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Everything posted by zztong

  1. Is near as I can tell, TFP used RAW files, but made a comment on the boards that PNGs would work using Greyscale, 16 Bit PC Byte Order. So far, PNGs are working for canyons, craters, and lakes (I've not yet tried rivers) ... all of the things that lower terrain ... but my attempt to use a PNG for a mountain (raising terrain) threw the Null Reference Exception.
  2. (1) I'm messing around with Stamps in RWG. Sometimes I think I see the stamp being cutoff. That is, I see a flat edge and a terrain feature abruptly stops when that flat edge is not in the PNG. I assume there is a maximum dimension for the stamp file, perhaps something like 1000x1000 px, 500x500 px? Does anyone know the size? @Kinyajuu (2) I'm getting a Null Reference exception when I try to generate a map with a mountain stamp. It is reported (see below) but I wondered if anyone else has had any luck with a mountain stamp? I'm a novice with art tools and don't have a lot of confidence that I'm preparing the stamp files correctly. PNG, 16 Bit Greyscale with Alpha, PC Byte Order. Height map with 32 being a typical ground level, so a mountain would be values of 32-255. Link to Bug Report:
  3. Just FYI, this duplicates an already confirmed bug report...
  4. Just FYI, this duplicates an already confirmed bug report...
  5. Attached is a test file you can use to recreate the issue. Put this file in a modlet's Stamps folder. Your modlet files would look like this: testmod/ ModInfo.xml Stamps/ mountains_zztong_01.png I did learn that I was not exporting my PNGs correctly, however the problem persists with correctly exported PNGs too, like the one that is attached. In case it isn't clear, this exception happens when using RWG to generate a new world.
  6. Attached is a test file you can use to recreate the issue. Put this file in a modlet's Stamps folder. Your modlet files would look like this: testmod/ ModInfo.xml Stamps/ mountains_zztong_01.png I did learn that I was not exporting my PNGs correctly, however the problem persists with correctly exported PNGs too, like the one that is attached. In case it isn't clear, this exception happens when using RWG to generate a new world.
  7. I was thinking about various things that could be implemented as "townships" (rwgmixer.xml reference) in the game. Some of them would want a cohesive perimeter around them. For instance, consider a military base done as a township. For another, consider a desire to treat "oldwest" town as a tourist attraction instead of a ghost town. Both of those cases would want some kind of wall or fence as a contiguous perimeter around the "township." Also consider @MichaelL. MP Logue's Swampland City Tile System which might benefit from knowing where the interface between the swamp and the rest of the world would be. The ability to define a cohesive perimeter around a rwgmixer.xml township becomes that interface. Current rwgmixer.xml features support declaring an "outskirt_district" to wrap around a township. For example: <township name="town"> <property name="outskirt_district" value="rural"/> </township> This is very close to meeting the goal of this suggestion. What it does not do is guarantee specific rotations of the Tiles in the specified outskirt_district will be used such that a fence or wall defined on those tiles will connect. That is, while "cap" Tiles will (probably) always face the correct way, I'm not so sure of "corner", "straight", and "T" tiles. A "T" tile could conceivably be used as an entrance to a "township", which would rotate it the opposite way from that used to otherwise maintain a perimeter. An "intersection" tile would represent an entrance to the settlement but could be rotated in 4 different directions making the placement of a perimeter fence/wall impossible to predict. What I'm wonder is if either an "outskirt_district" property might indicate a desire for a cohesive perimeter: <township name="town"> <property name="outskirt_district" value="military_fence" cohesive_perimeter="true"/> </township> Or, if perhaps it is better to declare the district itself as a perimeter: <district name="military_fence"> <property name="district_spawn_weight" value="0.4"/> <property name="district_required_township" value="military_base"/> <property name="district_preview_color" value="0.25,0.25,1"/> <property name="poi_required_tags_all" value="military_fence"/> <property name="cohesive_perimeter" value="true"/> </district>
