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Everything posted by zztong

  1. Summary: (a short description of the bug) There's a lost Zombie in POI house_modern_23. Game Version: A20.4 b38 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700K 3.61 GHz System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GeForce RTX 3060 Screen Resolution: 3440 x 1440 Video Settings: High Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes - The POI Mod I Develop. EAC on or off? On Status: NEW Bug Description: There's a lost Zombie in POI house_modern_23. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Play through house_modern_23 and Stealth a lot, at least in the ground floor living room. 2) Get to the end of the POI and you will not have cleared everything. 3) Search for the missing Zombie. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) The yellow dot will lead you back to the area, but you have to work to activate the last zombie. See pictures. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) I expect to be horribly ambushed from above by the Zombie.
  2. To make storm sewers line up between Tiles, you have to make sure they are under the roads that exit the Tiles. they can go anywhere on the interior of the Tile, but the road connections are the "interface", so to speak. Yes, they would just abruptly end at the edge of town. It will be a dirt/stone wall. There are no "conditional parts", though I know Stallion and I have talked about how cool "conditional parts" would be. That is, the part is placed not by random chance, but instead if there was a neighboring tile, or not. Or, even if the neighboring tile were of the same District, or not. In that way, we could make Cities and/or Districts within cities have features that connected across Tiles, or terminate appropriately.
  3. Tractor: Ooooo, aaaahhhhh. Green, so that's John Deer. Will there be...? Blue ... Ford Orange ... Allis-Chalmers Red ... Case IH or Massey Ferguson
  4. I like the storm sewer tube and ladder. I kind of wish TFP would have put a storm sewer under all of the urban roads on their tiles so they would interconnect. I used a different shape and you've got me wondering if I should redo to match.
  5. I suggest using RWG to make an experimental world. Config the experimental world to allow cheats. Start the game. After the 2 pop-up story messages, hit F1 and type "dm" for debug mode. F1 to close the command line. Hit "Q" to enter god mode. Now you can fly around the world. Hit ESC and you can pick the POI Teleporter and jump to a city. Flying around the city will be a good test. You can mess with your graphics settings and see what works and what doesn't. You might find you can handle the heavier POIs at a graphics quality that you like.
  6. Some of the POIs can be quite brutal if your world puts them next to each other, your game settings are ambitious, and/or depending on your PC. You can make a high performance computer crawl with a few of those combinations. Some spawn a great many Zombies. IIRC, the Infinity installer lets you choose not to install some/all of the heavy POIs. I'm not sure what Stallion chose to be the criteria for that. The last I looked (A19) the heaviest POI from TFP appeared to be one of the skyscrapers. It had something like 3.5M triangles. There are CP POIs with more than that. I daresay, some with many more. If you're following the Dev Discussions, there was something about them looking into Glass blocks for A21. Well some of the CP skyscrapers are loaded with glass, and maybe its the blocks that the Devs were concerned about. So, to sum things up, there are CP POIs that are impressive in their requirements.
  7. Thanks. Yes, that's the idea, usually. I have strayed from Arizona content a few times, such as the Brownstones building.
  8. It occurred to me that I do have another option. When you use XSLT to add another Gateway to the mix, it replaces the TFP one. I could copy TFP one, add any custom Parts to it, and in that way extend it. The trouble would be if all modlets did that, only one would "win." Glad you found an option for your Tile; sorry that figuring that out cost you a trip to the showers.
  9. I've not tried to use XSLT to add to the Tags in a Vanilla POI's XML file, as is commonly done with other configuration files. I've just assumed that whatever code runs the XSLT wouldn't be turned loose on a POI's XML. But maybe that works...? You could copy the TFP's rubble POIs that you want to be in your pool of possible POIs, then tag them as you wish. I assume you'd rename them if you did. I could see also making them a slightly different size so that your copies don't end up in places where the originals land. I've not found that option to be desirable for me, but maybe you'd find that okay. I've been frustrated by a similar issue in reverse. The vanilla Gateway Tile has a place where a couple of different bits of content spawn across the street from the Trader. I can make a POI for that spot, tag it appropriately, but there's no way to add my Part to the Gateway Tile's list of Parts, unless perhaps editing the Tile's XML file via XSLT is an option. I've not wanted it so badly as to be motivated to try it. I'd rather wait for the ability to make custom Gateway Tiles.
