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Everything posted by Vaeliorin

  1. Yes, and that's great, but it's also random. My last playthrough I was going spears, and I was level 70+ and had yet to see a single steel spear drop, and I didn't have enough parts to craft one. I ended up buying a level 1 steel spear from the trader (the first I'd seen...but I really don't like buying weapons from the trader) to scrap so I could make a Q5 one. If I needed parts to repair it, I'd have been able to repair it once...and I was usually repairing it 3-4 times a horde night. If parts were more evenly distributed, it might be doable, but some parts are exceptionally rare, while others are super common. Also, if you're at the point of having T5 quests unlocked, I'd argue that you're at least deep in to mid game, and the fact that you have no crucible or chemistry station is more of a choice. But I tend to quit a world when I get the the point that I'm basically unkillable, so my version of late game and yours may differ. Well and good, but personally, I rarely use guns outside of horde nights. I'm on day 16 in my current world, have a mod that makes horde night last all night (2 hour days), and I've fired...maybe 20 rounds so far the whole game. I'm heavily invested in bows, and it would suck if I couldn't repair my crossbow during horde night (again, 3-4 times per horde night) because bow parts aren't that common (though more than they used to be...but primarily from a very specific source.) When I use guns, I use pretty much everything except the magnum (I just don't like it) and .44 is thus the only ammo that doesn't see much use (I will use the Desert Vulture, but I rarely find them.) Sure, and as long as you're using steel tools, motor tools, and military armor, you'll be absolutely fine. But if you never happen to luck into finding a good weapon of the type that you're using and need to craft one, the likelihood that you'll be able to repair it as often as you'd need to is pretty low. I don't object to the idea in principal, but with the way parts are distributed right now, I just don't know how feasible it is if you're not lucky enough to find/get rewarded good weapons of the type you want to use. If the distribution of parts was more even (and maybe made slightly more common) I'd be all for the idea (well, that's not entirely true...I'd hate the added inventory clutter), but I hate the idea of being unable to use a weapon I've heavily invested in because my luck with finding parts has been terrible.
  2. Pretty sure you can also see it in the character menu. Hit B, go to the tab that looks like a bar graph, it's down at the bottom.
  3. It's been like that for a long time. Personally, I get 44 dirt per dirt block. Only really useful in something like the Dishong challenge, honestly.
  4. I've gone 80+ hours in a world without finding a silencer...which isn't really that big a deal for me, honestly. I played ~800 hours of A16 and only found the sniper blueprint once (and snipers are one of my preferred weapons.) That was awful. Anyways, as I think people are probably sick of hearing at this point, you can always mod it. I'm currently using a mod that allows you to scrap books/schematics into parts (6 per) that allows you to make other schematics/books. It takes 250 parts for a book (so 41 2/3 schematics scrapped) and 150 for a schematic (so 25 schematics scrapped) and I feel it works really well. Makes all those repeat schematics/books less of a letdown.
  5. I can't find a quote for you or anything, but I remember it being discussed. It was a couple alphas ago, though (between a17 and a18, if I'm remembering correctly.) You used to be able to get zombies to path a long way, but now if you build your base too big, they won't path around it to get to the entrance any more if they're coming from the wrong side. I built a 35x35 base in a19, and on horde night when they came from the back side, the entire horde, instead of running around to the path that lead to me, jumped into my moat and started beating on multiple layers of concrete that were 10 blocks below me and didn't even lead to anything except dirt (though I suppose they could have dug through the dirt, the floor, and then attacked the pillars inside my base...) I don't know why you can get them to path through all that, but it has been my experience that they won't follow a long path any more. If I had to guess, it's probably because they're needing to do the vertical movement repeatedly. My understanding of the AI (from what I've heard and seen, not looked at code or anything) is that zombies look to get to your level first, so the pathfinding might be looking for a path to your level, moving to get up, then start searching again, allowing it to seemingly take a longer path than it actually does. I don't mean to say the limit is 15 blocks or whatever now, just that the path the zombies will take before just going into destroy mode is a lot shorter than it used to be.
  6. It used to be, and they reduced it because people were "exploiting" it by making zombies run through long mazes where they could be killed at the player's leisure. Basically, you could just build a long, one block wide zigzag pattern with barbed wire/electric fences to slow the zombies, and pick them off at your leisure. Personally, I though it was kind of fun, but apparently that wasn't what the devs wanted.
  7. Okay, something weird is going on. I was playing fine yesterday, and today when I go to start the game...my saves are gone and it wants me to pick a new profile. I tried going directly to the folder and starting from there, rather than the mod launcher, and my save was there...at the start of day 1. I tried restoring one of the backups, since the folder for the world in the "Saves" folder was empty...and still nothing. The thing is, in saves, there are 2 folders that are "The Fun Pimps" and "The_Fun_Pimps". The one with the underscores has the save files in it (well, actually the folders for the world, but there weren't any files in it.) When I copied the save file over to "The Fun Pimps" without the underscores, it didn't ask me to select a profile, but the save game isn't there. I switched to the new launcher yesterday (I ended up having to reinstall the mods, but that wasn't really an issue.) But I lost all my time from yesterday, apparently, and I don't really want to spend another day playing only to have my save files disappear again. Did I screw something up? If so...any idea what?
