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Everything posted by Ramethzer0

  1. I'd like to see them roll up 4-6 deep. They approach player camps/bases with a big white panel caravan. They empty the contents of these vehicles in the form of about 12-20 zombos of various types and unleash them on the players. While we are busy dealing with the zombos, they are attacking with a plethora of different weapons both ranged and melee, possibly molotovs. The zombos do not attack the bandits, only players. It will feel like a really real raid. But, that's just me.
  2. 9mm Pistol. >Extended Magazine. >Stealth = Silencer; Not Stealth = Barrel Extender >Rad Remover. >Reflex Sight. >If Perked Penetrator 1 = HP Ammo; If not Perked = AP Ammo. Handiest sidearm in all the land.
  3. I eat cat or dog chow pretty much only on day 1, if I have to. I also never loot toilet water. F that.
  4. I'm almost always with a Chai Tea. But, if I'm drinking drinking, it's Rum and Coke. I tend to have Kraken, Sailor Jerry, or if I'm feeling particularly rich that week, Plantation.
  5. Well.. with an M-60, AP ammo, and Penetrater 1 perked I've sawed through them well enough in a straight line. Some activate and some don't in live situations. I imagine the button itself isn't always perfectly in line with the ones behind it because they do tend to twitch a lot. Not sure if that makes a big difference in terms of coding, but it's the biggest detail I note when im on horde duty.
  6. I sometimes wonder if the gold nuggets I loot are like the gold teefs from Red Dead.
  7. I like the idea of NavezCon. I'm not sure if I like the idea of being in crowded room full of smelly survivors. lol. Sorry, couldn't help it. 😛
  8. Zombie dogs. Just when you think you got them figured out, they go back into deadly ninja mode. In earlier alphas bears (and sometimes dogs/wolf/dire wolf) would make no noise. They'd spawn in as a horde and you'd never hear them coming. This was also before the new AI. One of the things that never ceases to surprise is that even after 3k+ hours in this game, sometimes the most effed up things can happen when the environment and mobs trigger just right. Speaking of new experiences, I had to throw dynamite at our horde base to make sure that horde couldn't penetrate our door defenses. We lost a portion of our southern outer defense, but they had a kitten of a time trying to corpse ladder each other to actually get to our inner defenses. Holes in the ground take less resources to build back up then our entire inside structure. Made the decision easier for me to nuke it. This game can sometimes force you into some situations like the zombie dog issue, when you gotta make split second decisions. Its the ones that make the least sense that force your hand into... interesting and often deadly solutions. And the heat situation is a complicated one. The math is somewhere here on the forum, but I'm only experientially qualified enough to say 15 torches and two campfires aren't that bad. I would make the move to candles though. Those generate less heat. In my MP game we have at any given time: 1-4 campfires, 6-8 forges, 4 work stations, 4 cement mixers, and 3 chemistry benches going and it takes the same amount of time to spawn screamers. Once we learned that, the decision to have more workstations became easier. And if you REALLY wanted to summon screamers, just lay out 15 fire barrels out in a field somewhere and watch them from a rooftop. This led me to believe that perhaps the spawn timer has an initial global cooldown.
  9. "Your mouth tastes like the inside of a motorman's glove."
  10. I mean the title of this seems not terribly precise but somehow I got the gist this was a hypothetical conversation.
  11. I've had this happen to me multiple times. I've got two spare motorcycles and a spare 4x4 in my last game, in a server that was a19 all the way through 19.4. But that's not the first time it's happened to me.
  12. I could envision two scenarios for the Vegas Strip. The first being, a re-imagination of the Strip from FNV. The other specific to 7 Days and will include a story from Army of the Dead. and I'd want a Dave Bautista character model included. 😛
  13. Just 6? Damn dude. I can't live without at least 250+ in my first hotbar slot.
  14. The Wasteland is great for XP, terrible if you're looking for a quite neighbourhood home to sleep in.
  15. Maybe it suffered from a cheesy Fallout villain style ending, where needed to prove something before the Cancer took it.
  16. I'm a huge fan of the Henry 45-70 rifle. It's an old world classic. I am not sure if I've even seen the revolver, but if I do, I'd consider it. Where?
  17. Wow. Yall bringing back memories.
  18. I've had the opportunity but I turned it down because I've broken my wrist before and I wasn't willing to risk the recoil for the pain afterward.
  19. I'm not sure I'm parsing what you're getting at, other than your disappointment that this game isn't going the route you had specifically designed in your own headspace.
  20. And the amount of knockdown would be on point.
  21. I believe that one is in already, but its made in a much smaller model and while the track is there, the tram is gone. The hive is REALLY tiny.. I see what you're shooting at here. 😛 I'd make this its own map overhaul, complete with it's own story.
  22. Yeah, I know this pain. I've fired a real .44 revolver before and the animation for this in game is just.. frighteningly unrealistic.
  23. The first night is also meant to be particularly dangerous. 99% of the time I also experience first night ferals that tend to take the form of the harder zombies to kill, like the tourist. Survivin' aint easy!
  24. That is a very specific concept within the Survival-Horror genre that vanilla 7 Days to Die flies away from when you consider the Tower Defense aspect of the game. But, you CAN do a lot of things to trim your game to clip it towards scarcity. I'd also split hairs with you about scarcity in games like Fallout 4. I've never felt threatened for gear in F4, like.. ever.
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