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Everything posted by doughphunghus

  1. i think its "loadingscreen.xml" which is a list of the tips (as keys, not the actual tips). These keys map to the ones in Localization.txt so you have to change the xml file and add to Localiization.txt Example: in loadingscreen.xml: <tips> <tip key="loadingTipMainHUD" /> <tip key="loadingTipStoneAxe" /> and in Localization.txt: loadingTipStoneAxe,UI,Loading Screen,x,,The stone axe is a primitive starting tool used to gather resources using [action:local:Primary].\nUse [action:local:Secondary] to repair and upgrade blocks.,,(cut other localizations for brevity) loadingTipStoneAxe_title,UI,Loading Screen,x,,The Stone Axe,,(cut other localizations for brevity)
  2. This sounds like a neat idea to add to it. if they just turn into a zed, easy to take them out... but if they immediately scream, too late! Adding some thoughts, though I'm not good enough to make a mod like this happen... Having infection go to 100% is a natural target.. but having it get "near" 100% and the zombie effect takes over might be a neat effect. Meaning: you will not know when you turn, just "OMG. its over, I just turned!" say ..... err over 50% infection this effect could happen so it could be "now" or anytime as long as it was over 50%. The infection (in vanilla game) isn't really treated like "zombie virus" but more of "bacterial infection"... I feel if you can randomly" drop and turn into a zed after not treating the infection, then the counter/stat for "you're turning into a zed" should almost also be hidden and you don't know when its going to happen ( other than "you've been scratched/infected and its over 50%"), and only if you cure it quickly may you get away with not transforming into a zed. Then if you're infected and near 50% .. you'd have to tell your friends: "um, yeah, I may turn at any moment" and they'll have to all just be super careful for hours... another thought: after hitting certain infection levels, make taking antibiotics/honey/etc "less effective" in dropping infection so its harder to just cure yourself later in the game, and almost certain early-mid game you're going to turn or die once infected.
  3. yeah, it would be nice to silence it, or at least bring in some clouds and rain to make it more hidden.
  4. You’re throwing all the useless dry hay fibers away and are combing through it all to get the few grass pieces that made its way into the hay. but a tall strong corn stalk can be cut down and a knife used to scrape away(lengthwise) at the stalk to get nice useful fresh plant fibers. corny? Hay, now. That’s just how it works.
  5. As someone who loads a lot of mods in games: I suggest loading only 10 or so of the "must have' mods you want. start a new Navezgame map with them and check when they game starts by hitting "F1" to watch things load. Try to get those all not erroring together before trying to add any more. Then add in the next batch of 10, etc. The game does not make it easy to track down certain mod loading issues, so when you get one like this the best course of action is to identify it and remove it, unless you know enough about modding to hand edit the troublesome mod (or mods that conflict) which is a pain. By loading 10 mods at a time, and then pulling out the ones that cause issues, you can generally get a lot of mods to load. you will find some mods are more like "mini overhauls" of certain parts of the game that make a lot of changes and just don't work well with a lot of other mods, but this takes time to figure out, and every update of the game changes this as well. As long as the game is in alpha and the modding "abilities" are a bit fast and loose, this will likely be the case. Hopefully when it goes gold the modding will be improved a bit and it will be easier for modders to flag known mod incompatibilities or requirements, as well as beefing up the logging of which mod is causing an error. Anyway: FYI: the most "non overhaul" mods I can usually get in a game are around 90 before things start getting really bad/lots of errors/incompatibilities, and even then I'm hand modifying individual mods to fix small issues (if I want to keep them), and even then I still have issues in game that are not errors, just weird things like inability to craft things, recipes that don't unlock with perks, etc. when I hit these, I just load up "cheat mode" during a game and give myself the item I "deserved", but it can get bad enough to ruin a game. I had a game once where several weapons could not be loaded, etc. Also: for these types of errors: 2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.767 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Alchemy-main 2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.767 WRN [MODS] Folder Alchemy-main does not contain a ModInfo.xml, ignoring 2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.767 WRN [MODS] Failed loading mod from folder: Alchemy-main The reason is usually the mod has an extra toplevel folder. so go into that folder ("Alchemy-main" for example) and you'll likely notice another folder in it with a similar name (lets call it "Alchemy_V1" for example) . Go into that folder and you'll likely see a "ModInfo.xml" file. This means that the "Alchemy_V1" folder is actually the mod, so you have to copy that into the Mods folder to get it to load (even though *still* follow the suggestions of @BFT2020 above and remove the mod for now, I'm just using this is an example of why mods have issues not loading). This issues of the "extra mod folder" is a result of how modders package their mods, added with the face of how mod sites package the download and how you unzip/unpack them. In the future its a good idea to check for this whenever you download any mod (open the mod folder, look for "ModInfo.xml"). I find maybe about 20%? of the mods I download have this issue.
