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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Ah, yep. That'll do it. I did have a quick check on my machine this morning and it was fine at 1080p.
  2. Nope. You CAN if you want to, but it's not needed. Not a lot I can do about the scout if it's doing that. I'm getting them 300-500m. Do you have the wandering horde mod installed or not? Because if so , I'm pretty sure I lowered the hordes to 40-ish max already. The PROBLEM is that city spawns are larger, so those zombies will join in. Known and planned for removal. Muscle car has the alternate problem (player shrinks)
  3. Nope *ahem* - Updated DarknessFalls-Core to move the QualityDeg and Trader Protection patches into the main DLL. Get rekt. 😛
  4. That could be possible. I'll double check later though on the laptop
  5. It will likely need to be installed by them too. Try it out and see if it you can get away with them not installing it. I'm pretty sure I didn't mess with that, but then I only test at 1080p and 1440p.
  6. Here's how I tested it. I think I did this in A17. Go clear out a POI and sit on the roof. Wait until like... 5 mins before night hits. Open the console, type killall. That clears out all zombies around you. When night hits, watch all the zombies spawn and just run straight towards you.
  7. No, that's just how vanilla work. DF just increases the amount of city-spawn zombies. The "converge around a POI you're in" thing is vanilla.
  8. It's on stealth assassin instead. Localization just needs updating. They'll be there. They just don't spawn often. Ore spawn is dictated by biomes.xml and completely independent of the map. Hence why Navezgane can "work." I'll have a look at the glasses.
  9. Ha! Definitely not. I fixed a ton more stuff today.
  10. You'd need a mod to remove them. I know my food/water bars mod does it.
  11. Not gonna lie, that's going to be a low priority thing because i've got loads of other stuff I need to fix. But i'll look at it when I have some time.
  12. I can look at adjusting the particle amount. That's editable within unity
  13. Yep. I think I fixed that last night.
  14. Huh. I thought I set the wandering hordes to like 35 max. I'll have to look at it. No. It's a particle effect. And it looks fine. I picked one that looks ok but is lightweight to not slaughter performance because TFP have been talking about removing the radiated zombies for a while. It's supposed to be. Will investigate.
  15. Will go have a look at eve. You got unlucky on the spawns. It's random.
  16. Nope. It has 15% instead of 10% per piece. That's why it can't be installed. Customized fittings, if my memory is correct, can't be installed because it actually gave a mobility BONUS when you had a suit full to the point stuff couldn't catch you.
  17. Yes, I just got busy and forgot.
  18. In case anyone else has this, I ALSO had this problem, except it was a clean save. Rebooting my machine fixed it. No idea why.
  19. Make sure you're running with EAC off, otherwise it won't work. The mod DEFINITELY works.
  20. I know why that is. TFP changed something in the screamer code so they don't spawn as often. Nope. Working fine for me and plenty of others.
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