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Everything posted by danielspoa

  1. ok, thank you! I'm gonna play with it a bit for having it disabled is already much better than the current implementation!
  2. I know the basics, made some adjustments to items and entities before. Had no idea this effect was exposed there, however. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ just made the changes using your example there and seems to be working wonderfully! This threshold means it will never apply right?
  3. title, its something that really bothers me as its causing the inverse of what happens in real life. I'm afraid only a DLL mod would be able to modify it? ๐Ÿค”
  4. was about to ask the same, and also if they found any game breaking bugs that would have to delay it. Anything you could share wish us? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ edit: guess my answer came while I wrote this. Ty for the "afternoon", this 12pm/am confuse the hell out of me.
  5. the biome difficulty thing, is it moddable? can we switch it off or set all biomes to be equal? ๐Ÿ˜
  6. talking about water, is there a possibility to show us a bit of it? for an example if there's an animation of it flowing to a neighbor block, or an interaction like dropping water / getting it into a bucket thanks ๐Ÿ˜
  7. so you are agreeing to my point. The game is still great, but we can't say as a fact its more or less empty than before. We can have opinions. When you used that to contest my feeling of it being more empty you were basing it on the IF above. Nothing that invalidates the previous comments. It was a successful game. It still is a successful game. I don't take that from you.
  8. Well, I should rethink the time I make my comments then, so devs can read them before Roland checks in ๐Ÿ˜ Its a shame another comment straight up mentioning LBD was there but mine wasn't. Now that we are here, I can push the discussion further, right? I will start with the very basic: no one cares about crafting LBD. None of the mods that reimplement it include crafting, and no one complains about the lack of it. I'm saying this because its the reason given in comments and streams regarding the removal of it. The second point is the limitation on modding it back . Right now we have LBD mods with limited capabilities and a rough UI, and you know.. its better than nothing, but would be amazing to have what we once had. Even if just an option or modding capability. Third point is a bit rude, I'm trying to find a good way to describe it. The game has been oversimplified despite so many people voicing against it; blocks, biomes, weapons, everything. Meanwhile we got stuff like candies that give superpowers and the "improvement" of punching crops instead of collecting them. A lot of decisions just make no sense, and while its 100% up to you to decide what to implement, it really sucks when someone comes and says he knows whats fun. In that sense I have full respect for Rick who came in a stream and actually answered why LBD was gone. My ideal scenario includes LBD as a complement to the perk system, not as the main thing. It would increase weapon handling, reload times and other stuff that you are supposed to improve with use. Its not a "learn to craft pistols by shooting with them". It could MAYBE affect the loss of quality while repairing, which is another mechanic ripped from a16. 600 quality, weapon parts assembly, stuff that helped sink the excess of loot thats a problem nowadays. A problem that was literally created as a bonus while dumbing down the system. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ ------- Now completely unrelated, traders could get a pass. Some of the best clothes are cheap as hell. Firearms start with very low prices, despite being a huge improvement even at low tiers. Quests give insane and unbalanced rewards. Lootable trader shelves are weird. ------- Welp, people that didn't experience previous systems can't compare them and judge if it feels empty or not. A player that would have enjoyed 3k hours before may enjoy 1k now and have no idea on what he is missing. Remember I was the one to say the game feels empty, and I was comparing with previous alphas while describing it. Its a great game, worth buying for sure. I didn't make a negative review on steam, instead I recommended friends to buy it. Whether some decisions were positive or not is a different thing and can coexist with it still being a good game.
