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Everything posted by zztong

  1. Summary: (a short description of the bug) Players sometimes find Quest Markers (the bouncing exclamation point) underground even though the POI has it located on the surface. My game specs are provided to fill out the form, but do not seem relevant to this report. Game Version: A20.6 b9 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700K 3.61 GHz System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GeForce RTX 3060 Screen Resolution: 3440 x 1440 Video Settings: High Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes - The POI Mod I Develop. EAC on or off? On Status: NEW Bug Description: Players have reported to me that sometimes (rarely) when a player shows up at a POI to start a quest that they find the Quest Marker underground. In every case, the Quest Marker was placed on the surface when the POI was created. Initially, we thought it was a bug in the game when it placed the Quest Marker, and it still could be, but I've started to suspect it might be that RWG placed the Quest Marker in the wrong spot when it generated the world. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: Steps in-game to reproduce have been very elusive. I'm going to refer you to a conversation with a player who was experiencing the problem and took a lot of time to try and troubleshoot the issue. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) Instead of the Quest Marker appearing where it was placed in the Prefab Editor, it shows underground. Sometimes it is underground in a different location. That alternative location might be based on the rotation of the POI. I suspect the depth of the Quest Marker matches the depth of the POI below ground level. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) The Quest Marker should appear where it is placed. It should not sink into the ground.
  2. Thanks for doing what you did. That's more, and further, than anyone else has gotten, to my knowledge. The 013 release of my modlet is available as of Saturday. It places all the Quest Markers upon something, usually deco trash. I'm hoping this workaround puts the issue behind us. Based on what your testing reveals, I suspect the bug is in RWG and that it is putting the Quest Marker down there during world generation, then just copying it back into that location after every reset. I made bug report, located here: I wonder if it might be possible to collect the world files and make them available with the bug report?
  3. That sounds handy. Another approach might be to draw the bounding boxes of any unresolved zombie volumes, which is already a feature in the Prefab Editor and similar to the feature that draws a bounding box around a Land Claim Block. Maybe it could show the number of Zs remaining? Maybe it could show the Zs themselves, which is also similar to how Sleepers can be shown in the Prefab Editor. As you say, if it's a bug then fixing it is better than an instant-complete command. But gathering info about the bug is proving to be tough. Another elusive bug has been Quest Markers (the exclamation point) that sometimes shows up underground, despite a POI placing it on the surface. I'm not sure what to suggest for that one.
  4. Oh, right. It's the same on Win11. Oops, sorry for the misinformation.
  5. I suggest checking out the various discussions under the "Prefabs" part of these forums. Another place I like to look is "Prefabs" list on Nexus Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/categories/7/ There are a variety of "Sort by" options. By default it shows the most recently contributions, which is cool, but overlooks packs of Prefabs that are getting updated. However you choose to sort the list, I suggest looking at the "last update" information to find Prefabs that have been addressed in the last 15 months or that otherwise mention A20 in the description. Otherwise you're likely to get a Prefab for an older version of the game with missing blocks and other issues. Another issue you'll face is where the creator wanted you to install the custom Prefab(s). Some creators just give you the POI files and expect you to put them in your LocalPrefabs folder. Other creators will give you a modlet and expect you to put it in your Mods folder. In some rare cases, you might find a POI modlet is available via Mod Launcher.
  6. I started down that path but backed off to the current approach, maybe because I'm lazy and I'm not making an "overhaul" so much as tweaking things for my own enjoyment and there's an appeal to making just this one change instead of changing a bunch of recipes. This works for me because I tend to play as a nomad. I think it would be a waste if playing with folks who build bases as they'd just build a bunch more workstations. My "base" has to fit into my vehicle. Longer crafting times forces me to plan in advance a little more.
  7. That's the right approach and should do it. I want to double-check a couple of things. You list this path: %appdata%\7DaysToDie\Mods\ But it would normally be: %appdata%\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Mods Resulting in: %appdata%\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Mods\ZZTong-Prefabs And in that folder at that level you should find a ModInfo.xml file and subdirectories. Sometimes folks grab a folder out of a ZIP files and later discover there were two layers of ZZTong-Prefabs folders. It depends on how the ZIP gets unpacked as to if that happens. Yes, perhaps. One way to tell if the game is seeing your Mods is if you hit F1 while the game is loading. There's a few lines near the top of the log that show the names of the modlets that the game discovered. It doesn't actually try to interpret/use the modlets until you start a new game, continue a game, or use some of the tools. But at launch as it is getting ready to show you game menus it is discovering things like modlets. Here's an excerpt from one of my log files. Make note of that first line. You should be able to find similar in your log files. Search on "[MODS]" and it should be near the start of the log file. My log files are found here: C:\Users\zzton\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\logs 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.852 INF [MODS] Start loading from: 'C:\Users\zzton\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Mods' 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.855 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'Loading-Screen-Jokes' 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.873 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Loading-Screen-Jokes (20.6) 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.873 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'Pilles-Super-Brush' 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.874 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Pilles Super Brush (StableA17) 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.874 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'RELXIX_UIMENU_MoreRWGSizeOptions' 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.875 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: RELXIX_UIMENU_MoreRWGSizeOptions (1.1.1) 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.875 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'Teragon POIs' 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.876 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Teragon POIs (A20.6) 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.876 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'ZZTong-7D2D-Solo-Game' 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.876 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: ZZTong-7D2D-Solo-Game (20.6) 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.876 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'ZZTong-Prefabs' 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.877 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: ZZTong-Prefabs (20.6.013) 2023-01-15T15:25:13 8.877 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code
