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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Civilian doesn't exist anymore. It's scavenger. If I did that with farmer, I 100% guarantee basically no one would take either class, or complain they needed "buffing" to be useful (like how everyone in the discord is saying survivalist does) Hunter isn't getting the hunting knife when it already gets a hunting rifle and silencer. Laborer is a building class, not a fighting class. That's why they got a nailgun. Scientist isn't getting renamed just to add a new class. There's no point adding more classes and diluting stuff even more. Hell, right now we're talking about getting rid of at least 1 class. Security probably will get the baton. Don't forget that the class existed long before the pipe baton did. They get murky water because they have to cook it? It's a Survivalist class, not a PREPPER class.
  2. On this one? No. It's time for the game to be done. Not ripping crap out and re-doing it. Again. I'm pretty sure I said this exact same thing when TFP changed the crafting system going from A12 to A13 too, just not on the forums because I didn't know they existed at the time.
  3. Dude, that's literally how it's supposed to work. Could you stop picking arguments with me? This is the THIRD time asking now.
  4. No it's not. I suggest you look it up. Also I can tell you from being an internal alpha tester (not TFP), that systems don't get tossed out in alpha builds when going to beta. They get tested by another team FIRST to make sure they're fit for purpose, then worked on, then go to alpha, tested, fixed, tossed into the beta branch (this is the public beta branch for any user to opt in on where I work), fixed as required, then released. Nothing is ever straight up yeet'ed in the transition from alpha to beta. Hell, the most i've ever seen is placeholder models were changed out for proper production models going from alpha to beta.
  5. Generally, no. The point of Alpha is usually to test pre-existing systems and fix them up. Completely replacing a system is NOT the point of alpha. And i'm sure someone will say "But this is early access" as that excuse has been used a lot. Irrelevant. The only TECHNICAL difference is that it's not internal testers testing the application (the game in this case). It's internal QA PLUS the users, which is good because it casts a wide net for finding bugs. Something that I would absolutely love, because I know TFP used to do this internally... Would be to grab all the build notes, stick them in a text file, and then attach them to the normal patch notes for users. So like... "Hey public, here's the patch notes. Modders and other people? Here's all the build commits in a file for your purusal."
  6. So it's a notice of the forthcoming notice?
  7. In fairness, most of the "advanced warnings" seem to be things designed to prolong the development of the game for seemingly no viable reason. 😛 Again, not trying to be argumentative or anything, but I feel like announcements such as this MUST come with actual information about what's changing and why, because it just feeds into the "TFP are rudderless" arguments i've seen in every other dev post. This is why people get annoyed. Because there's just massive changes done with seemingly no reason, no information and it will just drag out the development process even longer while bugs get fixed... because of the new system.
  8. I mean this with all respect... Can we please STOP re-writing core systems when TFP have said, several times, they'd like to get the game to gold? Because stuff like this is just going to make it take longer, introduce more bugs, which then need fixing, etc.
  9. Right, finally had some time. This now works properly on 20.4 and should also work properly with the launcher.
  10. Oh I have that person blocked, as per the moderators recommendations. Feel free to report him if he's being a nuisance.
  11. search for trader and make sure admin blocks are on. Look for icons like skill notes, but green. They give 1 per read. Try killing the trader and rebooting the server.
  12. No, but DF has the wandering horde stuff included, so you can just turn off bloodmoons and increase that. Sphereii-core is also included so you can turn on the "headshot only" mode.
  13. CP maps are done! Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zIqhaSppuZVhdyFjghbPJMxY2UTp5Qzn/view?usp=sharing This is the last thing for 4.03A. All bug fixing will be going into 4.1 as i'm re-writing a lot of XML. You WILL need the build posted earlier to use these maps. No if's. No but's.
  14. New dev build is ready! No pre-made compomap packs included. I'm gonnna do those later and add them as a seperate download for folks who want to try them out. This should be considered a "release" build. The only thing missing is the maps, but I wanted to get this out so people could play around with compopack while they wait on me to get crap done. V4.03A-DEV-B2 - CompoPack and required rwgmixer edits added. - Khaine's version of the A19 Crack-A-Book tower added. - Edited the small Crack-A-Book POI to swap to new bookshelves. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YfZB_F8YbOW-EHJcNNy4MNzkdrOdSgRy/view?usp=sharing
  15. I went to the snow Was he using a drone? It's causing issues in MP
  16. White river scout increases rep with ALL traders by 1 for every 5 quests. All traders will teach you stuff, at 30 rep, you can learn masteries. Just make sure you have coin in your inventory or it wont show up (100k for masteries and that's the most expensive skill)
  17. Like I said, i've had the door thing in A17 and A18 modded, A19 and A20 vanilla AND modded. I can't fix server desync issues. And i'm not spending time on MP only stuff that, half the time, is out of my control anyway. Example - The current drone bug.
  18. It doesn't matter. It's not going to change my mind, or my recommendation. You're having latency issues and you're using a non-standard networking method. Use a proper dedi installed on your computer, or rent one. That will help. Hell you can turn off steamnetworking on the dedi and use an alternative network protocol.
  19. Sorry for the delay, folks. IRL very, very busy atm. TL;DR - Rescued mum and kittens, and a kitten. My house is full of cats right now. The thing is, Hamachi isn't needed or required if you actually own the game via steam. If you're having that many problems, I would suggest running the actual dedi build on someone's server, they connect to it, and then you all connect to them via steam. Works WAY better. Not trying to be rude or anything, but it's very hard for me to provide support for a non-standard connection method. My recommendation would be to run single player and ensure that it works as expected. If it does, it's your networking connection method. Server desync issue. And yes, it happens in vanilla too. You died. It lowers stats by 1 while the debuff is active. Level 50 for laborer.
  20. Stallion got in touch with me, told me which one it was and said it's gonna be removed in the next CP, so toss it for DF. So I will be.
  21. It's a DLL file. Your host may not allow DLL uploads. Take the localization file out and that should fix it. I need to see what TFP broke this time
  22. No, there's no virus in the mod. And the only reason to be using Hamachi for playing MP is because you have a pirated version. That's it. Stop using it. I have not. Got any links? Cos if that's the case, I definitely will NOT include them in DF.
  23. Because I have to update the git where the mod is hosted. That's why. If I don't do that, I have to mess about with launcher config files and bug sphereii to maintain multiple versions.
  24. Pain tolerance is nice for the damage reduction and stun immunity
  25. Death penalty lowers most stats by 1, so mastery is disabled while the death penalty is active. F1, type tppoi. There you go Were they EVER able to connect? Did you have a drone? What do you like to do? Personally I'd probably go scavenger or mechanic, but I like quests, so scav would be more rewards and mechanic will let me make vehicle mods to do quests faster due to less time travelling.
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