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Everything posted by hiemfire

  1. It's like having someone come up and kick a ladder out from under you while you're painting 2 stories up... Yah, you could always just put it back up and do it again (break line of sight and wait out the cooldown during the day), if the ladder or you don't break, but the ladder has already been kicked out from under you once... A painting simile: A run & gunner uses a sprayer on a long stick. It's sloppy, but it gets the job done. The Int player builds up scaffolding first, then does the job. The stealther is up on a tall ladder using a brush by hand. If the poi devs or game devs don't think the cost/risk of failure is high enough for stealth, then kicking the ladder out from under the stealther while leaving the the run & gunner and Int players more or less alone to do things as they normally do is one of the worst ways to do it. The contrast between the forced nature of attack volumes and the otherwise player action dependent nature of stealth, especially when the player has taken the time to look at and figure out how their equipment and perks interact beyond "Dur, dis do more dawmawge if I'z sneeky", and equip accordingly is huge. Seriously, if it wasn't for muffled connectors working on chest and leg armor I wouldn't be bothering with even padded armor due to how the game chops off the full value in its displaying of the stats but retains the undisplayed portion for its internal calculations. Meaning that what the game is showing you as 0 could very well be a 0.2, a 0.8 or some other number. Though padded is the best armor for stealth if you're going to wear armor. A middle ground that involves giving a stealth player an actual chance at not having their time invested completely ignored I can get behind. Even if it means somehow increasing the difficulty for stealth in other areas. Outside at night, namely with the roaming predator's and zombies, could use some tweaking into the more difficult direction for example. When the POI is metal and stone and the path laid out doesn't permit sneaking through key points in it then the choice comes down to "run & gun" or abandoning the quest. Especially when you're around level 20... The person walking through the haunted maze is not supposed to be assaulted either (allot don't permit the workers to touch the people walking the maze at all)... A distinct difference between your example and what our characters have happen which shapes the entire experience. Haunted house/maze jump scares don't have someone trying to crack your skull open or tear chunks out of you. The POIs in game are lethal.
  2. So why do we even have keyboard/mouse and controller input beyond "Click for next scene" if the POI designers want to make the game into a sequence of predetermined triggers... Being able to fail is important. Being forced to fail is abuse. Attack volumes shouldn't exist.
  3. Bunker 01 (got a tier 2 clear quest for it today) is one that is designed specifically to punish stealth players. Draws them in with an easily stealthed scrap yard on the surface, once you get underground though there are exactly 2 spots you can successfully sneak attack. In at least 2 of the underground volumes they only spawn when you enter the room (the small, 3 blocks x 3 blocks of floor space, storage room which has 2 spawn right next to you facing you as you get off the ladder and the sleeping area with its drop downs). The one underground room accessed via the maintenance tunnels that doesn't wait for you to enter the room by climbing the ladder to spawn them in has them spawning so that the ladder grabs the player and breaks their stealth when you try to line up a head shot, and they're also facing the ladder opening. There is also the ambush drop in the ramp up to the front area that seems to ignore at least FTS with 3 points invested (I think it is an attack volume). Trying to stealth the designated path once you enter the bunker itself under the scrap yard is a no go and busting down the iron doors to the areas that the path has you using the maintenance tunnels to get to calls anything roaming close by and wakes up the occupants of the room. And no, there isn't room to run and re-stealth down there. Especially when the spawns are all ready right in your face or landing on your head... For run and gun, solo and co-op, Bunker 01 is neat. For stealthing it is a "go @%$# yourself" to the player... ๐Ÿ˜‘
  4. Hold what ever opinion of me you want, but I suggest checking for info on the following page before assuming what a 3rd party, including Steam, posts is even in the right ballpark when it comes to versions. Specifically look for anything posted by Hated since they're the TFP staff member that handles the announcements here, though Roland also does on occasion. News & Announcements - 7 Days to Die A19.6 stable announcement:
  5. If you step away from going for a broad head you can do it without the saw and drill, and you can replace the rasp with a chunk of concrete sidewalk (the "smoothing" that is done to the face people walk on makes for a decent honing surface since it still has a texture). 2 pipes (one ends up being "fitted" into the other and then bent and shaped to form the head), a hefty rock (just below being too heavy for you to lift and pound with for any length of time), a campfire to heat the metal a bit, some twine, and a section of sidewalk to hone with would do for something more along the lines of the older styles of metal axe. They aren't great as harvesting tools, but they are decent enough to hold you over till you can get something better.