  8. A number of folks hangout on Teragon's Discord in the #discussions channel.
  9. This was the right track, but 0.1 wasn't the right number. It turns out 0.1 was a 1.5x multiple. I found 0.01 went the wrong way. Then 0.5 worked out to 3.5x. A little math and... <append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group"> <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" value="1.8"/> </append> ... seems to give a 10x crafting time result. (More testing needed.) Thanks! Heh, 10x is too much, but there's room to maneuver. It sounded good when talking about really quick stuff, but 20 minutes to make 8 tea seems... long. Of course, this isn't a microwave oven. lol
  10. Is there a universal way to make crafting times longer? I see "craft_time" properties all through recipes.xml but I'm not crazy about potentially changing 93 instances. I was looking to dabble with perhaps crafting being 10x or 50x slower and see how that affected my solo game.
  11. The game even has three waters: Murky - w/Significant Chance of Debuffs Boiled - Potable Water w/No Chance of Debuffs Pure Mineral - Super Water w/Buffs A small change I think gets you there: Murky - w/Significant Chance of Debuffs Boiled - w/Reduced Chance of Debuffs Potable - w/No Chance of Debuffs It puts more emphasis on cooking Teas. It gives Iron Gut more utility. Require the third water to be made in a Chem Station and I think you push the "gate" out several days of play.
  12. I can understand Pille's desire not to maintain a presence on the boards. Still, I think we should make a Teragon discussion if for no other reason than it might let people find others using it. How about a "Teragon Users Group" discussion?
  13. Sure... Teragon knows of the Vanilla POIs. It doesn't know about POIs found in a modlet or in LocalPrefabs. Using Teragon's features, you can add processing steps (expert mode) that make Teragon aware of those POIs by telling Teragon about the filesystem path to them and also telling Teragon a path to a configuration file that describes the POIs. The configuration file is necessary because Teragon does not seem to pull information from the POI's XML files and because you can give Teragon a bit more information that is not normally found in a POI's files. So... What I meant by "Teragon Support" was I provided (1) a configuration file and (2) instructions for adding those two steps to a chain of Teragon steps that can make a world. I hope that helps and is clear.
  14. There have been a variety of tools that did a nice job of generating height maps and matching biome maps. I think RWG does these decently too. (Stamps are neat and have promise.) But I was wondering if RWG might be made to allow for external height/biome maps and then place roads, tiles, POIs, etc.
  15. Version A20.6-ZZ013 is now available. This is mostly a maintenance release. Highlights: Teragon Support One new POI - Tier 4 for Old West Town 10 new Decorations Lots and lots of adjustments and bug fixes 4 Terrain Stamps for RWG
  16. I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth, but to me it isn't water that is scarce. It is the knowledge and resources needed to purify water that is rare. Most people think boiling water is enough to purify water. It's an important part, but not a complete answer. But that's reality and the game is more important, which comes down to what the goals are for the game's experience. Like many (most?), I'm happy to wait and try A21 in the spirit of the evolution of the game, experimentation, etc. I may even like it. I'm trying to keep an open mind despite my criticism. I suspect TFP and I have the same goal -- a more lengthy period of time where water is relevant to game play. What I see right now, based entirely on what has been presented, is that fresh water scarcity is desired and that the scarcity goes away around day 3-5 depending on when you can get a water filter and make a dew collector and that murky water is a common drop that can be converted to boiled water once you have a cooking pot, also probably meaning potable water is not an issue after day 3-5. Somebody who runs everywhere might need two Dew Collectors or at least dedicate one spot in inventory to carrying around a cooking pot so they can boil what they harvest from POIs when they need it. (I usually carry a pot and a grill, but then I'm prone to play as a nomad, so "home base" is my vehicle's inventory.) After day 3-5, players with goals that require a larger volume of water still have to work to improve their capacity to generate water, which will be in the form of more and more dew collectors. Carrying water away from a lake works around TFP's ability to control the pace at which murky water is found. They can otherwise control the loot lists and tune murky water so that it is more or less common. So, to me, I wonder if this new arrangement actually achieves the goal. If the goal is water scarcity for 3-5 days, then it sounds like it does. I look at 3-5 days and think it could be longer. To make it last longer, I think the best course of action is to make it so that boiled water still has a chance of dysentery. This leaves the more advanced water (made with coal and a plant) to represent potable water. Dew Collectors and Boiled Water becomes an important step, but not a complete answer. Thus, back to the opinion I expressed above in this post, the limiting factor blocking unlimited potable water isn't really the availability of murky water, but the knowledge and tools to make potable water, which I think can involve more in-game effort to establish and lead to a scarcity period longer than 3-5 days. It wouldn't really matter if you can carry water away from a swimming pool, unless murky water were good enough for most recipes. Which is the better game in the eyes of the masses? I have no idea.