  8. As I'm not familiar with the details of the NPC Pack, I was assuming the POIs to support it would be using custom blocks that would be unavailable in vanilla, hence unusable in a vanilla game. If there were a way for a vanilla POI to be used by the NPC Pack, then that would change my recommendation. For instance, what if the NPC Mod looked for a flag in POI's XML, such as: <property name="NPCModFaction" value="WhiteRiver" /> ... which would otherwise be ignored by a Vanilla game and the POI would act normally. Or, instead of a custom XML tag, maybe reuse a tag abandoned by TFP, such as EditorGroups. Or, can you get to Prefab Properties - Groups that we can set using the Prefab Editor? I'm not sure where that gets stored. Come to think of it, I wonder if Stallionsden mentioned doing this to me and I'm channeling his idea. If so, credit to Stallion. And, if found, commandeered "S_-Group_Generic_Zombie" to mean whatever value goes with your mod for the WhiteRiver faction? So... <property name="SleeperVolumeGroup" value="S_-Group_Generic_Zombie,1,1,S_-Group_Generic_Zombie,2,3,S_-Group_Generic_Zombie,2,3,S_-Group_Generic_Zombie,2,2,S_-Group_Generic_Zombie,2,3,S_-Group_Generic_Zombie,5,6,S_-Group_Generic_Zombie,3,3" /> ... would become something like... <property name="SleeperVolumeGroup" value="S_-WhiteRiverDudes,1,1,S_-WhiteRiverDudes,2,3,S_-WhiteRiverDudes,2,3,S_-WhiteRiverDudes,2,2,S_-WhiteRiverDudes,2,3,S_-WhiteRiverDudes,5,6,S_-WhiteRiverDudes,3,3" /> ... because your modlet's code would intercept the file at load time. Would that even be possible? In this way, if feasible, folks like me could support your modlet without having to make a special version of POIs with a code dependency.
  9. IIRC... A chicken gives 10 to a knife with no skill improvements. A deer (doe) gives 15 and a deer (stag) gives 25. What's harder to take into account is what food you made from the meat. If you're grilling, boiling, or burning the meat you're not going to get a lot out of it. I think 10. If you pair it with two eggs you get 35. Pair it with potato and mushrooms then, well... you get the idea. The point is the volume of meat is a vague concept, not a well-defined amount, and then there's some argument to be made about what a better cook might get out of the meat. Overall, I'm kind of with you though. I would like to think a deer (doe) is more than 1.5 chickens.
  10. If a POI belongs to a faction, maybe distribute the POI as part of the modlet that contains the faction?
  11. It sounds like you either overkilled the deer or harvested the meat with using a tool that is not the best, like a stone axe. Your deer was probably also a doe. A doe can give out 15 meat and a stag gives 25. I agree deer give out too little, but they're also really easy to hunt. Lately, I've been playing with some settings that make the deer harder to hunt, so I also gave them more meat. You might like this combination: See further, so flee earlier. Run faster, so harder to hit when on the move and harder for you to close with them. Enough health that I can't one-shot them day 1 with a crude bow. 35 meat from a Stag, 30 meat from a Doe. <entity_classes> <!-- Make Deer (Stag, Doe) faster, tougher, more perceptive and with more meat. --> <!-- The goal here is to make them a more difficult hunting challenge, but worthy of the reward. --> <setattribute xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalStag']/property[@name='SightRange']" name="value">60</setattribute> <setattribute xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalStag']/property[@name='MoveSpeedPanic']" name="value">2.0</setattribute> <setattribute xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalStag']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='HealthMax']" name="value">350</setattribute> <setattribute xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalStag']/drop[@name='foodRawMeat' and @tag='butcherHarvest']" name="count">35</setattribute> <setattribute xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalDoe']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='HealthMax']" name="value">300</setattribute> <setattribute xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalDoe']/drop[@name='foodRawMeat' and @tag='butcherHarvest']" name="count">30</setattribute> </entity_classes>
  12. Summary: (a short description of the bug) I'm guessing this is best considered a bug, but maybe this is an intentional possibility and a unique challenge: I tracked down Nickole's Treasure Map in my solo game only to discover it is in the irradiated zone. See attached picture. See attached picture. Game Version: A20.6 b9 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700K 3.61 GHz System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GeForce RTX 3060 Screen Resolution: 3440 x 1440 Video Settings: High Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes - The POI Mod I Develop. EAC on or off? On Status: NEW Bug Description: Treasure map (buried supplies) location is in the irradiated zone. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Be unlucky. 2) 3) Actual result: (description of what is occurring) Treasure map (buried supplies) location is in the irradiated zone. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) Treasure map (buried supplies) location is NOT in the irradiated zone.
