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Everything posted by Star69

  1. No, you need to start a new game as the changes to the game will not allow you to bring your save from A19.
  2. Post your output log using pastebin so we can see what is happening. There’s a pinned topic above about how to report a problem and you’ll find instructions there.
  3. There is so much going on during a blood moon, tons of data being written and read about each zombie and each player, it comes down to the hardware reaching a limit and cannot keep up. 12K is the maximum world size that anyone has gotten to work with 8 players so far. Since this game is newer to you, a few versions ago we had working 16K servers running fine but the game has changed in development and that just isn't possible right now. Heck, for one alpha we had an infinite size map! Talk about never running out of places to visit.....
  4. When other people have experienced this type of problem, it has been due to generating worlds of the wrong size. The worlds you generate need to be multiples of 1024 so a 6K map would actually be 6144K, 8k is 8192 etc. Check your world size first and see if it is a multiple of 1024
  5. This is quoted from another thread: "So in finder I went to ~/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die.Right click the 7DaysToDie.app file and "Get Info"Then check "Open using Rosetta" "
  6. The game developers themselves have said 12k map is the largest you can generate and get to work. It might work when there are a couple of people on, but the more people, the more read/write functions and server hardware just can't keep up. You kind of answered your own question by saying when more people join is when it fails. If you can make it work consistently, there are a lot of people out there who will want to know how to do it. A20 is very different from A19 so just because 16k worked on A19 doesn't mean it will work on A20.
  7. Two common problems people are having that keep the game from running are 1) having A19 files still on their system and 2) Not having the latest Microsoft Visual C Distributables installed. You should update Windows and use the latest set of drivers for your videocard too.
  8. Did you clean out your world files and uninstall A19 before installing to A20? That's what I would do, follow the instructions by clicking on the blue banner at the top of the forums. I completely uninstalled 7 Days after following the above instructions and all went flawlessly. Give it a try.
  9. Can you post the entire server output log using pastebin? Maybe there’s something else happening before that error shows up.
  10. Is it possible that you didn’t clear out some of your A19 files before installing A20? If you had mods in A19, did you delete the mods folder? Lastly, could you post your output log using the instructions in the pinned topic about reporting problems? Someone will get this solved for you.
  11. Burried supply quests are interesting. Every time you dig enough blocks for the circle to shrink, the game spawns a half dozen zombies. I wonder if it was a quest adjustment or if it’s a function of feral sense? In either case, buried supplies are more challenging and good xp….I love it!!
  12. At least the forged iron and gun powder were this way in A19 too, not sure about nails.
  13. The server is not seeing your serverconfig.xml or there is an error in it. I rent a server and I had to create a folder named Config and put my serverconfig file in there.
  14. Yes you can change your difficulty on the same map any time you want to.
  15. I’m not familiar with Macs but people with Macs are able to run the game using Rosetta. Search further down General Support for more info in other threads on how to do it if you don’t know how.
  16. Try and download the newest version of Microsoft Visual C Distributable and see if that fixes it. This has helped a few people with similar errors.
  17. Also, after generating a new map, some have noticed that the ram isn’t being released. You might try a reboot and see if that helps.
  18. Please post your output logs as mentioned in the pinned topic above so we can see what’s going on.
  19. Run game with Rosetta until the bug gets fixed
  20. Reinstall Microsoft Visual C Distributables, latest version and see if that helps
  21. In the Bug Report section, it was mentioned that the workaround for Mac users is to run 7 Days under Rosetta. TFP still looking for a permanent solution.
  22. Turn off creative mode. It's a new feature of creative mode to speed up building poi's.
  23. Turn off creative mode. It's a new feature of creative mode to speed up building poi's.
  24. Please post your output log as mentioned in the pinned topic. No one can help you without seeing your log files.
  25. For OP, the error 2021-12-06T15:17:48 0.310 ERR Error while initializing platform code, shutting down. is your problem, though not sure why you are getting that error. For andydahl, I moved my config file into the Config folder that I had to create. You also need to create a Saves folder if the install didn't make one and put your serveradmin.xml in there.
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