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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. A bit of collapse prep, about 20x13x11 block to be dropped once I get the bottom out.., to become my main farming area.The guard post worked fine for a horde. And yes, the stone axe is the tool that is being used
  2. By offering them delicious sacrifices it seems. Showed up to my home tunnels after a trader trip... the place should be unpathable, and I saw no new damage to the exterior, yet both of my campfires had been eaten. That blueberry pie must've smelled great. Also some other random damage in the place, but lost nothing else.. one beaker the biggest loss (and even that was pointlessly in the campfire.. =/ )
  3. That looks quite familiar But yeah, that gives clues to the "how it spawns" -question. None of those three groups have demos in them, and if you're stuck there for some reason, you won't see one again. Yeah, sucks that it turns completely predictable like that... for what it's worth, you can edit the file, or preferably throw a mod in to edit it; but then you'll still know exactly what shows up. Unless you want to write your own randomizer somehow.. outputting straight out mod files ...
  4. How do you think the industry players make decisions? Some make them bottom-line first, which leads to, yay lootboxes. Cool, not having part of that. Some do their decisions advised by SBI and such, just to obtain funding. Cool, not having any part of that either. Some, especially indies, can actually afford to make their decisions quality first; "we'll make the game we want". TFP can be in this camp, and largely has been; but this move is pretty purely bottom-line first. Wouldn't want any part of that, and they deserve the flak. The two first groups are a lost cause. The third group will always exist, and advocating for their continued existence is imo a good thing - even when you have to @%$# at a studio you like to do so. But this is literally "gamers leaving bad reviews", or in other words, voicing our concerns.
  5. Beatings will continue until morale improves.
  6. Hmm, since you're stuck at 1296, I assume this is the group the game is throwing at you ( entitygroups.xml:14880 ) : <entitygroup name="feralHordeStageGS1295"> zombieJanitorRadiated zombieSoldierRadiated zombieNurse zombieLumberjackFeral zombieArleneRadiated zombieBoe zombieArlene zombieDarleneRadiated zombieSteveFeral zombieJoeRadiated zombieSteveRadiated zombieTomClarkFeral zombieUtilityWorkerFeral zombieMarleneFeral zombiePartyGirlFeral </entitygroup> Doesn't contain demos or even vultures, at all. Not sure of the mechanics there, having some groups with no demos sounds weird, maybe it's supposed to throw higher groups as the night goes on by design..?
  7. Depends a little, atm my base is couple hundred meters of tunnels, in the mountain I spawned at. My horde base for the first two hordes was about 5 blocks above my main storage area, a 2x2 wall of a melee position with absolutely nothing protecting my back. Pretty close calls both, fighting only with a stone sledge, second one had a random dire wolf in the mix, that was a little concerning .. Next horde will be in a (future) "guard post" at the outer end of my exit tunnel, some 100m away and 40 meters down from the storage. But it's still all my base! In less tunnely games, I don't bother with proper bases, I'll just make a meleeable position somewhere in the POI, with an ele fence keeping everything stunlocked.
  8. You shouldn't. Absolutely not; whether you're right or wrong.
  9. Oi mate, have a loicense for that think?
  10. But but ... my test clip there has a 53.88 giving metallic sounds (at 28 secs). Char-sheet issue, or changed for 1.1? ... prolly not really worth the trouble, but it made me doubt myself for a sec You ain't completely wrong; some parts of the sound system tend to be really off with a lot of x.0 releases (directional sounds etc), but they usually get some love over the stabilization. Some sounds are odd, like the eating sounds sound like a "mix of eating and an error message", somehow.
  11. Flirpity flarbity fon "final". Flopper fer furts "1.0"?
  12. "Since the internet has become widespread, most commercial software vendors no longer follow the maxim that a major version should be "complete" and instead rely on patches with bugfixes to sort out the known issues which a solution has been found for and could be fixed.[citation needed]" Eh, even wiki goes "citation needed" on that one. But all right, I guess florbo banana beer then. Flappity flap! Sure, I might be partial to the OSS community's way of doing things via immersion; other things do exist. But it ain't like it hasn't confused plenty of people this far and won't continue to do so. Pointlessly so.