  8. Those are the ones I have always ended up with tons of. I'll end up having 3 or 4 stacks of military armor parts, but only like 10-15 steel armor parts. Given that armor is the one thing I almost never craft, it's never bothered me that much.
  9. Awesome, thanks. Installed and updating! Love the mod launcher, many thanks for all the hard work.
  10. Ah, so I have to update. Is there a painless way to transition from the old launcher to the new one, or would I need to reinstall any mods I currently have downloaded?
  11. That's great if you have tons of extra parts...and there are certainly types of parts (military armor, motor tool, steel tool) that I end up with tons of. But other types I barely find enough to actually make anything, and it would suck to finally make a auto shotgun (or something) and then not be able to repair it because you can't find any shotgun parts. In my current game, for example, I've found 5 steel knuckle parts in total..doesn't really matter since I'm not going brawler, but if I was, that would be an issue.
  12. Maybe I'm missing it, but is there a way to update the game version for mods installed with the mod launcher without completely removing/reinstalling?
  13. Hmm...maybe set up a couple sledge turrets down at the bottom and that would stop them from being so destructive. Would still probably require a re-design, but it's got possibilities. Thanks!
  14. So basically I'd need another player hitting them, myself hitting them, or them to hit each other to quit area destroy mode. Guess I'll have to change my design if I want to do a base where I can knock them down if I don't one shot them.
  15. So this line is included in the patch notes, but I'm not sure what qualifies as an entitiy. Is it only players? Do blade traps, electric fences and dart traps count? What about a sledge turret? Basically, the enhanced destroy area ended up with my basic day 7 base getting broken and almost collapsing, and I'm just wondering if it can be cancelled out by putting traps down where the zombies fall when knocked off by me or my sledge turret. Not necessarily going to do the whole elevated base thing again (it's usually just something I do for the first couple of hordes while I'm building my actual base) but was curious if there was now a workaround for this issue (other than the whole floating blocks thing, because I'm not going to do that.)
  16. I feel compelled to retract my previous statement in regards to the motorcycle and 4X4. I had, in my two previous worlds, spent little time in "downtown" areas because the only large cities in the maps I had generated were in the desert, and honestly? Screw vultures. The 4X4 works in big cities, but you often have to go around, whereas the motorcycle can sneak through. Still use the 4X4 though, but I loot everything and hate scrapping anything that can be smelted.
  17. I'm playing using spears right now (I know, they suck..already gotten me killed once in a fight I'd have been fine with a club) and I'm using a q5 iron spear I crafted. I haven't found anything better than a q3 stone spear (but I got a q6 steel axe from the trader and a q5 AK...got a q4 steel shovel from like my 2nd or 3rd Tier 2 quest...3 different compound crossbows and 3 machetes as well.) So...that's why I'd craft a weapon.
  18. A couple days ago I spent the night mining with a steel pickaxe and had 5 screamers spawn through the night. So they still show up, and seemingly way more frequently in A20 then they ever have before (at least for me.)
  19. Generally clubs. I'm okay with knives, fists or spears, but I can't stand the sledgehammer or stun baton. For the sledgehammer, I've always hated slow weapons (never used any of the strength weapons in Dark Souls because of that), and for the stun baton...maybe I was just using it wrong, but when I tried it fully perked (literally every perk maxed in the entire game), full books, full mods, etc. I just found that it didn't kill quick enough to give me back the stamina from flurry/sex rex, so I was always without stamina. Granted, I was using it super late game against mobs of radiated bikers and such, so maybe that was the problem, but I wasn't impressed.
  20. We used to be able to make Gas from...grain alchohol that was made from corn, I think? It's been a long time and it was never something that was really necessary, so I don't recall exactly how it was made, but I remember it being a thing (Google seems to say grain alcohol and animal fat,)
  21. The only problem I've found navigating the 4x4 through cities is when I want to cut through a fenced area, and it's quick and easy to just chop out the fence in areas you regularly traverse. The only other time I've had a problem was when I needed to chop out some trees in an area I regularly traversed because the foliage filled the whole area between building so I couldn't see what the heck was in front of me. As for gas...I regularly have tens of thousands sitting in a box (and I almost never mine shale), so...not an issue for me.
  22. I pretty much always spec int and str (not for the weapon perks, but for mining/sex rex/engineering/grease monkey/daring adventurer/better barter...also 1 point in Physician in Alpha 20 since so much aloe cream drops and I never find the bandage recipe early.) Like my current game, I'm going spears, but I've got 4/4 Daring Adventurer, 4/4 Sex Rex, 5/5 Miner 69er, and only 1 point in spears so far...and my next 5 points are going to Mother Lode (I mine a lot because I build huge bases for fun.) Perception/Spears/Salvage Operations are next, though (maybe Lucky Looter...but mostly for the speed increase.)
  23. Definitely not abnormal. I've had games where I've killed 2 dire wolves and 3-4 bears by day 3. Granted, whenever I see them if there's a building near by I stair-step up the side and fill them with arrows. I need the meat, I'm quite a hungry survivor (I mine a lot...)
  24. Air drops can have bundles in them and Farm Bundle 03, in my experience (I didn't check the files or anything), always drops 3 plots and 1 hops/pumpkin/super corn seed. So either I've had really crazy luck to always get those three seeds out of that bundle, or it always drops the same 3 seeds.
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