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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. 50 blocks sounds way too long for a horde base, awesome for sure, but rather hard to use. If you're planning to snipe along it, just let them run the first 30. If it's just a travel tunnel, I dunno, slap some checkpoints along the way, with a fence or two across and some wall-mounted turrets keeping the peace.
  2. Hmm. Spinned up my test world to check a few of those ideas, or maybe I just felt like batting a few Arlenes again. Here's a data blurb: Summary: You can increase your DPS by about 60% at the cost of tripling your stamina use (worst case). Not counting the regen loss, damage per sta is the same, so at best case you can think of it as a 60% DPS increase with no drawbacks. But you do need to figure out when you can afford it. At the end of each fight, sure, but that's not really an issue either way. There's pretty significant variance to zed health now, I ran into Feral Arlenes with 80 points of difference between them. Swapping one headshot from Normal to Power would give a 34 point difference in my test, skills would roughly double the difference - that would still be within the variation for one of the weaker ferals. My point? You cannot actually know how many it'll take or if it'll make a difference. Yeh, that's where we agree, some procs are well worth the cost. Unless you need the sta of course.. The rest goes back into the first point, HP variance. You can't really know if it'll make a difference. But you can know if you can afford the stamina to try, so, when you can afford it, it's not a bad move. There's also a confirmation bias sort of thing going on: Finishing something off with a power attack will always feel great. Even when the zed had 1 HP left when you swung it - and you won't ever know.
  3. Hah, yeh, sorry - I ended up ranting about other people, those damn youtubers. It wasn't directed at you, but I did wonder if I should've emphasized that a little more.. that "you-passive" didn't help matters. Yeh, it's not a bad system, it has its upsides with edge cases (like how the situation changes when low on regen). But it is quite hard to learn. Some kind of highlight for the "you're not regenerating right now" might help, but that would likely be "too flashy" once you've gotten the message.
  4. That is a thing I can't understand why people wont learn. Mainly some of the 'tubers I watch, but seems like a common problem.. Scenario: You're going somewhere. The trip is likely to end up in a fight. Either during the travel or at the destination. Actual travel or just running back and forth in POI: 1) Sprint til out of stamina => sprint in bursts to keep stamina under 25% => show up to the fight with <25% sta => "wait for stamina" while getting beat on. is exactly as fast as: 2) Sprint til at 75% stamina, walk til full => repeat between 75 and 100 => show up for the fight with >75% sta => get to fighting. As you need the stamina for the fight, the options are Exactly equally fast, but with 2) you just won't get beat on while you wait for stamina in the fight. And while I'm complaining.. if you haven't figured out a real reason to press the power attack button, don't. (There are reasons, they're just .. rare) Watching tubers go left click - right click completely randomly, keeping their regen mostly off with rare and pointless power attacks, and wondering why they're constantly out of stamina... it's turning into a pet peeve of mine..
  5. I've never used it to import a prefab, but chunk reset just sets the area to the state your "generated map" is in. So if you've built something in the area in-game and then do a chunk reset, you'll lose whatever you've built. If you edit a map and then "apply" the change to your current game using chunk reset to do so, the same should happen, it'll just reset to whatever is defined on the map. (not exactly an expert in the area, someone please correct me where I'm wrong.. )
  6. It's also kinda mandatory for steel tools, even iron benefits greatly. Unless you don't mind waiting for stamina, of course, but that implies quite a relaxed play style.
  7. That first point is great if you habitually crouch whenever you're not running. Too many free bunnies in the world to ever be hungry. Taking blind shots in the grass is a nice addition - but quick sprints usually do the job just as well
  8. The bug is well known, and installed on many, many computers on the world. The prevention is rather easy, just install a linux from the start. "Reversing" requires a little more work as you might want to try keep some of your data while you change your OS.
  9. Hmm... sounds a little like distant terrain rendering issues, but in a way where your distant terrain is from a different map (the "other map" having a higher elevation at your area making the combination have you walk within a phantom mountain..). Have you done something naughty to your map files or any such things?
  10. I so miss crafting and smelting anvils in three different forges to level up .. Tool Crafting?
  11. It's small, but it's quite dense, much like the Crack-a-book. steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/Data/Prefabs/POIs/factory_03.xml(8) : <property name="DifficultyTier" value="5" /> Looks like a 5 to me .. Good call on Higashi, I couldn't remember the name for the life of me.. I blame the 'rona that showed up for a family gathering.
