. So they decided to hit it with the "keep it simple and small" hammer and use their own system instead of the original one that they acquired, licensed or open source I'm not sure, from another group.
  15. They're talking about tracking Zombies via the drone. Not animals. Zds, or Zeds, is a common way for people in the Commonwealth countries (UK, Australia, Canada, etc.) to refer to zombies much as we in the US use "Zee" (as spoken, not written since the difference is from how US and British English dialects pronounce "Z") on occasion when we're feeling lazy.
  16. Complete set bonus for the Shotgun Messiah series: "You can one shot most wood blocks. Bulk craft all shotgun ammo." Block hp doesn't matter if they do not revisit the magazine set bonus.
  17. Difference being that the wolf was killed after it tried to take down the brick house and the first 2 pigs were eaten after it dropped their roofs on their heads. What can't happen on a PVE server? It'll also make shotguns a danger to the player using them in wood POIs. Here's to hoping TFP is taking that into account with their removal of downgrading blocks.
  18. Griefers are going to love it when the new block system gets integrated if TFP doesn't adjust the magazine bonus. Someone in a wood POI and you want to give them hell? Just dump a mag or two from an Auto-shotgun though the walls to drop the building on their head...
  19. Thank you for doing so. I got curious so decided to see how these values would be affected by the investment of perk points. Tools do get entity damage bonuses from their perks per what the perks themselves state (They also get the bonus headshot damage and dismember chance from points invested into their governing attributes as well). Note: Values are adjusted based on what is written in the A19.5 maxed perk affecting each item. Adjustment key (x=base value) : Additional 50% = 1.5x 25% less = .75x Additional 150% = 2.5x Entity damage: Item Perk ADJ Base Damage Perk ADJ Stamina Cost Perk ADJ Base Damage : Perk ADJ Stamina Stone Spear 15.45 13.875 1.114 Iron Spear 18.6 15.225 1.222 Steel Spear 27.9 22.4 1.661 Wooden Club 20.7 13.05 1.586 Baseball Bat 26.1 15.675 1.665 Candy Club 28.8 15.675 1.837 Steel Club 39.3 17.775 2.211 Stone Sledgehammer 26.25 16.725 1.570 Iron Sledgehammer 46.2 27.525 1.678 Steel Sledgehammer 69.3 30.375 2.281 Bare Hands 7.5 7.875 0.952 Knuckle Wraps 9.3 6.825 1.363 Iron Knuckles 13.65 7.2 1.896 Steel Knuckles 20.4 7.65 2.667 Bone Knife 7.65 5.475 1.397 Hunting Knife 9.15 6.15 1.488 Candy Knife 9.9 6.15 1.610 Machete 29.7 14.4 2.063 Stun Baton 16.2 11.625 1.394 Stone Axe 9.0 6.0 1.5 Taza's Stone Axe 12.0 6.75 1.778 Iron Fireaxe 22.65 14.925 1.518 Steel Axe 43.35 23.175 1.871 Iron Pickaxe 16.8 13.8 1.217 Steel Pickaxe 34.8 19.8 1.758 Stone Shovel 14.4 12.15 1.185 Iron Shovel 17.4 15.225 1.143 Steel Shovel 26.1 18.525 1.409 Wrench 24.75 13.725 1.803 Ratchet 24.75 16.35 1.514 Impact Driver 24.75 18.45 1.341 Block Damage of mentioned tools and sledgehammers: Item Perk Adj Block Damage Perk Adj Stamina Cost Perk Adj Block Damage : Stamina Stone Axe 53.75 6.0 8.958 Taza's Stone Axe 56.5 6.75 8.370 Iron Fireaxe 112.5 14.925 7.537 Steel Axe 215.5 23.175 9.299 Iron Pickaxe 88.75 13.8 6.431 Steel Pickaxe 157.0 19.8 7.929 Stone Shovel 96.0 12.15 7.901 Iron Shovel 115.0 15.225 7.553 Steel Shovel 172.5 18.525 9.312 *Wrench 77.0 13.725 5.610 *Ratchet 97.0 16.35 5.933 *Impact Driver 116.0 18.45 6.287 **Stone Sledgehammer 27.2 16.725 1.626 **Iron Sledgehammer 58.3 27.525 2.118 **Steel Sledgehammer 85.0 30.375 2.798 * Per Salvage Operations perk: "harvest 100% faster". I'm calling this 2x block damage since that is what makes the most sense to me. ** Sledgehammers do not have any perk based block damage bonuses that I could find so I'm going with base block damage value.
  20. What minimap? Do you mean the map you have to pull up using the {M} key that stops you from controlling your character while you have it up or do you have a small map up somewhere on you screen while you run around? Since we don't have blood trails/splatter, or any other indicator for that matter, to que off of, a mark on the map screen that only indicates a rough 5M radius area of where it might be would work.
  21. Did you happen to look at the Axes? I know they are technically "tools", but I recall another thread that was posted here that showed their damage range was in roughly the same ballpark as the unperked clubs and sledges of the same material type.
  22. There are a few who seem to have missed that this was about after the prey was killed and Animal Tracker is no longer capable of showing where the prey is. Doesn't just affect finding the bodies of the rabbits. Chickens and deer can be a pain to find to harvest after you take them down as well depending on how far out you were and what the plant density and terrain is like. Tunnel visioning on the location where they dropped isn't always a good idea, and pre-clearing threats in my experience just causes the prey to run off into another zombie infested area.
  23. And how exactly are they basing the Stun Baton's balance again? Oh ya, with both the charge rate and repulsor magazines having been found. I'm used to dismissive @%$#ry from the moderators, but it's new coming from you.
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