  13. I don't know about wild boars. Like you say, they're probably not going to be sneaky, but videos do portray them as being pretty fast and tough, killing a couple of people a year. I wouldn't expect them to be quiet, but also not super loud either. But, I did a little searching and found comments from a person who has encountered them a number of times while hiking. They said wild boars were generally noisy in their normal routine and usually pretty easy to avoid, but they did get surprised by a pair of them once and was fortunate that they retreated. At this point, I don't know what to think. I've been okay with the TFP implementation. Its mountain lions that I'd like to see worked on. Real mountain lions like to stalk and ambush. I wouldn't expect a mountain lion to make much noise. Rather than roam randomly around the snow biome I'd like to see them hide in the cover under the snowy pine trees and wait for a player (or zombie) to get near before they pounced. I wonder if that's some AI that could be codified.
  14. The general pattern is that a modlet's directory/folder goes into a Mods directory/folder HERE... %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/Mods For instance you'd put the ZZTong-Prefabs modlet's folder would be %APPDATA/7DaysToDie/Mods/ZZTong-Prefabs You can tell a modlet's folder because it has a ModInfo.xml file in it, other files and folders. A common mistake is that when you unpack a ZIP file you might get another layer of folder. Each modlet gets its old folder under Mods. It is handy to know that %APPDATA% is a variable that Windows understands. It usually refers to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming where your user ID plugs into USERNAME so that it is unique to each users on the system. When you start talking about using Overhaul Mods and/or Mod Launcher, then things can change away from this pattern. You'll want to follow the instructions for them.
  15. Yes, this has gotten a laugh out of me several times. For corn, we literally eat the seed. I do sober up when I remember plants grow to maturity in 2 days, because if I had to wait 60-100 days for corn to mature then I'd need a whole lot more farm plots, plus harvesting and replanting would take forever. But I also like the explanation that a game seed represents having planted lots of seeds and conditions: altered climate, poor seed quality, and perhaps in 7D2D corporations sold "mostly-sterile" seed stock. There is a POI dedicated to super corn. That's usually enough in a single player game, specially if you wait for LOTL 3 to harvest it. On servers that POI is popular mostly for all of the meat you can get from the boars found within. But on servers I usually find that farmers share seeds. I'm curious what your experience has been. Agreed.
  16. In the Prefab Editor deselect is the Backspace key. Maybe that's what it is when it appears in other environments.
  17. The apiaries are built with normal blocks. They could give the normal blocks a chance to drop honey, but then you'd be getting honey from things like house walls. If they added a apiary/bee hive object, then it could be configured to drop honey. Cross your fingers for A21, which is said to have lots of new objects.
  18. Me too, but I don't think that's a bad thing. You get back based on the time invested. It is kind of the opposite of filling 125 empty jars in 2 seconds. Then, of course, there's the travel time to the nearest pond/river/pool. A backpack full with TFP stacking would take a long time. In my solo game where jars (full and empty) only stack to 8, it wouldn't take as long. I'm also not overflowing in empty jars because I usually want to carry something else. My solo game went a different way so that I didn't have to create another layer of water. I gave boiled water a 6% dysentery chance. Then I lowered mineral water to provide 40 hydration and changed mineral water so it could only be crafted at a chem station. The idea being that if you want truly safe water you need more than just boiling. It also made Iron Gut more useful. You can still dodge dysentery with boiled water by turning it into some kind of tea, which shifted a touch more weight to basic cooking.
