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  1. I reached out to Tem directly, and he said to look into trigger plate and/or trip wires. Since I'm almost to Day 70 in this one, I tend to recycle and start over after Day 70, like the content creators. So, I will see how the tripwires work for this setup, and adjust accordingly. Thanks all for the tips/suggestions! And I started looking thru Hope Radio, couldn't find it and got side-tracked. I'll go directly to Episode 6 as suggested and review.
  2. So where would I put the motion sensor? I would need 3 for each dart trap, correct? I don't want the trap activating just because there are zombies in the area...it should only fire when they are climbing the ladder. Would it be better to take a screenshot to show you?
  3. I can't find information on this topic: I have a column with ladders on 3 sides. Zombies climb to top, jump off and attempt to land on my small walkway. 95% they miss or fall off, and recycle. I have darttraps buried at the base of each ladder facing upward. Obviously, if I turn on the power to them, they fire constantly. How do I have them be triggered to fire only when a zombie starts climbing the ladder? You can't put the trigger plate on the dart trap obviously. Thanks in advance for suggestions/tips!
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