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Everything posted by zztong

  1. Erg, 8 "pints" in a gallon. I'm a walking mistake. Boiled water stacks to 10, so maybe Murky water should too? Yeh, I'm not complaining about the direction. I have been guilty of calling the early game stage "7 Days to Find a Cooking Pot" as I find it absurd (in an entertaining way) all of the pots and pans have disappeared from the world, but I cannot deny it is a fun challenge. Heh, true. My favorite has been being unable to empty a jar of Murky Water without drinking it. (LOL) Still, it seems like a counter-intuitive hole in the game not to be able to carry water from a lake (or any source). Consider: You walk to a lake, build a campfire, pull out your newly found cooking pot, and ... you cannot get water from the lake into the cooking pot. You pull out a bucket, fill it with water ... and you cannot pour your bucket into the cooking pot. It is so fundamental that I suspect not having it will lead to new players being lost or thinking it is broken. I can envision forum topics and bug reports from new players ... "I can't figure out how to get water from a lake." Thanks for listening.
  2. One last thought before heading off to bed... Water is heavy. A 1-gallon milk jug would be 8 lbs. If the design eventually comes around and lets us carry water from a lake back to base, you could make it so that it doesn't stack very well in inventory. Maybe the virtual "quart" jars only stack to 8 instead of 125, one bucket per slot, etc.
  3. I'd like to correct a mistake I made. A dew collector can be like a solar still and deliver potable water. A rain collector, on the other hand, does not deliver potable water.
  4. Yeh, everyone in AZ might be experts for all I know, but those around me (and including me) are largely ignorant of such things. Folks just know potable water comes out of the tap and think boiling solves all problems. When the conflict in Ukraine got started I thought to do some prepping, and this was a topic in things I read. That's the only way I knew what you were saying was correct. That's also how I knew rain water wasn't potable, as I had assumed it was prior.
  5. I agree with everything you said, but will quibble with this part a little... Anyone can learn to do this, but few people know how to do it because they haven't needed to do it. If everyone had advanced notice of the apocalypse, it would be common knowledge. Otherwise, finding the knowledge via scavenging survival books and magazines would be how folks learn it. But yes, exactly, the materials to filter are all around us.
  6. THE GOOD: I understand the scarcity of boiled water. That makes perfect sense and I like where that's going. This is cool. THE WEIRD: I'm kind of confused about what seems to be a lack of a method to carry water away from a water source, which is pretty fundamental to all of humanity's existence. I can drink from a lake or river, but I can't carry water away with me because there are no jars. Are there buckets? Can I fill a cooking pot? Can I eventually find or craft a canteen, a leather water skin, something? I'm equally confused about not being able to transfer lake/river water from a bucket into a cooking pot to be boiled. SUGGESTION 1: We should be able to carry water away from a water source using stuff in basically any house and most POIs. A kiln and clay would make pots if stone-age crafting is desired. THE INACCURATE: A dew/rain collector should not give fresh water. It should give murky water. Real life rain/dew is not potable water. SUGGESTION 2: The trick with water survival is purification, not availability. Instead of a dew collector for gathering potable water, how about a Solar Still? That makes much more sense, works slowly, requires uncommon knowledge, and ultimately achieves your goal. They're also kind of fragile, so zombie's stomping around your farm would ruin them. SUGGESTION 3: You could add water purification tablets to the game and let some skill craft them, kind of like medicine. It could turn murky water into boiled water. You could start the game with one instead of a bottle of boiled water. NOTE: Boiling water does not always purify water. It kills things that live in the water (like bacteria) but does nothing to harmful minerals (like lead), radioactive particles, or dirt/debris. You also need a filter. If you want to go further into survival, maybe mix in multiple levels of murky water or even radioactive water. Then add in crafting filters with cloth and charcoal, or something. I don't get the sense you're trying to go that deep.
  7. There's a POI in A19 that I don't think ever made it into worlds and it is really cool. It is called "aaa_theatre_plays" and as the title promises, it is a theater that is meant for live action plays. Please tell me some TFP has plans for this, even though the file didn't get into A20. This thing is awesome.
  8. Correct, so long as you're talking about POIs. The game and RWG can both traverse directories in the Prefabs folder to find POIs and there are no XML entries for POIs. But when it comes to Parts (built like POIs), they must be in a Prefabs/Parts folder in the modlet. The XML entries for Parts are in each POI's XML file. When it comes to Tiles (built like POIs), they go in a Prefabs/RWGTiles folder AND they have entries in the rwgmixer.xml file, which you add using XSLT in your modlet. When it comes to Decorations that are built like POIs, they can go in any folder under Prefabs and they must have entries in biomes.xml file, again via XSLT.
  9. I'd be cool with sound blocks, configurable so that the POI designer picked the sound, how often it played, the radius that can hear it. A library of sounds that ships with the game would be cool. For bonus points, let modlets add sound files with some very limited but reasonable maximum length. A 3-second CD quality file will be something like 500kb and transfer quickly across the 'net along with the map data. It would be something like 100 sounds files taking under 1 minute across a last-mile 10 Mbps DSL connection, or something like 4-5 seconds over a last-mile 100 Mbps cable connection. A possible issue is modlet creators distributing sounds that are copyright by somebody, but that's not a new concern. Another possible issue is reports of server/network performance related to signaling that a sound should be played. I'm sure I do not know the whole story, but I thought I read something about net code to play sounds going to all players and then the client determining if it was heard.