  6. Even thought I would never use it, I would appreciate a setting but not just a disable/enable. There are a few games I have that do RNG worlds (Factorio and Don't Starve) that ahve sliders for basically every aspect of a world. Using "Don't starve" as an example, they have settings for every creature. That would be nice for this game. there are so few zeds types, why not allow a slider from 0 -> something where 0 disables, and higher numbers increases their spawn probability/amount. Maybe 0-100 (even though 100 does not mean 100% all that zed type but instead 100% normal/max spawning chance. like a high level cutoff switch once the spawning was determined to occur...example: "game determines to spawn a vulture... roll against the slider master percent setting (make this 5% as example).. nope, don't spawn it) Then you could turn "off" any you don't like, and set the tougher ones ( bears/exploders/vultures) to some lower percent in your games, say 25% Of course, this wouldn't apply to POI spawning, just random walkers/horde amounts. of course, the game has a built in "slowly add harder zeds per gamestage", so this setting, if abused (to say, turn off all radiated zeds) would mea as you go in in gamestage, zeds no longer appear ( as they would all be radiated over time), so there would probably have to be some sort of 'replacement" spawn logic if something were set to 0... like a default zed.. its getting a bit complicated but even if just choosing a non radiated basic zed it might work. better choice: maybe the basic zeds get put into a pool of 'choose these for defaults" when something is set to 0, and these cannot be set to 0. like 5 zeds. the only way to get 0 zeds would have to be using the "enemy spawning" = 0 flag already present.
  7. I think it would be kinda a bit "nicer" if where they were hiding (which i like, but over time you do start to look at a room and go "yeap, they're right in that closet!") it looked more like that's where they were holed up before they died. maybe a lot of trash, a dead lantern, bedroll, etc. make it look like they chose that place when they were alive. Having them pop out of empty closets (a lot) is a bit weird. falling from the ceiling (like when there's just a ceiling of rafters and a few plywood supports), and they're on the supports, might feel less bad if there were more "flooring" up there, maybe even a bit of ladder, and a cooler and some clothes, etc. Something else I've been wanting and might be "nice to have" in these situations where you don't want to always have "loot" whenever a zed is hidden: some way to add blood or bloody hand prints/smears to things. even if we can't paint any more textures, having more gore on "empty" containers or just more new "poi only" objects might be nice when they're holed up. zed bursts out, you kill them, check closet and find a purse and then a few "blood smeared items" to show they were in there for awhile. Some handprints or something. Having a "dry and clean and organized" hidey hole for a dead person is a little unconvincing. yeah I know its not a reality simulator but a lot more gore assets might come in handy. The "dead corpses" they put in here and there is a very nice touch and I fell we could use more of this to help detract from the jump scares... like "lots of zeds came into the building, people hid and eventually died, then the zeds died", so you could put a corpse(s) as a warning to the player next to places a zed (or many) might jump out and then use that concept to put them around doors and closets and have a corpse inside or simply nothing in the closet/hidey hole. with the few gore/corpse blocks we have it might look a bit too redundant. Then the random, clean looking, non corpse warning jump out/down might feel much better as it coudl be a rarer occurrence.
