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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. How many zeds you get is determined by your gamestage. Your gamestage in that log was something like 3. As your character levels up and progresses it will increase. Day count does not matter. If your gamestage is low like that, you're hardly going to get anything.
  2. You need a higher gamestage to get zombies
  3. Vortex doesn't work with 7 Days. THe only thing Nexus is really good for is hosting the files. You will need to install the mods manually. The original location of the mod is here, and has installation instructions. Also, that mod hasn't been updated since Alpha 18. It is not likely to work on the current version of the game. It appears to be abandoned atm, and has not received any updates.
  4. This is less than half the minimum required hardware.
  5. DMZ'ing the PC isn't going to do much for you except expose critical ports to the internet that will put you at risk. DMZ in most modern modems/routers is not a true DMZ anyway, and only opens a select number of ports. You don't need to do anything with the 27015-27050 range. In fact, it's advised that you leave that alone completely. The things that need to use that port range are generally just sending data, or will open access via UPnP if necessary. For the game client you must forward port 26900 on the TCP protocol, and also the range 26900-26903 on the UDP protocol, to the host server. The local server host should have a static IP address in the local network.
  6. Curious about the preference on the flat panel. Though at 27" it really won't make a big difference, however when you get to some of the larger sizes, the curved screen is very desireable. I recently upgraded from 24" flat 1080p to a 35" curved 1440p. The difference is amazing. Whatever resolution, I would stick with 144Hz. I mean honestly you don't need more than 60 unless you do a lot of gaming, but even with a lot of gaming you don't need above 144Hz unless it's competitive gaming. Mine can do the adaptive 48Hz-144Hz, but is capable of overclocking to 165/170Hz. I've only seen it hit the upper ones in testing though. Really it comes down to what your budget is. I managed to snag this 35" for about $250, but they can usually start around $350-$450.
  7. That's pretty much how you do it. The most common error is double-nesting the mod folder. Make certain that the folder layout looks something similar to this...
  8. Try it without any mods and a Vanilla map. I cannot say I've ever seen this before.
  9. What is to be fixed? There is already a setting to adjust it if you have issues. I personally don't find it to be shaky at all.
  10. I just yanked it from my Generated Worlds folder after creating the map, and then zipped it for sharing.
  11. Actually..... https://www.newscientist.com/article/2227168-turkey-is-getting-military-drones-armed-with-machine-guns/ And from even earlier..... https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-40901393
  12. Yep. Twice I went back to play it again. Didn't make it past two hours before I got tired of it and dropped it. There isn't enough variation in goals. Same thing with The Forest. Was great the first time though, but doesn't really have any replay-ability.
  13. Guide: How-To download almost every past Steam version of 7 Days To Die from Steam Should be able to go all the way back to Alpha 5.5.
  14. Yep, basically this. We focus on books, hardware, and automotive stores straight off, while another goes mining and scavenging. What items we miss can usually be filled by a few trader visits. We are usually donning motorbikes by day 10 or so, and have a gyro shortly after. No need to spend points in leveling the perks for it.
  15. The specs for my minimum hardware test rig. Motherboard: Intel DG33BU CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4GHz RAM: 8GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 800MHz GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 770 2GB Twin Frozr Gaming OC Storage: 1TB WD Black I was using a GTX 660Ti 2GB by MSI, but fried it using the cable for a different PSU. Apparently it fit, but the pinouts were different. It's currently capable of a relatively stable 60FPS. FPS does drop in about half for the dusk/dawn shadow issue, and fluctuates a bit during bloodmoon. Before a19 went stable I ran a series of tests on it comparing the differences between a bloated system, and one that is properly clean and optimized. The details are here.
  16. The way solar typically works is that it charges the batteries, and then spare power is used for the household. You build the systems so that the load from the household does not exceed the remaining value required to charge. It is not useful to draw from the batteries while you are charging them, as it will heat the batteries up more and shorten their lifespan. In-game it works very similarly. If you plan your setup accordingly, then you won't run into an issue. The devices will draw straight from solar during the day, and from the batteries at night.
  17. That looks like Riles HUD+. Recommended to use the latest beta version because the one previous has some compatibility issues with the current version of the game client.
  18. Plus there is already an existing topic for this already. No need to start a new one when you can read what's already here. It's not like you even have to dig for it. It's right here on the first page of posts.
  19. Plus he would know the actual release date of the game. Might have to kill him just for that.
  20. Only thing I really noticed in the log was that server FPS is kind of low when they are connected. It's not like there were a bunch of other people connected when they weren't in order to compare though.
  21. Oh god.. I hit Expand. >.< Just a minute and I'll edit that nonsense.
  22. The version of CPM with permadeath won't work with 17.4. All lines in the log regarding shader errors can be ignored. They are not an indication of an issue. Your error of "The class <Execute>BLA could not be loaded, used in LiteDB" probably indicates an issue with the installation or a missing dependency. I can't say I've seen this error recently, and it does not exist in any of my current servers logs. Based on the "unknown command" mod, you did not install the mod so it would be loaded. Either the path is wrong, or it's missing required dependencies. Since you're on Linux, remember that folders are case sensitive. Folder location should appear similar to this... This is what you will see in the log when the mod is loaded correctly. 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.420 INF [MODS] Start loading 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.435 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 1CSMM_Patrons 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.609 INF [MODS] Found ModAPI in CSMM_Patrons.dll, creating instance 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.615 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: CSMM Patrons (19.8) 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.616 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Allocs_CommandExtensions 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.626 INF [MODS] Found ModAPI in AllocsCommands.dll, creating instance 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.626 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Allocs command extensions (21) 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.626 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Allocs_CommonFunc 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.634 INF [MODS] Found ModAPI in 7dtd-server-fixes.dll, creating instance 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.635 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Allocs server fixes (23) 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.635 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Allocs_WebAndMapRendering 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.643 INF [MODS] Found ModAPI in MapRendering.dll, creating instance 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.643 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Allocs MapRendering and Webinterface (38) 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.689 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code 2021-10-10T00:50:31 2.697 INF [MODS] Loading done
  23. Server would stay Vanilla. You just follow the setting for setting permadeath in CPM. The console command for it.... permadeath Manage permadeath players Usage: pd add <steamId> pd remove <steamId> pd list So if I wanted to add a person to permadeath, and their Steam ID is 76561199067280217, then I use the command "pd add 76561199067280217". Now that person will be reset automatically when they die. And you only need CPM for this. CSMM is for managing the server.
  24. If you're running a dedicated server, CPM has this ability. Server API mods are Pinned at the top of this forum section.
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