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Everything posted by zztong

  1. When working in some tight spaces, like bathrooms in trailers, tiny homes and studio apartments, a couple of blocks would be handy: An over-under washer and dryer (1w x 1d x 2h) - also called a stacked laundry A standing shower (1w x 1d x 2h) - also called a stand up shower
  2. It may be that radiators in homes is kind of an old way of doing things and for most places it is a source of heat, not needed so much in warmer climates. In modern buildings, you see radiators used in places like campuses. The University of Arizona, for instance, appears to cool many of its buildings by pumping chilled water through radiators. You may never see the radiators as the final step probably involves blowing cold air through the buildings. In game terms, they're a source of brass, which I always find interesting. Those classic radiators I thought were cast iron and car radiators are aluminum, I think.
  3. So would it select one District from the list to be the outskirt for the entire city or is this code run on a Tile by Tile basis?
  4. Awesome. That should cover my suggestion. Thanks.
  5. You have the ability to make a small map and you can minimize the number of settlements and wilderness POIs in RWG. That would be the closest thing possible today. Combine that approach with community POIs if vanilla doesn't reach the mark. I suspect that's probably not what you'd like to hear, and believe me I don't like saying it. I've thought about this goal several times in the past. The trouble is math. It is amazing how many POIs fit into a world. If they all have to be unique, and you want a big map, then TFP faces a massive labor shortage. TFP + Community? Still not enough. Maybe somebody could automate POI development... (extended pause). Machine learning and POI creation... anyone? But let's say they implemented this feature. I think RWG might even support it today, kind of. There appears to be some mechanism that keeps POIs from duplicating within a certain distance from each other. Say TFP changes that distance to be 20k (larger than the map). What does RWG do when it has a need to place a POI but there's none available? It places nothing. The only way I can currently envision a large map AND coming close to unique content, is to allow players generating maps to select "one central city", "two country towns", "one western town", and "sparse wilderness" options. In this way you would hopefully get much larger distances between settlements and larger gaps between wilderness POIs. Alas, many players hate spending a lot of time traveling so we're going to run into competing priorities, like those who want really large and dense cities and those who hate "walking simulators." Sorry if I've carried on too long and I hope I've not offended you or made it seem like I don't like the suggestion. I think it's a wonderful goal. I love talking about RWG. I find it to be one of the more interesting aspects of 7D2D.
  6. My favorite way to take on horde nights is to be mobile and run about the world. As part of that, I noticed recently that when Zombies jump over fences (chasing me because I jumped over a fence) they tend to square-up and jump directly over the fence. That is, they tend to jump directly across the fence. Rarely do they jump onto the fence. Combining that observation with one of the more popular horde base designs with a single elevated path. It is possible to make a base where the Z's run up stairs, down a narrow path face a fence, jump over it, and the jump carries them off of the elevated path. They fall. It doesn't fool every zombie every time, but if you have 3 of these turns in the path, not many will make it past, jump off, and have to run back to the start. My suggestion is that if a zombie decides to jump, it looks at the block to be jumped to determine how much surface area is present. If it is a half-block or less, then the Zombie jump onto the block, not over it. Then, if it was just something like a fence, they can just run off of it onto the ground and after me. But if the next step is a fall of more than a block, they can look to jump again. Or, more frequently, look to see if maybe they should jump at some angle to land on another block.
  7. Release A20.5-ZZ009 This version adds new variations on the Gateway Tile. That is, the Tile upon which Traders are placed. It does not change the Traders, just the content in their immediate vicinity. Now you should see light content instead of empty fields. The new content does not include quests because of the way the content has to be built, but you should be able to turn it into bases, or whatever. There's 12-14 pieces of content that can fit into 4 different slots, do you should get some variety for each town and city. This update also includes a few new POIs. Navezgane Telephone and Telegraph has come into being with two new buildings. There's also a new Survival Base Ruin that can be found in the Wilderness. I'm curious what folks think about it. I worry that it can be easily turned into a functional horde base, so I've tried to weaken it, plus filled it with tougher zombies. Please tell me what you think. There's new Decoration and Filler content. The Deco content gets scattered about the world. The Filler largely appears in Rural Tiles, which need lots and lots of content. I could add 100 new Rural POIs and folks would still find it to be kind of the same. This is because RWG places a lot of Rural content, so the vanilla 50 rural POIs are being used again, and again, and again. For that reason, this change also includes configuration that wraps cities with Residential Tiles instead of Rural Tiles. That will spread the Residential POIs thin, but take some heat off of the Rural content. There are several bug fixes for existing POIs, plus loot got rebalanced again. I botched up Tier 5 loot in the last release. It should be more normal now.
