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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Waste of skill points for sure, but you do want some clay to feed the forge, might as well get a reward while at it ..
  2. If that's an actual experience; cobblestone. Two blocks on your toolbelt at all times. Hear growl => nerdpole up two blocks. Now you have all the time in the world to figure out what to do next, so I won't get into that.
  3. I don't know, but it kinda looks like the lamp is casting a shadow of itself. Just misplaced in the depth direction in the image.
  4. Yeh, that ain't gonna fix it either. They'd have to make the installation of a land claim into a timed event like the old concrete drying. Which wouldn't negate the base building aspect, but if successful it would destroy the nature of their world. The main unique thing in the game is the free environment. Take that away, and you have a standard issue static game with absolutely nightmarish lag. Because of the lag and other issues cause by the world (generally slowness), they won't be able to match any static game in the AI side, or I'd guess encounter design. Having to design _against_ the builder game they have is a clear indication that they are trying to do things that aren't a good fit for it. They could, in a "Tier 1 introductory Fetch" tell the player .. "Craft a ladder" "See that broken ladder there, repair it by installing a new one" "Get the satchel" and "Talk to Trader" .. And go from there. Make the building an expected part of the quest experience. Let the players be creative. If they mess up, they mess up, but .. Don't give them buckets, trucks and a sandbox only to then cover the sand in concrete to make it into car track. Fixing the car track can be half the fun.
  5. Ehh.. if that bothered the designers, they'd just spawn a dozen rad vultures on anyone detected outside the POI roof bounds..
  6. Might as well, not like the designers are going to complain. I myself, will rather hang up the game though...
  7. You may, they're great, but they're also duct tape and a crucible away.. Pipes, plant fiber, gunpowder sounds a little easier combo; and the trader is literally demanding me to take some throwable boombooms in the early game ..
  8. Yeh, it's always felt a bit of an afterthought at best, but they Have dragged it along for now. With this New Design (tm), it's going to take something like the introduction of Flashbangs (blind and deafen, effectively freeze in place all zeds in LoS Or Range). Which could become interesting, but I really doubt they'll go that far for stealth.
  9. Yeh, like the end of a hybrid energy -station at tier 2-3. Couple pairs of 3k+ HP iron doors that open only once you step in the middle of them, automatically ... while also spawning in a blockade behind you. I thought the blockade was spawned into a off-the-path spot where I didn't check, but having checked how the prison works.. all bets are off, likely just outside the door.. no more clearing areas for safety But why are we doing Clear Area -quests then..?
  10. Found the time to give that room a test or two... gotta say, the Design of it took the wind out of my sails entirely. You're designed to walk in thru the front door. Coming in you _might_ not check both sides of the entrance, but you WILL see one of the sides at least. It's clear, obviously empty for miles. You trigger that trap, and the game spawns zeds right outside the vision thru the windows. In actual formation; to fit as many as possible, as close as possible. On their feet so they won't even stumble, they'll just run to you. Just spawn the things honestly on top of me; at this point, it's no different. You can't check your escape routes if you spawn in a column of enemies to already cleared areas. Makes no difference.
  11. Pulling out a single line from two months ago, where people were discussing different zeds, possibly different races (possibly, I didn't see any mentions thou) and mixing that with random cases of sexual abuse isn't going to improve the world. Not one iota. Not to mention it's essentially a political topic, which is banned on this forum.. for a good reason. (feel free to ban me for taking the bait .. )
  12. From stealth perspective, I don't really disagree at all. Some well-hidden zeds would be absolutely fine, as long as at least an equal amount is in reasonably zombie-like states randomly in the POI, not just every single one lying in a perfect ambush position. In A20 it didn't feel like it was "me against a zombie apocalypse", I was playing tag against the Level Designer. In A21, the Level Designer seems to have gone full GOD MODE and it's pretty much killing the fun. It's not a world anymore, it's an arcade. Doom is a fine game, though, but I didn't want this one to be Doom. I do get the trap system from the non-stealther perspective, they aren't that horrible if you don't mind tanking @%$# with your face. WTB a pocket healer then, though.. walk-over health drops or something..
  13. That's with a full mother lode, no? My gut feeling is more like 30-40 per block, for non-STR builds 20 blocks is, well. Trivial, but most people don't seem to like mining even that much
  14. I coined a term way back when, doing some QA, running into weird behaviors on a code base that didn't really even have specs to check against. "Working as implemented". (As a diagonal to "Working as Intended") It's been popping to my mind quite often on these forums for some reason ...
  15. Yeh, that and for a "dew collector" the same surface that is condensing the water will also gather all of the airborne particulate in the neighborhood. And then store the condensed water in a semi-open lukewarm container which is reasonably fertile grounds for all kinds of life forms, bacteria, mosquito larvae, whatnot.. Which makes it exactly the same as the "river" down the street, whose water is unusable .. wait.
  16. That was sorta my point as well, but I didn't want to push it too hard as Juggs seems .. hmm, optimistic-by-profession? No shade, QA needs to remain optimistic to stay sane in any organization. Thanks for asking the questions I didn't want to look whiny over
  17. I saw Jugg mention the breadcrumb trails in the other thread.. I haven't done any testing in A21, but for A20 it wasn't so much a trail as it was "the last spot you made a sound at". They're not going 'point to point', following your tracks, taking the long route thru the front door - they're coming right next to you and/or to the last spot they heard you at; thru whatever glass pane looks the weakest. They're coming for sure, but calling it breadcrumbs sounds misleading ..