  9. I did. Feral sense made the game harder, but in an unrealistic way and without making it more complex or adding interesting mechanics. For that purpose I settled with Walker Sim later. As for cities its pretty standard: everyone sits at a city's border near the trader. Trader which is completely broken balance-wise, but thats for another day. wait I had that in A19 oO I had modified textures for the legendary items, and logic was the same: stronger but no repair. I found the texture files here, just excuse my poor choice of colors: screenshot - substance painter
  10. 100%. But you know, its the EA syndrome: knowing whats fun for us better than ourselves. That was literally Joel responding players in previous diaries. The game is far more beautiful than before, PoIs and vehicles are more diverse, many game-breaking bugs were fixed. Who doesn't remember the zombies running in circles? minibikes disappearing and driving at 15 fps? Yet the game itself feels more empty. Thats where the frustration lies, we got suberb improvements on what was missing before, but lost what we already had. Like.. why? PS.: Careful, kuosimodo is here. Dude is a dislike machine, every single dislike in this page has his name
  11. worst update was A16 -> A17. In my opinion most of these changes make sense, its just that I would like to see them executed with different options
  12. South America: less of these, but still half the servers have asian names. And a random EU one at the bottom. - One thing I noticed is that those out of place servers all have "ServerKit(NAIWAZI.COM)" on their language description, both the Asian and the EU ones. - None of the servers showed a ping the first time it listed, checked the 3 pages. This is not how it used to work, where a few servers wouldnt show ping but most would. - After like a minute or two servers started showing pings, all very high as you can see. Join the server and the ingame ping is actually much lower. This happened before, just stating for all purposes.
  13. Sometimes I think you are doing those region splits more out of culture than actual problems observed in the game. It doesn't make much sense. I DO like region filters, could these could be broader. Careful with Kuosimodo, he runs downvoting every complaint in the forum lol
  14. it has to do with joel, so not necessarily. We once got candies with superpowers.
  15. Oh I mean that it adds more quality levels. It simulates A16 where you had quality detailed to 1 - 600 ( but this mod makes it 1 - 1000 ) and lost a bit of quality on each repair. For this reason its good to see the quality number For icons I mean the icons for the skill or craft menu, like categories and stuff. My guess is that its more detailed than my monitor can show but Im not expert. Outline is jagged and details are hard to see. But opening the icon files outside the game shows them perfect. please check this in full size: https://i.imgur.com/KTEQPWY.png
  16. Hi SMX. As usual Im enjoying your hud, just wanted to give a +1 in the hopes of showing quality numbers at some point. Have it compatible with another mod that reworks the quality system a la A16. I currently have one issue: icons look a bit weird in a 1080p setup. I imagine it was made with a higher resolution in mind?
  17. zombies seem to behave correctly here. I can't make the Viewer work however, wanted to test some settings and adjust stuff for my new server ๐Ÿ˜ ps. I also have no idea how performance is going since the A20 versions. My new host doesn't show CPU/Ram usage
  18. anyone still working on this? ๐Ÿคจ
  19. oh, you are removing anything regarding "that" question? cool. At least be open with the community that we are free to give input .. as long as its to agree ๐Ÿฅฒ
  20. Joel doesn't like it, and as he said in the A17 time, he knows whats fun for the community ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ I asked in one of the more recent streams, I think A19 preview, and Rick was much nicer about it. He explained the issues they had with it and that it was unlikely to return. He gave a "maybe" if they found a good way to reimplement it in the future. We have mods to somewhat reimplement it. Unfortunately we can't bring the same interface or some of the features from it back as code was removed. Regarding the issues, I think LBD was much nicer for the weapon and tool usage than for crafting and other stuff - that I fully agree was weird and more of a spam mechanic -. Finally, we had a time we were spamming about it (pretty sure it was A17 diary) and so we were asked to not discuss this further. Thats why Im condensing this much in a single post. My apologies for the long text. Daniel S. ps. For a21 I really hope for the water rework, tho the vehicles look nice
  21. instead of changing what spawns can we keep the sleepers (spawning on their places) and set them to wander right after they spawn? at least the ones that start standing up?
  22. exactly what I asked him. If its like A19 you have groups with a few parameters in a xml, those groups define what can spawn. They don't scale. Would be cool to have a gamestage parameter thats optional <biome name="pine_forest"> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="2.9" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" mingamestage="0" maxgamestage="150" /> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="2.9" time="Day" entitygroup="FeralExample" mingamestage="151" /> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="3.3" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesNight" /> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Any" entitygroup="WildGameForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1.1" time="Night" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> </biome> thank you for the answers as always! If someone ever touches this my suggestion is written above ๐Ÿ˜
  23. may this pleb ask two question, noble faatal: 1 - with the biome bonuses this means outside spawn now scales with our gamestage, correct? 2 - are there more gamestage levels for roaming hordes in a20? I remember someone asking it but no answer last I checked thank you, ๐Ÿ™‚
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