  8. True, but I would support these options. Not just being a jerk for a joke, but I like the “more survival based reality” when I can get it. Mentioned above is jumping out of the gyro. Yeah, it’s painful and always a funny/screaming moment. I do wish there was a parachute or rope or mod or something to make this not kill you, but specifically for the coolness of jumping out and landing (I also support gyro destruction ruin if falling from great height unpiloted). The glass earring has caught me a few times, almost always when I’m not paying attention or (most times) when I’m panicking and running and trying to swap out weapons and I had glass in my toolbar (inventory was full, broke a window, glass went into open slot in toolbar). The problem with eating glass is it should kill you (like drinking gas should) but it always seems to happen by accident and Kim it sure how much it’s used today to “escape” a stuck player. So: leave it in because of utility, and because it’s hilarious a lot of times in non serious games (with friends) or take it out to save the accidental miss select/click? obviously I’m voting for leave it in, and this can be modded out as well (has anyone done this?) but I feel at a deeper level that the “quirks” of this game (weird vehicle things, heads sticking through walls, the occasional building collapse with no obvious reason) are actually kinda why it’s fun: it’s random enough to make it feel more real. If it were super solid and perfect in every respect (or too many safety nets, like ability to heal broken glass eating easily… I mean, who’s going to carry special items for this case? So it would have to be a basic med kit…)then it might lose some of its charm.
  9. not sure if it will work on a server, but there's this mod: https://7daystodiemods.com/extended-game-options/
  10. I have no idea... but I remember a post you did about an "info block": an alternate idea (sorta the same) ... is if you can get this working with other mods... texture="@http://nw-2.de/orb-1.png" there is a "billboard" mod (by xyth) here: https://github.com/7D2D/A18Mods, as well as a video player mod here: https://github.com/7D2D/A19Mods Maybe, if these mods can load in a20 (or whatever you're running) you can convert the data to a video file and then use these for displaying them (like the info block xml "download from website" trick)? I'm not sure how/if you would handle "updating the video" (or building a video file) after game loads... maybe use shell scripts to destroy the old billboard and load in a new one (like a POI reset?), as long as the billboard always had a known position so you could block it off
  11. Some guesses (not tested). In biomes.xml... 1. There's this line in the "wasteland biome" <spectrum name="burnt_forest"/> Try changing this to *either* of these: <spectrum name="snow"/> <spectrum name="desert"/> 2. If the change above doesn't help a lot, the weather in the wasteland is not nice most of the time. Try changing this section to get rid of some of the cloud cover (most of the time): <weather name="default" prob="80"> <Temperature min="50" max="90" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="0" max="0" prob="30"/> <CloudThickness min="10" max="70" prob="70"/> <Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob="1"/> <Fog min="0" max="5" prob="1"/> <Wind min="7" max="20" prob="1"/> </weather> change: <CloudThickness min="10" max="70" prob="70"/> to: <CloudThickness min="10" max="40" prob="70"/> and you can lower the "40" more if it gets too cloudy If this still isn't enough brightness, you can try messing with a different file: worldglobal.xml BUT I don't know how to change it to definitely get the day "brighter", AND it will change brightness for all biomes. I've just messed with it to get the night darker.. Anyway look at these lines: <!-- day, night --> <property name="ambientEquatorScale" value=".7, .45"/> <property name="ambientGroundScale" value=".3, .05"/> Maybe try changing the first number in each to 1? you'll have to fiddle with it, but I believe the valid values for these numbers are 0 -> 1 (with 2 decimal places if you use them) Basically, I think this makes the horizon brighter or "higher up/down" which may add some light? Finally: if all of these aren't bright enough, you can try increasing the brightness in the game settings.. like only when in that biome (yeah, just adding for completeness). Another weird option would be to wear the night vision goggles in the wasteland. There is/was also a nightvision goggles mod that was "red" and not "green" goggles like the vanilla game and it was brighter when using the modded one.