  17. And, if my memory of previous discussions serves, boiling it makes boiled water, cooking pot required. Has the time to boil changed any?
  18. Just for clarity... I've not played Green Hell, but in the Long Dark you are surrounded by water in the form of snow (and a lake depending on your start). You have to prepare it. This will require a fire and you'll need the resources and skill to start a fire, plus a favorable environment. I believe what they're trying to show you is that while H2O is easily available, it doesn't represent potable water or easy access to usable water. In 7D2D, preparation of potable water is easy and painless, thus why you say "infinite water" and don't draw the distinction between "infinite murky water" and "infinite water." It's pretty clear TFP has made a different design decision related to the preparation of potable water. The Long Dark isn't super realistic either, but they did focus on more detail in the survival elements and because of it they get a lengthier period of game challenge in that regard.
  19. I dunno about the OP, but I saw deer as an effort/reward. I wanted deer to be harder to hunt, so I buffed them. Then I increased the yield of meat a little because now the little @%$#s see me coming and run. Now I have to sneak and take long range shots. I reasoned this was worthy of a similar reward as a wolf that will attack me if it sees me first. (No more killing deer with a club (w/o stealth) or a T1 primitive bow w/stealth.) I did recently watch a twitch stream of newbs, one of which hunted deer with a pipe pistol and no sneaking. He had to chase the darn thing and shoot it a bunch of times. By the time he finally killed it he'd used so much ammo and run halfway to the next town I figured he probably should have had a bit more meat for his trouble. Alas, knowing how to hunt in game is its own reward, I guess. I wouldn't mind buffing up the hunting skill/perk and then maybe knocking down the untrained amount you get when harvesting meat.
  20. I miss them too. If we lose the fishing weights, I guess that whole "carry them or scrap them for fewer resources but easier carry" decision is gone then.
  21. Thanks for the continued troubleshooting. I'll have a release soon, probably near the end of this week, which will include the workaround of putting quest markers on top of an object. That workaround is believed to avoid the problem. I've made that change to every POI in my modlet.
  22. Perhaps. I've used "realism" because that's how people have characterized/summarized those kinds of positions. I've not bothered to quibble over the wording. Indeed, the only decision I recall quibbling over with any intensity has been carrying water away from a source, which I originally characterized as "weird." I still think it is weird. Probably playable, probably enjoyable, but weird.
  23. In a way, I kind of agree with that. As I sit here thinking about points being made, I find myself wondering if perhaps the source of my objecting is that removing the ability to carry water away from a source is that it is "taking a capability away from humanity." Maybe I don't object to the mass excavation and transport of ore because humanity has that capability. The overall goal isn't unrealistic even if the representation of it is silly. And I kind of agree with this too. I'd be okay if the suffering lasted longer -- maybe not the extent of The Long Dark -- but I'd also note there's a big difference between experienced 7D2D players and newbs. The suffering of Twitch newbs is amazing. I recently watched two players. They're starving and I'm thinking "give me a primitive bow, a stone spear, and a day and I'll give you each close to a stack of bacon and eggs (assuming somebody has a $%^& cooking pot)."
  24. Oh, sorry for "outing" the next project. It was a lucky guess. So, it's zombies in spaaaaaaaaaaace then. Umm, okay...
  25. I wouldn't say I hadn't thought it through, but I do take your point. Carrying a lot of stuff isn't involving gravity, per se. Never the less, characters are not floating about. You do come back to Earth after jumping. You do fall. The path of an arrow is parabolic. Etc. I don't know that you're taking my point, however. The Devs chose to ignore reality in the case of harvesting a large quantity of natural resources even though there are viable real-world solutions that are common to the setting and sufficient game capacities to implement them. Maybe I don't have any "outrage" (too strong a word) for that when it comes to steel production, but for whatever matters of taste, I find it disappointing that I won't be able to carry water away from a lake, river, pond, or pool like our ancestors have done since before recorded history. Am I inconsistent in my views? Perhaps. It's a luxury of being human.
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