  8. I wonder if this might be a good project for A21. If TFP is working on Water, then maybe trouble spots like ladders to get out of pools might be in a better place as maybe water will somehow surround objects in the pool.
  9. This is true, and still a lot of work. Plus University content is highly repetitive. Within a dorm, for instance, you have something like 3 large floors of bedrooms with the occassional bathroom. Within classroom buildings, you have a bunch of classrooms. Office buildings... yeh. The branch campus condenses all of that. You maybe have 1 dorm, 1 building that is a mix of offices and classrooms, a rec center.
  10. For clarification, you're talking about "in-game" building, right? Or, do you mean in the Prefab Editor?
  11. Not specifically. I have thought about making a University district for cities and what kinds of POIs would be present in a large D1 (sports) R1 (research) University. A Natatorium (aquatic center / olympic pool) is a common building on campus. I've not decided to bite off a project as large as entire District as it would probably require a year of my time. The more I think about Universities, it starts to drift into being its own city with a collection of Districts and... well... then I start looking for compromises. The compromise often to make a "banch campus" on a single Tile. It would kind of fit: the Navezgane branch of the University of Arizona, which I'd probably call AZU to avoid copyrights. I'm not sure I'd put a Natatorium in a branch campus with 2-3 buildings.
  12. Currently, you can have one District identified in a Settlement's "outskirt_district" property: <property name="outskirt_district" value="rural"/> And, presently, townships of type "city" all come with rural Tiles that wrap around the outside. This can be pretty repetitive. I've considered making a "bigcity" township with the outskirts being residential. Then it occurred to me it would be cool if you could list more than one District in the "outskirt_district" property. (This is the suggestion. Allow this...) <property name="outskirt_district" value="rural,residential"/> Then, when RWG is generating the outskirts of a settlement, for each Tile to be placed it would first randomize a selection from the outskirts_district List, then determine which Tile from that Distict to use. In this way, the outter ring of Tiles for a city could be a mixture of both Rural and Residential Tiles. BTW, I tried listing two. It results in a KeyNotFoundException, which makes sense. It is probably looking for a district named "rural,residential". Another thing I tried was a District with this: <property name="poi_required_tags_all" value="rural,residential"/> The idea being that maybe the District would accept POIs of either tag. That attempt resulted in a NullReferenceException.
  13. I agree it would be handy. In fact, I use AutoHotkey to let Alt-R signal W is down. Then when I press W, the key coming up stops it. It makes cross-country driving more enjoyable and you're not wearing out a finger holding down a key for 20 minutes. ;************************************************************ ; ONLY FOR 7D2D ;************************************************************ #IfWinActive, 7 Days To Die ;************************************************************ ; ALT-R is autorun. W to stop. ;************************************************************ !r:: Send {w up}{w down} return ;************************************************************ ; ALT-M - Hold Down Left Mouse Button ;************************************************************ !m:: Click, Down return Change - Added AutoHotkey config.
