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Everything posted by zztong

  1. That's sort of an area of discussion. For instance, I'd like to include the various broken arcade objects and have them hand out vanilla items, like mechanical and electrical parts. For those who'd like to also have Cran's "mini-game" of being able to assemble "working" arcade games, I think that's a nice addition. I've suggested in the past that this seems to lend itself to Cran's stuff being two modlets. One that adds vanilla-supporting objects that I can use to seed the game with broken arcade objects. Then a second modlet that inserts the various additional mini-game items into the loot lists of the otherwise vanilla-supporting objects. So, install the base modlet and you get broken video games handing out vanilla items. My dependency would be on the base modlet. Then, if somebody installs the second modlet and they get the ability to craft Cran's really cool stuff for their bases. If we don't seed the game with basic video game objects, there's no basis for the entire mini-game. At the same time, I don't want to make my POIs useless to people who want a vanilla-like experience. I think the two modlet approach hits both goals. Hence - dependencies and this suggestions.
  2. With Teragon's announcement for release on Jan 13, I will need to make a release with Teragon support shortly after that. I have support for it figured out and implemented as of the latest test version, but it is quite possible the interface between custom POIs and Teragon could change, so at this time I don't want to commit to having immediate support available on Jan 13.
  3. While I believe this is a true statement and support the Devs in their search for a way to extend the early game and their overall ability to experiment with game issues, I don't accept that "realism" has absolutely nothing to do with the game. At some point a lack of reality undercuts the game. If they were to take away gravity then it becomes hard to say the game is set in Arizona. Perhaps gravity is too "out there" to compare to water availability, but we are talking about water. It covers 71% of the Earth's surface. All of the plant life shown in the game and all of the animals depend upon it and they're obviously living. (I've no idea if zombies need water.) Comparing it to gravity isn't so much of a stretch to me. Would it help? We can't pick our battles? Are you suggesting the game couldn't let us make working vehicles? Are you suggesting the game engine couldn't support a working backhoe, dump truck, etc? All that said, I do recognize that "the game" is the practical reality that we all face. A perfect simulation is not the goal. But I do suggest at some point a lack of reality changes the game. I would be less interested in a zombie survival game taking place at the cellular level, where we all play white blood cells. I suspect I'm less interested in the struggle against zombies taking place on the planet Zargon-5. (Gosh, I hope neither of those are TFP's secret next project.) Yeh, right on. There are a number of real-world survival issues that would let the Devs take the game in a direction that gets to the same goal of extending the early game. Virtual water containers and increased difficulty for water purification don't exclude any of that. Boiled water isn't perfectly potable water. Embrace that, move the production of truly potable water to a Chem Station, and you reach the goal. But A21 with the announced water changes is cool with me too. Lets try it. Lets see how it goes. It isn't the end of the game. Its a tempest in a tea pot. Take away gravity though and I'm outta here!
  4. That's @Deverezieaux's modlet. I can't imaging asking the game to crawl through each POI looking for a dependency, but if it did and figured out dependencies on its own that would be sweet. My suspicion is that Dev (and I) would scatter more of Cran's arcade stuff thorugh our POIs if dependencies were easier. I suspect his using it one POI is just putting a toe in the water. I've done similar. I have an unreleased prefab modlet with some of Cran's (and other's) objects in it. I'm not yet ready for the extra support requests from unknowledgable users.
  5. I haven't watched Twitch VOD, but I could. I've been thinking of checking out Curiosity Stream but my interest there was based on non-Gaming content. I've no idea if gaming content appears there. On Twitch, I tend to surf live streams. I think the advantage Twitch has is that I might be able to chat with the streamer. So, I tend to settle on live streams where there's only a couple of people watching the stream. With a live stream I also get to see players travel around the world, which YouTube editors often cut out of their videos. I like to see the worlds in which people are playing. The advantage YouTube has is that the videos are edited, where as on Twitch often find streams where the streamer is silently managing their inventory for what seems like an eternity. While I like logistics when playing, inventory management is not an awesome spectator sport. Twitch integration is an interesting appeal, but it takes the right stream. Endless loops of player death are dull. Equally dull is players that either hang out in Safe places or have voting that is so common that you're locked out of being able to spend points. Twitch integration is interesting only when the situation manages to strike a balance of challenge for the player. Twitch is really nice when scouting out a new game because you can ask questions of the streamer.
  6. I suspect part of this involves traveling away from the bag and that part of the world unloading. I've come across bags days later. I tend to take on hordes in the open so bags get scattered all over the world. I'll find them days later. For solo play, I don't usually play with an extended day (60 mins is cool) but I do extend the night so it goes from 2200 to 0600.
  7. I do appreciate anything and everything you do to troubleshoot this thing.
  8. Interesting, and thanks for testing. I wonder, I don't see where you started the quest and forced the POI to regenerate. I wonder if step 3 were ... fly underground and start the quest ... if it would be any different? I suspect the depth to which it is sinking is the depth of the POI. That POI has a basement, so 8 blocks down would be about right. If it were a POI with no basement I'd bet it fell down 3 blocks.
  9. No, you may safely delete the .git Folder. It relates to my use of github. I assumed its inclusion would be harmless. Did it cause a problem?
  10. I'm of a similar mind. I don't need awesome graphics. I need acceptable graphics and good game play. I'm more likely to turn down graphics settings. I say "rock on" to developers making conscious decisions that balance artistic style with technology, features and performance. That's engineering. I think 7D2D, Empyrion, Space Engineers, and Fallout 4 are all great. For that matter, I love Minecraft and RimWorld and they're not graphical powerhouses.
  11. Same issue with a hills stamp.
  12. zztong