  13. This game supports 2 players on console X, more players on console Y, doesn't work on console Z ... hardware complications aren't gone, you just aren't allowed to solve them yourself without buying a whole new thing. And on that whole new thing, some of your old stuff doesn't even pretend to work, like the earlier version of this game ... OS being fixed means you're getting exactly what the vendor wants, as long as the vendor wants... They're selling cars with OS-disabled hardware nowadays; you have the suspension, you'll just pay a subscription to activate it... the world is kinda rotting. I get the "unified environment"- idea, it sounds great from a dev and vendor/support perspective. It just doesn't work well with progress.
  14. Driven away for good because ... they'd have to wait another year? To buy a new version of the game, essentially a new game. I don't see it, tbh. Then again, I've never understood the console mindset anyway, why buy a restricted PC ... maybe I just don't get it 1.0 has traditionally meant feature-complete, and beta-tested. I'd accept an 0.9 as a signifier for the current state; some actual features still missing. And these A22.0 - A22.3/4 releases are essentially what a beta would be. "not unheard of" .. This repurposing of words is all too common in the world right now, sure. It don't make it right, what's the point of repurposing "1.0" this way, only to require tagging on new qualifiers later on.. 1.0 Gold-forrealz-wemeanitnow! Just Stick to sub 1 numbers when you don't have a feature-complete release, that ain't that hard. Yes, it's an argument for keeping language clean; speaking truth. I don't gaf about the number on my screen as such, but play stupid games, win stupid prizes...
  15. Do I have an option? Can I mumble something that didn't pop in my head? What had changed? What was the risk involved? Kickstarter goals do. It's just not a full release, it's still lacking a couple major features. Well, if people don't respect the quality requirements, they're not exactly useful.. 7dtd is prolly in a better relative shape than Arkham, but past failures should be learned from, not just accepted as "well, that's how things are". We can circumvent this req since those guys failed miserably as well; I don't know where this would make sense..
  16. Samples from test, don't mind the leet editing. First battering into 71 armor, second, from about 27 secs, into 53 third, 39 secs, 36 armor. https://odysee.com/@theFlu:d/armor-soundcheck:c? Fair, wasn't really looking for a perfect name for the sound, was just describing the timing for it. But thanks, I'm not completely nuts!
  17. Well... I did a test. As long as my armor is above 50, I get a metalllic sound being hit (the same I'm hearing on that sample vid). Below 50 (with large steps) I get "fleshy" sounds. I have a vid of the test, I'lll upload it, but it'll take a bit to get approved-to-be-linked-here as it'll be odysee ...
  18. Like they have for the past what, half a decade? Yes. Name the thing A22 and if Sony doesn't want to sell it, then sell it there later. Once it's actually the full version that Sony actually wants in their store. Not only are TFP confusing their customers; they're doing it just to game a quality control step that Sony has tried to put in place.
  19. Was I tripping...? Two people now haven't heard the same .. Arlene runs in from the back behind our boy Tom, Tom gets shot in the face, Arlene takes the opportunity to dive in, swing and "clang", and Kage ends up at 148 HP. Clock, right after the sound, stops at 10:16. Now on ~5th look, it Might've been the cop spit hitting that vent structure but that's what I think the metal armor hits sound like as well...? Or am I really tripping?
  20. That Rad Arlene is about to bonk Kage's medium armor (timed link), same deal? :
  21. I just started a test run of a "dwarven miner" -playthrough, so I'm highly biased.. thirsty, and biased. But yes please, gief progression without paper boy runs .. Doesn't have to be the only option, keep dropping mags as well, it's probably "better" for some of the skills anyway.
  22. This is real vague, but I seem to remember reading some patch note one time or another, on a pale blue night <snip> ... Sorry It went something like this: "The sound made when hitting zombies is decided live by the damage negated by armor vs to done the zed HP" ... now, I think it might apply to players too, and it might still be using old values to decide .. or some such. When it comes to sounds, I can intuitively use them, but I can't accurately describe any ... 😛
  23. Ah, I didn't actually know there's a setting for it... will have to play around with it. Dunno which I want more though, I do like the lock for traveling, the occasional getting punched in the face hasn't killed me yet. It'd be perfect for me if the toggle required a little shorter burst to be recognized as a toggle, "an actual tap"; now it seems it toggles from a "short sprint" - but I get the optimal cut off delay is highly personal. But thanks for pointing it out!
  24. I trip on that on occasion now; I use the sprint button to micromanage my melee range, and sometimes the micro-sprint is short enough to toggle it instead.
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