  10. I'm not sure you're supposed to replace the game's rwgmixer.xml file with that from the CP. The CP's should be in a modlet (or a number of modlets) and contain XSLT that details changes to the game's rwgmixer.xml file that will be applied by whatever features support modlets. It should stay were it is within the modlet. Maybe I'm just crazy and you and Stallion are trying to accomplish something I've not realized, but usually you put folders that contain modlets into your Mods folder. The game should then find the modlet and integrate it with its default settings when the game is launched.
  11. Ah, so custom blocks. Sorry, I can't help on that front.
  12. Do you mean modlets that include Decorations as declared in biomes.xml or custom blocks or remnant POIs or what?
  13. I use AutoHotkey. IIRC, the macro sends W up then W down. When you want to quit auto moving, press and release W. If you want to run while that's going, hold down shift as you move. You can hold and release shift all you like to switch between walk and run.
  14. I've noticed similar. My guess is destroying the ramp eventually cuts them off from your intended path. Once your intended path fails, the next best path is to knock down the tower upon which you stand. So, while most run through your abattior, the quirks give you the fun of having something else to plan for.
  15. Yes, I think I know what you mean. Yes, depending on the animation, I've noticed sometimes the Z isn't where it appears to be. I wouldn't say this is a new thing. I tend to either get them on the ground or let them stand before I shoot again.
  16. It's pretty hard to diagnose the issue with the clue provided. As I understand it, only my modlet worked? Can you give us an example of a modlet that did not work and perhaps a link to where you got it? I think @stallionsden is on the right track. The theory is your other modlets are for A19 and have no tags in their XML files that the RWG recognizes, so they weren't placed. And, even if you added the tags, they would contain blocks that are no longer in A20.
  17. Heh, well it does take time to learn the names of the shapes. My sympathies for trying to do so while under attack. But, kudos for trying to make a stylish base even when under pressure. When I'm under pressure, such as when trying to rough up a make-shift horde defense, I'd just drop down cubes and bars. Maybe spend some time in the Prefab Editor making your base, where you don't have to worry about being attacked. Then you'll get to know the shapes better and not have to worry about resources.
  18. Is a certain POI always involved? If so, I'd think the size settings for it in your KingGen configuration are wrong. You're not using an A19 configuration file with A20 POIs, are you?
  19. As I'm playing right now there's a nice mid-day thunderstorm going on and setting Z's to Jog in this dim light might be cool too.
  20. Any of us can do Tiles. My workbench has a few rural district tiles on it right now, mostly because I noticed all cities and towns were wrapped by rural tiles, so RWG uses them a lot. (That will be the ZZ010 release, sometime in the future.) The ZZ009 release targeted the Gateway Tile because folks spend a lot of time near Traders and the trader tiles were starting to look repetitive to me. That release is a couple of weeks old. What Tiles are needed? I'm open to suggestions.
  21. (1) Feral Sense and Fog I'd like the option to turn on Feral Sense when the weather was foggy. The idea being the environment would become less predictable. I might be raiding a POI when suddenly the weather changes and Zs on the street become more likely to notice me. I've tried the other options (Night, Day, All) and end up turning off Feral Sense because it is too common. Maybe fog isn't the best trigger, but something that makes it more of a random event. Fog can be spooky and semi-rare, so it seemed like a nice trigger. (2) Zombie Fog Speed We have the ability to set Zombie speeds for Day, Night, Feral, and Blood Moon. How about a Fog Speed? Fog is kind of like darkness. Maybe Z's jog during fog by default? BTW, I love horde nights out in the open with no horde base when it is foggy. The Z's come out of the fog a few blocks ahead of you. Listening to your environment becomes really important and quick reactions are needed more.
  22. Perhaps. There are quirks and bugs. For instance, (1) you can get roads through lakes, (2) roads running parallel to each other, and (3) Parts that extend underground can end up filled with stone. I was just curious if you'd seen something I'd not. Sometimes, I can try to provide some relief in my modlet. For instance, a number of people have spotted the repetition of a rural tile that has a small lake beside a bend in the road. That isn't a bug, but speaks to an opportunity for more content.
  23. It occurred to me last night that words on buildings, reversed, would become gibberish.
  24. Interesting. (Reversed or Mirrored POI placement.) I wonder if a reversed POI would be enough to make it fresh. The human brain is pretty good at recognizing patterns, but if you've not seen a POI a bunch of times a reversal might be enough. I wonder if a reversed POI will end up with some arrangements of blocks that don't make sense. It seems viable, but reversing a door's palcement doesn't necessarily reverse the direction it opens. Something that would have been behind an open door might not be anymore. Maybe that's good. Also interesting is that you don't have to make reversed versions of POIs. RWG just reverses them as it copies the blocks. Something that is possible today would be to assemble a House entirely out of Parts. For instance, you standardize the size of the kitchen for a ranch-style house, put in a default, then make 6 variations of the kitchen any one of which can replace the default. Repeat for the living room, bed room, bath room. Quirks: You can get an impressive number of variations, but the human brain will still recognize the patterns even if the furniture changes locations. (Kind of like how RWG cities seem repetitive to folks now after 6 months even though there are millions or billions of combinations.) If you want the walls to change textures, you'll have to double the thickness of the walls. (A one-block think wall has textures for the rooms on both sides.) RWG will still think all House_Random_01s are the same POI, even though it scrambled the Parts. Trivia: Stallionsden used Parts to make the upper floors in his Casino different each time.
  25. I'd like to know more. I spend a lot of time generating worlds with RWG and try to get to know its quirks. I'm curious what you're seeing. I don't want to derail or hijack this thread, so I don't mind a direct message if you think that is best.
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