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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. If you're on A20, that's about normal. Smaller maps will lower the amount of RAM.
  2. Yep, I removed the code causing the crash until we can fix it.
  3. It's technically tomorrow for me and I want to post this before I go out and get drunk and forget. I wasn't planning a new build, but this fixes some game-breaking issues. Same caveat applies. It's a dev build, expect broken stuff, only play if you are ok with this, etc. V4-DEV-B30 - Updated Sphereii-Core. - Survivors swapped to using UAI instead of EAI as it's smarter. - Added Xyth's NPCCore mod (mostly disabled for now). - Fixed coffee giving you stamina regen of the gods. - Wall Safe loot should now be less insane. - Weapons Bags loot should now be less insane. - Removed casino coins from cash registers and increased old cash amount. - Adjusted hand range values as per Jax's zombie reach modlet so zombies should feel more like earlier alphas. - Fixed some zombies (strong ones mostly) having a 100% chance to place debuffs on the player no matter the difficulty. - onSelfExplosionDamagedOther now works, so changed demon fireballs to use this as it should reduce the "going through walls" stuff. - RWG DivideByZero error should now be resolved (managed to make a couple of maps, 8k and 10k). - Fixed some more sleeper NRE's. - Removed the code that disables vehicles on bloodmoon for now as it causes server errors. - Moved all the White River Scouts so they're now penned in and can't move. - Changed sledgehammers to have a CHANCE to knockdown (stone - 20%, iron - 30%, steel - 40%, titanium - 50%, power - 60%). - Stun batons should no longer perma-stun stuff. - Being stoned should no longer be permanent (still a bit iffy but seems ok). - Fixed elevators breaking the game for the metal workstation. - Steroids now work. - Meat Burrito can now be eaten. - Fixed the Laser Workbench not being able to accept tools. - Fixed the output and combine windows on the laser workbench overlapping. - Honey description adjusted to state it only has a 50% chance of curing infection. - All zombies that naturally spawn in the world should now have correct localization, models and particle effects (where necessary). - Loot pass on zombie loot bags (amounts, tiers, etc. - Drone crafted quality now levels off the Yeah, Science! perk. - Implemented workaround for drone spawning with only 1hp and dead. MANUAL INSTALL ONLY. Delete your old mods folder. Copy the mods folder from in the zip to your 7DTD folder and you're done. Also make sure EAC is off, just like previous versions of DF. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aWSgGP6loSEnQHvoDeZqZuc8Bh2Ug5U7/view?usp=sharing
  4. Will be posted tomorrow. Was making room on my google drive for it and didn't want people downloading something that's planned to be replaced in a few hours.
  5. Workbench sort of fixed. By that I mean the tools now work, but there's some window overlapping i'm still working on.
  6. Known and will look into it later. EDIT: Possibly fixed. Will have a look at this later today too. Not sure what that's about. EDIT: Definitely fixed.
  7. CTD's are usually... and this is going to sound really stupid... because you ran out of Virtual Memory. Even if you have 16, 32 or 64GB RAM. Yes, it's dumb, but increasing the paging file fixes it
  8. Run with EAC off, just like previous versions of DF
  9. That sounds about right then. Maybe I need to bump them up a tier... will keep an eye on it.
  10. I don't THINK so. Sometimes the game likes to just make you wait for 12 hours. I know where the code that controls that is, but I refuse to mess with it because I don't understand WHY it does that. I may experiment in the new year when I have more spare time. Awesome
  11. This. But I did manage to RWG a couple of maps last night so I think that error is fixed. Yep. Still working on stuff like that. Lathes are supposed to be gamestaged loot.
  12. Manually install. It's super easy. Yes but it's a pain in the ass... or it is for me because i'm bad with UI stuff. I mean, I know it works because I keep hearing the wife complaining about them turning up. 😛
  13. Given that it works fine for me, and have for others, I would say it's likely a bad install, forgetting to run with EAC off, or one of those other mods (which aren't mine) are conflicting.
  14. Yes you can turn EAC off on the server, AND all clients need it off.
  15. Yep. DF Is all in the /mods folder now. It's all you need. Yoiu open the zip, open DF-V4-Build and copy the MODS folder to your 7DTD folder.
  16. Yeah, with the log spike mod. 😛 Because they work fine for me.
  17. Then that is still a TFP problem as a person with EAC enabled should not be able to join a server with EAC disabled. It's supposed to do security checks. EDIT: Just mentioned it to someone as a potential issue that may need to be looked into.
  18. Tough. You need to sstop dancing around the topic and give details. Also, my amount of care for dedicated servers is somewhere between "I don't" and "I'm going to bed." Because i'm tired of dealing with dedi-only bugs when the code base is SUPPOSED to be the same aside from the dedi running in headless mode.
  19. I'm pretty sure none of my C# patches in these mods touch the crafting queue. So that sounds like something you'd need to report to TFP
  20. You really dont 😛 Also my wife would kill you
  21. Today is the official birthday of Darkness Falls. 25th December, 2017 is when I started working on the mod and had functional classes in (if missing localization). So it seems appropriate to give you all my current development build of Darkness Falls V4 for Alpha 20. Plus I figured some folks could do with the distraction over the holiday period. Just be aware, this IS a development build of Darkness Falls. It will have bugs. It will have missing icons or localization. It will likely have loot imbalance. Any future versions could wipe your save. There might be NRE's. Only download and play if you are OK with this. Happy Holidays. These files will also work for servers for anyone who wants to run one. No more seperate builds! RWG "works" but POI's do not obey biome restrictions. It is highly recommended to stick to the test maps. MANUAL INSTALL ONLY. Just copy the mods folder from DF-V4-Build in the zip to your 7DTD folder and you're done. Also make sure EAC is off, just like previous versions of DF. Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W2lSi2_VaQAmn6555Y_UfeBJC5QJH1Xk/view?usp=sharing
  22. You have to wait until at LEAST day 2, and even then the game can delay it until day 3. Also make sure EAC is off. Given that I haven't tested it with that mod, no. Probably not. I ONLY test my mods with my mods. Mixing with other mods is 100% at your own risk.
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