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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. The terrain texture mixer; haven't tried in A20, but any terrain block near the original surface level takes it's texture from a generated world texture. It does include roads, but I would guess the level of detail isn't enough to add road markings.. hence the next best thing, actual blocks. I destroyed one for testing earlier, that one had either 150 or 250 hp (from memory). Still too much for convenience, but if you're getting 1500, I'd assume you're hitting the asphalt instead. Or some other block like a sidewalk..
  2. So, the miners have to loot? The scavengers have to loot? The looters have to loot? The builders have to loot? ... I'm sensing there's a theme here. One which you see where you want to, but entirely skip when it suits your desired outcome. My point of view is that the difference between a Q5 and a Q6 is so small that it's not worth stressing over. It feels nice to have a full purple kit, but it doesn't notably change one's effectiveness, not even efficiency. They're basically keeping the Q6 as placeholder for their Legendary loots, which will make perfect sense not to be able to craft; they'll have some special functions and probably some light lore (anything I said here in this last paragraph is conjecture from some old statements from devs, from memory..)
  3. Sounds like a pretty normal day 1 / night 1 to me. I have 3k+ hours and I still tend to pretend I have some really important inventory management to do for the first night, I just can't leave my boxes alone.. they just happen to be in a place not reachable by the night-long efforts of a dire wolf Re.: Stamina advice, be very very wary of using power attacks. The implementation makes them look "just as cheap" as the normal attacks, but they cost couple seconds of regen, which is around 20 depending on your thirst and buffs. That alone can and will mess you up royally, that's a couple seconds of free delicious survivor buffet for the night life.
  4. How does a miner get a gun? Or grenades? Or mods? How does a scavenger get a gun? Or grenades? Or mods?
  5. All righty, it's just an error I've seen a couple streamers do, I would of course never do such myself... again... I hope? Sounds a little odd, I've never seen the wares change during a day - even through a patch. Not that I would pay that much attention during the rare patches that happen. But it's completely plausible if they've gone and changed things, like the item IDs or whatnot.
  6. You didn't happen to want to save a few bucks and put points into better barter? Ranks 3-5 will change the content of the secret stash.
  7. You could just cancel a quest from the quest log directly, but at least your approach is quite entertaining...
  8. Welcome back btw Unless you get 64 demos up, they're going to need 6 real hours to dig through a 100 blocks. Given a 10-cube, they will essentially only dig the at-face-height layer anyway; some of them will stack for a while and they may break a block or two at the 4-height, dogs and crawlers will chew on the 1-height, but neither of those are going to be an issue. That's why I suggest making the layer they're actually attacking as strong as you can, and focusing some fire on the innards once they pile up into there. All the layers above 3 will be truly useless since the collapse is going to happen once the zeds have fully cleared the layer 2. Usually they are way too confused to accomplish even that though. If you want, you can make the 3rd layer out of bars (at the moment, the bar blocks are just as sturdy as their full counterparts.) That will effectively prevent them from piling on top of each other once they've managed to dig themselves a couple blocks into the defensive layer, while still allowing you to fire upon the concentrated mass. If for nothing else, each grenade is a swing or two lost per zed. Another trivial option would be to wire a sexy 60x2 electric fence system up-down through the center of the borg cube to make most zeds inside just get permastunned. Needs a stack of electric parts, but that's what wrenches are for... All that said, if you want, using 1k blocks to completely AFK will work just fine. I'd just find it, well, kinda boring EDIT: Adding, I haven't tried a cube structure ever; if entirely solid it may by some fluke lead into the zeds creating a staircase though it. Nothing I've seen suggests that would be at all likely, but, I guess it might happen, and thus you might want to have some kind of non-solid layer at some suitable height to prevent that.
  9. I think the worst part is that they don't inherit any velocity from the damage, they just drop. Now, sending a head across the POI with a baseball bat though, no-one would be complaining ...
  10. With the super hero reference, I feel I may be entirely out place here...but if you are trying to give people a good world to try, you'll need to give the other settings as well, at least the size; as far as I understand, each setting combination will generate an entirely different map?
  11. With the way the GS inches forward, it's pretty standard for a given player over the early game. Standard enough to land on a specific horde quite often. So, not necessarily a thing, but plausibly a repeated occurrence anyway.
  12. Simply put, TFP are focused on implementing their plan of dungeon crawl POIs. The locked doors are not meant to be opened. The picks are intended to open the loot boxes only. Does it make any logical sense? Not really, locks are locks.. Does it make any gameplay sense? Not really, a decent pickaxe is faster and cheaper on the standard door than the lock pick would be anyway. Vault doors might be the opposite, but even then the door is pretty easy to break and the wall right next to it is often easier.. Will it make sense in the future... maaaybe?
