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Everything posted by Star69

  1. Just wanted to give an update to this problem of mine. I turned off Game Sparks.....still got disconnected. I turned off antivirus at the router.....still getting disconnected. So, I don't really know where to go from here. Since it only started once I changed to Spectrum for internet and bought a new router, somehow, one of those 2 things are the culprit but I have no idea how to dig deeper. My router settings are default and I went through those settings and didn't see anything odd or different from other routers settings I've seen in the past. My connection is wired, I've tried rebooting the router just before playing to no avail. No one else is on my internet when this happens. Typically, I play for about 3 or 4 hours most evenings and I lose the ability to interact with the game anywhere from 1-2 times an evening. I wish I had some odd set up that I could blame but it's pretty generic. I've checked firewall settings, verified that my Steam folder is excluded from Windows Defender. Any other thoughts of how I might work through this further would be appreciated. Thanks folks!
  2. Oh and there has not been any official release date provided by TFP as of today.
  3. If I understand you correctly, you need to determine which region(s) your area is in, back up those regions then after generating the new map, replace your generated map region(s) with your backup. I assume it would only work if both seeds were identical.
  4. Back to OP’s original question…….if you read Steams rules or whatever they are called, when you buy any game through Steam, you are not buying a copy of the game, you are buying access to the game through Steam. So if you do something stupid and Steam bans you, you lose access to any ‘purchased’ games through Steam. You can’t take any games with you if you lose Steam. So do developers owe you anything? Absolutely not as the legal agreement is between you and Steam, not the developers of any game. However, good developers do try to do what they initially claimed. That being said, those that were involved in the Kickstarter for the game, it may be a different scenario.
  5. What about not spending any points? Now that would be hardcore survival. No bacon/eggs until/unless you find the recipe in loot. Only using existing workstations, only using tools that you find except for level 1 stone tools. This might be too severe but I might just try it one day.
  6. I'm pretty far from a computer expert so take my info considering that. Could it be that EAC disabled desktop shortcuts in order to prevent some 'hacks' to avoid EAC detection?? That's a reach, I know, but maybe an email to EAC support could verify if that is the case. I haven't gotten into EAC too much like I did with other anticheat systems like Punkbusters when I hosted a bunch public servers for COD and Unreal Tournament but what I do know is that how and when cheat software is activated, determines how successful they are in going undetected. Just my 2 cents.
  7. I’m going to try. I’ve been disappointed with the lack of adjustable settings with this router. The reviews are good, it has wifi 6 and I like the thought of antivirus/vpn at the router level but the settings are lackluster. I may, as part of testing, disable the antivirus portion. For me, I game and visit this forum so my need of antivirus is nill on my gaming rig but my wife, kids and grandkids use the network and I can’t trust all those devices not having antivirus.
  8. Interesting. The only recent internet change on my end is I dropped ATT and went to Spectrum. I bought my own modem/router, Netgear Nighthawk Ax6000 CAX80. It is new tech, with antivirus and vpn at the router. I do not have the vpn active but the antivirus is working so any device connected to the network is protected. I have no proxies set up. My inkling is the router but I’m not sure how to figure it out. It’s interesting that the only connection that I lose is to the gameserver. I’ll try turning off the setting on the launcher for the services that gives feedback on what you choose during the game. If that doesn’t work, I’ll turn off the antivirus at the router. Googling the error leads to Unity forum discussions but no clear answer in language that I understand. I’ll give feedback as I try things.
  9. I've got a connection issue that I'm stumped on. While playing on a dedicated server, I get zombies/players running in place, cannot interact with anything etc however I do not lose internet and maintain voip in Steam Chat. To the nitty gritty: Windows 10 Pro, dedicated server from Bluefang, no other players affected. Windows Defender is my antivirus and Steam folder is excluded. Game is 19.6 and no mods on the server nor do I have mods installed and never have had mods on this computer. Spectrum is my isp and I'm hardwired to the router. Here is my log: https://pastebin.com/embed_js/w4nBeyX3 Second time in an hour it happened again and this is the log: https://pastebin.com/embed_js/WBGxEvWZ I have done tracert a few times but not at the time of the crash and I never observed any packet loss. The server is in New York City, I am in Ohio. My ping is always a steady 45-50 and doesn't seem to change when this happens (although it's frozen at the time). Any thoughts? Any more info that you want? Thanks in advance.
  10. Previous versions, I could have sworn that bags dropped more often with headshots but that might have been coincidence. With A19, I’ve tried to find a trigger but no luck so far. With our blood moon set to 12 zombies, 2 players…sometimes we get 5 bags on horde night, sometimes we get 30 bags. Is it rng or is there a trigger? No idea.
  11. I just chiming in here to say what an amazing video Jug!!! I am just blown away by how you did that test. There is no doubt that op’s questions were answered in an impressive way. Thanks for that.
  12. Pepsi with real sugar before 10pm. After 10 pm, either a glass of Malbec or Woodford on ice depending on my mood.
  13. I have the g502 also, my favorite of the Logitech mice. I'm on my second one after wearing out the first after a few years of daily, multi-hour gaming sessions. It fits my hand nicely, perfect weight and the buttons program the way I like. I don't use the multiple dpi settings as I no longer play competitive fps games.