  10. Interactive Hazzards -- Is there a way to run the big red pipe through a wall? That is, is there some block that is part wall and part pipe, rather than leave a big square hole in a wall and then route a pipe through it?
  11. I know you're asking the Devs but I think portals to other maps/servers would be cool. I'm not really into fast-travel within a map, but others might be.
  12. I saw in happen in A20.5b2 just a couple of days ago. It seems to be pretty rare and I was thinking maybe that's intended.
  13. I saw in happen in A20.5b2 just a couple of days ago. It seems to be pretty rare and I was thinking maybe that's intended.
  14. I recall my first impressions of VR Minecraft... "Whoa, Stop! That's a cliff. I'm up really high." ... and ... "Oh my, the creepers are as big as I am." ... and I'd expect similar experiences from 7D2D, where Z's would go from being 2-inches tall to being 6-foot and the top of a cell phone tower would be an impressive site. I'm not sure the "be mobile" approach to dealing with hordes would work in VR, but there's always building bases.
  15. Shower thought... Maybe the new bench is some kind of learning center... like a desk or a laptop computer. Then you take the LBL results ... part and magazines ... to this learning center. The LBD is you spend time reading magazines to unlock new things to craft or you spend time working with the parts to improve the quality of things you already know how to craft. At the Desk, Read magazines for gunsmithing and you learn how to make a pistol. At the Workbench, use Gun Parts to make a Q1 Pistol. At the Workbench, Use your Q1 Pistol and some Gun Parts and you improve the Durability and/or Quality level of your pistol and of those that you later craft.
  16. I've got to be crazy to jump into the LBL/LBD conversation. Honestly, I'm easy. Both have appeal, as do probably some other approaches. LBD seems great for things like using weapons, picking locks. I'm not so sure I like it for crafting. How many stone axes do I have to craft and scrap to learn how to make an iron axe? That seems odd. I'd have seen metal tools before the apocalypse. LBD seems like a decent way to slowly improve the quality of what I know to craft. LBL seems great for opening up new options. I could see finding an issue of Popular Mechanics that talks about forging iron into an iron axe. But I can see some overlap. I mean, if LBL turns up "Gun Parts", then some action (say "upgrade") to apply those "Gun Parts" to a gun seems like how LBL enables LBD. You couldn't manufacture the parts yourself, but you can learn gunsmithy via working on your own equipment. Maybe the effect is the durability gets slightly higher. Maybe LBL eventually shows you how to machine Gun Parts, but I'd be okay with that never happening. I mean, many modern parts need advanced engineering and manufacturing that I don't easily see an apocalypse survivor doing. I could see LBL turning up the knowledge to make a bike, or repair a vehicle. Actually, that's kind of an interesting idea. Rather than make a 4x4 on a workbench, you have to keep upgrading an in-game vehicle wreck. I guess I see how both LBL and LBD kind of go together. I may just be one of the "blind, sleeping TFP fan-boy masses" but I'm game to see how any new system plays out before attempting to craft a torch and a pitchfork.