  6. How to say one doesn't know jack squat about metallurgy and what bronze itself is without directly stating it... (Admittedly I know a slight bit more than jack squat.) It is much simpler either to knock the rust off (a wet cloth, some sand or fine gravel and patience works) and cold shape it with a hammer into an improvised tool/weapon or melt rusty iron down and cast it for further forging than to try and do the research and trial/error that bronze (an alloy of copper and tin with varying grades, most of which are completely useless for tools and weapons, based on the proportion of the two metals) equipment would require. Bronze was replaced due to ease of acquisition of the needed materials and ease of converting the ores into forgeable ingots (don't have to blend 2 metals to make iron). Iron and steel are commonly available now, Bronze and it's component metals less so.
  7. Feral Sense toggled on + attack volumes existing in their current state = "Nope nope nope." from me, especially when trying to play to maximize stealth's strength (I.E. during the night in game to take advantage of the plethora of shadows and not have the inverted passive illumination shift mess with my vision). Volume trigger, player moves to adjust (at night in game mind you, so you're going to need to move fast) and everything in the neighborhood shows up.
  8. Screamers aren't that random, if at all. You spiked the heat level in the area by making allot of noise (unsuppressed gunfire, breaking metal objects and such) while you were clearing the POI. Not unusual for them to show up when that happens (wife and I get several when clearing tier 4s and 5s without suppressed weapons).
  9. Gonna need a bigger "report forum" for one of these. These won't fit through that one's grate. (The adults are about 5.5" inches long with a 5" wingspan) Might I suggest a tesla coil or large Jacob's Ladder?
  10. If it's the one I'm thinking of it is in the South Westish area of the Wasteland on Navezgane. East of the blasted "city", west of the prison, tucked into the southern hills. Edit: just realized they were asking about a military base and not a mansion. Probably referring to Red Mesa (has a dug out passage from the silo to the sleeping quarters).
  11. This is their larva. Wrath of Khan any one?
  12. If you are talking about in unmodded 7d2d, then vehicle modifications are coming in A20. Right now the slots don't have any function.
  13. @faatal Do you know if the issue I brought up here has been looked at? : From what I've come to understand from discussions elsewhere on the forum the actual effect that the full completion bonus from the Shotgun Messiah mag series is describing is an increase to the block damage done against wood and not a straight remove/downgrade wood block on hit type operation. With the change to block hp that is part of the streamlining of the block types this could become an issue of either a described completion bonus not doing what it says it does or, if the effect itself is adjusted to match the description from the completion bonus, a way to inadvertently drop a wood poi on you own head during a quest by inadvertently taking out essential vertical supports (or a troll to do it to someone else out of spiteful glee regardless of pve or pvp settings). A rewriting to the completion bonus description to reflect that it only increases damage done to wood blocks would be a good idea if they don't intend the bonus to remove wood blocks in a single hit anymore (as the supposed bonus damage currently does).
  14. Region? Never mind. Did some digging and it looks to be a male eastern dobsonfly. Corydalus cornutus - Wikipedia eastern dobsonfly at DuckDuckGo Before someone asks, I did try a google image search. Their algorithm returned nothing but images of roaches and termites.
  15. Just checking that you caught my sarcasm in the post you quoted. I'm well aware that the building rework is a major change, especially when combine in aggregate with the other's I mentioned that, as of the day of that post, are still slated for A20. (throw in the game engine refinements that iirc @faatal and some others have been working on and back porting to A19. daaammmmn!)
  16. I'm one of those and the speed cutoff to me is very noticeable.
  17. ๐Ÿคจ A20 is "only" getting more POIs, adjusted building system (included expanded shape menu), Vehicle mods, new starting weapons, Map gen (Random Generation as the Devs call it) changes including the ability to adjust POI density, being able to see changes you made to the world while playing from a greater distance,... Ya, all the "major" changes got pushed to A21... ๐Ÿ˜’
  18. Okay, so no additional modifiers from game difficulty. Thanks, found it and looked it over. This is starting to look like an instance of someone changing something in the code and forgetting to update the notes related to it for the next guy.
  19. I caught that already and edited it. What was the difficulty set at? Me? I don't recall that one. I also searched for it. What was the search terms you used?
  20. Were any of the attacks done to a stunned zombie. That'd increase the part added to the second variable by Pummel Pete an additional 2. There is also the possibility that the zombie you were hitting has some damage reduction.
  21. How the headshot damage multiplier is applied.
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