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Everything posted by Ramethzer0

  1. coincidence completely. There is a running bug where while you are on vehicles you can hit an invisible wall and be knocked straight up into the air. Vultures get a speed boost when they chase you on vehicles. The birds didn't do it, but I bet it looked like they did. I experience this bug randomly all the time, and this goes back several alphas.
  2. As a person with a nutrition certification, I challenge you to go 1-2 days without eating nor drinking water. Drink nothing but sweet beverages and tell me how you feel. Older people have to be even more careful with nutrition and or staying hydrated, as well as proper sleep cycles, because those bodies require more upkeep. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starvation <--facts. It's even possible to go several days without eating and no longer feel hunger because there's a neurological feedback that tells your body not to expect being fed and there's so many other things going on. YOU WILL SUFFER even if you think you're feeling fine. So, about that immersion? Consider verisimilitude; Immersion is a very personal experience. I garantee you what you are arguing is an abstract problem in a game that frames the fight more important than the nutrition.
  3. No one thought to post how long their days are set to? Because that makes a huge difference in arguments. I looted a T6 stone axe day 10, and several shovels before that. I run 120 minute days with loot at 150% on MP.
  4. Yeah, I often quote Rust as the sort of game where PVP bases are literally an art form.
  5. The gates for certain materials and supplies are not strongly kept for a reason. I am pretty sure that TFP want people to enjoy their ENTIRE theme park, more so than to scrutinize every single tedius and ultra realistic aspect of personal and individual expectations. Despite this list of personal issues, you can trim your own settings. Trimming settings is also part of the game and I feel the amount of complaint posts don't bother to address that element enough. And yes, the act of gathering resources makes the game easier. That's very likely working as intended, and its been easy to get a day1 wrench for quite a while now. The pipe pistol honestly I don't think is very good. Its pretty and the animation is fun to watch, but the damage is garbo if you play on anything past medium difficulty. If you're sticking to a single pipe weapon in your hotbar, I don't think people are utilizing the resources of the game much. And then when people have 3 or more, they think that the game is just too easy. I want people to pick a lane, and stop wasting threads about how this game doesn't live up to the plethora of personal wants and needs. And ducking into the Snow and Wasteland biomes with nothing on, then I would posit this playing is purposely gaming the system for its faults. It's something I might even do, but after playing a wasteland series in A19 - holy crap - go ahead and roll the dice because you won't be able to stay there for long. I'm kinda over the whole gated or not gated content argument. A flurry of these saltposts fly in during every experimental phase, and people also seem to forget its experimental. A lot of folks don't seem to realize that experimental phases means were the guinea pigs. And if that's true, expect that things are not going to stay the same even over time. A lot of these issues can be solved by just being patient for the micro changes that get implemented in patches. As a side note, I was watching a streamer just last night load up a bunch of mods and things to make the game super hard, with massive hordes and low levels of loot, and they were miserable and hadn't even managed to get through an entire day without dying ten times in as many minutes. If that's what a small vocal minority think is fun, please consider that not everyone wants that.
  6. As someone whos dabbled in PVP, some of it occurs in either underground trap bases, but more so in open world. It's just easier to one shot someone who's looting than chasing them into their fortress. PVP bases are built with an entirely different set of ideas in mind. They create narrow fields of fire, extra walls and supports, breaking lines of sight, internal turrets and traps, and complicated redundant airlock systems. Hence, hunting players in the wild being more lucrative. I'm not understanding the logic here. If you're worried about PVPers theoretically shooting at you while inside a perfectly see-through-shoot-through base, why would you even build it?
  7. I'm playing on Warrior in my MP server, moderate zombie counts, and no mods. There are times when things are really quiet, particularly at night.. but there are definitely some clutch moments during the day in open world and im surrounded by 6 without it being a micro horde. And it just gets worse in the wasteland and snow biomes. Are you sure those numbers aren't just bad luck?
  8. I managed to get my hands on Tier 4 that does 80 dmg and carries 6. ❤️ its pure love, baby. And the report it makes .. gets me all cowboy and @%$#
  9. Uhhhh... no offense but this sound mental. torches, wrenches, and plant fiber clothes make this game too easy?
  10. I've been finding them right in the start of the rock layer.
  11. I'm playing 90% of my 7D2D time in MP on a pingperfect server, and with standard 8k map and 6 ppl playing. There's some lag, but its bearable. And we all run full tilt ultra graphics settings I'm not sure if I understand what I'm supposed to be suffering from here.
  12. I've been having the same issues with acid. And this is in a deep PER build with lucky looter 5. But the maths say...
  13. That perfect best friend for a horde night out on the town. Just me, my rifle, and my gothic country playlist on spotify. I love everything about this weapon.
  14. Trap rooms catch first timers. After that, they cease to surprise people anymore. Experience and mistakes are the best teacher.
  15. I internally debate what's so great about living in a BOX you spent a year trying to perfect. I want to know why other bases are cheese, but somehow babby's first Box base is not. I mean, a lot of folks stopped building those back in A17, and were a staple first night base in A16. Boxes are for cats, not people.
  16. in my MP game we were scrambling so hard for ammo because we were super excited to use it in the early game. And that's how it got to be rare, because we hadn't perfected how to use those weapons effectively. Also, are you trying to debate the fine points of weapons that aren't rare because of how easy it is to actually make them? Ammo is super plentiful now because most of us have gotten used to the new weapons. It's called trigger discipline. I'm also scratching my head on why the game needs more zombies in order to make things harder when you aren't addressing the toggled difficulty system AND the fact we can mine and salvage for bullet materials. And this is on top of the fact that you're judging this game and the developers by an alpha experimental branch, which sometimes is actually a science experiment and at the end of the day those numbers are ultimately going to change. The Fun Pimps already knows whats up, and whats up is that we are given the tools to declare our own level of involvement, as well as difficulty. I encourage you to understand there are nuances to this game you can manipulate on your own, without help, and without coming into the forums and talking all this WE ASKED FOR THIS nonsense. WHO IS THIS 'WE' $H*#? Are you talking for everyone here?
  17. For the longest time, many of my buried supply quests were found OUTSIDE of the original yellow circle. So, I thumb my nose at thee, sir.
  18. I must be getting luckier than most. Out of 6 stumps I got 6 honey my first week MP.
  19. I think that is attached to the Twitch integration mayhem stuff. But I don't know for sure.
  20. I flippin love it. I want more reason to be scared.
  21. If there is one thing I've noticed is that the loot tables are sometimes a little off during the first few stages of new alphas. I assume that any numbers we can generate and report are not going to be the final numbers we see once things go stable more. For example, I looted a t6 pipe machine gun and a t1 pistol in the same loot at a relatively low gamestage on like day 2 in MP. You may also want to examine your game world toggles and trim those if you think it's too much. I think the amount of ammo is just fine. the new weapons seem a bit powerful, but I'm not getting enough ammo for me to need to use them on every zombo we come across. There's still a level of scarcity.
  22. Well, this is interesting. The zombie attack distance is now equal to what players can dish out. So, gotta learn how to be a bit more jinky when going melee in A20
  23. Hey there! reporting in! So, I crafted a number of first time items during the startup quests, things like campfire, bedrolls, etc etc. But when I place them, the number of those items does not lower. I can craft 1, and place an infinite number of the same item. Not game breaking, since I can just toss the items when im done - but some might find it more than a little frustrating.
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