  19. I'd like to propose a compromise between this idea and the announced direction for A21. Clicking on a water source would harvest 1 jar of "putrid water." Drinking putrid water would be the same idea as "murky water" but with a much, much higher chance of dysentery (50%?) and even more health loss (-10?). Purification of putrid water into murky water would take a chemistry station, require coal (like mineral water; representing a filter) and perhaps an extended processing time. (30 secs?) In this way, the A21 early game experience might remain as intended. The late game players can still scale up glue production via more chemistry stations and with more time invested gathering water if not using dew collectors, and humanity can still carry water from a lake as they have done since before recorded history.
  20. Consider the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xml> <ModInfo> <Name value="ZZTong-Prefabs" /> <Description value="Adds prefabs made by ZZTong." /> <Author value="ZZTong" /> <Version value="20.6.013" /> </ModInfo> </xml> (1) I suspect I'm using "Version" incorrectly. I suspect the desired value is to be the game version. I'd like to be able to express a modlet version too as this can be handy for debugging. Consider this log file entry: 2022-12-17T16:04:59 8.907 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'ZZTong-Prefabs' 2022-12-17T16:04:59 8.908 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: ZZTong-Prefabs (20.6.013) (2) It would be handy to be able to enable/disable a modlet, rather than move modlet files around. I suspect this would ultimately best be done via a future game feature that allowed for modlet management. In the mean time, perhaps allowing folks to enable/disable a modlet's loading when entering a new game or continuing a game (when modlet XML is actually applied). (3) It would also be handy to be able to express modlet dependencies in the XML. That is, allow a modlet to indicate zero or more other modlets that must be present. Then, have the game check to see if those dependencies are met and either put a message in the logfile and/or via some kind of dialog. So, final proposal, consider this example ModInfo.xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xml> <ModInfo> <Name value="ZZTong-Prefabs" /> <Description value="Adds prefabs made by ZZTong." /> <Author value="ZZTong" /> <Game-Version value="20.6" /> <Modlet-Version value="013" /> <Dependencies> <Modlet name="Cranberry-Monster-Arcade" /> </Dependencies> <Load-Modlet value="Enabled" /> </ModInfo> </xml> Which might result in: 2022-12-17T16:04:59 8.904 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'Cranberry-Monster-Arcade' 2022-12-17T16:04:59 8.905 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Cranberry-Monster-Arcade version 02 for Game version 20.6 2022-12-17T16:04:59 8.906 WRN [MODS] Modlet Cranberry-Monster-Arcade disabled in ModInfo.xml 2022-12-17T16:04:59 8.907 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'ZZTong-Prefabs' 2022-12-17T16:04:59 8.908 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: ZZTong-Prefabs version 013 for Game version 20.6 2022-12-17T16:04:59 8.909 WRN [MODS] Modlet Dependency Not Found: Cranberry-Monster-Arcade
  21. I see students who need special accommodations pretty much every semester and I've become more sensitive to their needs. This kind of improvement is important for many people.
  22. With LOTL 2-3 you'll be set at any amount. I'd have to do the math for LOTL 1, but I'm not usually bothering with farming until LOTL 2 and I've got a bunch of other skills/perks in order. (Farming is a mid-game priority for me.) I don't usually get a farm going until around the time I can plant about 3 of most seeds and at that point I'm mostly just building seed stock and working on having more farm plots, not harvesting for food. At a productive scale I'm usually shooting to harvest 5-10 plots of each seed. Maybe 10-20 plots of potatoes since I seem to use a lot of those.
  23. This is going to run me out of credits for the month, but... #1 - A horde of zombies under a red full moon. #2 - A ruined city skyline under a red full moon #3 - Zombies coming out of a heavy fog at night #4 - A zombie in an Arizona desert at night -- I didn't get to refine this one any before running out of credits.
  24. I don't care about the change from empty to virtual jars. I support the survival struggle related to a scarcity of potable water. I appreciate the dew collector being in the game. I worry the capability it provides enters the game too early. Of course, I won't know until I've played A21 for a while. I'm not a fan of being unable to transport murky water away from a water source. I think it is both irrational and takes away some interesting game play. I'm hopeful that XML changes will allow a change from "clicking on a water source makes the player drink" to "clicking on a water source harvests a jar of murky water."
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