  12. I've been trying to add as many "new zeds" and the NPC packs as I can. My guess is that a lot of modders have been copy-pasting XML from some older? "physicsbodies.xml" mods so they're all using the same "physics bodies" in some places. My suggestion: Everyone? needs to update their physicsbodies.xml file so every entry is unique for their mod. For example, several mods outside the NPC packs have this physicsbody entry: <body name="guppyCreatureSlug"> I'm not sure how easy it would be to change this in the NPC mod to "NPCguppyCreatureSlug" or similar for the NPC mods, but if nothing else I feel all the other non-NPC mods need to make sure their physicsbodies are uniquely named. If this can't be done (I'm really unfamiliar with entities and how these are linked), then the "solution" I've used is to leave the NPC mod's physicsbodies entries alone (as it generally loads first and tehr's a lot of these mods), and then to remove all of the same named entries in other mods physicsbodies.xml. For example: If another mod was using the "guppyCreatureSlug" physics body in their mod, I simply delete the entire entry as its already being loaded by the NPC mod since it usually loads first FYI; doing this (and a little bit of finagling with some things), I'm able to get all these mods to all load together. I'm not sure what physicsbodies files I had to change though! but the load order is a bit important so I had to rename some toplevel mod folders - *All* the current NPC mods, and secondary/expansion mods. No renaming of mod names needed - "Zulk" entity (renamed the mod 0-Zulk so it loads right after the 0- NPC mods) - errNulls zeds, + the errNulls snufkins add on (all renamed 0-a-[modname] so they load BEFORE the 0- NPC mods). Because this mod changes a lot of entity groups (removes and puts them back) it has to load first. - Khains behemoth (renamed 0-[modname] so its loads BEFORE the 0- NPC mods) - Khains Hornet (no renaming of the mod) - Sorcery (no renaming of the mod) - Spherii A Better Life (no renaming of the mod) - Stalliondens Pets (no renaming of the mod) - IceBurg animal overhaul (no renaming of the mod) - my "Rabbit of Cerbannog" (no renaming of the mod) I wanted to get Robeletos zeds in, but I'm seeing seeing some discussion about maybe getting it integrated/compatible into errNulls zed pack so I'm waiting. I also wanted to see if i could cram "The Wasteland" in there but usually there's a lot of other changes to consider. In theory, since Darkness Falls is compatible with Sorcery, I could cram DF in there too. But honestly, much like the "Vehicle Madness" mod, I AM FOREVER loading all NPC mods *no matter what* and any mod not compatible with it that I can't easily figure out how to change to work, gets quickly removed from my games as I'm not dropping NPC packs as they're awesome.
  13. I’m not sure but are you having issues with my mods (like only mine were loaded)? Unless there’s a version mismatch between the version of the game you are using and the mod, then you might have an issue with the vanilla game files. I’ll try to give some advice: for the first issue (menu issues): 1. Remove all mods. 2. Use Stan to validate the game files (in the properties of the game, under “local files” I think. This will redownload game files with issues. Sometimes they just get messed up. 3. Try to see if the menu issue goes away if it does, and you’re using mods, to to add your mods back, one by one until the issue reappears. It may not be a particular mod causing the issue but instead a conflict between multiple mods so it can be hard to hunt down what is causing this. for the second issue: The shining and other issues can me a multitude of things, but there’s a command that might turn the shimmer off… You have to go into the debug console. To open the console: hit F1, then type “dm” (without the quotes) to turn on debug mode. Type in “pois” (no quotes) and the poi shimmer issue might go away. Then type in “dm” to turn debug mode off. Then hit the close button on the command window. I think the poi shimmer issue is related to some mesh issues that had in a19, that they are supposed to have fixed in a20 (though there may be issues in some cases, fixing it is different in a20 as there are some mesh update Config options in the menus now). also: the “pois” command I think turns off remote meshes or something (I don’t remember) but I’m not sure how it affects other things like far away pois, meaning they might not show or they all show in some form but are blockier. also: the game has had a lot of changes in a20, but the “stuff popping in and out” as you get closer is still kinda a thing and is (as far as I can tell, just my thoughts) likely related to game settings and them trying to default to give you a decent FPS for your system. Meaning: if you have a potato PC, the defaults will be set to try to give you decent FPS, but may cause the popping in and out of graphics. I think it has something to do with rendering objects distance and the worse PC power you have, the closer it makes it to your player before certain things render in fully, so farther ones do not tense fully (or at all) and tend to pop into place at certain distances. “But I have an amazing graphics card” you may say, well from reading the forums, the best I can say is that the game is reported to be more of a CPU consumer than graphics card consumer. “But my PC is powerful with thousands of cpus!” Well, also have read there’s a diminishing return on the number of cpus and other things (because of what threads can be run on independent cpu cores). Long story short: if you’re still having graphics issues a better place to post would be the “general support” forum as there are people there who are much more familiar with the system requirements and limitations and other issues like this than I am.
