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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. By itself, no, not really. Some things - like vehicles - may keep your factory chunk loaded in, and that might allow the screamers to spawn in. They shouldn't call in a horde, but might do 'random' damage in the base themselves. Dunno if they'd call a horde on an animal if they agro one. Not something I've tested, but that's how I would assume it might work.
  2. Well, first, you took the liberty of FTFY, I did as well; it's a game with features still being developed in the background, sure, but a fully playable game nonetheless, the "alpha" means absolutely nothing to me. Then again, I did grow up playing minesweeper, doesn't take much for me to call a thing a game. Second, just out of potential curiosity; I don't mod, not even QoL stuff - I keep my game ready for bug reporting. Thus, my 4k hours have indeed been provided by the 10 buck TFP game. Your experience differs, but you have done nothing to convince me from still being kinda fine with another forever game. Are you really that keen on bandits that you can't call it a game without them?
  3. I'm assuming that's the player-to-player vending machines, not random POI vending machines?
  4. Why, yes, but I want to see warmer clear a quest without triggering the need-to-be-cleared zeds..?
  5. True, as long as you're not on a clear quest.
  6. Optimally, a trip wire, one end buried right underneath the dart trap, and the other end two-three blocks above the end of the ladder (to leave the path open). This way the trip wire follows and covers the exact path of the darts. The bottom one is protected by default, protecting the top one might be tricky depending on your build. But it should be sort-of out of the way anyway, doesn't sound like too many spits are going that way..?
  7. Hey, if it's 10 bucks and provides entertainment for 4k hours (and counting), I'm kinda fine with a FOREVER game ..
  8. I don't really see a problem with MP, one might want to reduce the amount of damage when an ally dies so a team of 4 dying on a run won't just destroy everything; but other than that, all your allies are responsible of your claim just as you. If you have that one numpty that dies 5 times each run, well, time to reconsider who you ally with ..
  9. Hmm.. was wanting to reply to RipClaw's priority list, but doing so felt a little forced, but as Roland's pointing this out, I think I have to: Yeah, Ripclaw's first week prios have plenty of else to do: In practice: - finding or building a safe base; first quest target, remove a ladder / stair, done. If the first one is horrible, pick a later one. - water and food supplies .. easiest to find in quest rewards, you do get some looting, but .. why not. - setup production; skill books, quest/loot only, some parts you might have to scav for - build a starter horde base, cobblestone / concrete from trader stock. Plenty of things to do "other than" but they all lead straight back to "than".
  10. Hmm... a slow learn-by-doing just straight up added to the magazine system? As in, you can still do your paper boy -runs to improve your Iron pick crafting, but you would sporadically get a point or two of that while mining? Hard capped 3 points per hour, random chance per swing with a few minutes internal CD, something to that effect..?
  11. Hmm. Doesn't sound like a bad mechanic, necessarily, but it kinda forces people to play in tight groups. Works fine for L4D and borderlands, but 7dtd is a little more spread out. If your base-tender is the only one alive, the rest of the group will be waiting afk while he gets his act together? Or would people just die in a minute anyway? Also, if it's expensive - if you die before the team has made one, say, day 1 doggo, will you just wait? There's other games to be playing ... As for implementing, you'd likely want to disable the normal death entirely (to avoid all kinds of surprises) and use it to trigger your disabled-state; but I wouldn't expect that to be easily modded.
  12. I'll help you towards the correct section of the forum, thaddaway -> https://community.7daystodie.com/forum/27-mods/ You might want to find an existing thread for "this modpack" and read it / ask there. If you post a new one in /27-mods/, at least name the pack, preferably in the title.
  13. They're introducing a new class of "things" they can bill on, a class that has nothing to do with their own costs. They lose absolutely nothing on a new install of a game, they're not even doing the delivery. And the starting price is just a starting price, it's far easier to adjust the pricing on the fly, especially on something completely artificial. Could be a buck in a couple years, killing any hopes of selling $5 games. Not a "big deal" for AAA-scale, of course - they'll make sure of that - but I wouldn't dare release any kind of "hobbyist game" based on unity for the fear of going viral for a month and then only have people doing repeat installs down the line... with this billing structure, being a one-hit-wonder turns into a threat. Not a great business model to invite new devs.
  14. Heh, my confidence of my memory varies more than my actual memory, so I may well have mentioned about it earlier. For me, the healing worked fine, until I had more-than-a-bandage's worth of "debuff damage" (the unhealable portion) - then the droid used bandages on-cooldown until it ran out.
  15. Yeh, you can, I can't remember which was it, but you can either right click them in, or drag and drop, but not both. I'm thinking drag & drop works, but ... I stopped using the healing mod when I saw it try to heal thru the unhealable portion of the health bar; was a while ago, dunno if the AI has improved, but haven't seen the need for it; I'm well aware of my HP all the time anyway.
  16. The healing factor thingy costs a ton, I think I checked it at an earlier alpha and it was 1 hp to 1 food. At that rate, letting it heal you to full will starve you entirely .. or a bandage's worth of healing is costing a bacon and eggs. That alone is sufficient given enough damage taken ..
  17. I had a version of that, didn't affect just me, but the entire world started losing its collision.. all my zeds were falling through the ground as well, only they weren't blessed with auto-unstuck, just a despawn/respawn .. made for a weird horde night, but had to abandon the world.
  18. Some shader work to make the player sickly looking, probably somewhat broken versions of each gear set (the new incoming sets).. not all that hard, especially as every player is covered in the armor sets head to toe, but maybe not worth the dev time anyway.
  19. Yeh, no going to bed before 4 am, unless you want to wake up to a brand new wave I think it's a feature, for server players to not just relog at 22.00 (and random DCs).
  20. His chosen handle is a dead giveaway, here to troll people. Might consider himself noble, might not, but the end result is the same, pointless aggro => just ignore.
  21. Probably not really worth it. It's a minor increase, the random health on zeds does mean it's roughly as "useful" as the damage difference actually is, but the bullet damage difference isn't the whole story. Just to understand the actual damage effects, you'd have to hop on a test world and shoot at a few zeds.. Things like decap chance are also tied to the damage, more damage => higher chance, so even in there the high damage does help. I guess the real question is, how are your horde nights? Are you being flooded with zeds, or just waiting for the next group => do you actually need the DPS? Is your ammo box overflowing or permanently empty? Is there even a need for crafting the ammo in the first place? .. I tend to run a surplus of all ammo types unless I'm sporting an M60 and am having an untypically wasteful day. I don't really need to make any 9mm => what I make, might as well be of a different type as you don't really get the specials from anywhere. If I'm making a special type of ammo myself, I'm always making AP, mainly for the multitarget function, but the boost against demos helps too...
  22. You can make a low quality one, cutting the expenses. But you don't really need one, before getting a nailgun from a quest, so yeah, not worth making one.
  23. I haven't checked the xmls, but in practice there's also good weapons in the higher tier infested caches, and plenty of trap packs as well.. depends on what you're after and how hard you find the quests to be.
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