  14. Oh yeh, I hadn't thought about that. I always plant them in farm plots because ... well, I dunno. It makes me happy.
  15. I'm neutral about the current farming. I don't start farming until I have a bunch of farm plots and 3 points in Living Off the Land, at which point the farming mini-game is a sure thing. I'm usually around level 40 or higher. The assumption that prior to that point I might plant 1-2 seeds and use them to make a nice single meal doesn't ever pan out. Saving up to make a single nice meal never happens as I eat the canned ingredients, plus I probably don't have the skill/schematic to make the nice meal. That is, I'm not going to put a second point in Cooking until I have a steady supply of the ingredients from a farm. Instead, I tuck away that seed for later so that once I have Living Off the Land, I can plant 5+ of each seed. Having to replant is kind of tedious, but a bit of a silver lining is that it is convenient to change the ratio of what I'm growing between harvests. My biggest complaint is that I have to remember to carry a stack of Clay so that I can craft Mushroom seeds when replanting. No other seed needs Clay. I'm not sure why mushrooms are the exception. Why not either all seeds require Clay or no seeds require Clay? Something to ponder, I guess, while replanting.
  16. When building a POI in the Prefab Editor, we have the ability to set light source radius and intensity. As a player, we don't have any of those features. In the case of a Player-created and placed Lantern, could players be given those options? With a real lantern you can change how much wick is exposed and kind of control the illumination. Bases I make as a player sometimes end up being awash in light, which can make reading labels on boxes difficult. I've heard there are performance issues with light radius' that overlap. This might allow players to help themselves a little in their own bases. This is not a super important feature.
  17. I haven't. I've not looked into any UI related xml files.
  18. It (the name) is randomized. You can only make one at a time. I'll make a new POI, test it's placement in the world along with running through it 2-3 times before it is finished. Make a pack of 5 POIs and you've made probably 20 worlds. I regularly have to go clear out my generated worlds for my own sanity and have to be careful not to delete any solo games I have going.
  19. But you don't pick the name of the world. It is randomized based on your choices in RWG. Either you're thinking of the game, or the world's name is editable and I've been overlooking it for... forever. Hmm, now I'm doubting myself and will have to try. Right. But the trouble is once I generate a world in RWG in the advanced screen, I'll back out to where I can make a new game, with a game name, but will have forgotten the name of the world that I just generated. So yeh, I can name the game anything I want, but I don't remember which world to put with it unless I switch out to the OS, dive into my worlds folder, and look to the world folder dates. I freely admit this is a _me_ problem... carelessness to click "back" without looking to the name of the new world.
  20. Tiles are an integral part of RWG as of A20. Anytime you use A20's RWG, Tiles are involved to make cities. Basically, they are 150x150 POIs that know how to designate spot for POIs of predetermined (usually standardized) sizes to be placed. The city streets line up because of the Tile system. The Tile system is extensible. We can add new Tiles via modlets. There is an exception. Gateway Tiles are special. Traders are placed on them and roads leading between cities and off to wilderness POIs connect to the Gateway Tiles. In A20, you cannot add alternative Gateway Tiles. What I have found, however, is that you can override the default one. Gateway Tiles have other quirks too. Gateway Tiles don't seem like they got finished in A20 and there's lots of room for growth in A21.
  21. This is a little thing, and perhaps a sign of my own incompetence or failing memory. I generate so many worlds for testing, that when I go to start a new test game I forget the name of the map that I have just generated and it doesn't stand out from the list of 30 or so worlds. There are several things I can, of course, do to overcome this, including hopping out to the OS and looking at the date/time of the world folders. I can write down the name of the world when I start to generate it. I can... well... beg you to consider maybe showing the date/time of world generation on the screen where you pick a world to go with your new game. Heh.
  22. Maybe I'm misremembering it, but I thought the book made every tree you harvested possibly give honey like a stump.
  23. Sneak peek... messing with a Gateway Tile. That's a Trader in the foreground.
  24. At Traders would be neat, but so much happens at Traders already, that I'd like to see a reason to go elsewhere. It was neat in A19 to sometimes find a working station in a POI. Then you at least had to be raiding POIs to find them and might see Z's respawn. I guess now in A20 the various workstation "Random Helper" blocks we put into POIs must not include a chance for a working version. I sometimes play nomadic. If you put a landclaim block down, then place your workstations, you can pick them back up. I think a Workbench mod for the 4x4 would make sense.
  25. More pics. The zombie is waaaaay up in the ceiling.
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