    Same issue with a hills stamp.
  13. I'm going to guess "no." I'm going to speculate: I think when the chunk is generated, block by block, it determines what decorations are placed based on the biome for that block. I think it determines the weather effects based on the biome of the block the player is standing. (That's all 2-dimensional thinking, that is the block on the surface.) If I'm correct, I think you can even split a POI with a biome line and it will work fine.
  14. I try to keep an eye on some "classic" POIs (specially T5's) and bring them forward if TFP doesn't, or if a new version "feels" like a significant change. It's too early to say if I'll feel that way about the hospital as I've only seen pictures. I did do this with the Crack-A-Book building, though I reasoned that another company bought it so I changed the name. While the new Crack-A-Book is really well done I felt it played differently and still wanted the old one. This suggests to me that I probably won't do anything with the A20 hospital. I did look at the A20 hospital and it has a really awkward size and arrangement for the A20 Tiles, so I'm not surprised it needed a lot of work. I'll bet you've got some new, cool objects to place in it too. I'm looking forward to seeing it.
  15. That's really odd. I wonder if the "mountain" is part of a POI and if the Dynamic Mesh game feature might have kicked in, somehow. If it is a real mountain, if you were to exit the game and re-enter, the game would put you on top of all terrain. Does that help?
  16. Yes. The color indicates the biome for the block represented by the position of the pixel. Gimp to the rescue! Happy editing. I suggest backing up your world first until you're sure everything works. Ah! I see you've tried it. Awesome. FYI, I'm pretty sure trees and things aren't placed by RWG. I think they're placed by the game as it loads parts of the world for the first time. If I'm right, I think the decorations stuff in biomes.xml control what appears.
  17. I appreciate communications. A timeline would be cool. But I don't think anyone is in a position to demand such things when they Devs are pretty clear about how they operate. I'd love candor and speculation, but I also recognize those things would be poorly interpreted by many. So if you want speculation then you're going to have to live with what you get from folks like me in the cheap seats.
  18. You might mention this in the Pimp Dreams part of the forums. That's where people post suggestions. In the mean time, did you know the biomes for a world are defined in a graphic file (biomes.png) in the folder for your generated world? For instance: C:\Users\zzton\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\Bakeje Valley\biomes.png Each biome is represented by a color. If you alter that map, you're altering where the biomes are. You can literally paint the biomes any way you want. I think you can even put the "Burnt Woods" back into play.
  19. Heh, no it's not, but I do share your impatience. If somebody were to start a pool I'd pick a day in May. That's my current uninformed wild guess.
  20. Thanks for looping me in like that. I might have otherwise missed this conversation. I'm aware of that happening now in two different cases for that POI. In the other case, it also appeared around back of the POI, possibly the exact opposite location of where the POI files place it. I'm of the opinion the Quest Marker appearing underground is a bug in the game. I've not found a way to recreate it. I'm also aware that some believe a viable workaround for POI designers is to place the quest marker atop some deco trash. I have recently embraced that potential work around, but it won't be available until the 013 release of my modlet, which I suspect will become available in February, but I've not committed myself to a specific date. I could cut somebody a "work in progress" release if they wanted to "test" it, but without a way to reliably recreate the problem you'd probably be wasting your time. Many people get to my POIs via the CompoPack. It has its own release schedule that generally (and understandably) lags behind my own. I know @stallionsden knows of the workaround as he suggested it to me months ago and I wish I would have listened to him then. He may well have applied the workaround to his copies of my POIs in whatever the most recent release of the CP is. I can't speak to that. I'd appreciate knowing if every quest to that POI in that world puts the marker in the same underground location. If so, then maybe the bug is in Random World Generation. If not, then the bug sounds like it would be related to quest activation.
  21. My first reaction to this was negative, but as I think about it maybe that's best. I was thinking a chicken or rabbit should provide about a day's worth of food, but I'm thinking of animals raised on a farm. I have no idea what wild rabbits or feral chickens would be like during this apocalypse. So yes, maybe 5 meat makes sense. It also makes the game start a little tougher as a new character won't hunt the predators, other than the wimpy desert coyote.
  22. I think that's a quirk of shading. Tall things appear deep and the reverse unless you fly down and look at them.
  23. zztong


    I think that's a quirk of shading. Tall things appear deep and the reverse unless you fly down and look at them.
  24. Is near as I can tell, TFP used RAW files, but made a comment on the boards that PNGs would work using Greyscale, 16 Bit PC Byte Order. So far, PNGs are working for canyons, craters, and lakes (I've not yet tried rivers) ... all of the things that lower terrain ... but my attempt to use a PNG for a mountain (raising terrain) threw the Null Reference Exception.
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