  12. There's two for pop'n'pills, no? Hospital and headquarter / R&D?
  13. This.. isn't how I remember it, But, you inspired me to finally get my act together and thus I have proven myself wrong in the current iteration of the game. As in, I did some testing, forget all that I've said before... I love being proven wrong, though, so thanks! Some testing.. There's more snake bite than calf on my character by now. Some random notes from the test set that might be of interest for the thread: A20.6 (b9): Does the UI show Crit resistance..? Yup, at least somehow. Hidden within the movement-disabling-character-sheet, so not exactly a sane way to learn in a real game, but it's there. Character Sheet => Trophy icon ("Extended Character Stats") => Armor Crit Resist (ACR). It seems to have been "normalized" to normally show positive values. Taking damage causes it to drop in a constant but non-linear pattern. Then it slowly ticks back up, and if not hit for about 15 seconds, it resets completely. When naked, ACR shows 0. With Padded armor, 20 (4 x 5 pieces). Steel: 6 x 5 = 32, because of course it is. (Rounding issues, there's randomness in the values, just all my steel pieces were showing 6) Against steel, the first two hits land on ACR showing 32, never a debuff received. Before the Third hit ACR shows 1, but I had plenty of debuffs from that hit - about one in three or so. If I assume everything is "working", the incoming hit will first reduce the ACR and then decide if a crit happens. Maybe misleading, but could be accurate. For padded and naked, the first hit was immune, but the second hit was giving debuffs. I was assuming that might be a difference between the armor types, but my test scrap armor dropped to -4 on second hit and after quite a few hit pairs, I managed to get a sprained arm on the second hit on scrap. It did feel like a 4% chance at -4 ACR (post-hit). So, as a rule of thumb, but not a strict rule, padded will give no real extra crit protection, steel will give a second swing of safety, anything in between is almost a second swing. Immune on "first hit" based on what though? The UI ACR resets on God Mode, and after 15 seconds of not getting hit. Both resets seem to work as immunity - although I'll admit I didn't do too many a dozen of the wait-15-secs-type. Full health? Nope: I did some "hit => painkillers to full => hit" sets, and managed to get all kinds of debuffs. Full health does NOT give immunity. Being at full health within 15 seconds of getting hit might be a rarity, but full health gets crit just fine. I was testing on a weakling snake - Does the damage amount matter? Bikers and Z-Bears seemed to cause the same changes to ACR per hit while doing 4x the damage, so, I'll have to assume "no". Just the number of hits, which would explain why a flock of vultures will rot you to your core before you've noticed them. Having the debuffs themselves seem to reduce the max ACR. (concussion, fatigue, deep laceration 4, sprained leg 8, sprained arm 9 (rounding issues? 8.5?), 10 min abrasion none, infection none) I did some tests at low health taking the "first hit"; I didn't manage to get crit that way either, no matter how low the health. But I also didn't have the patience to wait for the reset, so the sample is really small, a couple dozen at slowly diminishing health values. The only exception to all of that seemed to be stuns, those would very rarely land on some of the otherwise immune hits. No concurrent concussions from any of them, though.
  14. With that combo, the eggs are the limiting factor.. one steak for 10, two boiled eggs are 10 each = 20, the combo gives 5 (6?) extra. No reason to feel bad about eating the meats. Boil it for extra health in the early game, that turns jars of water into 10 health each. (Your mileage will likely vary with A21)
  15. Hmm. I haven't done any dedicated testing for it, so 100% sure, no. But I think I heard it from a dev a long while back; and I've thought it to be the case for a long while now, during which I haven't seen it happen to myself or a youtuber for that matter. I popped in to god mode and theres 8 bikers ganging my my character atm.. haven't heard a crit yet. I also did a bit of "taking first, second and third hits", about a couple dozen each.. not one crit on any of the first hits, two on the second and plenty on the third. I did reset with god mode which might confer some protection for the first, but I kinda doubt it. And now I died ... damnit
  16. It may well be that it isn't; tbh, I can't even remember why I'm thinking it would be. May well be superstition on my part. Mmmaybe. Probably. Would be interesting from the mechanics perspective, but to get satisfying data would be quite time consuming. Especially when the answer will remain "don't get hit while on low health" anyway ..