  14. Have you witnessed any wandering hordes in A20 yet? Specifically, are they wandering again? A19 wandering hordes just stand around a lot.
  15. I have pretty much the same rig as OP and have zero issues. My psu is 1000 watts Corsair platinum and power doesn't seem to be an issue. The 5950x runs about 53 degrees after an hour of playing 7 days. I'm air-cooled with a Noctua fan set up and have a huge case with plenty of case fans helping out. This was my very first amd build and didn't realize that you needed to be carefull of your ram speed with amd cpu's. I bought 4200mhz ram when, in fact, the max speed for the 5950x is 3800. If I try to go past 3800mhz, my system becomes quite unstable and either constantly reboots or won't even leave setup. Leaving it at 3800 and the system runs great. So maybe take a look at your ram speed?? Just a thought....
  16. Please post your log file using the instructions in the pinned thread above. This will give us hints. Also it helps to post details about your rig and version of video drivers currently installed. With those 2 things, someone will be able to sort things out for you. Without those 2 things, no one can help.
  17. I just read an article that MS minimum requirements are cpu based. Many rigs with older cpus will be flagged as not being able to run 11. I’m pasting from an article about which cpus that are supported(not sure about the forum rules on posting urls): Windows 11 support for Intel Intel 8th Gen (Coffee Lake) Intel 9th Gen (Coffee Lake Refresh) Intel 10th Gen (Comet Lake) Intel 10th Gen (Ice Lake) Intel 11th Gen (Rocket Lake) Intel 11th Gen (Tiger Lake) Intel Xeon Skylake-SP Intel Xeon Cascade Lake-SP Intel Xeon Cooper Lake-SP Intel Xeon Ice Lake-SP Windows 11 support for AMD AMD Ryzen 2000 AMD Ryzen 3000 AMD Ryzen 4000 AMD Ryzen 5000 AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2000 AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3000 AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro 3000 AMD EPYC 2nd Gen AMD EPYC 3rd Gen
  18. There are other good sources of brass besides radiators. Air conditioners……there are 6 of them on top of the school for example; inside buildings you’ll see gas or water pipes with orange colored fittings…lots of brass; if you read a book(don’t remember the name) you’ll get brass from breaking down doors; some sinks and light fixtures give brass. Also, your play style greatly affects brass amounts. Using melee as much as possible, shotguns and blunderbusses for guns and turrets, saving the brass for ammo for horde nights only.
  19. I don’t power level either, actually I have never even checked what level I am since it makes no difference to me. I do beginning tutorial quests, finishing around 1030. Wander around town, grabbing feathers, getting rock/cobble/cement/wood and looting outside while killing any zombies I might come across. I might raid a kitchen if I’m having trouble finding a cooking pot. I play with 1-3 others and I’m the Intelligence guy so I’ll have a forge and, if I’m lucky, a workbench by the end of day 1. If I hit any buildings, they typically have lots of bathrooms like condos or motels. That way I get wrenches, acid, murky water and canned food. We have a 13x13 cobblestone base up by the night of day 1 or day 2 and we only use one base for normal storage and horde night. I used to put up spikes but now I don’t do that because I prefer the xp for kills. We put our base over a mineral node and mine at night. If we do quests, they are almost always buried supplies over the first few days.
  20. If you want to change the points needed to level, just edit the xml yourself rather than installing a mod. The equation is a simple one and you should easily be able to tweak it to your liking. I’m not on my pc atm so can’t tell you which xml that the equation is in but a decent guess would be gamestage.xml.
  21. I put the question to Fatal in another thread and he said it must be implemented by Unity, not The Fun Pimps. So unless Unity takes an interest, it won’t happen for 7 Days. I have it enabled on my rig but was surprised how few games there are out there that utilize resizable bar.
  22. Not that I've noticed but I haven't looked at the code to know for sure. It was my understanding that all that lucky looter did was give a boost to finding better quality items, not that it caused items with no quality to drop more often.
  23. Lots of interesting takes on INT. As someone who plays almost exclusively INT, the stun baton is what I use 95% of the time. Usually I put 3 points in it. Early game I carry a 9mm, investing no points but will seek out the books. I only use the 9mm for those “Oh sh*t” moments otherwise just the baton. Mid to end game, if lucky enough to find auto shotty book, I’ll throw some points in strength to make a decent one. I pretty much only use turrets for horde night, eventually maxing turret skill to place 2 of them for hordes. It’s just my opinion, lots of other ways to play INT. I don’t feel weak as compared to my teammates playing other classes and I seem to kill as many zombies day to day and on horde night as them. I like things as they are now and it’ll be better, I hope, with the introduction of the pipe baton.
  24. As someone that invests in lucky looter early, acid is really rng. Some games I have 30 during the first week, some games I’m lucky to find 1 in the first week. When looking and really needing acid, I hit anywhere with a lot of bathrooms and kitchens. The condo bulidings and motels, at least for me, are fabulous sources.
  25. Agree…. I never mistake whether a zombie is dead or stunned using the baton, neither are my team mates. Of course we all have over 6000 hours each so it’s plain as the nose on my face if one is dead or not. Stun baton ftw even on horde night!!
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