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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. Use Pastebin. Instructions are provided in the post. If it's too big for Pastebin, then use justpaste.it. Again, links and instructions are in the post.
  2. Issue is with Steam's update breaking EAC integration for a large number of games. Start the client from the executable in the client folder 7DaysToDie_EAC.exe.
  3. Need logs. Read Pinned thread that tells you to read it before posting, and follow the instructions.
  4. There is a known issue where wearing headgear that boosts attributes breaks levels two and three of animal tracker. You should still be able to see rabbits and chickens, but not much else.
  5. Those invalid hash messages are normal. It's the game client recognizing that the files have been altered from the original so it can identify the game as being modded. I did not see anything critical in the log that would cause an issue. One of the most common issues for a connection problem like the OP is having, is not having opened the full range of ports for the server. The default range is TCP 26900 and UDP 26900-26903. However, taking another glance, this may not be the dedicated server build and is just the local client. In which case UPnP should open the ports in the modem/router if the device allows it. Also note that if this is a local client build, and not a dedi, that the CPU is particularly weak for hosting a MP game. It could also just be that the host isn't capable of getting the data to the client connecting in a timely fashion.
  6. Fully exclude the client from all security software. Then back up your save folder. Then wipe all the things.
  7. I'm not sure on the port SteamAuth is using offhand. AFAIK the port range is still accurate, and I'm pretty sure I updated the FAQ when it changed in a17. Default range for the server is TCP 26900 and UDP 26900-26903. Steam may also use additional ports in the 27000-27099 range for processing data, but that isn't something you will typically need to forward like you do with the server ports. Based on the data I can see, I would advise the following steps for both the host and the client. Un plug the router/modem. Completely flush the DNS pool. Open an administrative command prompt window as an administrator Type ipconfig /flushdns and hit Enter Type netsh int ip reset and hit Enter Close the window Shut down the computer completely. Plug the modem back in. Wait for it to fully setup and get a connection. Start the PC. If it's just a case of bad routing, this will typically resolve the issue. I've been seeing a lot of this happening though since the major Steam update a few weeks ago, and can't help but think it might be something happening on Steam's side of things. A few of the players on the servers we host have been frequently getting kicked off the servers with a "network timeout" error. All I can see in the log is regular SteamAuth failures. Nothing I have been able to do on our end has alleviated it so far.
  8. We've got Evo 860's in our servers, and they manage the load just fine. Longevity can be a bit of an issue though. We're probably only going to see about 6 years out of these SSD's instead of the typical 15-20. As for space, you never want your SSD/NVMe to go above 60% used. So plan your sizes accordingly.
  9. As far as I am aware, the plan is to have them available to those who purchased during EA. This isn't a cloud-enabled game due to the storage limitations for Steam Cloud, so I don't see that playing a factor at all.
  10. Make certain that you are not set as "Invisible" in the Steam friends list.
  11. Would need to verify with @Alloc, but I think multi-instance support was removed a while back. Can probably still do it with some tinkering though.
  12. LGSM is what we use for ours. I highly recommend it. I would pair it with a full service manager like CSMM, Botman, or Server Tools. We use CSMM/CPM on ours and the servers require very little maintenance.
  13. Yes, there were changes to the UI in 19.5 which can cause issues in the older version of Riles. Especially regarding forges and containers. You can find 1.08 near the bottom of Page 4 of the thread. I have fully tested it to be working without issues, and am currently using a version of it I modified myself on one of our servers. The client is missing the Hitmarker mod now. Looks like they uninstalled it since the first log you posted. This is a mod that contains assets, and therefore must be loaded on both the server and every client that plays. The client is also still missing the prefabs. These must be installed or the client will have sync issues, which will cause problems like the inability to open containers, and things like traders replaced with trees.
  14. Riles 1.07 is obsolete, and causes issues. Update to the Beta 1.08. Should also verify compatibility on your other UI mods. Probably have a conflict somewhere else. Client also does not have the Compo-Pack or whatever prefab pack you're using installed. Prefabs must be installed on both the client and the server. This has been known since Alpha 17 released.
  15. Reminds me of the issues with the 5700-series when it released. Took AMD something like a year and a half to fix the driver package.
  16. SylenThunder


    This is already planned. Oculus support was one of the kickstarter goals.
  17. We are re-launching Last Light with a fresh map and a new challenging mods as well as some QoL mods. There are larger stack sizes, respawning resources, a custom user interface, starter pack, the White River Tools of Citizenship Questline, Snufkins Custom Zombies and Snufkins Vehicle. There's a lot to do and see and we hope you have fun with it. Server information and a full mod list can be found on the Last Light page at https://mastersofchaosgaming.com/LastLight. Enjoy!
  18. You can make a desktop shortcut for the steam connect link. Any client arguments you need can be added in the Steam client. Using a 10k map shouldn't be an issue, or take forever to load if your hardware is up to snuff. What you're trying to achieve with the overhaul mods in different folders though, probably not possible even with adding them to Steam. You're just going to have to live with manually joining the servers on those clients. It's still not entirely clear what you're stating here. parallel computing would be using multiple PC's CPU's to run the server and split the resources into smaller chunks for processing. AMD FM2+ barely scrapes the bottom-end for what is required to run this client. It is not really sufficient for a dedicated server. LGA 1155 is much better in terms of meeting required specs, but will lag a bit with major overhauls if you don't have one of the top-end i7 chipsets. As far as I am aware, Parallel computing does not exist for either of those platforms natively on the consumer market. In the latter it would exist in the Xeon server lineup, but at least 2/3rds of those chips do not meet min spec. If your server is taking exceptionally long to load, it's likely that is a result of being pretty far below spec. Maybe you could be a little more detailed on what your hardware setup is, and what you are hoping to accomplish. Based on what you've said so far, it sounds like you're trying to use two underpowered PC's to share the load of the client because neither meet the required hardware specifications to play the game.
  19. Those links don't work from terminal. Curious, why exactly are you trying to start the client from the command line?
  20. Just make a web url shortcut. Steam Connect protocol serves this purpose just fine. steam://connect/ You can also use domain name if you own the site. steam://connect/connect.mastersofchaosgaming.com:26910 And if your server has a password.... steam://connect/connect.mastersofchaosgaming.com:26910/pa$$w0Rd As for disabling protocols, that's all defined in the config file, and has instructions. I only recommend disabling SteamNetworking when you have the ports forwarded properly, and LiteNetLib only for testing purposes. You will tank server network performance with LiteNetLib disabled.
  21. 8 years, and in any case, this is the kind of issue you would spend time working on during Beta development. Not while still in Alpha.
  22. No. It was the only thing I could think of when he was holding that. Had to re-watch a good portion of the video.
  23. I answered this above. In order to give you more specific information I'd need more details on your server. Then you should submit a proper bug report in the correct location.
  24. 48 hours without shutting down? That's not something you want to do. If you're running Windows, you should be restarting every 8-12 hours. Vanilla with supported player count will stay up longer without issues. Modded or unsupported player counts need to decrease that. If you're on Linux, you can go 24 hours. A heavy overhaul modded server can do about 12-16 hours.
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