  17. EDITs: did some testing, editing this to strikethrough my obvious wrongs First off, I don't have Any 100% sure answers about this, so this might be more of an interrogation, but you've piqued my interest. Also, I don't even think of crits and debuffs being the same, but they may well be, for this game. For most of the "I think I know" -stuff, I tend to agree. Couple notes: Is this actually two separate events, or does the crit resistance just reduce the chance to trigger outright? Not that it matters, I've just always assumed they're calculated as one. And how would we know..? (Seems this is also your first question.. ok, we don't know, but do we need to? ) "Health bar food item" .. that took me longer than it should've, but you're talking about the "Health bar" -candy. I ended up thinking that "foods have a reduction in general and you're just phrasing it weird". But I'm mixing things with Valheim here... Seems correct though. There was some way where you could see the change reflected in your character sheet While getting hit. It may have been a mod, on a youtuber.. or even current vanilla. I should take a look at my next test session. But from randomly seeing those at some point, the regen didn't seem all that slow. It seemed basically guaranteed to be back from fight to fight. The first of these I haven't heard of; could be true, but sounds odd to me. Players are immune to crits when at full health, so there's at least that for a scaling against health, but I do think it's likely that there's Also a relative increase with low health. It's just hard to differentiate "low health" from "I'm being pummeled" For that, it's just an implementation detail bleeding through into the UI. I would guess it's to give a naked character a massive drawback of 50 and then remove that by armor. As it is it looks weird, feels weird and doesn't explain anything, but .. Early Access, I hope? EDIT: The numbers are actually better looking in A20.6 b9; while not necessarily any more informative... Well, if stuns, bleeds and such are "crits", then.. blades cause bleeds, sledges cause knockdowns, fists cause all kinds of disables, stun batons electrocute and knockback etc. And mods can add some too. All have a more or less random chance at happening on each hit. I'm just still confused with the more common theme of "crits are extra damage", which would mean headshots here. For that, the melee weapons of different entities are defined as such in items.xml: <item name="meleeHandAnimalZombieVulture"> <property name="Extends" value="meleeHandMaster"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/> <property name="HoldType" value="35"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Delay" value=".7"/> <!-- obsolete if rounds per minute exists --> <property name="DamageEntity" value="8"/> <property name="DamageBlock" value="8"/> </property> <effect_group name="meleeHandAnimalZombieVulture" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="AddBuff" target="other" fireOneBuff="true" buff="buffFatiguedTrigger,buffArmSprainedCHTrigger,buffLaceration,buffAbrasionCatch,buffInjuryStunned01CHTrigger,buffInjuryBleedingTwo" weights=".11,.07,.05,.29,.36,.11"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="ModifyCVar" target="other" cvar="infectionCounter" operation="add" value="20"><!--InfectionRadiated--> <requirement name="CVarCompare" target="other" cvar="infectionCounter" operation="GT" value="0"/></triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="ModifyCVar" target="other" cvar="abrasionZombieHit" operation="set" value="3200"/><!--AbrasionRadiated--> </effect_group> </item> There's a list of weights there, but they add up to 1, which likely means they're just for selecting a debuff type. Can't find any other means of adjusting the chances in the xml, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. Or just hard-coded somewhere...
  18. I think it's a melee swing, so, it shouldn't. But nothing lost by trying at the next POI, just slap a couple wooden bars to block a doorway after waking a zed.
  19. That does sound familiar, but in my defense it's still pretty bad, they may have modified the issue, but .. I just don't see the point for the slowness, all it does is make you redo your crafting queue occasionally.
  20. Well, it is the best block type in game, and the deployment is instant if you've prepared - it might be an intentional thing to hinder you from absolutely instant repairs on horde nights. Just needs a touch of prep time now, so it isn't exactly useful for that though. It may also just be a "does this really matter" kinda thing, having not decided what it should be so just leaving it at the default. I think there's a default crafting time -calculation that is material based, steel things being slow to craft, and brass being so ridiculously slow to scrap.
  21. Possible, but I've never seen that - the only class of cloned drones I've seen is the one with actual copies being spawned, with an actual loadout from a time in history, and fully functional. I don't think I've ever seen any type of a ghost entity in 7dtd. There's rather scarce data what the OP is experiencing here, and some of it is rather vague, so I'm going with what I know. Which is nothing ...
  22. If you want to go that route, a couple mollies might fry em up real nice like. Then again, that won't fix anything that telling them to stay wouldn't fix.
  23. Would've worked too, although, Good Vibes might be a little too peppy whilst staring at the salty sea with thirst-dried eyes ...
  24. Weell.. not exactly. If you look at my replies as a whole, I limited myself to the island theme. The music was kinda hard to come up with, BÖC was the only thing that actually came to mind that would somehow match. They're all right, though, so I'm not ashamed of having put them there, but I am roughly of "the following generation"...
  25. Hmm... 1) Castaway 2) Lost 3) I dunno.. Blue Öyster Cult? 4) Raft, of course
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