  13. Anything will work for the first few hordes, as long as they can't find or break a route to you. Either reinforce from there, or build something. That's a 1000 blocks, 800 of which are useless It will last, but adding any amount of brainpower to it will make it a lot easier to craft and maybe allow for some easy XP farming while at it ... Say, 8 blocks on the ground (corners and middles), a 10x10 solid on the level they're actually hitting. And above that walls to protect you from spitters and a floor you can safely drop some boomers thru. Ceiling on top with a turret to pop birds on it.
  14. It's a thing, not exactly as perfect as before, but absolutely doable. There's plenty of usable options to just survive; electric fences are pretty much enough to disable any horde for the night, given you can repair them. Make any base, for the first couple horde nights figure out where the traffic is going, trap those areas. A large enough POI with routes to upper floors destroyed will have them just pointlessly beating on things. Doesn't have to be massive, but the bigger the better. You could honestly just run around, have a couple mega crushes to make it easy. Depends a bit on settings of course. Vehicles will spawn vultures - not impossible, but not exactly a chill ridearound. Max 24; it is limited by your gamestage somehow, so you won't see the 24 early on. Not sure of the scaling, but essentially "yes" to your question, you'll get to the max amount and have those in the morning. No more spawns after 4:00.
  15. It's a nice idea, but it wouldn't really change anything And it can't realistically be implemented. - they can't just load extra chunks to load you storage in to be attacked if you've placed it a 100m away. Too heavy to compute for TFP's tastes. - if it was implemented somehow, people would at Best be forced to have a concrete bunker "behind" their defenses. Having all routes to the cache leading through your defenses would preserve whatever current cheese you're using. - since you can move your stuff around pretty easily, you might just make "lure" boxes and stations within your defenses. This would lessen the onslaught on yourself, spreading the damage, and done right, give you great opportunities for easy DPS, especially via explosives. All this would depend on the implementation, of course, but the players would figure out new exploits within a week.
  16. Hmm. This isn't exactly usable data, but .. I started a new game having read this thread. Pretty basic settings, 60 min, warrior, feral sense.. I landed near a small town, figured I'd mostly just clear POIs for a while, not exactly nomad, but not building anything either. Ran a few quests since the trader is right there, so I moved around a bit, but not that much. Day 1, cleared my "stash house." A burnt building with a few inhabitants. Day 1 night spawns showed up, got ate by a dire. Quiet @%$#s still, first indication of danger was a row of teeth on my derriere. I was just messing about anyway, so I figured I'd just try if something has changed about running from those.. nope, couple chomps later the puppy had earned his ham. Spawned upstairs, turned it around and charred him on the grill afterwards. I guess you can call that recycling. That wasn't the point though.. sleepers aside, after clearing the area it remained perfectly clear until day 4, the 3 day respawn. The trip to the trader is about 300 meters, and between my base and Jen's, there were about 5 daytime zeds. I think that was roughly the case on the first day as well. In the night, some more friends showed up, but there was a wandering horde at that time too, so, nothing exact to say. I'd say the five zeds weren't too few for the area, it's a noob-friendly small town location; but I guess I would like to see them respawn at least daily, maybe even twice a day. Having the place clear for days feels.. safe
  17. By logic, yes. By the weird game design, it's "the INT pipe weapon".
  18. Seems to be a thing.. uncommon enough not to be absolutely sure, but sometimes I've had three arrows that should've hit just pass through in a row. Earlier the issue was more common with headshots, and a fix was to hit the body; now I've tried giving them a melee swing in between and that seems to help, but again, it's too rare to say anything for certain.
  19. Sure, I don't mind either way. Which is why I said "could use" and not "need" Either way works, it might mess up your horde night plans once, in case you even keep track of crafting times. The extra firewood is not an issue for me, the nerd pole from Toolbelt-6 has been fueling my fires just fine since... forever, without much effort.
  20. So, as this thread is a bit of a pain to read (or at least I had trouble keeping up, maybe too little sleep) - the gunpowder stack takes 30:00, 1000 singles take 16:40 - this has Not changed since A19 as per @DiegoLBC1 - but it still could use a fix ..
  21. JaWoodle had to dig one up on video, can't exactly take a screenie from that, but here's a time stamp.
  22. Well, it's probably an oversight. File a bug report. The defaults for crafting times are based on mats required, a lot of them are manually adjusted from that. They just haven't sanity checked it yet since changing something about the recipes.
  23. I haven't seen that one, hah. Sounds like a stack of TnT is a required part of a stealther's toolkit.
  24. Yeh... I haven't really started worrying about the stealth itself, that may well be just "waiting for proper tuning"; but these outright silly "surprises" have to be a conscious decision by someone - which doesn't fill me with confidence of a rework.
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