  14. Actually, I don’t know it just changes the main leg break buff so if anything else is using it (animals/zombies) then it would, but I have no idea if this code is run for them. My guess is “no” as I don’t think I’ve seen animals break their legs (visibly) and some changes were made long ago so that zeds would not die if made to fall into deep pits, they just lose like 30% of health after each fall? Just the fact they seem to have different “fall damage logic” makes me think they do not get the buff. I’m not sure how to check buff status on anything but the player so I’m not sure how to test it
  15. What!? So, any xml file can be changed while in a game and it gets reloaded right after saving the file? Like you could start making new xml recipes while in game and they just show up?
  16. I like several of these.. some thoughts/discussion if anyone is interested... If this was done (and each attribute were a different color) it would be nice if the same colors were used in the item descriptions. This might be a little OP, but I like it. Maybe the "quest request" could have a long delay (random? few game hours) Might make the tracker perks a bit useless...but its so short lived. might be neat if it took awhile to run ( like took a few minutes or so, so as it finds animals you have to choose to go after it or keep scanning for another). I'm assuming the "found animal would use the animal tracker symbols same as above ( make it a slow scan to make it not something you want to do unless you're actually needing/looking for ores), but I'd say allow it a few more times a day (if scans are slow). Also: yeah, the vanilla game has ore deposits on the surface, but if they're "broken" then you cant see them. Also: there are mods to remove surface ores and this would be really useful in those games. I'm not sure if it should tell you what ores it finds ( might be weird if 5 ores exist) so maybe "ore found" especially if someone adds new ores to the game ( some mods do this) it wouldn't have the voice lines for them... so maybe an "unknown ore" option if it does tell you what ores are there. I do like the "tell me what ores are here" are odds are you're looking for a specific one. Of course, coal/nitrate/shale kinda feel "not easily detectable" like iron is...with metal detectors.. hmmm....Maybe keep the radius tight or have perks/etc to expand it as well (especially if it tells you the specific ores in the area). If this is added (along with other combat ideas above), it would be kinda cool to load the drone up with explosives (add to inventory) and then order it to attack (destroying the drone in the process). might be neat when you're being overwhelmed, at the cost of losing the drone. Probably an issue in PvP but as long as it cannot be told to attack players.
  17. Just got to check up on this and it appears it was a “need to completely restart game” issue. Xml was correct! I’m glad because I wasn’t sure how weird of an issue this was going to end up being fy: I believe this may also be an issue when you make changes to localization.txt (localization changes may not take effect without restart I wasn’t aware graphics (icons) could be impacted by this. Interesting !
