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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. The "D" in DM is for Debug, which supports your argument. ...if you can't handle the difficulty of a level 5 quest, then it's a balancing or personal skill issue. Oh and as an alternative, use LE instead of Killall, which will give you the coordinates of the entities.
  2. Oh I knew the answer before asking, but you see, this is all part of my master plan to implant ideas, so that one of them thinks its their own and implements it later.
  3. Zero. It's not near done.
  4. Main programmer is out on leave and I've been lazy since valheim. It'll happen, but no eta.
  5. BTW... dumbest argument ever award goes to this thread.
  6. Yeh definitely seems your mileage may vary on quality control on these. Comparing the one I have to the one someone else shared and then to the first post, mine is crap. 😃
  7. That would be in loot.xml, check the entityclasses.xml for the "lootlist" ID, then that will point to the entry in loot.xml
  8. Got mine a few minutes ago. It's much much much thinner than I thought. Even holding it, it chipped off the edge a bit. Seems to be made of actual slate.
  9. Consoles. I have a robot dog mod that follows me; basically it goes where it can, and when it can't, it acts like a zombie that can't path to you. But it walks. With a flying drone, I imagine it'll just fly as close as it CAN get, or you'll need to tell it to "stay".
  10. Who's being toxic? Example? ...my guess is you're just not familiar with the historical context of some of these discussions, which have been going on between some of us, for... Crap, years. Roland, you're one of my oldest friends. Congrats. 😉
  11. Apologies in advance for not quoting sections, the new forum editor software is abysmal for phones... That's kind of my point, the skill and perk system ruined the open play 7days had. Sandbox is being able to do what you want. Again, I suppose you could technically not get any skills in 7 days but as I said before you could still technically turn off your monitor; it doesn't make it right. Valheim's skill system was used to enhance the player, not confine him to it. I died so much in Valheim that I never lost skill points because I was always so low... Valheim made it about the gear, and did it in such a way as to encourage playing the game, not playing the skill tree. But, it also allowed the min maxers to have their fun. Macro the punch to a tree you can't damage then walk away, come back and you're maxed out in punching. To each their own, but ultimately it wasn't *necessary* to have the highest skill level, because the game was about the gear not the player. I want encouragement to do new things, not be forced into them to "get to the next level" to *allow* me to do new things. If I die a lot (and I do) in 7 days, I'm stuck repeating myself. When I died a lot in Valheim, I was still able to make progress in the game. Make sense?
  12. Well that's the least of the XMLs to edit; you'll also want to edit the groups so that certain zombies only appear in certain biomes, then do the same for loot. And sleepers. If you did not consider Valheim a tower defense game that I think you did it wrong. Especially for boss fights, I found building preparation very important. For the weird wandering hoard things, defenses were also important. Way more so than in 7 days, when you can just clear a poi, make a few adjustments and be okay. Sure, valheim has its cheese (moats), but that's every game. Building in 7 days isn't even necessary. Hell a few players lay down some barb wire for horde nights and just jump back and forth over it killing. If you want specific comparisons, then let's talk about the hand holding that the skill tree does. 7days guides you throughout. In order to get this, you must do that first. In order to do that, you must do these. Specifically, the skill/perk system. Sure, you *could* ignore that entirely and play without leveling up the very specific paths, but then again you could turn your monitor off and play. "Back in the good old days" when you learned skills from books and increased skill by doing, you weren't tied to a literal skill tree. It encouraged exploration and planning. Right now you don't *ever* have to leave a decent sized town. Ever. You touched on it with your explanation of valheim... One you have your character you could replay the game with that character, and I bet you'd still have fun. There would still be a challenge. A two star firling will still mess your day up. Do that in 7 days and it'll be a yawn fest. As an aside, it's very clear from the changes over the last few alphas that the direction tfp is going is thankfully biome based challenges. They've been establishing the foundation for that system for a while, and it shows. Right now you can add lesser rad zones and give better loot in those zones with some small modding changes. Seems to me that's their eventual path.
  13. Wow so okay this is an old ass tutorial for back when TFP used a different method. My current work flow is to work directly with the .raw file in Photoshop CS6, which reads it just fine. NitroGen has a nice .raw to .png converter for when you want to use NitroGen on your height map... Once TFP settles on a method, I'll do another tutorial, but in the meantime, I recommend finding CptKrunch's discord link on here, as he has a discord dedicated specifically to map creation. @Cpt Krunch 's discord is https://discord.gg/YrC7bAzh9J
  14. What Krunch said. Nitrogen is just an alternative method to create the *same map files* that Vanilla does. Any issues with maps other than poi placement is purely coincidental.
  15. Doesn't the server confirmation message (or whatever it's called) in serverconfig.xml do this?
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