  17. Summary: (a short description of the bug) In the Prefab Editor, I can see "(E) Search Air (Untouched)" and I get an NRE when I do. Game Version: A20.5 b2 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700K 3.61 GHz System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GeForce RTX 3060 Screen Resolution: 3440 x 1440 Video Settings: High Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes - The POI Mod I Develop. EAC on or off? On Status: NEW Bug Description: This is perhaps in the vein of "Doctor, it hurts when I do this. Okay, so don't do that." But, on the odd chance that it could affect the game, here's the description... In the Prefab Editor, I can see "(E) Search Air (Untouched)" and I get an NRE when I do. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Launch the Prefab Editor 2) Load the rwg_tile_countryresidential_corner Tile. 3) Fly to the NE corner. 4) Locate the small food pile on the edge of the Tile. 5) Turn on Show Ground Level 6) Point your target at the small food pile, observe the "(E) Search Food Pile, Small (Untouched)" message. 7) Slowly move your target from the food pile to the edge of the tile until the message changes to... "(E) Search Air (Untouched)" (8) Hold E... observe NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) Normally Air Blocks aren't expected to be searchable as if they have an inventory, but now that I think about it, we are kind of searching through Air blocks all the time for... well... everything. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) Regardless of what Air should, or shouldn't do, NRE's aren't usually desired. Like I said, I don't know that this one is worthy of anyone's attention, unless perhaps it is a way to recreate some other bug that is being kind of a pain in the butt to recreate.
  18. An updated version of this modlet is now available: A20.5-ZZ008 Included: 5 New Tier-5 POIs 2 New Tiles 9 New Decorations for the Wasteland Nearly all POIs have been updated to use Parts. Loot has been rebalanced. Curators of derivative modlets and overhaul mods be warned, this update changed nearly every POI. I now make use of GitHub while developing this modlet. While that's not a ready-for-consumers place to get this modlet, it can be handy for curators. The repository is public, but let me know if you want/need a link. You could use it to get a glimpse of what is coming in future releases. This update is dedicated to @TSBX (and anyone else who helped) for fixing the modlets-Parts issue.
  19. IIRC, the beehives are made from game objects like boxes and tables. Obviously they don't want boxes and tables to give out honey. I suspect they'd have to make a unique beehive block to accomplish this. -- EDIT: I think they're Farm Plots, not tables and boxes, but the point is the same.
  20. As it turns out, Republicrats and Demopublicans are two historical derogatory names for both parties. Those seem good. I think I'll go that way.
  21. I'm sure folks might enjoy historical and political landmarks, but local party HQs are not that sort of thing. They're basically offices dedicated to organizing volunteers and party members. In small cities, they're often not high quality office space, rented for cheap where space is available. My POI interests are mostly in modeling things found in many cities as part of trying to provide increased variety in the game. Something like the White House or the United States Capitol doesn't really fit into that concept.
  22. I'm looking through my list of unimplemented ideas. There are a few on the list that I wonder if folks might find objectionable. I thought maybe I'd list them here and get some feedback. The game already has churches. I wondered if making a synagog and a mosque would be objectionable? I mean, they are locations common to large and small cities all across the USA. I've thought about making a Democratic HQ and a Republican HQ. My thinking is that regardless of a person's political beliefs, beyond clearing Zs and finding loot, folks might like to shoot these places up with some rocket-launcher therapy. Both are likely to be found in USA cities.
  23. I'm all for the alternative energies and transports showing up in the game. IIRC, 7D2D is set in the future, and these technologies are here today. As for "game" aspects, panels on the vehicle should not turn it into a perpetual motion machine. That is, energy from the vehicle's batteries should be consumed faster than it can be generated. Then, bases with larger battery banks, larger panels, and generators, could be used to recharge the car's batteries more quickly. Panels on the car would still be handy as you would get some charge back while the car was parked and you were raiding a POI. In short, there should be something to manage, like fuel.
  24. I can only guess... based on the exception "Index Out Of Range" suggests it was working its way through a list and did something like ask for item 7 of 6, which doesn't exist. From there, we have to guess as to what list. It seems to be asking "Archetypes" to "buildUMA" and working with values like "profileName", "hair", "eye", "skin" ... which all kind of sound like a player character profile, perhaps like the kind you pick to determine how you will appear. Maybe? Did you perhaps not pick a profile or maybe it is corrupted? Again, guessing.
  25. I wonder if the new system will allow multiple different outputs from a recipe? 1 Egg + 1 Water = 1 Boiled Egg + 1 Empty Jar I wonder if the new system will allow a flexible number of ingredients? 1-10 Eggs + 1 Water = 1-10 Boiled Eggs + 1 Empty Jar
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