  18. I agree but I didn’t want to rework the mod. The last time I talked to atla5 they seemed like they were just busy with other things and had stepped away for a bit. So o wanted to leave the decision as to how to make larger modifications to them. I do miss the snowberry as a unique game item but having to maintain the 3D block models might be a pain as time goes in if it’s entirely removed from the game. I think the game needs some “core item/block” packs that modders build on. Kinda like having different meats for each animal, or an entire array of mineable ores and/or “elements” you could have. Then modders would make that as a Requirement pack to add their mod which then adds recipes/things to do with those things. It’s actually kinda difficult to do well and is likely better left for when the game goes “gold” status. I’ve been mulling over attempting one to see what would happen. My best guess is that it would be flawed in some way and an update to fix it would break all the other mods but maybe there is a way if kept extremely simple. Still quite a bit of work and possibly little payout. Personally I like mods with more “3D items” like plants in the world or living ceiling fans vs “items you can just find” but anyway… ramble over
  19. well, I can't see what's going on then, everything looks "correct" to me. the only thing I can think of is to post your mod somewhere it can be downloaded so other people can load it and verify the problem can be replicated and then try to fix it on their side. If downloadable, I can't promise I can check into it right now, but maybe later today.
  20. a thought: maybe something is up with the png file. take someone elses mod, with working graphics, and copy their png into your mod, then rename their file "admissionSport,png" and see if it works.
  21. @Valgasm, @X3 Oui, @[email protected], @Rukminesh, @Sedoy Putnik All, I have a manual "patch" fix for this, since snowberries (the food item, not the terrain based plant) have been removed from the vanilla game its not (super) easy to patch the mod itself to figure out how to make snowberry tea without snowberries... so this is my temporary solution and I do not know how @ATLA5 would want to fix it ( add snowberries, or use the fix I list below and simply require a secondary mod to run) HOWEVER it *appears* you will not have to start a new game (to get snowberries in your world) as the plants already exist, so we just need to add the snowberry itself back as a harvestable food item......but as always be sure you are willing to break your game before adding any mods during a game in progress! I'm just trying to help so if it breaks your game too bad, so sad! WARNING: I have only *very* lightly tested the mod using the cheat menu. I have NOT heavily tested if the "GK Snowberry Returns' mod works (You can harvest snowberries from the snowberry plants, did not test everything else). This workaround appears ( with my very limited testing) to allow the "More Vanilla Food" to load without errors, and I cooked some food and ate it/tested the buffs and it seems to work as advertised. I checked the lootgroups is using and these appear to be ok with the new changes made to loot but I did not test looting/odds if you can actually loot the food schematics (cannot buy from trader) 1. Download this mod to add snowberries back: https://7daystodiemods.com/gk-snowberry-returns/ 2. Download the "More Vanilla Food' mod from github ( NOTE: There is a More Vanilla Medicine" mod in the same repo. Do not use this in a20!) 3. Go into the "More Vanilla Food" mod and open the recipes.xml file. 4. Change 'resourceCropSnowberryPlant' to 'foodCropSnowberry' in the 3 recipes that have 'resourceCropSnowberryPlant' in them as ingredients in all the lines where it references (3 lines) 5. Manually move both mods to the "Mods" folder in your game. Not sure what to do/where to put them if you're using the mod launcher @Davo: ATLA5 lists his discord in the ModInfo.xml file (I have not tried it since the last update). The last time I contacted him using that he was willing to merge a github pull request to update his mod, so maybe if you have a working version (with your new trader files, etc) he might be willing to merge your code. If so maybe he'll also update it with my fixes above and simply document that GK Snowberry Returns' mod is required?
  22. looking into it... part of the issue is the snowberries have been removed from the game...anyway, I'll see if there's an easy fix and if @ATLA5 can be notified to make updates.
  23. I agree and I am excited to see what everyone come up with. The vanilla chem station is very "meh" and useful for only a few things...it needs more recipes!
  24. I've been super busy, but I wrote up this post for adding new sounds, and I really hope I can get a mini tutorial up on how to make small sound mods that are "likely to be compatible with each other". Anyway, here's the last thing I put together that might be enough to get someone started that covers most bases for making unity sounds. It appears that A20 Experimental -> Unity 2020.3.14f1 (but I haven't tested this!)
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