  18. Nothing against the idea as such, it's used in plenty of building games so it clearly works etc. But I don't think this game is going to be able to track what is yours and what is not to the required accuracy. The current viable options are "everything within a land claim" or "nothing", as standard blocks don't track ownership. And if you make it just bound to land claim, I'd be taking Higashi Tower home with me, on day 1...
  19. I know, I'd even go further than useless, it is actively counterproductive. Whenever you fail to trigger a trap, your clear mission and/or your sanity is compromised. It's "you" .. and automagical triggers, basically just stepping on the right block. Plenty of bloody annoying features. But in this thread I'm trying to make it .. more consistent. So you'd always have a decent chance of failing one way or another. Early game (unskilled) from too low damage, mid game from ferals being tough enough not to one-shot again, later game, some of the trap mechanics (hopefully somehow improved from the current iteration; I doubt it, but I can't change that..). I do, it's fun. I'd like the game to make me whacking them with my 4/5 sledge more enticing than with my 0/5 bow, though. Yeh.. sleepers not waking up to dynamite is .. "a tad silly". I get the 'why', but it feels awful. Outdoors wanderers do need to hear you to become interested, so if you have a tail from far away you aren't always all that quiet. The discrepancy is real thou ..
  20. How about a Bucket? You can carry murky water home, and filter it through you drinking hat. Just not the water filter at the dew collector, as that one can only process dew. It's in the name, "Water filter", see? So, no crafting, but infinite drinking water wherever you want it. Drinking Murky Water, either from a jar or from a lake does 5 HP worth of damage per sip (+10 water. -5 HP). So, drink water, damage your gut, fix your gut by bandaging your left arm.. just like Bear Grylls. Or eat your vitamins beforehand, avoid the damage and the disease.
  21. Yeh, it's all over the place. When it works, it's OP enough to be completely boring and when it runs into issues.. weell, it ain't boring anymore, but we're quitting True, at least partially. They do make for the easiest of targets. But assuming only that the current volume-spawned zeds would get up and start wandering upon being loaded in.. none of the current jump scares could be designed, and you could still clear a room just by adding a couple extra pebbles on your toolbar. Lure them into a corner and start throwing bolts. Or pineapples at that point. Heck, I've started to use pipe bombs for stealth in A21 vanilla. Can't quite the headshot behind the kitchen counter? The arc above is usually free... sneaky AF It would be more entertaining, but not really any more challenging for a competent player. But it's sort of in the same veins as reducing the bow damage.. they wouldn't get up and get lured, but they'd react to their first wound at least. Maybe you'll miss your follow-up and make enough noise to wake others. Maybe even the zed waking up could actually wake some others... could possibly make it a lot less binary.
  22. Huh, so you did. And the rest of the thread happened.. I must've had a massive brainfart, or had some old version of the thread loaded when replying.. oh well
  23. Excellent, that got me properly eaten. Thanks!
  24. (This might fit under the Sleeper mechanics thread, but not quite IMO. Feel free to merge if you wish.) I was playing my third start of A21, a full on STR/Sledgehammer/Shotgun build .. 9/10, 4/5, 4/5, couple points in Miner, nothing else. Warrior difficulty. Week 2, tier three quests going (a little sightseeing and such, but mostly leisurely questing). I run up to the next quest marker with my slightly sweaty bulging (9/10) muscles glistening in the afternoon sun. I touch up my sledge with one the thousand pebbles I carry just for the task and slap the exclamation point. Here we go! I waddle to the front door, "Unlocked" as expected. I ready my weighted, mighty stone tied to the end of a really ergonomic stick. By tucking it nicely under my, ahem .. skirt. Then I pull out my trusty Wooden Bow (q2) with its lovingly hand-forged Iron Arrows, and crouch my 9/10 hulking mass down to remain quiet. My knees hurt after leg day, but I don't want the zeds to spot me. It is what it is. I sneak in; obvious zombie closet across the room.. take the shot, oh hey - it's Occupied! And still sleeping. One quick shot later it'll never wake up. Move on thru the house, couple easy picks with the bow, I do manage wake someone up occasionally, but nothing major, nothing the now-slightly-moist Sledgy can't easily splatter across the floor. Standing at the loot room, looking back after the carnage, I realize, I cleared the joint mostly with my .. completely unskilled stealth and completely unskilled bow. While at 9/10 STR pretending to be using sledges. That feels off. Like, majorly off. The bow is de facto the tool of death for me. I do like it, but I have to honestly consider it's just way too powerful in my untrained hands. What to do? What would make me both Not hate stealth and Not rely on the unspecced weapon? And NOT just absolutely neuter honest stealth specs? The best I've come up with this far would be to move the stealth damage multiplier from the bow to the stealth skill(s). It's a whoppin 3.5x without skills, oneshotting most things on head shots. I wouldn't weaken the hiding aspect of stealth, so you could still escape and hide with it. Just not slaughter everything without the point investment. Yeah, enter rads, even ferals and it already loses its edge while unskilled; but I don't think the lower tier stuff actually benefits from the oneshots either. Take the massive damage multiplier away, and I still might invite things to the reach of my sledge with arrows. The stealth spec players would get good experience from "just" waking things up without the skill points, and then the satisfaction of starting to one-shot Some things after couple spent points. The early stealth "failing" and needing to maneuver a bit more even on single "easy kill" zeds might also prep players for the inevitable stealth-negating pulls in the later game. As it seems we're absolutely Not getting away from those... It sounds like a stealth play I might enjoy, both as a stealther and Not. Feel free to yell at me, but.. I'm thinking it might be worth a try? Thoughts, anyone?
  25. Using the same seed might result in a completely different map across versions, but that, that I won't advice against - as it shouldn't break other than your expectations ...
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